Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1744 Six Channels

Chapter 1744 Six Channels

There is a simple way, that is to use another time-space map of Guangzhou as a blueprint, and compare it with the map of Guangzhou drawn by the Ministry of City and Industry. If there is no specific name, use the streets and alleys in roughly the same place to name them one by one with modern place names.In this way, many unnamed alleys and alleys roughly have names.However, Lin Baiguang, the comprehensive management office for specific implementation, still proposed to "follow the owner as much as possible" when giving specific instructions. If the people living around have a customary name, they might as well use it.

Lin Baiguang led his people to work for several days, and finally got all the names of the streets and alleys.The street signs are made of tinplate, all with blue letters on a white background. His plan is to nail the street signs while checking the household registration and establishing a household registration book.Before he could arrange the matter properly, Liu Xiang called him again.

"Old Lin, the demolition situation in Guangzhou is not optimistic..."

"Just tell me, what's your new plan? You're welcome." Lin Baiguang said.

"The demolition of the illegal buildings on Chengxuan Avenue has been completed, but there are still many similar places in the city. It is easy to carry out a campaign-style demolition of illegal buildings, but we must consider long-term management." Liu Xiang first came to the facade "So I'm thinking about taking advantage of this opportunity to register for the household census, should I do a real estate registration?"

"Real estate registration?" Lin Baiguang thought for a while, "It is indeed necessary. The problem is that real estate property rights are quite complicated, and original materials are required..."

"Original materials are available." Liu Xiang said, "There are original house deeds and land deeds in the second-level cabinets of Guangzhou prefectures and counties. I read a few copies, and the records are relatively clear. According to the retained household book office In theory, as long as the family owns the house, they will have the house deed and land deed. We can use this to re-register the real estate property rights.”

"But this is not an urgent matter." Lin Baiguang felt that the demolition of illegal buildings was a good thing, but it was not necessarily urgent. "The demolition of illegal buildings on our main roads has been carried out one after another, and there is not much resistance. The main roads should be demolished and the traffic streamlined. As for the demolition of ordinary residential buildings and shops, it can be done slowly, and don’t rush to become fat.”

"Old Lin, I was also forced to do so." Liu Xiang sighed heavily, "You know, in our plan, apart from demolition, we also have to clean up the city's sewers. You know, it's time to 'return to Nantian' ' is."

In the 20s, Guangzhou fully renovated its sewers. Before the East Lake was excavated, it suffered from urban waterlogging due to the geographical environment of the city.And every year after March is the so-called "return to the south", during which there is often light rain or heavy fog, which is the first test of the urban drainage system before entering the flood season.

Lin Baiguang has been in Guangzhou for several years, so he naturally knows how powerful it is to return to Nantian.He nodded.

"I've heard people say that there is a drainage system called Liumai Canal in Guangzhou. But these days, I called up the reserved book office and yamen servants, and went to visit in person. The result is not optimistic." Liu Xiang pulled a map Come on, "No one can tell the direction of Liumaiqu!"

As the name suggests, Liumai Canal is a drainage system composed of six canals. It originated from six natural and artificial rivers in Guangzhou City in the Song Dynasty.Not only has the function of drainage, but also the benefit of transportation, like some channels also have the purpose of water supply.However, this system has undergone great changes in the Ming Dynasty.

After several large-scale expansions and reconstructions in Guangzhou in the Ming Dynasty, the integration of the three cities and the construction of the South City caused great damage to the original natural water system in the city. Natural rivers and lakes including Wenxi and Ancient West Lake gradually silted up and gradually evolved into A simple drainage channel.Due to the basic loss of traffic functions in the city, residents began to gradually encroach on the river, and gradually the open channel became an underground channel.If it is explained that in the early Ming Dynasty, Liumaiqu still maintained the appearance of "river gushing" in the past, in addition to draining water, it could also sail boats; then by the end of Ming Dynasty, most of Liumaiqu had become underground canals.At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing army massacred the city, a large number of Guangzhou citizens hid in Liumaiqu for refuge and were drowned in the flood, which shows that the river canal in the past at this time was already an underground canal.

The open canals turned into dark canals, and houses were built on the dark canals. As a result, when they entered the city, the specific location and direction of the open and dark canals in the city were mostly buried under the large houses, which became a mystery for the elders of Guangzhou.

The most typical one is where the sixth vein of the Liumaiqu is, which has been an unsolved case since the Ming Dynasty.Regardless of the several times of dredging before the end of the Ming Dynasty or the middle of the Qing Dynasty, there was no trace of the sixth vein.Not far from the traveler, Tan Qinghai, a native of Dongguan in the early years of Wanli, wrote "Explanation of the Six Meridians", in which there are only descriptions of the five meridians.

Liu Xiang's understanding of Liumaiqu is roughly derived from the records of this ancestor - as for the hundreds of textual research papers and monographs on Liumaiqu in the big library, the basic basis comes from this.

"I've been walking around the city for the past few days, and I've seen a lot of open canals and a few hidden canals. But I asked the clerk of the book office, and no one knew the detailed distribution of the drainage canals in the city." Liu Xiang shook his head, "Although I don't study water supply and drainage, but looking at the current situation, I probably know that building houses on open channels like Chengxuan Street is quite common in Guangzhou."

"So..." Lin Baiguang finally understood his intention.He knew that even in Daming, it was forbidden to occupy river canals and build houses on culverts. It was impossible for the government to issue land deeds for such buildings, and it was a matter of course "illegal construction".

It is impossible to find out the location and direction of the canals in the city, clean the ditches without demolishing the illegal buildings covering them.

"Yes, that's what I think." Liu Xiang said, "It's not difficult to find out the location and direction of Liumai Canal—we have historical materials left by the ancients, and there are book office workers who have handled dredging, but the whole The drainage of Guangzhou is not only the six channels, but also many open and hidden ditches. This system is not recorded in detail in the historical records, so we have to find out by ourselves—not only to find out, but also as soon as possible.”

Liu Xiang's worry was not unreasonable. Liu San, who was in charge of health and medical care in Guangdong, had entered the city a few days ago. After looking around the city, he warned that if a large-scale sanitation campaign was not carried out as soon as possible, he would return to Nantian in one day. It is inevitable that a large-scale infectious disease will break out in the city.

"Okay, I'll do my best!" Lin Baiguang nodded and said, "My idea now is that we walk on two legs. One is that you issue a notice telling the whole city to 'demolish within a time limit'——in terms of the current momentum , many people will probably do it themselves; the second is to use household registration to conduct household investigations to find out about illegal construction.”

Liu Xiang sent Lin Baiguang away, and asked Xiao Zhang to send a telegram to Lingao, asking when the head of the Guangzhou Police Department would be in place.Then he told someone to call Jia Jue.

Jia Jue was still yawning when he came in—they have never experienced such a high-intensity day and night work in such an old and poor yamen book office. Can't get away.This is still them. If the chief brought the "fake hair" from Qiongzhou Mansion, they would continue to work when they left. According to the retained cleaning workers, it is common for them to work all night.

In ancient local yamen, because the government basically did not undertake many social management functions, affairs were quite idle.The key to the clerk's job is "compliance with the rules", that is to say, the official business mainly depends on the book office's familiarity with various stereotyped "ministries and regulations".Although a book office like Jia Jue is not as airy as a secretary, you can direct your disciples and grandchildren to do errands directly in teahouses or at home without coming to the yamen, but there is very little time to go to the yamen every day. That's all.Even if there are errands to do, they will leave after noon.

The work style of the Australians, who care about everything in detail, is really too much for Jia Jue, a group of old officials.

However, if you can't bear it, you have to bear it.The rumors outside are getting tighter and tighter. Those who used to eat in the yamen are all nervous, for fear that someone will report and fall into a cell to be "interrogated" by former colleagues.He heard that Zhen Haoren, the Household Secretary of the government, had "dead in prison" - people who listened to Zaoban whispered that he was "tortured to death". Let him gasp, he didn't expect Zhen Haoren to be so rich!He doesn't dare to think about it now, only by doing all he can to please his new master can the whole family have a safe place to live.

These days, Liu Taizun has been investigating the drainage channels of the whole city. Jia Jue has been busy: looking for labor, looking for files, and leading the way to check the situation beside several main channels.However, he couldn't help much in this matter.

Like many professional jobs in the old-style yamen, Guangzhou's "goutu" is also in private hands.Just as a fish-scale book becomes a cash cow for the household book office, the ditch map is also a secret that is not passed on.This "ditch map" was in the hands of a hereditary labor leader.Every year when the ditch needs to be cleared and repaired—as usual, the ditch is cleared every year and repaired every three years—he has to spend money to ask him to produce a map of the ditch to locate it.Whenever he cleared a paragraph, he would take out the pages and take them back immediately after finishing the work.It is tantamount to a hereditary patent, so although the laborer is called a laborer, he does not actually work.On weekdays, I still live a pampered life.In recent years, although the government has seldom cleaned the ditches, the folks sometimes silted up the ditches, and they still asked him to teach him—of course, it would cost money.

It was obviously a government-produced album, but in the end it became a private "family secret". This is also one of the many strange things Liu Xiang encountered in this time and space.

It is not difficult to find the ditch map, and the more valuable fish scale book is also found by Australians now-if you catch three sticks in the prison, any good man will have to speak.But the labor leader disappeared. Jia Jue took someone to look for him, but the building was already empty.

(End of this chapter)

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