Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1786 Troubleshooting

Chapter 1786 Troubleshooting
Li Ziyu didn't know whether Lao Gao's "posted" was a sincere congratulation or a joke, so he had to keep his mouth shut.Zhao Gui smirked "hehe" a few times.

Now that it was confirmed that there had been a dead body, it was natural to confirm whether this was the scene of the crime. Both Gao Chongjiu and Li Zhenguo thought it was not.Their reasons all come from the bloodstains.Li Zhenguo determined this from the area and depth of blood penetration.Chief Mu said: Humans have arteries and veins in their necks. Once they are beheaded, they will lose a lot of blood. It is impossible for so little blood to seep into the soil.And Gao Chongjiu has seen many beheaded prisoners on the execution ground for many years: the head is the head of the six suns, full of blood, and when the head is chopped off, it will instantly form jet-like splash marks.But neither on the surrounding walls nor on the ground.

The dead were beheaded elsewhere before being moved here.The question is, why bother moving here?
Gao Chongjiu thinks it's not difficult to explain, because Jianzi Lane Dongzhi Qixiang is a river after all, and throwing corpses into the river is an easy and simple way to deal with corpses.Even if the corpse floats up in a few days, it is not known where it has gone.Even if the police want to find the location of the incident, they are looking for a needle in a haystack.What's more, most of the rivers in the city are connected with the Liumai Canal. If they drift into the underground canal, where they will rot, the gods really don't know.

Straightening out the thinking, the matter was very simple: After discovering that Li Ziyu and the others had left the corpse and turned back, the murderer who had been hiding nearby quickly returned to the scene, transported the corpse to Hebutou at the bottom of the alley, and threw it directly into the river.

So when Li Ziyu and the street watcher came back, the body had disappeared, and the body must still be in the river now.

"Not only is the corpse still in the river, but the murderer who threw the corpse is still on this street." Li Zhenguo said regretfully, "It's a pity we don't have dogs here!"

He heard from Wuxiang and other Lingaolaide naturalized policemen that Australian police stations have dogs that can recognize people by smell and smell, and are specially used to catch criminals.As long as you lead the dog to the scene and smell it, you can track and chase the fugitive, which is very magical.

But this kind of dog is not deployed in the police station—Australians have brought many kinds of dogs they have never seen before to Guangzhou, but they are more often accompanied by security patrols in the streets and alleys. The surrounding countryside patrolled, baring their teeth and growling in a low voice.Li Zhenguo just heard that there will be a "Police Dog Squad". Even Mu Min doesn't know when it will be.

Although there is no legendary Australian police dog, they still have street gates.

Because the Jianzi Alley is nearly five miles long, in order to facilitate gate management, the government used to divide it into two main east-west roads and divide it into South Jianzi Alley, Middle Jianzi Alley and North Jianzi Alley.There are North and South Street gates in each section, and "street watchers" are responsible for opening and closing.

The scene of the crime was at the southern end of South Scissors Lane. When Gao Chongjiu arrived just now, he had a mind and told the street watchers not to open the street gates—it was supposed to open at dusk.Now, the entire South Scissors Alley is still blocked, outsiders can't get in, and people inside can't get out.Unless the murderer who dumped the body was a burglar who could scurry through walls, he must still be somewhere in the street.And the scene of the murder must be somewhere in this street.

Gao Chongjiu is justified in being so sure. The street gate system is actually the resurrection of the "Lifang" system in the past.It's just that the city is no longer a "checkerboard", so the system of street gates has been adopted.After the gates are closed at night, except for doctors and midwives, ordinary people cannot pass through. Even powerful and powerful families will not ask people to open the street gates at night.

In this way, although it is somewhat inconvenient for the citizens, it is indeed of great use in terms of law and order.Except for snitches who can go high and high, it is difficult for general thieves and thieves to move at night.When Gao Chongjiu was working in the yamen, every time he encountered a major case that was severely punished by the Shangguan, as long as he roughly knew which street the prisoner was on, the leader of the fast team would usually close the street gates, and then the yamen servants would be led by the head of Baojia to go door to door. Unless the news is inaccurate, the arrest of the criminal is almost certain.

This method has been tried and tested repeatedly, but it disturbs the people too much.But for the yamen servants, it is a good opportunity to make a fortune: Whether it is interrogation or search from house to house, the shops and houses must be filial with money. , just get suspected of being a "thief" and drag him to the classroom to entertain him for a few days, that's not something that can be solved with a few hundred coppers.

Li Zhenguo also knew this method. In all fairness, it was the easiest and fastest method at the moment. If the criminal was found, the body would naturally be found as well.Agree immediately.The two immediately went back to the police station and said to the director: The director will send people to block all the street gates leading to Nanjianzi Lane to prevent anyone from sneaking over the street gates, and at the same time summon the chief security officer and team leader of the film to the police station Hold a meeting and check whether there are any suspicious persons recently.

As for Li Ziyu and Zhao Gui, since they are the patrolmen in this film, they can also contribute.The director originally wanted to ask them to guard the street gate, but Li Zhenguo said that they were the first to find out, and it was better to stay in the office so that they could ask questions immediately if they thought of anything.At the same time, they sent people to the Municipal Bureau, requesting that gangsters be sent to salvage the corpses in the river.

The police officers on duty in the station were dispatched separately. The sky had just dawned, and all the households hadn't left their homes yet. The police station greeted them. Except for one who was bedridden and unable to come, the Baojia chiefs in the Nanjianzi Lane were not in a while. It's all here.

Li Zhenguo first asked if there were any suspicious outsiders in the local area in the past few days, and if there was anything suspicious recently.

According to the new household registration management system, all outsiders who stay in the residential shops in this film for more than 24 hours must come to the police station to declare a temporary household registration.This is not an invention of modern society. Wang Shouren had similar regulations when he implemented the Baojia system. However, the household registration system at that time had not yet been clearly institutionalized, and the efficiency of implementation depended on whether the bureaucrats and the Baojia chief were careful.

The household registration system established by the Senate in Guangzhou is naturally much more effective than the simple Baojia system. The Baojia chiefs have special "officials" - household registration police.Naturally, work efficiency has improved a lot.In particular, the household registration police officers in each police station are actually naturalized cadres sent by Lingao.It has its own set of means of doing things.The system was quickly established.

But the Baojia chiefs couldn't tell why. Everyone said that there was no suspicious person recently.There are not many new arrivals in the city recently: because of the Northern Expedition of the Senate Army, most people can not go out without going out - when the army was in chaos, long-distance travel is a risky thing.Therefore, in the past three days, there were only a dozen or so outsiders who came to apply for temporary household registration.Gao Chongjiu knows that generally speaking, people who work as Baojia chiefs on the street are not ordinary people, at least they are people who have seen the world, can speak well, and can deal with all aspects.The way people look at people is a bit more "poisonous" than ordinary people.If they said there were no suspicious characters, then of course there would be none.This somewhat disappointed Gao Chongjiu.

As for the suspicious things, the chiefs of the Baojia rummaged through their stomachs and said a few things, but most of them were trivial matters.At least on the surface, it has nothing to do with the murder case.

Li Zhenguo said that since there were no usable clues, he asked the Baojia chiefs to lead the way, and went door-to-door with the police.

Naturally, Li Ziyu and Zhao Gui also had to go to investigate together.

Just as they started to check from house to house, two gangsters in charge of salvaging corpses also came in boats.They are responsible for the salvage of corpses from rivers in the city.The status of the gangsters is low, and there is no treatment at all. It all depends on the corpse owner and the government to reward some money.The water is freezing in winter and the smell is so bad in summer that no one except beggars wants to do this job.

The two men who salvaged the remains rowed a small boat, one stayed at the bow and pushed the boat forward slowly, while the other sat at the stern and lowered a string of giant rolling hooks tied with thick hemp ropes into the river until it reached the bottom of the river.In this way, search back and forth section by section in the distance of 50 meters upstream and downstream of Hebutou.

The river has not been dredged for many years, and there are a lot of debris and garbage under the water. They searched section by section, and the hooks pulled a lot of heavy objects, but they were full of all kinds of garbage. .The two of them fished in the river for a long time like this, but they didn't catch anything, let alone a headless corpse.

The news reached the two criminal police officers who were investigating the residents, Gao Chongjiu and Li Zhenguo couldn't hold back anymore.The absence of a body meant that their previous inferences were untenable.In addition to instructing Wugong to expand the search area, Gao Chongjiu and Li Zhenguo decided to split into two groups.Gao Chongjiu continued to check the residents, and Li Zhenguo went back to the scene to see if he could find any more clues.

Since they were going back to the site for exploration, Li Ziyu and Zhao Gui naturally had to accompany them.When Li Zhenguo returned to the scene, the police cordoned off the place. Although there was nothing at the scene, the murder happened on the street and spread on the street. The gates on both sides of the street were closed tightly, and the leaders of each team were busy. Asking people from door to door also proved that the legend is true.So as soon as Li Zhenguo came back here, there were already many idlers around to watch the excitement.

Li Zhenguo first came to Xizhi Shiyi Alley. This alley is quite long, and you can walk along the alley to another north-south street.The street gate here is still locked, and it is obvious that criminals can neither enter nor exit here after nightfall.Either he was just hiding in the alley when he dropped the body, or the crime scene is here!

Li Zhenguo tried his best to recall what he saw, heard and learned when he was on a mission with Wuxiang.It is obvious that a dead body is very heavy, and a man cannot walk a long way while carrying it on his back.Therefore, the location of the crime will not be far from the place where the body was dumped.

(End of this chapter)

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