Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1740

Chapter 1740
After she fell asleep, she couldn't sleep for a long time.Although she didn't have any feelings for this husband, since she married him, she was born as a member of the Mo family and died as a ghost of the Mo family.No matter how dissatisfied I am, I can only swallow it and endure it like tears.

She didn't fall asleep drowsily until very late that night, but Gao Huichun woke up just after dawn—the big family has a lot of work to do in the morning.It is nothing more than regulating water and fire, serving parents-in-law and husband, even if it is a family of slaves and servants, this is the daily homework of daughter-in-law.Especially in the morning and evening, it is the most important thing.

The Mo family was not considered a wealthy family, and Mo Rongxin's father was just an ordinary citizen before he was elected, and his family was a merchant.It wasn't until the old man of the Mo family won the exam that he started to shake, and he was considered a "gentleman" with a decent appearance.Although Mo Rongxin didn't even pass the exam as a scholar, he barely managed to maintain his dignity by donating a supervisor.But in the eyes of the "decent gentry" of his family in Guangzhou City, they can only be regarded as "Xibei goods".Some even hated his family deeply, and directly called the Mo family the "broken boot party".Someone also made a slogan for his family: "Father is a eunuch, son is a beggar".It's just that the Mo family has controlled Wenlan Academy for decades, they have money in their hands, and both father and son are long-sleeved and good dancers. They finally didn't openly drive them out of the ranks of "gentry". Do not associate with them.If you have something to do with the academy, you only talk to the head of the mountain.

Probably because of being despised by the "genuine" gentry, the Mo family puts the most emphasis on "etiquette and advance and retreat", and desperately wants to prove that they are "poems and books heirloom".When she first married into the Mo family, she suffered a lot for this set of "etiquette". ".

After these years of suffering, Gao Huichun was finally unable to find fault with etiquette.She got up early in the morning, finished washing and dressing, and went to her father-in-law's main room to say good morning as usual.

Accompanied by the girl, Gao Huichun entered the courtyard, and saw that the partition door of the main room had been opened, she was a little startled—don't look at Mo Rongxin's own "etiquette", in fact, he is sensual every night, I have to go to bed around the middle of the night, so I can't get up early in the morning, and sometimes I don't go home after traveling abroad.So the Mo family came up with a new trick, the juniors came to invite An not to enter the main room, but to kowtow in the corridor to count as arrival.

Unexpectedly, the father-in-law had already woken up today, and he was sitting in the middle, being served by the third aunt for breakfast, but his complexion was not very good, and he was a little innocent.

Gao Huichun went in and kowtowed, Mo Rongxin nodded and said, "Get up."

Logically, the next sentence would be "You go." After that, Mo Xinrong didn't say that, and Gao Huichun didn't dare to leave by himself.I had to hang my hands and wait for orders.

It took a long time before I heard Gong Gong openly ask: "Hui Chun, how is your father's health recently?"

This surprised her a little: it's not a year or a festival, and it's not the etiquette on the scene, why does the father-in-law care about Dad's body?

In fact, she had no way of knowing whether Gao Tianshi was in good health or not.Gao Huichun seldom goes back to her natal home, only once or twice a year.Moreover, Gao Tianshi didn't care much about her. After returning home, apart from kowtowing as usual, there was nothing else to say between father and daughter.Except that he could know a little about his father when he talked to his mother, he was almost like a stranger.

But she couldn't help but reply.Quickly said: "Thank you, master, my father is still in good health."

"You haven't returned to Guining for a long time." Mo Rongxin put down the spoon in his hand, took the small Australian towel handed over by the third aunt and wiped his mouth, "You are going to Guining for a few days tomorrow. Bring some gifts back by the way."

Now Gao Huichun was even more confused, why did she suddenly ask her to go home to visit her relatives?Since it was her father-in-law's intention, she naturally couldn't ask why.It's good to go back, at least you can talk to your mother about yourself.

Thank you now and leave.Not long after returning to the room, I saw the housekeeper bringing someone to pick a load of gifts. As usual, the daughter-in-law went home to Guining. The gifts she brought with her were nothing more than "water gifts" such as roasted goose and various fine points. head.However, this time not only the water ceremony remained the same, but also many more precious gifts such as silk from Suzhou and Hangzhou, and sundries from Yangguang, including two catties of Liaodong ginseng.Gao Huichun took a rough look and found that the gift was worth more than 500 taels of silver, and it was no longer an ordinary "heavy gift".

"These are gifts that the master took care of for the Fifth Young Mistress Gui Ning." The housekeeper looked flattering, "There is also a letter written by the Master. Please take the Fifth Young Mistress to bring it to the in-laws and master to present."

Gao Huichun already understood that the father-in-law must have something important to ask his father for advice.However, in the past, it was mostly the father-in-law who went to secretly discuss with the father, why did he suddenly use the name of Guining this time?I heard that the Kun thief has entered the city recently, could it be related to this matter?
There were countless question marks in her mind.Without showing any emotion on his face, he said, "I know."

"Miss Lao Wu, please take care." The housekeeper laughed very hard. She has been married for so long, and she has never seen the housekeeper smile so warmly at her—as usual, it is a superficial smile—speaking of him He asked another Ann, "Master has already ordered: starting from this month, your monthly bill will be increased by one or two taels of silver, and the official food silver will also be increased by five taels..."

Gao Huichun stood up and said, "Thank you, Master, for me."

The housekeeper said: "This is all the grace of the master. I also want to ask the fifth young lady to take care of the little one in the future—" He also said that the master ordered that there are too few servants in the fifth master's room, so he needs to send some servants over to serve.He also said that the courtyard where the couple lived needs to be repaired, and another courtyard was allocated, and she was asked to move there in a few days.

The Xinde courtyard is not only bigger, but also in a much better location than it is now.This kind of hospitality made her very uncomfortable--Gao Huichun used to have a rough servant girl in the house, and she had to wait for a long time to get a new one.In the end, she had to give the butler a favor to make up for it—her sudden increase in her status in the Mo family made her secretly suspicious. Could it be that what Master Mo asked to teach her father was a huge matter?Thinking of this, she couldn't help but worry.

Lin Baiguang stood on the time-telling platform commonly known as the Shuangmenlou.This pavilion built in the Song Dynasty is ten feet four feet long, four feet four feet deep, and three feet two feet high. The upper part is a building, and the lower part is two parallel gates, commonly known as "double gates".In the Song Dynasty, Guangzhou casting craftsman Xian Xunyun and others made the time teller "Bronze Pot Drip" and placed it upstairs. During the day, the hour card was hung, and at night, the watchman was struck to watch the watch, which became an important time telling system in Guangzhou.

Now, the Chengxuan Avenue Demolition Headquarters is located above the Shuangmenlou.A few blood-red banners were hung on the double-door building, and they were written in bold Song typeface: "Violating the regulations can be demolished!", "Violent resistance to the law is a dead end!", "Illegal buildings are not protected by law."

Up and down the Shuangmen Building, there are murderous detectives everywhere. They hold crowbars, shovels, and large baskets in their hands, and they are gearing up one by one, ready to perform well in front of their new masters.

Outside of them were heavily armed National Army soldiers.Early this morning, soldiers of the national army were suddenly dispatched to block off both ends of Chengxuan Avenue and all the intersections of the branch roads, and people and vehicles were strictly prohibited from entering and leaving.

Surrounded by a group of people, Lin Baiguang boarded the double gate building.Stand by the railing.Looking at the street below, the shacks that squeezed the street into a line of sky hadn't changed from the time he climbed up to the double-gate building yesterday. He raised his binoculars and looked into the distance. It seemed that some parts had been demolished, but Most places are untouched.

A naturalized cadre ran over to report: "Report to the chief, everything is ready!"

Lin Baiguang asked: "How is the effect of the publicity?"

"Only a few shopkeepers have demolished it themselves," the cadre said. "Many shopkeepers were very polite and promised that they would demolish it, but they haven't moved yet."

Lin Baiguang nodded, as he expected.The so-called "convincing people with reason" must be based on "powerful".He turned around and said to a group of naturalized cadres who were following him:

"Comrades, this is our first battle to transform old Guangzhou and benefit the people of Guangzhou. We must fight the battle well. Not only must we demolish these illegal buildings smoothly, but we must also have a smooth and clean Chengxuan Street. Let the people of Guangzhou understand our determination, highlighting that we are a civilized and progressive new regime that aims to benefit the citizens! Therefore, during the entire demolition process, everyone must follow the three disciplines we announced at the meeting: No Destroying shopkeepers and goods that make money; not taking building materials and goods privately; not taking money from shopkeepers for any reason—not even drinking water.”

"Yes!" The cadres responded together.

"As for you," Lin Baiguang turned his head to look at more than a dozen squadron leaders and squad leaders of the detective team, "the discipline is the same." He said slowly, "I know you guys have always followed the rules, and this kind of thing is to get rich. It’s a good opportunity for extra money. I advise you all to be more understanding, and stop taking money from this frying pan. If anyone dares to take a tile or half a brick, pack up and go with your squad leaders.”

"You guys don't dare!" When the captains of the criminal police team heard that they were going to be company with the squad leaders, they were all heartbroken and hurriedly expressed their opinions.

"Announce the action plan now!" Lin Baiguang ordered, "Xie Buliao, tell me!"

Xie Buliao hurried out and opened the curtain on the large exhibition board above the gate, revealing a large-scale schematic diagram of the demolition operation on Chengxuan Street.The dense data and colors are marked on it.

He began to explain in detail the work areas and work content of each team:
All the demolition teams have been divided into lots, and each team has contracted a section. Each team is divided into different work teams. There is one specially designed to prevent shop owners and buddies from making trouble and obstructing.Each performs its own duties and has a clear division of labor.

(End of this chapter)

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