Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1705 Hong Kong

Chapter 1705 Hong Kong
The banquet is not rich, and the big battle is imminent, so it is not a good thing to spread the feast to Lingao.Because Lin Yuan did not show up for a long time, he caused a sensation when he appeared, and he had to chat with all the elders present.Naturally he's been tight-lipped about what he's been up to for the last few years.

What accompanied him to the big world was the painstaking efforts of him and the Foreign Intelligence Agency in the past few years: several thick boxes of "Compilation of Guangdong Province", among which are not only the copies of Guangdong and Guangxi brought by the Great Library in the past time and space Information on important military sites in the region and major climate and earthquake records in the past three years, as well as the intelligence they have collected in the past few years-so that they can be called at any time.

But this is not the main reason why he came to Guangzhou so early.In fact, he also has a more important mission, which is to perform a series of "beheadings".

The Foreign Intelligence Service compiled a list of the chief officers of the various key passes from the Pearl River Estuary to Guangzhou.Before the offensive is officially launched, there will be special personnel to "persuade" them to "cooperate" at that time.The conditions are to ensure the safety of his personal and family life and property, to provide considerable bribes, and to have a safe retreat.

According to the information he has, Lin Baiguang is confident that the South China Army starting from Hong Kong will reach Baghdad unimpeded like the US military entered Iraq.

"However, when you arrive in Baghdad, you can't be like the U.S. military..." he thought, looking at the protagonists of the banquet with cold eyes: the center of all kinds of "success" and "fame in history" - Xi Yazhou who is complacent, Zhu Mingxia smug, You The tiger's eyebrows danced happily... Elder Lin, like Guang Tongchen, followed the excitement and watched it coldly for a long time. Taking advantage of the climax of the banquet, he quietly stepped outside the door.

Seeing that they were elders, the two guards at the gate stood up and saluted.Lin Baiguang confessed, "I'll walk around casually", and slowly descended the steps to the observation deck on the highest floor.

Except for a monocular telescope made by Lingao, only sentries are on duty on the observation deck.Lin Baiguang shook his hand, asking the soldiers to do whatever they wanted.He stood on the observation deck and watched Guangzhou City not far away.According to the standards of this time and space, the lights in the city can be called "brilliant" - in the many places he has been to, only a very few places have lights after nightfall, and other places are completely dark and dead.

The "brilliant" lights outline a dark shadow on the walls and towers of Guangzhou City.This is the largest city in southern China, or rather the entire southern part of Asia. Countless wealth has been accumulated in this city with a population of nearly one million.Even according to the standards of later generations, this is a colorful world.Such a trophy full of temptation!The Senate was able to bear with it for five years, farming in the wild small town without saying a word, until today.

Lin Baiguang didn't think there was any problem with the development of the "turtle flow" in the Senate. In his opinion, this was a safe and rational approach.The only problem is that it takes too long.

He was only 36 years old when he came to this time and space.Now he is already a middle-aged man.By the time he completes his goal of unifying the country and dominating East Asia, he will probably be sixty years old.

However, in recent years, he feels that he has not felt any decline in physical fitness and energy.He felt very clearly about the decline of his physical function in his 30s.But now that he has entered forty, whether it is physical fitness or energy, it is even better than that on D-day.

It doesn't seem to be completely true to say that it is the gift of my "healthy" life in the past few years.He noticed this because when he returned to Lingao for the plenary meeting, he saw several female elders whom he hadn't seen for many years, and there was no obvious change in their appearance.You must know that when people get along day and night, the change in appearance is difficult to detect. If you don't see each other for a few years, the change will be very conspicuous.

"Is there something wrong with this?" He lit a cigar.

On the sea less than 800 kilometers away from Guangzhou, three H10 transport ships and an escorting patrol boat are sailing in formation. This is the [-]th Infantry Battalion and the directly subordinate teams of the corps and brigade from Lingao. part.Tian Liang and his company were also on one of the boats.

Soldiers came aboard with rifles, bayonets, and carrying gear.Many in the army have mixed feelings about the familiar ships: they were the ones that took them from the Abyss and brought them back to life.But the turbulence of the journey and the relatives who died on the road and were thrown directly into the sea left dark memories for them.

Tian Liang checked the arrangement of each class one by one.The space for the soldiers is very small, and the cabins are divided into upper and lower floors. After climbing in, they can only sit.

The average area occupied by a person is only about one square meter.With the personal carrying equipment down there's not much room, and if one wants to lie down and sleep, one has to use the backpack as a pillow and take apart the blankets.

The cabins were all washed and washed before the troop transport, and the environment was still clean.It's just that the space is cramped and the lighting is dim.Except for the cabin near the deck hatch, which can be illuminated by the grille hatch cover, other places can only be illuminated by the horse lantern hanging on the passage.

Tian Liang urged the soldiers to put their luggage in place, and each squad was issued a tin bucket with a lid, which was the so-called "vomit bucket".

The health workers in the company went around distributing sedatives and urging the soldiers to lie down and rest to prevent seasickness.

Tian Liang's accommodation was slightly better than that of the soldiers. He and two other officers in the company shared a three-story bunk and a small table that hung on the wall and could be propped up.

After he inspected the troops, he went out to the deck, and installed the equipment on the bow that was only used when transporting personnel and livestock. A fan-shaped canvas screen collected fresh air, and then sent it into the ship through a cloth duct.

Standing on the deck, you can vividly see the scenery on both sides of the Qiongzhou Strait, and the villages and towns along the coast are dotted with lights.Overhead, the ropes rattled and the sails chugged.As the ship moved forward, the lights of Bopu Town, immersed in the twilight, faded away.Tian Liang leaned against the bulwark and tightly held the rope handrail on the side.A hot current surged into his chest, and he couldn't say anything.Just standing there silently.

Tian Liang woke up very early the next day, and did not sleep soundly on this crowded and bumpy boat.He put on his coat and came out on deck.There are already many soldiers and officers on the deck breathing fresh air and solving their physical problems.

Naturally, there are no toilets on board. Fortunately, there was a solution when the refugees were transported. The specific solution was to hang out a set of wooden components outside the handrails on the outside of the deck, which were made of strong planks.There is no roof or walls, the floor is just two planks spaced just right.For the sake of safety, there is a railing for grasping on the side, and those who are "convenient" to go up have to put a noose loop on the ship's side on their own Y-armed belt, so that there is still room for rescue in case of falling.

Although the "toilet" is simple, it is very clean to use and does not need to be cleaned.The disadvantage is that the concentrated discharge of a large amount of human waste will attract sharks-it will definitely not save you if you fall.

The fresh water on the boat was limited, and so many soldiers came up, each of them was provided with a mug of water, Tian Liang rinsed his mouth first, and poured the rest on the towel to wipe his face indiscriminately.By this time the dinner bell was ringing.

The sailors in the ship's galley have already started serving breakfast.The soldiers’ food on board was guaranteed by the navy. Tian Liang originally thought that he would give them “mud” which he often ate during his many voyages, but he did not expect that it was delivered in tinplate lunch boxes. Steamed rice - instant rice is used, and there are large slices of fish board and shredded pickled radish on the rice.The miso kelp shredded radish soup is brought in a thermos bucket, and I feel comfortable drinking a bowl after eating.

Tian Liang didn't get seasick and had a delicious breakfast.After breakfast, each person was assigned a lunch box to wash dishes.

In order to maintain morale and maintain health, all personnel, as long as they are not sick, have to take turns to gather on the deck after breakfast to do exercises, and shout "Long live" three times to the Venus flag.

In this way, the fleet traveled all the way, and successfully entered the Hong Kong anchorage a few days later.

The morning sea breeze is cool and light on the face, refreshing the lungs.

The crane on the pier was roaring, and the black steel arm was shaking in the dazzling sunlight.On the field where military supplies were piled up like a hill, the steam locomotive dragged the carriage screaming and passed by, the ground under their feet was trembling.

The Central Pier is like an "ant's nest" with its roof uncovered—it's in full swing.The transport fleet is moored in the port, lined up next to the trestle in the light smoke: large Harmony Ships, Galen Ships, various large Guangzhou Ships, and Fuchuan are docked densely, and personnel transfers and material hoisting are busy.

On the ship, on the pier, there are people walking and busy in almost every corner, machines screaming, roaring, and moving, and there are materials hoisting and landing on almost every seawater.

Near the sea outside the big blockhouse in Central, there are a few small boats patrolling the sea. Several sailors in white military uniforms on the deck sail on the mirror-like calm green water, causing small V-shaped ripples.The naval warships Lichun, Shudian, Yangbo, and Zhenyang are lined up majestically in two rows, white smoke rises from the chimney and spreads out—the fire is ready to go, a group of patrol boats and spy boats on the outside, clusters of white sails Sail mast.The white awning of the large battleship has been erected, and it parked there quietly.

The various departments of the South China Army will complete the assembly and rest of the whole army here, and then transfer to the inland river ship to enter the Pearl River and officially launch the attack.

The newly arrived 10th Battalion of the Army Infantry, part of the corps and the direct units of the brigade are being unloaded and disembarked.Although there are preparations and plans to transport the large-scale equipment and large luggage required by each department to the port in advance, it will take half a day to unload the personnel and accompanying small luggage.

(End of this chapter)

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