Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1777

Chapter 1777

"Today's attack on the Haiyang Guild Hall was actually done by a villain. Hearing that someone was beaten to death, the villain was disturbed and afraid of the king's law, so he came here to surrender."

"Why do you want to hire murderers to attack the Haiyang Guild Hall?"

"The rice merchants in the Haiyang Guild Hall are small and sworn enemies!"

Mu Min knew that he was here to top the bag, so she didn't take it seriously, and asked casually, "Oh? What's the matter?"

Seeing that Qiu Kesheng's complexion suddenly turned red, he gritted his teeth and said: "Then what paste ruined my family, I wish I could eat its flesh and sleep on its skin..."

Qiu Kesheng said that he was originally the owner of a rice shop in Guangzhou.I have been buying goods in batches from Chaoshan rice merchants. The year before last, because my family suffered a return, I suffered heavy losses.In order to make a living, he borrowed 100 taels of silver from He Gao, a rice merchant he had been dealing with.Say good annual interest three cents.The eight-acre fish pond Sangji that Chu Kesheng lived outside the city was used as collateral.

"At the beginning of last year, because the business was not good and the turnover was very difficult, we had to negotiate with him and asked him to postpone it for another year. He would pay off the principal with interest when it was due. Then why did he agree, but the annual interest will increase by one year? The younger one has no choice but to agree."

However, in the past few years, the market has been bad and business has been difficult. At the end of the year, let alone repaying debts, I lost dozens of taels of capital.

"...At the beginning of this year, why would you ask the small one to pay back the money, but if the small one still hasn't been paid, we negotiated with him to sell the mortgaged fish pond sangki, and after getting the money, not only the principal and interest can be paid off, but the small one can also pay off the money." I can make a living by leaving more than a hundred taels of silver. Who knows that he not only refused, saying that I owed him more than 600 taels of principal and interest, the little one fought with him, and was injured by his subordinates, and he hired bandits to forcibly kill him The man’s eight-acre fishpond was taken over by Sangji, and the villain’s son was injured, and he was gone after lying on the bed for several months! The house leaked and it rained, and the villain’s grandson also fell ill within a few days.” Speaking of this, Ke Sheng's eyes were red, "My daughter-in-law saw that her life was hopeless and she had no children, so she remarried and left. I used to be a good family, but these gangsters ruined my family." As he spoke, he was touched. Feelings, could not help but burst into tears.

Mu Min originally thought that the old man was here to take the lead, and what he said about "deep hatred" was nonsense, but judging by his words and expressions, it was definitely not a lie - she has received professional body language training, and has also been exposed to all kinds of people. Prisoners know whether what they say is true or not.

In this way, it was a bit confusing, Mu Min thought for a while, and asked: "Since you ordered it, where did you get the money from?"

This question immediately stopped Qiu Kesheng, and he stammered: "Yes, yes, it's the little one who sold the house..."

"Your house is so valuable, can you hire so many people? I heard that it is not cheap to hire people from Guandi Temple."

Chu Kesheng showed an uneasy look on his face, but he still insisted: "It's the proceeds from the small house sale."

Mu Min nodded, knowing that there was no need to continue the trial.There is no doubt that this small grain merchant neither has the channel nor the strength to hire people from Guandi Temple to do such a big thing--besides, he has a grudge against He Gao, even if he destroys his family for revenge, he should deal with He Gao, no As for destroying the Haiyang Guild Hall to deal with all Chaoshan rice merchants.

However, He Gao, who seems to be the victim, still has such a past.Another solid lesson for Mu Min's deep understanding of this society: This fucking is called Darwin's jungle, where the weak and the strong are used to it, how can there be any simplicity and kindness in traditional society?

Mu Min interrogated a few top bags again, claiming that they were the ones who rushed into the guild hall and killed the Chaoshan merchants.As for the reason, it is said that there is an enmity with Chaoshan businessmen.As for the specific kind of hatred, they are all exactly the same, either robbing his wife or raping his daughter.As for the one who insisted on beating someone to death: he was in his early sixties, and his old body was bent.Seeing his trembling appearance, Mu Min thought that this top bag is really not particular: it doesn't even have the minimum sincerity.

She didn't know that the judicial practice in this time and space is purely formalistic in many cases. If a person dies, he will be killed. As for whether the murderer is the murderer, the government actually doesn't care.All dynasties did not allow scapegoating, but no dynasty could put an end to it.Due to the prevalence of fighting in Guangdong in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has become an unspoken judicial rule for the government to allow surrogates to die during large-scale riots.

The confessions are all prepared, and those who top the bag only need to go to the court to recite them, and no one will find fault with the unreasonable parts.

There is no doubt about this routine confession, no wonder Lin Baiguang suggested that she "don't ask".

It seems that the confessions of more than 40 beggars caught at the scene are more valuable.

Mu Min ordered: "Send people from Interrogation Section B to the detention center for on-site interrogation."

Group A of the interrogation department is the naturalized policemen brought from Lingao, and Group B is the government servants retained by Zaoban—they came here specially to do the work of torture.

The interrogation of the arrested beggars did not require too detailed interrogation, so she left the matter to Group B.The retained Zaoli in Group B were eager to "sell well" in front of their new masters, and each of them was gearing up, holding the torture tools to the detention center with their chests and belly folded, and they put on a posture in the main hall of the office.

"Three elders and four young people," the group leader of Group B sneered, "Brothers are on business today, so you can't help yourself. You have to know yourselves—this Australian prison food is not delicious."

Saying an order, all the servants under his command yelled in unison, and threw the torture tools into the courtyard with a crackling sound. There were boards, twisted whips, sticks, beats for slapping the mouth, fingers... and finally a pair of clamp sticks.This thing is pulled and pulled, even the most powerful Jiangyang thief can't hold it back.

As soon as this battle was put out, all the beggars, who had been frightened by the bayonet just now, screamed.Bring it up to the hall to ask what to answer.

Most of those arrested were arranged by Ben Doukou Dagu to work. It is said that the price is just "eating and rewarding" before and after the event, and each person will be given another [-] yuan.The leader's treatment is slightly better, and he can get one tael of silver.

However, there was no useful news from them, these people were ordered by others, they only said that Dagu had taken care of them and came to beat Haiyang Guild Hall, it would not be a nuisance to kill people, naturally someone would take the blame.

All the arrested people claimed to be ordinary beggars who came here on orders.Mu Min didn't believe it, so Guan Zhao interrogated the people separately, and quickly found out the leaders among them - there was a big bone inside.

Dagu is not only the leader of the group of beggars, but also has his own territory "Doukou", which is equivalent to the level of "Princes" among the people of Guandi Temple, and he has much more information than ordinary beggars.

Mu Min ordered Dagu to be interrogated first.In the past, he went to the court several times for others, and it is said that he can survive any punishment, and he is known as "not afraid of killing or beating".However, that was on the premise that the yamen servants used torture to release water to "take care". Now that no one releases water, the clamp received the second one, and he couldn't stand it any longer and confessed.

He confessed that the attack on Haiyang Guild Hall was done by Shi Tidi, the steward of Wenlan Academy.

"Master Shi found Gao Ye's side, and Gao Ye ordered the younger one to send someone to handle the matter. The younger one dare not lie." Dagu, whose face was pale with pain, lay on the ground and confessed intermittently.

"Who is Shi Tidi? He is the head of the academy, why did he attack the Haiyang Guild Hall?"

"This, this, I don't know about the younger ones." Big Bone pleaded, "The younger ones just follow Gao Ye's orders."

Mu Min asked again and again, but still only asked these questions.But now that there is a suspect, there is an investigation direction.She immediately ordered the arrest.

Shi Tidi was still working in Wenlan Academy, and was caught by the police who suddenly appeared-how did he catch him?Haven't you already prepared someone who "surrenders to the police"?Mu Min didn't talk nonsense, and asked someone to put a stick on him directly. The first time he didn't finish the history question, he burst into tears and confessed that it was the history question and the introduction.

"The little one is just an introduction in the middle, this matter has nothing to do with the little one, ahhh..."

"Who is Shi Tiji, and why did he attack Haiyang Guild Hall?"

"He's my elder brother," Shi Tidi wailed because the stick hadn't been loosened yet, "I beg your lord to spare me...he...he's Master Xue's master..."

After further questioning, it turns out that Mr. Xue is the leader of the Dental Bank.In this way, the entire chain of evidence for attacking the Haiyang Guild Hall is complete.

After Mu Min reported to Lin Baiguang, he immediately asked Liu Xiang to issue an arrest warrant.The police and the detective team all dispatched to arrest the dentist involved in the case.

Zhang Yu has already gone to bed now, business is good, and he is exhausted from work.As soon as it got dark, there was a curfew on the street, and the street gates were closed. Ordinary people like him had to go to bed.

Before he could close his eyes, he suddenly heard a siren blaring from a distance, and then someone was yelling for a watchman to open the street gate.

"It's getting dark, why would anyone want to open the street gate?" You must know that once the street gate is closed, even the wealthy gentry will not easily call the gate.Zhang Yu didn't feel curious, so he quietly got up from the bed and looked through the window.I saw a group of black-clothed policemen running over from the street gate with lanterns in their hands, all of them with tense faces, obviously on errands.

He was watching, and almost screamed, it turned out that Li Ziyu was the one carrying the lantern at the end of the line!He was wearing a black police uniform, a copper basin hat, and a red and white short stick hanging from his waist.Although the costumes are a bit strange, the people are very energetic.I saw that he also turned his face, and followed the team quickly without saying a word.

The police team passed by the door of the walnut cake shop, and stopped at the door of Mr. Xue's house not far along the way.

He knows Master Xue, he is a dental businessman, and his family is very rich - all the wives and ladies in his family love to eat Zhang Yu's walnut cakes and dry snacks, and Zhang Yu often goes to his house to deliver goods.I have also met the old man and wife of the family a few times, they are very kind, and it is refreshing to pay the money at the monthly checkout.Once when Zhang Yu went to deliver goods, Mrs. Xue was so happy that she even rewarded him with a few hanging green lychees—this thing is precious.

How could a nice family offend Australians?Zhang Yu's mood was both nervous and regretful.

 I found out that I used the wrong name for the dragon set registration.He Guirong should be Xue Guirong.Don’t change the front, as long as everyone knows what it means
(End of this chapter)

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