Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1774 And Brother

Chapter 1774 And Brother
"It's just that if this happens, our dental shop will lose a lot of money." He Guirong was a little worried, "Australians are no better than Daming, and it may not be so easy to get a balance."

Since the Australians came to the city, they have attached great importance to "law and order", even trivial cases are handled very seriously.There is no mercy for major cases such as murder, arson and robbery.If you hire someone to kill yourself, the Australians will definitely ask.Once it is involved, it will be a huge lawsuit.It is not as easy to fool the past as it was under the Ming Dynasty.

Master Shi has a plan in his mind: "Are you afraid of spending money at this moment? Think about it carefully, the rice merchants are trying to draw salary from the bottom of the pot. They are extremely vicious. If you don't have toothpaste, how can you make a living? I'm afraid it won't take a few years. I have to go to Guandi Temple to register!"

This remark touched the dentists, and some of them gritted their teeth and said, "Master Shi is right! Without the dental stickers, we men can only drink the northwest wind! If you file a lawsuit, you will file a lawsuit, that is, selling your house, land, and wife. , I have to get rid of these Chaoshan guys and buy back the dental stickers!"

He Guirong was also moved and said: "Master is right, this is a moment of life and death for our men, are you afraid of spending money? Just do it!"

When he said this, everyone had no objection, and immediately decided to find the people of Guandi Temple and immediately kill the grain merchants in the Haiyang Guild Hall.

There are beggars subordinate to Guandi Temple all over the street, but this is something that hinders the law of the king after all, and no employer will come to talk to him on his own-as usual, there must be a middleman to go through the needle.

Master Shi found the right person, but it was effortless. It was his brother, Shi Tidi, the steward of Wenlan Academy-his own name was Shi Tiji.

Although the name was auspicious, Brother Jidi did not do well in the imperial examinations, not even a scholar.The ability to do crooked ways is not small, so they are all regarded as masters by others.Naturally, masters like them are not allowed to appear on the stage, and the people who invite them are not serious businessmen and gentry.

Shi Tidi has close ties with the people of Guandi Temple because of his family Dongweng's relationship. From Guandi Temple to the big bones of the Doukou below, he almost recognizes and can speak.History questions and every time I ask Guandi Temple to do black work, my brothers come forward to contact me.

He came to Wenlan Academy, found Shi Tidi, closed the door and whispered his intention of coming.

"...This time is a good opportunity. My master said that money is not a problem." Shi Tiji's eyes showed greed, "Brother, you can rest assured and boldly ask for a price!"

Shi Tidi had long held resentment towards the Australians in his heart because the "partial shop" of the shop under the name of Wenlan Academy was demolished last time, which cost him a bribe from various shopkeepers. Now he is talking about this matter , he couldn't help but feel refreshed.This is not only easy, but also less risky.Killing and wounding a few businessmen from other places is really not a big deal in the city of Guangzhou.

"It's easy," Shi Tidi agreed, "but there are a lot of Chaoshan people in the guild hall recently, so we need more people to go."

"It's not a problem. Brother, you can use as many people as you want. Are you afraid that my master won't spend money?" Shi Tiji laughed, "A serious grain merchant is twelve or three people. There are at most two people in the guild hall." Thirty people."

"Then at least a hundred people have to go to calm down the scene, and the Chaoshan guys are also very good at fighting." Shi Tidi said, "One person is always paid two taels of silver."

The price he proposed was based on paying 100 people, each of whom would be paid two taels of silver, a total of 200 taels of silver, plus a "thank you gift" of ten taels for Da Gu.

"Dagu's thank you gift cannot be less. As for the 200 taels of silver, you don't have to give it enough. Take 120 taels to Doukou—how Dagu distributes the money is their business."

"The remaining 80 taels are for the benefit of our brothers." Shi Tidi said.

Historic titles and his eyes lit up, and he said, "40 taels per person, that's a lot of money!"

They work as masters for others, and their serious annual income is only seven or eighty taels.With the addition of miscellaneous "grey income", it is only 80 taels of silver.Earning 100 taels at once is really a windfall.

"Hehe, this is small money. The big money is yet to come." Shi Tidi said leisurely, "Since your master wants to be ruthless, he will naturally have to kill a few businessmen, and the ones who run the government are not Ming now, you Do you know what the rules are for Australians?"

Shi Tiji hesitated: In the past, as long as someone died in such a case, the government would investigate it.Employers must be prepared to sue.The prisoners were prepared by Dou Kou, and they were all hob meat that could survive the punishment.As usual, the prisoner surrendered himself, and then went to court for interrogation.The prisoner will not confess the truth in court, and the presiding officer will not really solve the case.However, there are also many procedures for interrogation, interrogation, and torture.

Before the trial, the employer needs to manage from top to bottom, so the prisoner who comes forward for trial will suffer some flesh and blood, but will not hurt his muscles and bones.Confessions are all pre-prepared routines, and the case will be closed at the end.If it is necessary to die, those who are ready to die will be imprisoned.

This set requires a lot of money, not only for the official, but also for the famous master of punishment, the book office of the criminal room, the head of the soap squad, the yamen servants, and even the local licensees.If you don't take care of any of them, you can play tricks on the employer during the court hearing.

Now Guangzhou has become the world of Ming Dynasty. Everyone says that Australians’ trial methods are different from those of Ming Dynasty——no one knows how different it is. The most important thing is that there are three shifts and six rooms that specialize in handling such matters. The leader of the boss was caught and killed, and the subordinates who were left to serve the Australians are now also clamping their tails.It would be difficult to do this again for a while.

"No matter what rules the Australians follow, it's only right and proper to kill people to pay for their lives since ancient times." Shi Tiji said, "I think Australians are no exception. After the incident, it's always right for us to prepare a few people who will surrender their lives." He said worriedly, " I’m only worried that the Australians won’t be able to trust and surrender, and it would be terrible if they were tortured and interrogated. Now there is no one to take care of them in the yamen!”

Shi Tidi nodded: "Brother's words are very true. But I heard people who have been to Qiongzhou say that Australians have never been punished for interrogation. As long as a few surrenders insist that they did it, it will probably be fine—— ―In the end, the government’s trial of the case is firstly for performance evaluation, and secondly, it is also to deal with the sufferer. As long as someone pays for his life, the case is over, and it probably won’t be too detailed.”

History questions and discuss with brothers, to attack Haiyang Guild Hall, at least two lives must be prepared.

"Let's count the money, even if three people die." Shi Tiji said, "Prepare for three lives. One life is 60 taels, and three lives are 180 taels. Let's pay another 20 taels to get in..."

"I don't think your calculation is right." Shi Tidi shook his head and said, "After the Australians entered the city, the law was strict. Look at how many people were hanged in the city! More than a hundred of us besieged the Haiyang Guild Hall According to Australians, it is a big case. Three lives are not enough in my opinion.”

"How much do you need to prepare?" Shi Tiji asked.

"I think we need to prepare twelve items."

Shi Tiji took a deep breath, twelve lives were enough for a case of fighting in the countryside!
"Don't be too small. The Australians practice legalist politics and speak decisively. Now that they have not entered the city for a long time, they are serious about killing people and establishing their prestige. If you don't prepare a few more heads, I'm afraid you won't be able to get through."

"Brother, this is worth thousands of taels of silver!"

"Your master is about to go bankrupt, so what's the point of spending these thousands of taels of silver?" Shi Tidi sneered, "Tell your master, first prepare 1000 taels of silver for buying human lives. I'll give him twelve lives, Let him make no mistakes. We brothers also get some money to spend."

Shi Tiji thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'm in charge of this matter, and I will do as you say!"

The Haiyang Guild Hall was full of joy at this time.The Chaoshan grain merchants already know about the fact that the Australians refuse to issue a "license" to the tooth shop.They had heard that Australians were the most trustworthy in their work, but they didn't expect to be so swift and decisive, and the things they promised were done immediately.Not issuing a "license" is tantamount to directly abolishing the privilege of the dental practice.Tooth dealers can't get the "license" of Australians, and they can no longer shake their prestige just by having the toothpaste from the Ministry of Household Affairs of Ming Dynasty—a piece of waste paper in Guangzhou city.

"Our men have been bullied by this screwdriver dealer for many years, and today we are finally proud!" Shopkeeper Ding couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard the news, and ordered a few banquets for his companions, as well as fellow villagers in the guild hall to celebrate.

Although the stewards of the guild hall are not grain merchants, they are all fellow villagers in Haiyang.People in Chaoshan place the most emphasis on fellowship, and the leaders of the meeting are naturally happy when the fellow villagers benefit from it.I also sat down and had a few drinks.

The person in charge was a middle-aged man who used to be a merchant. He knew the pain of a merchant. After drinking a few cups, he sighed, "Australians are really different! Such things would have happened in the past if they hadn't been paid for by tens of thousands of silver. I just want to hear the official's honest words and it's useless! I didn't expect Master Lin to settle this matter once he met you—it's really like a dream!"

He Jiao continued: "We originally planned to discuss this matter. As long as this matter can be done, a dozen of us grain merchants will not hesitate to scrape together 5000 taels of silver. I didn't expect it to cost nothing. If we talk about it, people will only think of us. You're talking nonsense." He couldn't help laughing.

The manager said humanely: "Even so, I think you have to show something."

Shopkeeper Ding nodded again and again: "Naturally! You can't let people do things for nothing. Besides, Master Lin is in the Second Mansion of Guangzhou City, so we have to be tight-lipped. It's not easy to do anything in the future!"

He Jiao said: "This is a bit difficult. When it comes to gifting treasures, the Australians are known as the rich, and there are no overseas treasures? I don't know how to get into their eyes?"

"In my opinion, giving money is the best, no matter how rich people are, they won't think too much money." A businessman said.

A group of people at the table were talking when they suddenly heard a commotion in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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