Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1797

Chapter 1797

This kind of "disorder" is what the Senate's governance thinking is unwilling to see.From the perspective of people's livelihood, although small and micro enterprises and self-employed individuals are small in scale, they are an indispensable part in solving employment and facilitating social life.If moderately supported, it is also a good tax source.

However, they are really small and scattered, and they have to pay too much administrative cost for both management and tax collection. It is easier to operate by organizing a guild.

The next step of issuing new currency requires the support of industrial and commercial households.

In the three months since entering the city in March, the police organization has been initially established, dental shops have been abolished, wholesale markets have been established, and state-owned commercial enterprises have rushed to set up stores in Guangzhou... After all, it is all to support the issuance of new currency.Liu Xiang wants to be able to travel unimpeded in Guangzhou as soon as the new currency is issued.Whether the Chamber of Commerce and Industry can be effectively controlled and managed will be the key to the success or failure of the issuance.

This business representative conference first sorted out the industrial and commercial guilds and trade unions in the city.Promulgated the "Regulations on the Management of Trade Associations" and implemented the registration system.All guilds and guilds must be registered and filed with the municipal government; each guild must have a fixed office address and have a dedicated person in charge; all "public land" and "public property" under the name of the guild must be registered and filed, otherwise they will not be recognized.The "official money" under the name of each guild must have an account.

For the situation where there are multiple guilds in the same industry, because the situation is complicated and each guild has its own public property, it will not be merged for the time being.For industries that have not organized guilds, order them to organize guilds within one month and elect the person in charge.

Liu Xiang glanced over the texts of the resolutions and orders below, and stayed on the list of the first board of directors of the Federation of Industry and Commerce. people.He had seen or heard of most of them.Some of them are "hidden cadres" controlled by the Political Security Bureau, and some of them are specially selected from small and micro business households - one of them is Zhang Yu's father - to balance the power of the big households in the federation, Liu Xiang I thought, we need to support these people, not financially, but politically.To lift them up.

While thinking about it, Guo Xier walked in and announced that all members of the first council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry had arrived.

"I'll come right away." Liu Xiang stood up and ordered, "Let's inform Director Chen again that everyone is here, please invite him to a meeting."

A few days later, as night fell, the "Jufenghao" dumping shop in the old city of Guangzhou had already been boarded up, but there was light leaking through the cracks in the door—extremely bright.The smoke on the roof and the smoke from the upstairs also showed that the shop had not gone out.

The lobby of the dumping shop should have no tables and chairs like other shops, so as to prevent criminals from using the tables and chairs to cross the one-person-high counter to spy on the actions behind the counter.But today, a long table was set up like in the living room of a big family, and a circle of people sat together, all of them looked rich and sipping tea.In a side room behind the counter, a fire was burning, and silver ingots were being poured.

"Shopkeeper Shen, we send people here to pour money on weekdays. If we don't let you see it, it's fine. Today, there are so many comrades in Guangzhou Fucheng here, so we don't let us see it!" It was Boss Zhu of Mihang who spoke. , It is said that he is still a clan, native-born, but since his grandfather's generation, his name has not been on the gold plate jade plate.Relying on the wealth and contacts accumulated by his ancestors, Boss Zhu's generation is already the leader of the rice line in Guangzhou.It's a pity that after the bandits broke through the city a few years ago, they stuffed into a Dachang rice shop, and Boss Zhu's momentum has weakened so much.Over the years, Boss Zhu's business has been suppressed by Dachang, and his temper has become more and more irritable.

"Boss Zhu! The little old man's family can eat by pointing at this handicraft! Besides, this small crucible is smelting with heat waves, and all the bosses are blessed by the God of Wealth. Ah!" Shopkeeper Shen replied unceremoniously.

"You're still eating! If you really push this shit, your house should be closed!" Boss Zhu insisted unceremoniously. "We just want to see it. In the future, I'm afraid this craft will never be seen again!"

Everyone looked at each other, and looked at each other in blank dismay—is Boss Zhu going to give up on himself?Have the courage to call the thief in the public!This is to kill us all!Kun thief, ah no, the Australians have been here for almost [-] days, and they didn’t say that they would touch the big... um... Pseudo-Ming clan, and the names on the gold and jade plates were not touched. This is what Boss Zhu sent What kind of temper?Could it be that he really regards the one sitting in the Forbidden City as his family and wants to show allegiance?
Shopkeeper Shen was disgraced, and his face was flushed with anger—even though he had burned his face long ago by guarding the silver stove all his life—he snorted heavily, and said: "It's a big deal, little old man!" I closed the shop and went to Qiongya Island to invest in Australians. I can’t imitate the silver coins of the Australians, but I have not worked in vain for decades. I'm not afraid that I won't be able to get a living if I'm good at it!"

Boss Zhu took a breath and seemed to want to refute a few more words, but the others quit and persuaded him one after another.Some persuaded shopkeeper Shen to calm down, some questioned Boss Zhu about what he was angry with today, and some diverted the topic.Only the Gao Dong family at the head held it high, sitting motionless, without saying a word, just sipping the Limushan oolong tea in his hand.After a while, the scene cooled down, looking at each other, everyone felt bored, so they also learned to raise their hands high and stopped talking, just eating and drinking tea.Occasionally, someone said something like "This walnut cake tastes familiar, it should be from the Zhangjia Tea Shop outside Yongqing Street.", or "This Australian oolong tea is good for the stomach, and it doesn't feel sweet when paired with tea.", but everyone At most one or two echoes and then the silence again.

Gradually there were tinkling and knocking sounds coming from behind. Shopkeeper Shen closed his eyes and listened to the strength with his ears pricked up, instead of frowning or nodding with a smile, everyone could understand at a glance that it was almost ready.Sure enough, not long after, a small apprentice running errands came over with a lacquer tray and said to the crowd: "Go back to the shopkeeper! Go back to the bosses! The small water silk ingots worth one, two or six yuan have cooled down. Covered; under the blue veil is a piece of water silk that we have already made in our shop." Gently placed it in front of shopkeeper Shen, the little apprentice turned around and trotted, and brought an Australian kerosene lamp from behind. The last one was divided into left and right and placed in front of shopkeeper Shen, passed the fire, and turned the wick to the brightest.For a moment, the hall was full of light, just like daytime.

Everyone's eyes were focused on shopkeeper Shen in an instant, even Boss Zhu, who was inexplicably provocative just now, did the same.Experts are about to make a move!
Shopkeeper Shen first took the dishcloth handed over and wiped his hands, then covered his left hand with a silk handbag, and then used his left hand to grab the newly built water silk ingot.Everyone saw it in their eyes, and cursed secretly in their hearts: On weekdays, when I ask you to see the fineness of the silver, why don't you see you wearing gloves!Just in a daze, those who were distracted to spit didn't notice that shopkeeper Shen conjured a small golden hammer out of nowhere.This little golden hammer is also well-known in the business circles of Guangfu. It is an ancestral treasure of the Shen family. It is made of pure gold and its name is Jin Chuzi.It is also said that it is blessed by a secret method, once the gold and silver are struck, it can tell the head of the Shen family how fine the gold and silver are.After looking and looking, knocking and knocking, and comparing back and forth, shopkeeper Shen put the golden hammer into his arms, and sat upright, with an inscrutable look.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to speak. After a while, Boss Zhu couldn't hold back again, and asked, "What's the matter, shopkeeper Shen, please tell me!" But in exchange, shopkeeper Shen scorned With a glance, a few words were gently revealed between the teeth, "What are you panicking!"

Boss Zhu was about to have a fit again, but the little apprentice happened to bring another plate, this time it was a pair of silver medals three inches long, two fingers wide, and one cent thick. After further polishing, it becomes the indispensable flower lotus in every family, which is used to authorize the affairs of the family.The two pieces in front of them are square and square, without any engravings.Shopkeeper Shen watched and tapped again, then folded it up again, and sat in the center, maintaining an inscrutable look.

Later came some objects of different sizes and shapes one after another, all in pairs, one was just cast, and the other was the original Shen family.

The last one to come up was Boss Shen's son, who was carrying two thin sticks in addition to two ingots of ten taels of government-made treasury silver on the plate.

Boss Shen tapped again, then got up and made way for his son to sit down, and began to tap and observe from the beginning.But I ran behind the counter and got some things out.Everyone was not interested in beating silver ingots or silver medals - they had seen them all just now, but their eyes were focused on Lao Shen's hands.The one that looks like a fish is the silver star weighing scale, which can weigh the money down to a few cents.The other one is in a box and hasn't been opened yet, but Gao Ju has already seen that it must be a Western-made balance—Australian-made balances are more refined, and he has one at home, which he keeps as a treasure on weekdays.

The father and son weighed again, and then solemnly put away all kinds of tools—Jin Jizi or Lao Shen put them back in his arms.Everyone's eyes focused on Lao Shen again.Shopkeeper Shen brewed the atmosphere for a long time, and said: "Changxi, you talk about it first."

"Yes! Daddy!" Shopkeeper Shen's son was originally standing behind Shopkeeper Shen. After receiving Shopkeeper Shen's words, he took a step forward. Changing his posture of bowing his head and bowing his head, Qi Yuxuan suddenly stood up.Seeing this, quite a few of the people present nodded secretly: as expected, Xiao Shen Zhangyan, who was preparing to take over the class of shopkeeper Shen, and the title of "Shen Gongbao with fiery eyes and golden eyes" was not entirely based on bragging.

(End of this chapter)

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