Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1734

Chapter 1734

Liu Xiang sneered and said, "Guangzhou's safety is guarded by my senate. You, a city fox and a scum in the public sect, dare to say that you can keep one side safe? Go to the king of hell and go talk to the people you killed. Take it!"

Since ancient times, subordinates have always been ruthless, ruthless, and ruthless. Hearing Liu Xiang's words, Zhao Xian no longer hesitated, and immediately called out: "Master Bi, I've offended you!" Bi Wusi dragged it down the hall.

Bi Wusi struggled with all his strength, seeing his disciples and grandchildren were either silent or stunned, and none of them stood up for him, and then saw the Japanese warrior wearing the scarlet kimono grinning, revealing a mouthful of jagged teeth , seemed to be smiling at him--I just felt a chill coming from my back and spreading all over my body.Seeing that he was being dragged closer and closer to the case, the stunned man said, "Drag it down and kill him!" No one in Guangzhou dared to intercede for him!He suddenly realized how insignificant he was, without Daming he was nothing.In an instant, as if awakened from a dream, his whole body was shaking like chaff, and he knelt down with a thud, with cold sweat and tears flowing on his face, and he said incoherently: "Please... please watch and watch..." He repeated A few "look at it", but found that I have no friendship with Master Liu at all, and he is considered smart, "...for the sake of the villain's service for Dongzhu Guo in the past... ...The villain has eyes but no pearls, offends the majesty of the adults, the crime deserves death."

There was another commotion among the subordinate officials present. Bi Wusi was violent, sinister and vicious in his daily life.Now chained, but kneeling on the ground, begging for mercy with a lot of tears and nose.The contrast is too great!

Liu Xiang laughed and said, "Don't bother you, Mr. Guo." He said sharply, "Take it down!" After he begged and begged for a few yamen servants, he lost all fear, and immediately rushed up like wolves and tigers. Bi Wusi tied the rope tightly and stuffed a numbness in his mouth.Lay it down under the eaves and wait for delivery

Lu Yizhong watched with horror, knowing that Liu Xiang was "killing monkeys to make an example of chickens", and thought that this was the only way to punish these "sly officials", so he cheered up and read the names one by one.

"Zhai Huifei!", "Zhai Shini!", "Zhang Dejin!", "Gao Chenfeng!"... Following Lu Yizhong's rhythmic roll call, the detective team picked people by name and picked them up one by one from the queue. Come out, tied with ropes, with numbness in the mouth.Kneeling densely under the corridor eaves.

The air in the yamen suddenly froze. These more than 1000 yamen servants yelled and drank six times on weekdays, domineering, who has seen such a formation?Seeing that one by one was pulled out of the queue and tied up with ropes, everyone was so shocked that their calves twisted and their faces turned pale.Some people were so frightened that they fainted.

There are a total of more than 100 people on the list, most of whom were arrested, and those who did not come to the police were sent by the criminal police to arrest them.Reports came here one after another, some were caught, some were not caught.Liu Xiang didn't ask any questions, he just asked the ones he didn't catch to be wanted.

A few more detectives came back here, but it was Wu Duoduo who led people to capture Bu Dailu, the Kuaiban yamen servant.This time I knew that I had committed a heinous crime, so I didn't dare to respond.

Wu Duoduo came up and reported back and forth: "My lord, Bu Dailu is not at home. People in the family claim that he went out last night and did not return. He is missing."

Liu Xiang nodded and said, "I do know where he is going."

As soon as this remark came out, Wu Duoduo and the others trembled, and saw two National Army soldiers pushing Bu Dailu, who was tightly bound, out from behind.

Wu Duoduo and the others turned pale with shock, and immediately collapsed to the ground, kowtowing like garlic.

"Come on! Search!"

As soon as Liu Xiang gave the order, several guards hurried over and pushed them to the ground. After a while, several bank notes of Delong were found from Wu Duoduo and another yamen servant, Lu Rui, totaling 500 taels.

Liu Xiang looked at it, nodded and sighed: "I heard about the wealth of subordinate officials, it's appalling. I only know what's going on now - it's really money in the frying pan." He kowtowed to Wu who was begging for mercy. Lu and the two said, "I thought you guys didn't do much evil in your daily errands, and you were still conscientious people. It seems that I don't know people well. Mr. Lu!"

Lu Yizhong knew that he was going to kill someone to build his prestige, so he quickly stood up and said, "The humble job is here!"

"What crime should Wu Duoduo and others commit in accordance with the "Anti-Insurgency Law"?"

"Looking back at the chief: Accepting bribes, releasing wanted criminals privately, death penalty!"

"Wu Duoduo and Lu Rui accepted bribes to buy and release them. The two who went together didn't know about it, so they are exempted."

"Where is the executioner?!" He suddenly snarled, and the guards around him trembled, almost reflexively responding in unison: "Send the executioner!"

The executioner of the government office came out in response.Naturally, they have all kinds of "bad rules" in their daily life, but the words "doing a lot of evil" are out of the question.Calling yourself a "techie" should be fine.So don't panic too much.Now that Master Liu is about to go on a red business trip, he hastily cheered up and went up to meet the mission.

"Push out Wu Duoduo and Lu Rui and behead them, and execute the law on the spot!"


The executioner responded in unison, grabbed Wu and Lu from the ground, tied them with ropes in an instant, and pushed them out. These two men, who were newly promoted "detective members" by the Senate just now, had become criminals in an instant. The death row prisoners, Wu, Lu and others cried and pleaded repeatedly, "I am blinded by money, please give me a chance to reform my mistakes."

Liu Xiang was unmoved: "I have already given the opportunity." In the atmosphere of extreme terror, he said slowly, "Execution!"

I only heard three blasts of trumpets outside, and after a while, the executioner carried the two heads to the steps on a tray, half-kneeling and said, "My lord, please test the sentence!"

Liu Xiang glanced at the bloody head.I just feel nauseous.He looked away and adjusted his breath to concentrate, seeing that the faces of the subordinate servants were all pale with fright, and he said slowly: "Hang outside the door to give orders!"

Seeing that the head was taken out, Liu Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, and said slowly: "Since you have pledged allegiance to the Song Dynasty and the Senate, you must do your best to do your work, and you must not hold any private thoughts. Otherwise, Wu and Lu will be Your role model!"

The subordinates below were dazed and dazzled by this sudden turn of events. They had already been frightened to the point where they were all out of position, and they didn't feel pain all over their bodies; The approaching autumn grass shivered in unison, and the person in front fell to his knees with a throbbing and trembling, and he didn't know what to say.When the people behind saw the one in front kneeling down, they also knelt down together, and all of them knelt down on the ground.

Liu Xiang saw that this arrest and killing had already had an effect.It was announced that all those who had been captured would be put in prison and await trial-the Planning Institute would make a fortune from them-as for the others, they would all be regarded as subordinates of the Australians from now on.

"Tomorrow when the army enters the city, you should be honest. Let me see who is the most fawning." Liu Xiang laughed, "In the future, we must be promoted."

The following shouted to Bainuo: "Thank you, sir!"

After the Dianmao was over, Liu Xiangzhao posted notices all over the city, asking all the yamen officers and subordinates who did not report to report within three days.

Those who come to report will register on the spot.Fill in the "Old Personnel Registration Form" first, and then take photos for file.All the registrations this time use the latest cameras developed and manufactured by the Ministry of Science and Technology.Because magnesium powder is not easy to process, it is specially equipped with a few photography lights to ensure the effect of the photos.

After taking photos and registering, they are asked to write their own statements, and those who cannot read will be written by others, so that everyone has a file to check.After the filing is completed, ask for your intention.Those who do not want to continue working on errands should sign and pledge on the pre-printed "resignation letter" on the spot, and then issue a certificate to the people.

Because of the tax-free benefits of being a yamen servant, quite a few people spend money to buy a white clerk, but they are not actually doing errands.Now most of these people have quit their jobs.

Those who are willing to continue to serve, whether they are regular or white members, first read the oath of allegiance to the Senate; then shave their hair.After shaving their hair, they are assigned to various departments according to their usual duties.

The third class of personnel is received by the police stations at the city and county levels. These people are not awarded police ranks, and they are uniformly incorporated into the criminal investigation team as security support personnel.Household officials, grain messengers, ambassadors of the Hebo Office, and taxpayers are all assigned to the tax department... I really don’t know where to assign them, so I first assign them to the Comprehensive Management Office.

According to the policy formulated by Liu Xiang, the officials at all levels of the new Guangzhou municipal government are all held by the Guihuamin cadres of the Northward Team, and important positions are also held by the Guihuamin cadres.The descendants only serve as auxiliary personnel.The subordinate officials all wore the old Ming government uniforms, except that they wore brown-yellow copper basin hats—pressed with concrete pulp—and a blue armband on their arms, on which was written the department they belonged to in Song typeface.The front chest and back are in the form of soldiers and bravery, and the word "Xie" is capitalized in Song Dynasty.

Liu Xiang required all personnel, whether they were official cadres of Guihuamin or "auxiliary staff" of subordinate officials, to be issued work certificates, which must have photos and fingerprints.

Having dealt with the whereabouts of the old personnel, the next step is to establish a new institution of its own.Although it has accepted the subordinate officials from one prefecture and two counties in the old Guangzhou, the Senate does not intend to follow the organizational structure of the prefectural government and county government in terms of the establishment of government departments. This kind of organization is too simple and completely unsuitable for the rule of the Senate. need.

The newly established Guangzhou Municipal Government was located in the Yamen of the Guangzhou Government of the Ming Dynasty. It consisted of two districts: Nanhai District and Panyu District, and the administrative divisions were roughly the same.

Because it is at the start-up stage, the institutional setup under the municipal government is very simple. There are only the municipal government office, police station, tax bureau, civil affairs bureau, and a comprehensive management office that manages everything.The district governments of Nanhai and Panyu districts are roughly similar.

(End of this chapter)

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