Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1818

Chapter 1818
"What?! Impossible, no matter what, Ming Nv is your brother-in-law's flesh and blood, and your brother-in-law's family can't survive, so why did you sell her? Did you go find it first?" Li Ziyu was a little surprised.Zeng Juan's brother-in-law's tea house, they used to go to eat and drink together.

"It's not my brother-in-law's continuation!" Zeng Juan said that she was so angry that her face turned pale. "That woman has been talking about Mingnu as a loser and she is going to sell her to someone else as a maid. She is planning on this matter." It's been a while. I didn't expect to do such a murderous trick!" As he spoke, he couldn't help sobbing.

Zeng Juanyuan didn't have much affection for this niece, but after his sister passed away, the child became his sister's only memory in the world, and the status in his mind was completely different.

"Hey, a good man doesn't flick his tears easily, don't cry!" Li Ziyu hurriedly comforted, "Come on, tell me what's going on!"

"I went to deliver some snacks and clothes to the children the day before yesterday. When I came out of the tea house, I happened to see Chengzi and Huazai—these are my two nephews. You have seen them..."

"I know that, choose what's important."

"Chengzi and Huazi were sitting on the street, neither playing nor making trouble. When I talked to them, they all started crying, which means the girl is gone!"

"When did this happen?"

"They said they didn't see Ming Nv for dinner the night before yesterday." Zeng Juan said, "I hurried to find my brother-in-law and the couple, but the brother-in-law hesitated, and the woman insisted that Ming Nv went out to play. I kept asking, and my brother-in-law only admitted Ming Nv." Not here', I asked where I went, they didn't say at first, but when I couldn't ask, the woman called me 'troublesome', and explained that the woman ran away by herself, but later changed her words and said that she was 'patted' I caught it... I asked my brother-in-law to go find Mingnu and she tried every means to stop me, so I got into an argument with her and was pushed to the ground..." After Zeng Juan finished speaking angrily, he cried and begged Li Ziyu: " Brother Yu, you must help me! The government doesn’t care if the child is lost, now how will our family find it... woo woo woo..."

"Brother Zeng, don't worry! This child's disappearance is a serious case in our Song Dynasty. Just sit down for a while. I will ask Agui to make a report for you. I will report it to my superior immediately!"

"Brother Yu, Zeng Juan, I swear that I will repay your kindness all my life!"

Li Ziyu couldn't care less about being polite to him. He remembered that when he was training on abduction and trafficking cases in the Longevity Palace, the instructor specifically mentioned the "timeliness" of abduction and trafficking cases. If the case is reported and dealt with within the first 24 hours, the possibility of being recovered is greater. .The more time passes, the less likely it is to solve the case.

He hurried to the criminal investigation department and reported the case to the criminal police on duty.

The criminal policeman on duty is Gao Chongjiu. The criminal police department has a lot of work. He has more than a dozen cases of various sizes on hand. However, the child abduction case is a "serious case" in the Song Dynasty's police system. He dare not neglect it. Hurry up and tell Zeng Juan to take notes first, and send them over after they are done.


"There is only a nickname called Ming Nu."


"It's ten years old this year."


"Huh? Female female."

"Home address?"

"Is it mine or Ming girl's?"

"Nature belongs to the child."

"Wanshenglu Tea House, No. 141, Liurong Street, that's it."

"How long have you been missing?"

"I disappeared the night before yesterday. If I hadn't delivered the snacks today, I still wouldn't have known that Ming Nu had disappeared." Thinking of what kind of villain Ming Nu would encounter, Zeng Juan choked up a little.


Zeng Juan made a record with Agui—at this time, the case had not yet risen to the level of abduction and trafficking, and according to the procedure, it could only be regarded as a missing persons case.

Gao Chongjiu looked at the transcript and saw that Li Ziyu had come with him personally. He knew that the person who came to report the crime must have some connection with this Police Officer Li. , it's Li Ziyu who is doing well, and it can be seen that he is very popular with the chief.

According to the past rules, the Yamen does not care about such cases.There are hundreds if not thousands of women and children who disappear in the city of Guangzhou every year. If it was going to be in the past, the Ming government would definitely not deal with such cases.Cases such as shooting flowers have been solved by high-ranking police officers, but most of them discovered clues by accident, went deep into the investigation, and finally cracked them. Few people solve the case after reporting to the police—the police generally don’t care about such cases. thing.Occasionally, a wealthy family would ask for someone to be traced.

Although it is a common practice for the fast class arresters to "eat gangsters", they generally don't eat the wealth of "photographers".This business not only separates the flesh and blood, but also acts so weirdly and viciously that even people in the public family are afraid of being implicated by them and "hurt their Yin integrity".

However, although there is no collusion, it does not mean that the people in the Gongmen do not know about their activities.Especially the catchers have a large number of lower-level eyes, ears, and eyes. It is not too difficult to find someone if you work hard.So Gao Chongjiu comforted Zeng Juan a few words before asking about the specifics of the case.

However, after reading the transcript, he asked a few more questions, and said solemnly: "It seems that your brother-in-law sold the child himself."

Zeng Juan said anxiously: "Master, you are right. But he refused to admit it, and his wife who was on the street was even more vicious, so I went to the police station to report the case..."

Gao Chongjiu said: "You are Ayu's friend, so I won't talk about corners. If he sells it by himself, our police station really doesn't care..."

Zeng Juan said anxiously: "Why..." I probably realized that my attitude was not respectful enough-this is asking someone to do something!
Li Ziyu also said: "Jiuye, please do me a favor! His sister left such a little flesh and blood, she can't let someone spoil her!"

Gao Chongjiu said: "Ayu, you are being polite. It's not that I don't want to help, but according to this report law, let alone whether the case can be filed, even if it can be filed, it is useless at all-even though abduction is now regarded as a serious case. It's done, but the laws of Song Dynasty don't say that selling children is illegal. Let's go and investigate, as long as your brother-in-law shows his birth certificate, this case is not a missing persons case, and the police can't do anything about him."

Gao Chongjiu is an old man, although he has only been a policeman in the Song Dynasty for a few days, he has already read several laws and regulations related to daily case handling promulgated by the Senate - the policeman in the yamen Although the yamen servants do evil things on weekdays, they are much stronger than ordinary people in terms of "legal awareness".Li Ziyu and Zeng Juan were speechless immediately after these few words came at their fingertips.

"Furthermore, according to the criminal laws of the Song Dynasty, when reporting a missing person case, if the missing person is a child, according to the rules, a guardian is required—that is, a parent. A Juan is only an uncle, not a guardian. When he comes to report this case, the bureau directly It can be handled without filing a case.”

"Then...then...what should I do?" Zeng Juan was so anxious that he wanted to pull his hair.Li Ziyu quickly comforted him, and said, "Jiu Ye, do you think you should think of another way?"

Gao Chongjiu saw that the fire was almost ready, so he whispered: "There is a way. But you have to ask your friend to say that..."

How should I put it, it is not acceptable to directly report missing persons, because Zeng Juan is not Ming Nu's guardian, and his report will not be accepted.

"...For example, his two nephews, Chengzi and Huazi, said that they saw Mingnu talking to an old woman, and then Mingnu followed her away, and they couldn't hear them shouting from behind."

Li Ziyu said "Ah", thinking that this is a forged statement, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and said in a low voice: "Isn't this a false report?"

Gao Chongjiu said: "If you want to handle this case, you have to say so. In this way, you can suspect that there is a 'patching of flowers' and file the case as a 'abduction case'. Once the case is filed, I will take a few brothers to the teahouse, With some tricks, you can find out the whereabouts of the girl after three coaxes and two threats. What to do next is your brother's business."

Li Ziyu just felt that this matter was a little unreliable, but he knew that Gao Chongjiu's old story was right.They can't pass the threshold of guardian alone.

Li Ziyu thought over and over again, called Zeng Juan aside, and said so and so.Zeng Juan immediately said that there was no problem - as long as he could save Ming Nu, he was willing to say anything.

"You have to think about it. As long as your brother-in-law shows his deed of betrayal, the police will have nothing to do with him. You have to figure out how to save Ming Nu."

"As long as I know the whereabouts of Mingnu, I will try to rescue her." Zeng Juan was full of momentum.

The two of them finished the discussion, and Zeng Juan immediately reported the case according to the caliber taught by Li Ziyu.After Gao Chongjiu recorded his statement, he went to file the case.

The kidnapping case was a major case in the police system of the Senate. As soon as the case was reported, the duty officer did not dare to neglect it, and immediately reported it to Wuxiang who was on duty in the bureau, and immediately started the investigation.After a while, the police officers from the forensic department brought a set of standard portrait cards. Li Ziyu also knew this thing. Through the reporter's description of the subject's facial features, he could quickly piece together a person's face, which was very convenient to use— ―This is not considered a modern invention. The ancient yamen had a similar practice, but the level of portrait sketching at that time was very poor, and the spelled portraits were often far from real people. It is completely different from this lifelike portrait card.

The policeman quickly put together a jigsaw puzzle that most resembled a bright woman according to Zeng Juan's description. Li Ziyu took the portrait and ran to the copy room to ask for a copy. Of course, the police station does not have a copy machine, and the portraits used are cameras. The method of reprinting and reprinting.At least it will be printed tomorrow.

Although the case was filed, Wuxiang didn't have enough manpower to arrange it. At this time, Gao Chongjiu volunteered: "I'll handle this case."

"You already have a dozen cases on you."

"It doesn't matter. This kind of abduction and trafficking case is mainly to collect information. I know everyone in Guangzhou well. If I ask for a day or two, there must be someone's whereabouts. If there is no one, it will probably be difficult to handle."

Wu Xiang understood what he meant: "Okay, it's up to you to do it! You need to find the whereabouts of the girl as soon as possible. After a long time, if she is sent outside, nothing will happen."

(End of this chapter)

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