Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1800 Big vision in business

Chapter 1800 Big vision in business

Section 140 VI

Gao Ju knew that he was going to "fight" with the Australians to set conditions.He cursed secretly, saying that it's easy for you to touch your lips.As for the worries of merchants, he also has them-no one is born with a high level of consciousness.Those who are willing to take out vain silver to exchange banknotes.

However, Gao Ju is very clear that the Senate has great determination to reform the currency value this time.From several conversations with Liu Xiang and Zheng Shangjie, he knew that there was no room for change in this matter.The money industry association wants to implement it in a discounted way, and Australians will never accept it.

Gao Ju didn't know why the Senate wanted to reform the new currency.In the past, the Australians engaged in circulating coupons on Hainan Island. He guessed that it was because the Australians were short of silver, and Guangdong was short of copper coins, so he had to use this method to make up for it.But now their situation is not what it used to be. Needless to say, the Senate defeated Zheng Zhilong, forced Liu Xiang to surrender, and wiped out and subdued all sea lords in Fujian and Guangdong. Most of the business in the East and West is now in their hands. .The merchants in the city of Guangzhou estimated that this item alone would bring in an annual income of three or four million taels of silver.Logically speaking, they shouldn't be short of money at all.

To talk about the Australians' own expenses, it is frugal and outrageous. Even the most violent people have to admit that Australians are "bad palaces and Filipino food". Apart from good women, there is nothing to criticize in terms of life enjoyment .

After much deliberation, Gao Ju couldn't figure out what the Australians had to spend a lot of money on, and came up with the trick of silver dollar circulation certificates.

It's good to use silver dollars, but it's not good to use precious banknotes.Gao Ju is a businessman, and knows that every time the imperial court makes a move in the economy, it will inevitably attract speculators to chase after the smell and make a fortune.resulting in

He knows Guangzhou very well. Even though the businessmen sitting here are the top businessmen in the business world, the wealth they can mobilize is probably not one-tenth of the silver in this city.In this dark home of tens of thousands of households, in the caves of the rockery, in the stone rooms of the house, under the stone slabs in the yard, and in the boxes in the bedroom and study, there is a lot of wealth sleeping—if the money is used by others, it will be lost in an instant. destructive force.Regardless of the fact that the Australians are strong and powerful, they have lost the battle economically, and they are also untenable in Guangzhou.

Thinking of this, Gao Ju felt vaguely worried about the Australians.

Worrying is nothing but worrying, the work arranged by Zheng Shangjie still needs to be done.Once the new currency is issued, it must be unimpeded in the market.

He considered it over and over again, and said: "Gao already knows what everyone means. However, the issuance of new coins is very important to the Senate. The meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry that day, and all the cheers present here are also there, but there is a little emotional intelligence. Room? I don’t think there is much room for maneuver.”

"It's up to Mr. Gao to come forward. You are an old acquaintance of the Australians." Boss Zhu said, "Even if there are some expenses, everyone is willing to repay you. You will never let Mr. Gao suffer."

The words were yin and yang, and the cultivation skills were excellent, but he just smiled and said: "The actions of the Senate are different from hypocrisy. They have always been upright, and such means cannot be used."

Because this matter has a great relationship with Qian Ye, Liang Chenlong saw that Gao Ju refused to make such a move, and asked again: "Is there no room for this matter at all?"

Gao Ju said: "Although Gao is an outsider, Wuyang City has been settled in this Guangzhou mansion for more than [-] years. The whole family is here. The safety of Guangzhou and the quality of the market are all related to Gao. "

He first stated his position, stating that he would never do anything that "sells out everyone's interests to please Australians".Naturally, everyone may not be able to believe it, but it doesn't matter, with an attitude, what you say will be more convincing.

"...It's just this matter that the Senate regards as a top priority. I heard that a household minister has been sent to Guangzhou to supervise this matter. Even the two heads, Wen and Liu, may not be able to intervene in this matter."

As soon as these words were said, they looked at each other in blank dismay.The merchants present all showed disappointment.Everyone knows that the biggest backer of the high-level is "Wen Xiang". If the head of Wen can't speak, wouldn't everyone have nothing to do?Regardless of whether this statement is true or not, Gao Ju's refusal to make such a head is enough to show the determination of the Australians on this matter.

"I don't know if there are too many of this kind of circulation certificates? It is said that the people who are willing to exchange the circulation certificates for silver coins are the same as silver dollars." If there are too many tickets and insufficient silver, then..." Liang Chenlong shook his head and stopped talking.

Everyone has something to worry about, and now that he has said it clearly, the worries and dissatisfaction of all the families suddenly poured out like water breaking a dam, and the shop in Jufeng became noisy for a while.

Boss Zhu said in a strange tone again: "I think this circulation coupon will definitely be worthless in the future."

Gao Ju felt that his words were too arbitrary.Credit depends on everyone's maintenance. If the silver dollar circulation certificates are not issued indiscriminately, the regulations are well established, and there is no inconvenience in using them in the market. With the support of all walks of life, the circulation certificates should be able to maintain a stable value. Otherwise, the abuse will be unimaginable. .The market is in chaos. Even if some people can make a fortune out of the fire, most of them will suffer.

If it was Daming instead of the Australian who issued the negotiable notes today, then he must have avoided it and even used all resources to destroy it, because the Ming court has taught merchants enough lessons on many things in the treasure notes. : You can't trust the government's words.But the Australians are different. Circulatory coupons have been used in Hainan for many years, and there is nothing wrong with them. Australians have always had a good reputation for keeping promises.Gao Ju is still trustworthy to them.

He didn't speak at the moment, and only waited for the raging discussion to slow down, and when everyone had expressed their opinions but there was no conclusion, he opened his mouth and said:

"Ms. Gao has an opinion, and I ask you to consider it when I say it," he said, "The new circulation coupons for Australians have just been issued. Although we don't know whether it is good or bad, we always have to think about the good, and we can't think about it." Think about the bad. Although everyone needs to use the banknotes, but the most closely related is our merchants. The credit of the circulation notes is not good, and the first unlucky one is our merchants, so we have to help the circulation notes to make credit. Circulation Our business can only be done if the securities stand firm. Otherwise, the market will be chaotic and the market will change three times a day, how can everyone do business?"

Compared with the speech of "seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages" when the whole room was full of words just now, it gave people a refreshing feeling, and everyone immediately became quiet.

"Hey!" Boss Mi said, "I can't see that Mr. Gao still has such a big reason to say!"

Gao Ju ignored his faint sarcasm, and said: "Everyone, please think about it, this circulation coupon has been used in Qiongzhou Prefecture for four or five years, and I have never heard of any problems; Australians have always been the most conscientious. Credibility. We will definitely not be so short-sighted as to kill a chicken to get its eggs."

This statement is well-founded, and no one can refute it—many of you have been to Hainan and even Lingao, and facts speak louder than words.

Gao Ju went on to say: "How shrewd are you in doing business? Thirteen levels of abacus, you can count in and out without missing a beat. This is cleverness. What matters is vision. The bigger the business, the farther your vision is. Everyone It’s all about big business, so we must look at the big picture.”

As he spoke, he lit a cigar for himself, and slowly exhaled smoke rings: "Now the Ming Dynasty is troubled by domestic and foreign troubles, and the wind and rain are precarious. Qin has lost its deer, and the heroes of the world are chasing it. Everyone, please think, among the heroes of the world, who is the most powerful? Strong? Who has the greatest ability?"

The Ming Dynasty is about to perish, and the Senate is going to fight for the world. Everyone knows this.But no one has said it so clearly.Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, feeling a little suddenly enlightened.

"...The purpose of our business is to help the Senate win the battle!"

"Master Gao," a businessman frowned slightly, and said in a hoarse voice, "I don't quite understand what you're saying."

"Then let me explain more clearly." Gao Ju replied, "As long as the business can help the Senate win the war, I will do it, even if it is at a loss. This is not a loss, but putting down the capital. Taiping, what kind of business is not easy to do? At that time, you have contributed a lot, and the Senate will repay you, and doing business is convenient everywhere. Think about it, is there any more profitable business than this?"

"That's true," said Shopkeeper Ding of the grain store, "Even if we don't get any benefits, as long as the roads are calm and the people are peaceful, the business can be done."

Gao Ju saw that someone agreed, and hit the railway while it was hot, "Don't talk about the future, just talk about the present: Since the Senate has eliminated the pirates in the seas of Fujian and Yue, now the sugar, tea, porcelain and various mountain products in Fujian do not need to detour to go to Jiangxi. Wuling, if you go directly to Guangdong by sea, the price has dropped by more than half—you all think about it, is this the reason?”

Although these words did not completely convince the merchants, at least they did not have the strong sense of resistance just now.In the end, the heads of various guilds agreed to cooperate with the issuance of new currency and use silver dollars and banknotes in an all-round way.

Liang Chenlong returned home in a sedan chair, even though Gao Ju said that, he was still uneasy.Liang Chenlong's Maokang Bank is only a small company in the money industry, and the scale is not large, but he is a member of the same clan of the Liang family. With this relationship, he often makes some unscrupulous money transactions for the gentry.Therefore, he has a deep relationship with the gentry, and became the leader of the Money Industry Association.

The Australians entered Guangzhou, and Maokang's business was hit the hardest.Because his family has close business contacts with the banking industry in the north and the south.Guangzhou changed flags, some of the gentry in the city fled, some lived in seclusion, and the north-south communication was cut off.The exchange and lending business between Maokang and the two capitals was almost completely interrupted.Right now it's just doing some local business maintenance.

He came to the outer study where he did his daily work, wiped his face in a hurry, and didn't even have time to drink the tea offered by the maid, so he spread paper and ink, and began to write the letter.

(End of this chapter)

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