Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1768 Black Materials

Chapter 1768 Black Materials

A businessman next to him interjected angrily: "We are better at selling grain. After all, this is what is needed regardless of the season. It is nothing more than making less money. Other businessmen were picked up by the tooth bank and delivered to the warehouse. He manipulated it arbitrarily, not to mention taking it privately, and often suppressed the merchants, and would not find the owner to sell them in bulk. As a result, merchants often sit there for several months and a year, and the goods are still not sold. Just imagine, master. Well, which businessman doesn’t bet his entire life on the ups and downs of the market? When he suppresses it like this, the good hot goods become cold ones. Isn’t this fatal.”

"Oh? What's the benefit of a dental shop if the prices of commodities fall?"

"Although there is no benefit, there is warehouse rent. They can't do it themselves, and they are not allowed to sell it on their own. When the goods are cheap, he will hold back even more, in order to collect warehouse rent. We traders, we speak It is capital turnover, and now he has been suppressed by him for a year and a half, and the turnover cannot be opened, but the expenses are indispensable. How many people have gone bankrupt and their families have been ruined!" For beggars, some threw themselves into the river, and some went crazy... It's really horrible!"

Lin Baiguang said: "How much money does the dentist still owe you?"

Shopkeeper Ding pinched his fingers and calculated: "Our dozens of households are all big households, each with tens of thousands of shi, and as little as one or two thousand shi. The total is around 12 shi. There are also some scattered small households, about [-] shi. One or two thousand stones."

"How much money do you pay per stone for these dentists?"

"According to the current market situation, Guangxi's first-class brown rice should cost seven renminbi and three cents of silver per shi, but they are actually discounted by [-]% or [-]%. It is not easy to get six renminbi."

"How much is a stone for a local rice merchant to buy from Yaren?"

"Now the market is at a high level, and grain merchants can buy it for one tael of silver and one stone."

Lin Baiguang remembered that the average price of rice in the market was about one, two or three dollars. He nodded and said, "This shopkeeper He is right. Yaren and tooth dealers were originally for the convenience of buyers and sellers, but now they are for businessmen. A scourge. Of course we're going to get rid of it."

As soon as he said this, more than a dozen grain merchants showed surprised expressions—they didn’t even dare to think about banning tooth merchants. They only hoped that they could kill some tooth-killers by taking advantage of the change of dynasty in the city of Guangzhou. Prestige, vent your anger.If we can get some new immigrants, the new dynasty will start, and it will not be too ugly.They can also take a little breather.

They have seen too much of the behavior of court officials. Whenever the people go to petition, they will either speak harshly and denounce them as "unreasonable people", or see that the people are powerful, they will be ambiguous and vague, and they will say nothing more than "Mrs. The official knows the situation, and you go back, the court has its own opinion." As for what the idea is, only God knows.Nine times out of ten, there is no text.

The Second Mansion of Guangzhou in the Song Dynasty actually said that they wanted to ban Yaren as soon as they opened their mouths. They couldn't believe it so simply.

Shopkeeper Ding hesitated and said, "Master, are you serious?"

"My Senate is the most trustworthy, how can I deceive you?" Lin Baiguang said, "The toothmen have committed crimes for many years, and probably owed a lot of blood debts. We are doing the Tangwu Revolution, and we have to settle accounts with them. Isn't it?" He said with a slight smile.

The meaning of these words was already very clear, and the merchants immediately became commotion.They have been bullied by the dentists for many years, and everyone is full of resentment. Now they hear that the Australians are going to clean up the dentists, and they are all excited beyond words.Shopkeeper Ding's beard trembled with excitement, and he said, "Master! If you can get rid of this gang of idiots, I will repay all the food they owe to Xiao Lao!"

He Gao followed suit and said, "The little ones are also willing to serve Da Song!"

Someone started, and the rest of the people had to follow suit, expressing their willingness to pay for the food.

Lin Baiguang shook his head: "No way, you have all worked so hard to transport rice grains to Guangzhou for sale, how can we get your grain money? Don't mention this matter again." He motioned everyone to sit down, " Since we want to liquidate Yaman’s crimes over the years, we are outsiders and know very little about the joints inside, so it’s up to you..."

He signaled to the grain merchants to submit an abbreviated version of his dental practice and crimes.

"The most important thing for my senate to do is to act according to the law. Although this group of criminals have committed serious crimes, they must have evidence to prove the canonical punishment."

"Yes, you guys understand." Shopkeeper Ding replied hastily, thinking that the Australians are trying to kill pigs, and they will definitely make a fortune by copying the houses of this group of people, "You guys will know about this." It's done properly, please rest assured, Mr. Lin."

"Where are you all going down?"

"Haiyang Guild Hall."

"Okay, you guys go to the guild hall to rest and don't go out for now. Don't disclose this matter to the outside world." Lin Baiguang said, "I will send someone to protect you secretly."

Shopkeeper Ding knew that he had nothing to "protect", but he just wanted to prevent them from leaking the news that the dental practice was going to be banned.Knowing that the Australians have made up their minds, they immediately said: "The little ones know the importance."

Lin Baiguang sent them away, and then called a cadre to give some instructions in a low voice.He was asked to send a team of white horse team members to guard the hall and strictly prohibit people from entering or leaving.

The banquet ended very late, and Zheng Shangjie returned to her suite in the Ziming Building at almost ten o'clock. After entering the door, she went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then changed into her nightgown under the service of the maid, so she felt relaxed Leaning on the sofa.

Today's banquet was mostly attended by major merchants in Guangzhou, and many of them held such "heavyweight" merchants aloft.These big businessmen have been uneasy since the recovery of Guangzhou, and they have been looking for ways to make money everywhere, hoping to meet Australians.They were all knowledgeable people, knowing that Da Ming's defeat would never bring him back.To do business under the new government and officials, it is natural to find out their temper quickly.

In the second week of entering the city, the desks were filled with invitations to meet the staff of Guangzhou Station through various channels.Guo Yi left, happy and quiet.Pei Lixiu felt that she didn't have a good grasp of the policy, and she was afraid of saying the wrong thing, so she simply lied about being "ill". Only Zheng Shangjie was originally in charge of the business and was determined to stay. Appropriate appease", so I had to come out to meet some more important customers in the past.

I have met, but out of the consideration of not making mistakes, the meeting is purely for courtesy. Apart from saying "do business with peace of mind" and "the Senate has always ruled the country according to law", the issues that these merchants are most concerned about Avoid talking about it altogether.

There is also a reason for her being so cautious: the cities and commercial society of the Ming Dynasty were very complicated, and some forms did not meet the expectations of the Senate.

In the past, these old merchants cooperated very well with Guangzhou Station. It was in the old social environment of Ming Dynasty, but the situation is quite different now.If I rashly make some promises, it will be a bad thing if there is a conflict with the policy of the Senate.

The plan to issue new coins was confirmed at the banquet welcoming Chen Ce yesterday.Currency issuance requires circulation channels, and the commercial part she manages must be involved.She held this banquet just now, and invited about fifty major merchants in the city according to the list negotiated by everyone.

"Chief, I have prepared hangover soup, what do you want now?" The person who spoke was Zheng Shangjie's maid in Guangzhou, her name was Han Yue. Her original name was "Han Yue", but the personnel department thought it was inconvenient to register the maid's name, so she changed it to this.Naturally, in Guangzhou Station, she is still called "Han Yue".

She was originally a child of a large family in northern Guangdong, because she is clever and clever, she waits and lives in the young master's room. She is both intelligent and beautiful.She was already the candidate for the "Tongfang Maid" reservation.Just wait for the young master to get married and then he can be "righteous".It's a pity that this young master knew about the situation early on, and at the age of 14, he broke the melon of Han Yue, who was one year older than him.

Young people who taste the forbidden fruit for the first time will inevitably be greedy for joy, but within a year, they will suffer from "Jiase typhoid fever" and die.Han Yue was naturally the culprit. In order to vent his anger, the Patriarch used her expert methods every three to five days to beat her up and down hundreds of times, almost to death.And sell her to a brothel.Finally, someone interceded, saying that this would be detrimental.Only then did she drive her out of the house and let her fend for herself.The family members were afraid of being expelled by the master's family, so no one dared to come to her rescue.

Han Yue was wounded and had no food or clothing. She lay dying by the side of the road and was about to die. Finally, there was no way out. People from Qiwei Escort passed by and rescued her and sent her to Guangzhou.

Because she had learned how to serve others since she was a child, she was "promoted" to serve as a maid beside Zheng Shangjie, who took care of her daily life.

"No, let's have a cup of tea." Zheng Shangjie leaned on the sofa and rubbed his forehead.This Han Yue just spent three months of short training in Lingao, learned Mandarin and some accounting and secretarial knowledge, and then returned to Zheng Shangjie. The traces of "modernization" are not obvious on her body.This was very good in the activities of the Guangzhou Station in the past few years, but now it seems to be a bit delayed for her.

"Should I send this child to Lingao to go to school after a while?" Zheng Shangjie looked at Han Yue who was going back and forth between the two cups in the cool water, and suddenly felt a little bit reluctant: After all, this is the caregiver who has been doing small training His ability is really sweet!Qian Xuanhuang—although the impression is not deep anymore—that kind of "modern" maid does not have such a considerate feeling!

"What's going on today?" Although it has been almost a month since Guangzhou was liberated, Zheng Shangjie still hasn't been able to get rid of the living habits she had developed in Guangzhou Station, which makes her very entangled——with Liu Xiang, the "modernization" on Hainan Island. "Compared to the veterans living in the environment, she felt that she suddenly became out of place, as if, as if——she was Wang Xifeng who just climbed out of "Dream of Red Mansions" and entered the 21st century... This metaphor is very tangled... …

(End of this chapter)

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