Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1758 Nephew

Chapter 1758 Nephew
Is my future just like my father, sitting by the fire and dipping candles every day?He has studied and read many "magazines" of Australians, and his knowledge is much greater than that of ordinary people. However, too much knowledge has become the reason for his fear: the most painful thing is that there is nowhere to go after waking up from a dream.And now he is in such pain.

After eating the porridge his mother left for him, Zeng Juan wanted to warm up the books he had left behind these days: the Four Books and the Five Classics are the basic skills of a scholar, and he must memorize them fluently.As soon as he picked up the book, his mother came over.

"A Juan, go to your brother-in-law's house and see Ming Nu, Cheng Zi, and Hua Zi."

These are the three children left by his sister. The fourth child was difficult to deliver and died immediately after birth.

Since the death of the elder sister, these three children have not been taken care of. Zeng Juan's parents feel sorry for their grandson, and after ten and a half months, they always ask Zeng Juan to take a look and send something over.

Zeng Juan didn't really want to go: since his brother-in-law reunited, he had to see the new wife's face when he entered the door, and he would have to be ridiculed.But mother still wants him to go.

"Go, if you don't go, that woman will treat them as our family and ignore them. How can your nephew survive?"

"Brother-in-law is still..."

"What do you know, if you have a stepmother, you have a stepfather." His mother prepared a bag of children's summer and seasonal clothes, "Take it, and put on a little uncle's prestige."

Zeng Juan couldn't do it, so he had to take it.He knew what his mother said was right, without the support of his mother's family, the three children would have to suffer so much—he still had feelings for his nephews.

Zeng Juan went out with his things and walked to the street.In fact, the distance between his house and brother-in-law's house is only two streets, just pass through a few alleys.

He walked to the door of the tea house, the business of the tea house was not bad, and there were many customers - this is a small tea house that is common in the local area, and there are only a dozen tables in the small two floors.There used to be a shed in front of the door with four or five tables, which also sold moon cakes and other seasonal pastries during the season, but now they are all demolished.Ever since Chengxuan Avenue was demolished, everyone knew that the Kun people were "real" and that they couldn't get away with just a little money for the yamen servants.Most of them dismantled it by themselves without waiting for the government to notify them.There are a few companies that have their own backstage hard, but they were dismantled by the government, and the shopkeepers suffered a lot when they were taken to the Yamen: they were whipped and fined, and they didn’t fart when they got to the "backstage".

Zeng Juan's brother-in-law's "backstage" is a yamen servant in Kuaiban, Panyu County, and they are a little close to each other—the business of tea houses and restaurants cannot be opened without official people.

Although his "backstage" can be "retained", he doesn't dare to show up to solicit troubles anymore.Zeng Juan's brother-in-law dismantled the shed very wisely.

His brother-in-law was currently settling accounts at the counter, and when he saw him coming, he said impatiently, "Ah Juan, why are you here?"

"It's getting hot, and my mother wants me to bring some clothes for my nephews." Zeng Juan said, "Ming girl, Chengzi, and Huazi, how are you?"

"Okay, okay, okay," the brother-in-law looked disgusted, took the bag and threw it on the counter, "It's good if there is no illness or disaster! What else do you need?"

Since his sister died, his brother-in-law's attitude towards him has become worse and worse day by day.According to Zeng Juan's temper, it is best to leave immediately, but the mother's warning is still in my ears, saying: "I want to see my nephews."

His brother-in-law immediately darkened his face and said with a sneer: "Your family is too lenient. They are descendants of my Cao family. What does it have to do with your Zeng family? I am always theirs." Father, what are you and your mother asking for? I think you should study hard, and it is serious to be a scholar in the future so that your father will not boil more stinky oil!"

Zeng Juan held back his anger and said, "What did my brother-in-law say? Even though my sister is gone, they are still my parents' grandchildren, with broken bones and tendons still connected. Although my family has no money, I have to do my best to feel at ease... ..."

"Fart!" The brother-in-law sneered again, "When your sister died, why didn't your parents take Ming Nu back to raise her? Even if they thought she was a girl, Cheng Zi Hua Zai brought one, and it would save me a lot. Things! Now that I have resumed, I ask you to send some rags every now and then—how many rags of yours are missing from here? Your parents don’t have this spare money, so you don’t have to worry about it gone."

Hearing his contempt for his parents, Zeng Juan was furious, and was about to refute, but saw his brother-in-law's newly married wife come out. She was helping in the back kitchen, and she was coming out with a bucket of dirty water. Seeing Zeng Juan coming , and his face darkened.Zeng Juan called out "sister", but she ignored it and poured the dirty water onto the street, almost hitting Zeng Juan's face.Zeng Juan knew that his "sister" didn't like him, or even hated him, but he still had to show up often to show his existence.

"The head of the house, the firewood is almost gone, don't forget to buy it. And don't forget to collect the tea bowl over there." The woman said to her brother-in-law, "There is so much work in the store, and there is a person who is eating at home with me Idle people gossip! I'm going to cook, and three hungry little beasts are still waiting to eat!"

The brother-in-law just smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I'll go right away." Seeing her back behind the curtain in the back kitchen, he turned his head and said coldly, "Go quickly, I won't greet you anymore."

The brother-in-law issued an order to evict the guest, so Zeng Juan had no choice but to leave.Since my sister died, my brother-in-law seemed to be a different person. Originally, my brother-in-law was always smiling.Even the woman he married, I heard from my mother that she was not a nasty woman in her natal family.I never thought that I would become like this once I got married!

When he returned to the street, he always felt uneasy, but there was nothing he could do if his brother-in-law forbade him to enter the back house, so he had to walk back.Walking halfway, I suddenly saw Ming Nu holding a big bowl with a piece of moldy tofu in it, walking with a limp.Zeng Juan rushed to meet her and called out, "Ming girl!"

When Ming Nu saw Zeng Juan, before she could speak, tears flowed down her cheeks.Zeng Juan hurriedly took her aside, put down the tofu, wiped her tears with his sleeve and asked, "Why do you walk with a limp?"

It doesn't matter if this question is asked, the corner of Ming Nu's mouth twitched, as if she was about to burst into tears.Zeng Juan quickly covered her mouth: "Don't cry, don't cry, speak slowly."

Mingnu cried and said that because she broke a teacup while washing the dishes last night, "mother" punished her to kneel, and she knelt on the ground in the middle of the night before going back to her room. Now her knees are swollen and she can hardly walk... …

Although Ming Nu was only ten years old, she was different from Zeng Juan, so Zeng Juan couldn't go to see her, but it was obviously not a lie to see her walking hard.

"Where's your father? Don't you agree?"

"Father is trying to persuade mother to calm down. A teacup is not worth a lot of money. But mother lost her temper and said that she has been bad luck for eight lifetimes and came to be the family." Ming Nu said while crying, "helping work in the store Being poor doesn't count, but we still have to take care of our food and clothing..." She timidly said, "I scolded like crazy, dad dare not talk more."

Zeng Juan only felt distressed for a while, knelt down and rubbed her knees, seeing his niece baring her teeth, it was obviously in severe pain.His eyes were sour, almost crying.He asked again: "Are Cheng Tsai and Hua Tsai okay?"

"They don't dare to talk at home now. They are afraid of making girls angry."

Zeng Juan saw that Ming Nu was well dressed, but a little dirty, and her hair hadn't been combed properly.He asked again: "Can you eat enough?"

Ming Nu nodded: "There is something to eat, but there is nothing delicious. Andy got a slap when he said he wanted to eat fish. Mother said that Dad's tea shop can't make much money, and it's not enough to live on..." Said Seeing her crying again, she put her arms around Zeng Juan's waist, "Uncle! Please tell grandma, take me back! I heard mother and father were discussing, saying that business is not good now, turnover is difficult, and I want Sell ​​me to a rich family as a girl..."

Zeng Juan was trembling with anger. It is common for stepmothers to abuse their ex-wife children.As long as it doesn't kill people, it's nothing.No matter how much injustice and sympathy he has, he can only swallow it.However, it would be too much to sell a niece to a rich family to be a girl.He didn't believe that his brother-in-law's family would be in such a state of embarrassment - this woman wanted to get rid of her sister's child!

My sister's flesh and blood left in this world cannot just be ruined like this.

When he wanted to turn around, he asked his brother-in-law if he was still a good man, and called him bloody.Then he slapped the woman a few times firmly.But he immediately thought that he wasn't even a literary boy, his brother-in-law and his wife didn't agree with him at all, and a few men might not be opponents when a woman messed up. Could it be that he really wanted to fight with that woman in the street? Make a scene?
Even if they can be scolded by him obediently, then what?Zeng Juan knew that it would be impossible for the "dogs and men" to "reform their past mistakes" after all the turmoil.My family is simply unable to support my nephew, and in the end, the child suffers even more.

Huge resentment surged in his chest, but no amount of anger was futile.I am completely powerless in this matter.He had no choice but to comfort him and said, "Don't be afraid, uncle will go back and find a way. He is determined not to ask you to become a girl." He fumbled in his sleeve for a long time, and could only sigh in vain.

On the way back, Zeng Juan kept thinking about how to stop this incident.But their own family has neither money nor a strong "threshold" as a backer—even if they had, they dare not stand out now.Just as I was thinking wildly, I suddenly heard someone hawking.

"Newly arrived Australian paper, come and take a look..."

He stopped in his tracks - how could he forget him!Now it's the Australians' world, so why don't you go to Zhang Yu, the celebrity in front of the Australians, for help!He had met Chief Zhen Kun before, and some Australians came out to say something, and this pair of dogs and men were so frightened!
(End of this chapter)

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