Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1715

Chapter 1715
After thinking about it for a few people, there is really no good way.Talking one after another, wandering aimlessly in the street.It was still early, and the leisure class in Guangzhou was still at a high level, and not all the shops on the streets were open for business.Only the food vendors along the street are steaming, and they are already selling all kinds of snacks for those who come out early in the morning and work hard.

Li Ziyu said: "What are you doing today? Don't study, why don't you go to see doll books?"

Zeng Juan was not interested: "The latest volume of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has not come yet, I have read the previous ones."

Li Ziyu said: "Why don't you choose a few other books to read? "Records of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty" is not bad either."

"The stories are hard to connect, there are too many people, and the names are hard to remember." Zeng Juan was not interested in this. Comparing..."

"You don't understand this. Strategy, strategy, you have to look at it from the general situation of the world. It is much more complicated than fire attack and water attack..." Li Ziyu is older and has more reading experience. I have an idea and want to take the opportunity to sell my "knowledge".

However, Zeng Juan and Zhang Yu were not interested in this, so Zhang Yu proposed to go to the big world to see if there are more "new things".

"Recently, the river is full of Australian boats, and it is said that many new gadgets have been brought in. By the way, let Brother Zeng see if there is any chance to make a fortune."

Zeng Juan was young after all, and his mood was depressed for just a moment. Hearing that there was something new to watch, he regained his energy.

The three of them came to the Great East Gate together.Gossip while walking.Li Ziyu talked about Wu Xuechang in the social studies, saying that he has not come to the social studies for a long time recently, and it is said that he caught up with a nobleman

"He, now he has picked up a fake Mr. Kun Huang and has become a talented student of Kun. He not only has a hot fight with people from Yuyuan Society, but also became a guest of Mr. Liang."

"It is said that the people from Yuyuan Society have helped him to open up his joints. This time, he won the boy's test in a row. Maybe he will be a scholar in this subject."

"Senior Wu is not easy..." Zeng Juan said casually, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart. Wu Yu has a good relationship with them. Logically speaking, he should be happy for him when he heard the news, but his heart was inexplicable. Congested.

"In this world, you still have to cling to the powerful!" On the contrary, Li Ziyu suddenly became angry, "What kind of moral articles are all bullshit and deception!"

Zhang Yu was a little surprised that Li Ziyu was so cynical all of a sudden, but Zeng Juan knew that Li Ziyu's uncle had originally offered Li Ziyu an errand in the guard - a free share of money and food, but he didn't expect him to take the route of being an official and get ahead went.Li Ziyu was very upset about this, and had been cursing "pills" behind her back for several days.

The three of them sighed, and wandered all the way to the East Gate, when suddenly Zhang Yu said, "It's strange, why are there so few people on this street?"

After what he said, they realized that the streets were very deserted, and there were not many farmers who had come to the city early in the morning to sell vegetables and excrete. Originally, this would be the peak time for these people to enter and leave the city.

While he was wondering, suddenly there was commotion on the street in front of him, someone ran back head-on, his expression was tense, and there was some chaos on the street for a while.The three of them thought it was someone from the front entering the city to clear the road, but there was no sound of gongs saying "military and civilians avoiding" in front of them. While hesitating, they could only hear someone yelling in a low voice: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" It was the sound of chaotic footsteps.It sounds like there are quite a few people.Then I heard someone shouting quickly: "Quick! Quick!"

Zhang Yu could hear the voice clearly, it was an Australian saying "Newspeak!"

In the city of Guangzhou, Tong Tong speaks Cantonese official dialect, and most officials from outside speak the official dialect. The only ones who speak Newspeak are the "Australians" and their subordinates.It's just that these few Newspeak words are well-spoken, and they are definitely not spoken by people who work for Australians in construction sites and shops!
Li Ziyu and Zeng Juan also realized that something was wrong, and their faces turned pale.It was Li Ziyu who reacted very quickly, and said in a low voice: "Come on, let's hide in the alley!"

A few people didn't care about the decency of the scholars, lifted their robes, hurried a few steps, and rushed into the side alley.Zeng Juan wanted to go deeper, but Li Ziyu grabbed him and said in a low voice, "Don't run away! Hide first!"

The three of them squatted down, not caring about the smell, and huddled behind a few urine buckets at the entrance of the alley to wait and see.

I saw the sound of hurried footsteps on the street gradually approaching. Hearing the sound of footsteps, there must have been at least a few hundred people.What's happening here?Could it be that the officers and soldiers mutinied?Mutiny was not uncommon in the Ming Dynasty. When chaos broke out, they could do anything by burning and killing people.Thinking of this, Zhang Yu felt trembling all over, and Li Ziyu's hand was cold when he touched it.

In a moment, the street was empty, leaving only some discarded vegetable baskets, dung buckets and a few shoes, and one team after another of soldiers in blue-gray short jackets ran past the alley with their guns in their hands.There were bright daggers on the blunderbuss, which shone with a frightening coldness in the sun. The soldiers wore iron helmets, and their faces were unrecognizable, but in Zhang Yu's eyes, all of them had fierce eyes and were extremely ferocious.Zhang Yu only felt his bladder slump for a while, and he wanted to pee.There was a chattering sound of teeth chattering in my ear, it turned out to be Zeng Juan.Li Ziyu's face turned pale.

It took a while for the soldiers on the street to finish, Li Ziyu played tricks, and the three of them ran down the wall along the bottom of the alley in a hurry.

They ran for more than two miles in one breath before stopping, especially in shock.Li Ziyu stammered: "Yes, yes, it's the Kun thief!" In his desperation, he couldn't speak clearly.

The soldiers passing by on the street were Australians, and they had no objection to this point: the people who came here all had short hair and short clothes, and the few passwords they overheard were Newspeak. No other company has the military weapon!

Zhang Yu was still in shock: "Australia...Australia...people, don't they do the big world? Why..." The Australian soldiers came to the city and burned Wuyang Station. In fact, it has not been a few years, but their image has always been in the past few years. Is a peaceful and friendly businessman.Now that the claws and fangs are suddenly exposed, it really makes them a little uncomfortable.

"I think they have long been disobedient..." Li Ziyu wanted to say a few words, but was interrupted by Zeng Juan, "Don't talk about that! What should we do now? Big soldiers enter the city!"

The three of them panicked immediately: once the bandits entered the city, there was no guarantee that they would not "raid for three days." This is the only way for rebels to win over their subordinates since ancient times.Moreover, what the Australians did in the villages and towns in the Pearl River Estuary Battle a few years ago is really not "autumn innocent"-the ships carrying the spoils and prisoners plundered from the four villages passed by the White Swan Lake. few.

Thinking of the legendary "rows of corpses hanging on trees", the three of them couldn't help but lose their nerve.Zhang Yu was at a loss and said, "Why don't we go home first..."

Hearing this, Zeng Juan also said: "Yes! Let's go home first, let's see the limelight before we talk. My father probably doesn't know yet. When I came out, I saw that he just got off the plank..." His face turned pale when he said this ——Once the city is broken, it is often because the soldiers who came in have not done anything yet, and all kinds of young people in the city are the first to start looting and looting.

"Yes, yes, let's go back and talk about it first!" Li Ziyu said, suddenly thinking that his family is a hereditary military household, and his uncle also bears the name of a Qianwei Qianhu in Guangzhou--then the gangsters are going to raid the family and exterminate the family ?Shaking all over his body like sifting chaff, he murmured: "It would be great if Shixin could come back! He has invested in it!" As he spoke, he suddenly remembered that Zhang Yu was the "imperial supplier" of the Australians, and he should cooperate with the Australians. The relationship is not shallow, so he couldn't help but saluted Zhang Yu, pleading, "Brother Zhang Xian, save me!" Startled the unprepared Zhang Yu, and said, "Brother Ziyu! What's wrong with you?"

"Brother Qiuxian, for the sake of you and my classmate, save me, save my whole family!" Li Ziyu begged, sincerely, and almost knelt down on the spot.

Zhang Yu couldn't figure it out for a while, but Li Ziyu was the best among them in terms of contacts, status and wealth in Guangzhou, and being friends with them seemed to mean "friendship".On weekdays, only his classmates in social studies begged him, and he didn't beg others.He was taken aback by such a humble pleading suddenly.

"My virtuous brother also knows that my family is an avant-garde military household in Guangzhou..." At this point, Zhang Yu suddenly realized: he and Zeng Juan are ordinary people, as long as they survive the chaotic situation of the past few days, the Australians will never make things difficult for them .But the Li family is a hereditary military household, and the uncle is still a thousand households... After the Australians entered the city, they had to be "cleaned". They had all heard of the methods used by the Australians in the countryside.

"... My dear brother is now a shop supplying Australians, and he has really good eyes. Australians must come to the city without any crime..." It turned out that Li Ziyu wanted to take the whole family to take refuge in a walnut cake shop. .

In the past, Zhang Yu must have been full of vanity, but how dare he promise at this moment: after all, his family only supplies goods to Australians, and has no special relationship with that real man—he never saw him again after that time. Over the head of Hong.

Zhang Yu hesitated and said, "Well, my family only supplies goods to the big world... I don't have any deep friendship with Australians..."

Li Ziyu was still about to say something, but someone came running from behind, shouting all the way: "Get on the planks quickly! There are soldiers on the street!"

Before the words were finished, the originally quiet street suddenly became chaotic. The shops that had been closed for business were all in chaos. The boss stumbled out of the shop and called the apprentices to come out and tidy up. I put up planks on the cover of my stall, only to hear a loud ping-pong sound in the street, and the planks that had just been removed were put back on again.The three of them were frightened out of their wits and couldn't care less about the "countermeasure" any longer, so they ran for their lives with their feet loose.

(End of this chapter)

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