Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1702 Sworn

Chapter 1702 Sworn
Today is a sunny day, and the military flag of Maniaobao is fluttering in the wind in the slightly cold north wind in Hainan's winter.

Tian Liang got up before dawn, repeating his daily work over and over again.In accordance with the issued documents and regulations, meticulous.For fear of missing something.

It has been a week since I received the order to "pack up my luggage and go on standby". The equipment situation of each soldier and each company, lest a detail be missed.

The goods shipped in piled up like a mountain.Not only are there added expeditionary equipment, but weapons have also been updated.The rifle in the soldier's hand was updated according to the ordnance inspection.Other personal equipment, large luggage, and small luggage have all been checked over and over again for fear of missing anything.But in the case of ensuring safety, we must pay attention not to be overweight.Strictly inspected the "three-point and four-point" work of each unit in strict accordance with the regulations.That is, each soldier's regulations on carrying materials and equipment, that is, clarify what to bring and what not to bring in wartime, peacetime, and training.

This policy has been implemented in the past, but it has never been so meticulous as this time.The general staff officer who came to check took the scales and measured the load of each soldier one by one.

Tian Liang was very busy. His company was newly built. Although veterans were recruited proportionally when new troops were formed, the proportion of recruits in the company was still too high, and the recruits were recruited through the compulsory military service system. The mentality of the first batch of mobilized soldiers was quite complicated.

In the past few years, life in Hainan has become better day by day, and the enthusiasm of the common people to serve in the army has been greatly reduced.No matter how well the soldiers are treated, no matter how high their status is, their lives are in danger once they start a battle.Therefore, after the recruits entered the camp, their emotions fluctuated quite a lot. As an officer, he not only had to do ideological work, but also ensured that there were no deserters.For this reason, each class has designated "help objects" and let the veterans be responsible for "man-to-man".Although the civil affairs system of the Senate has been able to ensure that deserters can be captured as long as they do not flee to the mainland or deep mountains and old forests, once deserters leave, it will have a great blow to morale.

"It takes time to catch deserters. Before you catch them back, your company will be shaken by a deserter. Those who were hesitant will see the example and make up their minds to flee." In the officer training class In fact, Veteran Wei Aiwen from the Political Department of the General Staff said that he specially taught the company's political and ideological work to the newly promoted grassroots officers.

Preventing deserters and boosting morale have become the main job of grassroots company officers like Tian Liang.This is a hard job for Tian Liang who is clumsy and inarticulate.Fortunately, this military expansion has added a group of "student officers", who are the first batch of graduates of the Army who have completed a complete three-year officer training.They all completed two years of primary school in Fangcaodi and then transferred to the army training class for three years.The cultural level and military quality are unmatched by the previous officers, what is lacking is the actual experience of leading troops in combat.Tian Liang's company also added a young officer, and Tian Liang left these things to him.

Because there is no longer training, most of the time is spent in meetings, and the mobilization meetings of conferences and meetings at all levels will be held in turn.The new student officers are eloquent, full of new words, and very agitating.All kinds of agitation and propaganda materials issued by the propaganda department are full of famine, plague, excessive taxation by the government, disaster victims who sell their children and women to eat human flesh, captives from the east, rampant bandits, and the tyranny of the gentry... It doesn't take much to spend. As long as it is a refugee fleeing from the mainland, it is more or less personally experienced or heard of.

In addition to promotional materials, organizing soldiers to "remember bitterness" and sending special "preaching groups" are also important means.According to real people, the effect is more vivid and touching than dry written materials.


His company totaled only 100 men.

The peaceful time in Hainan buried their terrible memories of the past, and now the political mobilization meeting has awakened these terrible memories from the depths of their minds, turning them into incomparable anger and arousing high morale.

Tian Liang walked past the company's wall newspaper, and now, apart from the unshakable "Lingao Times", it was the letter of determination of everyone in the company.Words in various handwritings and fonts are spread all over the wall, among which there are many red writings, which are impressively eye-catching.Tian Liang was about to take a look, when he suddenly heard crying in the soldier's activity room. After a while, two soldiers came out supporting a man, probably fainted.Tian Liang is no stranger to such things.To say that most of the soldiers here escaped from the death line, who doesn't have a stomach full of tragedies!It's fine to cover it up on weekdays, but now it's teased out, and the huge emotional waves often make their nerves unbearable.

Thinking of his life experience, Tian Liang's eyes became hot, and he almost shed tears.Afraid that he would be seen badly, he quickly turned around and rubbed his eyes, controlled his emotions before walking to the front kitchen again.

The company's kitchen was busy, and the soldiers in the cooking squad and kitchen helpers were busy preparing lunch.Because they have entered the battle state, each company has already handed over the pigs and sheep raised by the company to the Tiandihui in exchange for fresh meat.Lianqin's daily food supplements have also gone up a notch.Now not only is there chicken, duck and fish every day, but every meal.

Seeing the steaming hot dishes on the big plate, Tian Liang thought of a soldier who said that he was eating rice with severed heads these days, and couldn't help feeling indescribably emotional.

Suddenly, a rush of drumbeats sounded over the entire camp, Tian Liang was taken aback, this was the drumbeat of "emergency assembly".He immediately picked up the whistle hanging around his neck and blew it, and shouted at the orderly who was rushing over: "Quick! All companies assemble!"

Almost immediately after that, the sound of military drums for urgent assembly sounded over the entire camp.The officers and soldiers who had been preparing for the expedition for several months in the barracks couldn't help being startled, and almost at the same time a thought flashed across: "Here we come!"

The four infantry battalions and the directly subordinate units at the corps and brigade levels that were trained in Maniaobao quickly assembled on the large playground.

"Relax!" The star officer issued the password, and then shouted: "Please speak to the commander of the South China Army!"

"Comrades!" Xi Yazhou stood on the wooden inspection stand and shouted into the loudspeaker that had just been installed, "I will now read out the order to everyone." He unfolded a document in his hand, and after a short pause Read: "Order of the Chairman of the Senate!..." When these seven words came out of his mouth, there was a "swish", all officers and soldiers stood at attention solemnly, all eyes were on his tightly closed lips, waiting for the following content.

"All units of the South China Army, the 1st Battalion of the Infantry, and the 8th Battalion of the Infantry..." Xi Yazhou read out a long list of unit numbers in one breath, "We are in the Song Dynasty in Australia, and the armed forces under the leadership of the Senate are opposing Great victories have been achieved in the revolutionary war of the pseudo-reactionary government. The enemy's invasion of us has been shamefully destroyed, and the lair of the reactionaries who started the war has been severely punished. The whole of Hainan has been restored. This is our The result of the heroic struggle of all officers and men. I extend my warmest celebrations and thanks to you.

But our combat mission is not over.Hypocrisy still oppresses the vast majority of people in the land of China. The corrupt and incompetent hypocritical regime is not only unable to protect the people, but intensifies the harm of the people. The land of China is in dire straits.

I order!All the officers and soldiers of the Fubo Army resolutely carried out all the orders of the Senate, crossed the sea and made the Northern Expedition, wiped out the reactionary troops of the Ming Dynasty, liberated the country, and at the same time wiped out bandits, captives, and rogue bandits, and suppressed all resistance and disruptive behavior of the reactionaries.

Chairman of the Senate Wang Luobin, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. "

"Long live!" As soon as Xi Yaya's voice fell, thousands of soldiers assembled on the playground shouted together.

The troops in the phalanx shouted long live, and everyone knew that the chiefs were going to compete in the Central Plains and seize the world!

After announcing the order for the Northern Expedition, Xi Yazhou glanced at the blue and gray phalanxes below, and said loudly:
"Leave the flag!" The political commissar said loudly again, and the flag bearer came up from the back row of the team holding an eagle flag high.The flag is already very worn out, and the bright red flag has turned gray-red, but the pattern of iron fist ears of wheat on the flag and the SSAE" curlicue Latin letters below are still clearly visible.

Tian Liang knew that this flag was the military flag erected on the embankment during the second anti-encirclement campaign.He had participated in this battle, and remembering the scene of fighting on the embankment at that time, he couldn't help but feel excited.

"Everyone, please raise your left hand, put it on your left chest, and swear an oath in front of our military flag." The moment Xi Yaya finished speaking, Tian Liang's muscles were already tense with excitement, his ears were buzzing, almost Unable to control it, he followed the leader of the oath and said word by word: "For the sake of the Senate and the people, I am willing to sacrifice myself, go forward bravely, and fight bravely..."

The military music was played, which came from the loudspeakers in the camp, and the sound of the Fubo army march echoed over the camp. The roar of "Long live" and "Long live" spread throughout the Ma Niao Peninsula.Tian Liang gripped the handle of the command saber tightly, and his whole body and mind were full of strength. If he could die fighting for the Senate at this time, it would be such a happy thing.

(End of this chapter)

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