Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1738

Chapter 1738
The gangs of beggars in big cities have great influence in classical Chinese cities, and they are also an important part of the government's so-called "socialized management".Therefore, the leaders of the beggar gangs in the Ming and Qing Dynasties were considered half of the "official" people, and most of them had "tokens" that symbolized the authorization of the government.Its leaders have the absolute power to kill and kill the group of beggars. On weekdays, they enjoy the offerings of the group of beggars and live a luxurious life.

"Wenlan Academy has a lot of shops on Chengxuan Street, all of which are making money every day. If you want to demolish those shacks, Mo Rongxin will definitely ask the people from Guandi Temple for help." Bi Defan said, "The chief wants Prepare early."

In order to learn more about the situation, after Bi Defan left, Lin Baiguang summoned Gao Chongjiu, a fast-track veteran who was retained.

The main job of Kuaiban is to "arrest", and he is responsible for the local security work, and he has the best grasp of the situation of all kinds of urban foxes and rats.

Gao Chongjiu was not from a Kuaiban family. He worked under the door of an old yamen servant for half his life as a white member before he could get a straight body.He is very familiar with the social conditions and people's conditions in Guangzhou, especially the understanding of the bottom society is higher than that of ordinary yamen servants.

Gao Chongjiu is over 50 years old, which was considered his twilight years in the 17th century.It was very difficult for him to have children, and he only had a son in his early forties.Because of the superstitious theory of karmic retribution, one does not dare to do too much evil in dealing with people on weekdays, which is an object that can be won.

Lin Baiguang asked him about the detailed inside information of "Guandi Temple people and horses", Gao Chongjiu didn't hide anything, and told him everything he knew.

He said that the leader of the Guandi Temple troops was named Gao Tianshi, and his family had inherited the position of head of the Guandi Temple troops for generations.

"...According to Gao Tianshi, his family's ancestors followed Lord Hongwu to conquer the east and west, and came to Guangzhou from the expedition. Hongwu Lord ascended the throne and became the emperor, and his family's ancestors were originally from Hanako, so they got this reward. No one has checked the authenticity. But Gao Tianshi has always boasted that his family has the letter bestowed by the imperial court to the head of the Guangzhou regiment, as well as the "imperial seal pole" bestowed by the superior."

Lin Baiguang nodded, this is not uncommon, the leader of an organized gang of beggars always attaches the origin of the sect to a certain emperor.This is not a complete fabrication, most of the history the government did give them some power.As for whether it was the emperor's golden words or not, it was just made up casually.

It is said that it is the people of Guandi Temple, but in fact the chief executive is not in Guandi Temple. Gao Chongjiu said that the "Doukou" of Gao Tianshi is located in Jinhua Temple outside Xiguan. Among the temples and shrines, each has its own territory, with distinct boundaries.Beggars on each sinus are not allowed to cross the border to beg.Foreign beggars also have to register at Guandi Temple to beg. Otherwise, they will be beaten and expelled, or they will be tied to stones and sunk into the Pearl River.

"How many beggars are registered at Guandi Temple in Guangzhou?" Lin Baiguang asked.

Gao Chongjiu was a little nervous, licked his lips and said, "There are about ten thousand people."

"Ziji has been running a philanthropy hall in Guangzhou for many years. Anyone who is willing to make a living can go to Lingao. Why don't beggars go? They would rather live by begging in Guangzhou?"

Gao Chongjiu said with a smile: "Sir, those who register at Guandi Temple are either old, weak or disabled. They are afraid that they will not be able to work if they go to the charity hall, so they would rather beg for life; or they have their own skills. of……"

Lin Baiguang asked: "What is craftsmanship?"

Gao Chongjiu said: "There are many kinds of begging, the most common ones are: begging along the street, or sitting on the ground to beg. These are all unskilled, and those with skills are passed down from masters. Or old beggars and child beggars Yes, it’s considered that Gongsun is in distress; either the female beggar gets a dead child to hold, or finds a corpse somewhere, get a female beggar or a child beggar who kneels and sells herself to bury her relatives...these are all well-acted routines—— These are one kind of sect; there are also those who wear rotten flesh to pretend to be disabled, or those who are already disabled, which is another sect; there are also those who put bricks on the roof of the sky, and those who wear nails on their faces..."

Lin Baiguang understood that the so-called "craftsmen" are actually professional beggars, and most of them are "cheats" when they say they are "begging".He asked again: "What else?"

"The last one is that I am physically strong and have no skills. But I like leisure and hate work. Apart from begging on weekdays, I work as a deacon for the guard of honor shop. After a wedding and wedding event, not only can I have a round stomach, but I can also get some money. Another job is to be a thug in a country fight."

The clans in Guangdong are extremely powerful, and fighting with weapons is a common practice, even around the provincial capital.Some clan villages are weak, in order not to lose the wind in the fight with weapons, they often hire strong beggars through Doukou of Guandi Temple as a leverage for the fight with weapons.Most beggars have no family or family, and there is no future trouble if they die in a weapon fight, and the pension is even meager.So every time there is a fight, it is when their business starts.

"...The big bones are the happiest when there is a country fight. Not only can you get a "hire fee", but if someone is killed, the boss will give you a pension, and the money will go into their pockets. Those who fight with weapons, as a rule, find someone to surrender to the death, and this is the unique business of Guandi Temple. Either coax or force, get some old and weak among the group of beggars to take their lives, and you can get another one. A pen to buy your life."

"anything else?"

"As for other "jobs", there are countless. Watching the cemetery and the factory; watching the street watch, working as a busman to collect dead bodies; mourning and crying for rich families when funerals... These are all legitimate livelihoods. ;If you want to say it is illegal, the ghost market outside Xiguan sells all kinds of stolen goods and even burial objects from grave robbers... Without the support of the Guandi Temple, it would not be a market at all; …If you want to 'do business' in and out of the city, you have to come to Guandi Temple to 'burn incense' to seek asylum."

Lin Baiguang has been in Guangzhou for a long time, and he has no contact with the people of Guandi Temple, but this is the first time he has learned such detailed information.He felt that he had underestimated them in the past.Now it seems that the people of Guandi Temple are already a rotten sore in Guangzhou.

"So, all the people in Guandi Temple are willing to be beggars?"

"I can't say anything about it. Except for those with 'craftsmanship'. Most people still want to have a bowl of serious food. After all, this industry doesn't know what to do after the last meal. I don't know when they will be on the street." Gao Chongjiu sighed, "No matter how powerful the people and horses in Guandi Temple are, and how much money they make, how many ordinary Huazi can fall? They also have to pay tribute to the big bones every day. The Huazi have a slogan: 'Take off your shoes to eat food, and wear sandals to find food. Wear shoes to eat, wear shoes to wear boots to eat'. They ask for a little alms, give filial piety to the big bone, the big bone has to honor the tuantou, and the tuantou has to honor the yamen. The big fish eat the small fish, and the small fish eat dried shrimps .”

Lin Baiguang looked at Gao Chongjiu, and suddenly asked: "Old Gao, I heard that you and Gao Tianshi are sworn brothers?"

Gao Chongjiu was taken aback, and quickly argued: "The young one does have close contacts with Gao Tianshi, but it's mostly for official business in the yamen. In order to win over the young one, because the young one's surname is also Gao, he said that he wants to get along with Gao Tianshi." The little Lianzong recognized a brother with the same surname, and he just said it, and the little one responded indiscriminately—in fact, the little one's ancestral home is Nanxiong, and his family's ancestral home is Huainan..."

"Okay, don't judge yourself." Lin Baiguang interrupted him, "You are not the same person as him. I know this very well."

"Yes, Mr. Xie for your insight!" Sweat dripped from Gao Chongjiu's forehead.He heard people from the Zaobang said that the more than 100 subordinate officials who were arrested in the past few days were tortured and interrogated day and night in the prefecture and county prisons, and they were required to confess their "crimes", especially those who had concealed their private property. where to go.The master torturers in the Zao Squad were all transferred to work in shifts. It was said that the "torture was extremely miserable" and those who were arrested "only wanted to die quickly."Recently, because some people either secretly reported or filed a complaint in the government, more than a dozen of the subordinate government servants who had been registered and retained were arrested.He asked himself that he had no blood debts, and he didn't dare to do things that hurt nature and justice on weekdays, so it should be okay. If he was arrested because of this inexplicable "brother", wouldn't it be wronged.

"You go down, I will send someone to take a record later, you tell me all the people and things you know about the people and horses of the Emperor Temple, no matter big or small, important or not, one by one. The clearer you say, the better Understand, the greater your contribution."

"Yes, yes, I understand." Gao Chongjiu's back was wet, the chief meant to touch Gao Tianshi!

Lin Baiguang thought for a long time alone behind his desk: Although Bi Defan warned that the Guandi Temple people might interfere, and the information provided by Gao Chongjiu just now shows that this force is very powerful, but he thinks that they will not take the initiative to jump out at the moment of.Although they claim to be fearless, they are actually afraid of power.At this moment of "reign change", they will not be so blind and jump out on their own initiative.

But if they don't come out, it doesn't mean that the shopkeepers won't have other means to fight.After all, shopkeepers are "common people" and "good people", and they cannot be dealt with simply by shouting and beating.When Lin Baiguang was the director of the county office in the old time and space, he had done demolition, and also dealt with mass incidents in the demolition. The lessons he learned were that there must be sufficient preparation before the action, and the action must be fast when it is implemented, and the manpower and equipment must be sufficient. Once an emergency occurs, immediately control the situation with more and control the situation quickly, so as not to spread the influence and prevent the crowd from being incited.

Although he has a small but capable naturalized civilian cadre team in his hands, and a large detective team eager to show loyalty, which is enough to complete this operation, but he decided to use the national army for tomorrow's demolition operation Come to suppress the formation, let them appear with guns and live ammunition, and suppress all kinds of unhealthy tendencies in this city.

(End of this chapter)

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