Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1834

Chapter 1834

Zhao Gui nodded quickly, repeated his words several times, and then led the people away.

After Zhao Gui took the people away, Li Ziyu told him to close the gate tightly, guarded by soldiers, and gathered all the people in the courtyard. During the investigation a few days ago, the police station had roughly figured out the general situation of the courtyard. Of course, Li Ziyu had a target in mind, and divided the people into guards one by one according to the distinction between Laoju, Doufenshui, handyman craftsman, mother and maid, and Pipazai.

He detained Mrs. Yao, Mu Yun and Huang Xiang one by one for questioning. Naturally, there was no need to ask more about He Xiaoyue's matter, it was a matter of certainty.Focus on investigating whether there is any "private purchase of pipa boys".

The three of them questioned each other separately, so naturally they didn't dare to hide anything. Without much effort, they confessed that Sister Han Qiao had indeed bought a girl from Ren Ya a few days ago. She was about ten years old and a native of Guangzhou.The appearance is roughly the same as that of Ming Nu. At first, sister Han Qiao didn't want it too much, but then she suddenly bought it again for some reason.

"...Master Yu, you are very wise." Huang Xiang bent over and said with a servile face, "It's not that the aunt is ignorant of the rules of the Song Dynasty, and she went back a few times, and then she asked Ren Ya to bring the child back for some reason."

"What's the name of this child?" Li Ziyu asked casually pretending to be careless.

"It seems to be called Ming Nu," Huang Xiang said, "I just saw the small one when Ren Ya brought her in."

Li Ziyu couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, it seems that Master Jiu's news is accurate!He immediately asked again: "Where is this girl now?"

"I really don't know the little ones," Huang Xiang said, "after the Pipa Boys are bought, they are all controlled and taught by Miss Muyun. Doufenshui is not allowed to intervene. And they are usually in the backyard. If they don't get a note, they don't come to the front... ..."

Ask Mu Yun again, Mu Yun explained that the girl was indeed sent to her for training, she was in the courtyard a few days ago, and she suddenly disappeared yesterday.

"...Auntie asked Sister-in-law Yao to take her and where she was taken, and this servant didn't know. This servant dare not lie." Mu Yun was very knowledgeable, and when he came in, he knelt on the ground and answered, looking gentle and docile. I see a pitiful look.

Li Ziyu asked the older girls in Pipazai again, and they all said that they had indeed met Ming Nu.It just disappeared again yesterday.They didn't dare to ask Mu Yun.

Li Ziyu roughly understood the question, and then brought Mrs. Yao here for questioning.

As soon as Mrs. Yao opened her mouth, she really tried to evade in every possible way, and refused to admit that there was a Ming girl in the courtyard. Li Ziyu questioned her again and again, but she never admitted that there was such a thing.Li Ziyu had experience with this for a long time, and knew that such "time-tested" street shrew's good words were mostly useless, so he took care of her to be handcuffed and hung on the beam, leaving only her toes on the ground.

Unexpectedly, when Mrs. Yao was in Laoju, because her "business" was not good, it was common for her to be tortured by the bustard, beating the board, kneeling on the chain, holding the lamp on top, drinking sesame oil... In terms of the ability to endure crimes and torture, she can be regarded as someone on Lefang Street. Top card.This method was useless to her.Hanging with her for more than two hours, watching Lian Nishang come over, Mrs. Yao was already sweating profusely, twitching all over, and still insisted that she didn't know about Ming Nu.Li Ziyu was angry and impatient, but he neither had the right nor the ability to torture him.

"This woman must know some secret, otherwise she wouldn't be so stubborn about a girl." After hearing his report, Lian Nishang immediately made an inference.

"Good morning, team leader..."

"Hehe," Lian Nishang sneered a few times, "It's not a high opinion, but Fangchunyuan is so bold and continues to commit crimes against the wind, it seems that the previous few measures to beat the bustard 500 lashes and fine [-] taels of silver are still too light. We have to double down this time.”

"What the team leader means is..." Li Ziyu was secretly happy. He wanted to find Ming Nu and give Zeng Juan's ex-brother-in-law a good-looking couple. The bigger the case, the better.

"Office on the spot! Dispose of it on the spot." Lian Nishang said, "It's just a reminder to all the institutions here."

Because of Zhuo Yifan's suspension, she was quarantined and reviewed for a period of time after the case was over. Although she was later released to resume work, the comment of "lack of vigilance" was out of file. Although Lian Nishang couldn't see her own file materials, but then she was "promoted" to Guangzhou, which seems to fully prove that this was a left move.Because there is a fire in her heart.

But when she arrived in Guangzhou, she was supposed to be the deputy head of the household registration department, and she had no direct relationship with various cases.Later, she was appointed as the deputy head of the rectification of the weathering industry, which gave her a chance to show her skills.

She originally wanted to catch a "typical" and rectify it, but she was suffering from no one hitting her gun.Fangchunyuan not only bought private girls, but also forced them into prostitution.Just the right subject.

"Yes, we must strictly investigate and deal with it!" Li Ziyu hurriedly agreed, "No matter what crimes are hidden in this Fangchunyuan, we must find it out!"

Lian Nishang didn't know the little girl in his heart. He felt that although he came from an old military officer's family, he worked very hard and had a firm attitude towards the old society.

The executive vice-chairman of the "Working Group for Cleaning up the Customs Industry" made a speech, and this set the tone.Lian Nishang can deploy much more resources. She ordered a few orders to go out, and then dispatched a number of militiamen and policemen, not only surrounded the Fangchun Courtyard tightly, but also sent sentries at the intersection of Lefang Street. .Although there is no ban on traffic, the uncle who came to Yeyou couldn't have any elegance when he saw this appearance.Even those who had come to drink and tea, left in a hurry.All the institutes couldn't help scolding their mothers secretly, this is another toss!

This is what Mu Min wants, not only to be severely punished, but also to "sit continuously".She clearly instructed at the work meeting: because the brothel industry itself is full of gray areas-strictly speaking, even in Daming, many acts of brothels are illegal.But brothels have been rampant for many years, and it has even become a "rule".To make the entire industry aware of the seriousness of the "law", not only must the violators be severely punished, but the cost of breaking the law must also be magnified in a continuous manner.

Since it is typical, the scene spread out.Originally, the flower hall where Yingying, Yanyan, singing fans and dancing shirts was turned into a temporary place for handling cases, all decorations were removed, and seat boards were placed.All the people in the courtyard, Sister Han Qiao's cronies were all arrested and detained in one courtyard, and the rest of the people went back to their lower quarters. They were not allowed to enter or leave the courtyard.

The detained confidants of Miss Han Qiao were naturally interrogated by officers from the Interrogation Section, and the others were also interviewed one by one by the police and the temporary naturalized women cadres, and they were asked to "report and expose" "back to back".The point is to ask the old judges to report the old bustard and all kinds of illegal things in the courtyard.

Li Ziyu knew that looking at this situation, he was going to punish Fangchunyuan, so he was secretly happy.Although Mrs. Yao could withstand the torture in the brothel, she couldn't resist the vicious hands of some retained yamen servants in the interrogation department—it didn't take long for her to piss, sweat and cry, crying and saying that she wanted to confess.

"Tell me carefully, where did Ming Nu go?"

"Where did Miss Ming go, I really don't know." Aunt Yao knelt down on the ground, trembling all over, "Yesterday my aunt gave this servant a note with her birth date and zodiac sign on it. Compatible, come out with similar horoscopes, bring to..."

Speaking of this, she seemed to be frightened by something, and suddenly shut up.The two interrogators made a gesture to step forward, but Lian Nishang waved his hand to stop them.Said: "Sister-in-law Yao, although you are sister Han Qiao's confidant, you are also from Lao Ju. Haven't you suffered enough from the old bustard's tortoise slave in the first half of your life? Do you have to thank the old bustard for the whip marks and scars all over your body?"

Sister-in-law Yao lowered her head and panted, watching the gangsters staring at her. She knew that these people were all veterans of the former Ming yamen, and they were all ruthless. It's better to die than to live.However, if he recruited him, he would want to eat this bowl of rice afterwards.Without any hesitation, Lian Nishang was already impatient, and with a glance over, several retained government servants immediately slammed a pair of fingers in front of her, eager to come up.Sister-in-law Yao couldn't bear it any longer, and said repeatedly that she would like to recruit, confessing that Ming Nu was taken to Yuewan's yard.

"Yue Wan?!"

"Yes, she...she... is Mr. Liang's combing girl." Mrs. Yao said in a low voice.

"Is she in the courtyard?"

Standing aside as a jury, Huang Xiang, whose legs were already weak from fright, hurriedly came forward and said: "Ever since Miss Yuewan was groomed by Mr. Liang, she has been living alone in a courtyard. , there is another door to go in and out. The servants are also sent by the Liang family. The younger ones really don't know if she is there or not."

Lian Nishang frowned and asked, "Which Mr. Liang?"

"It's Liang Cunhou, Mr. Liang."

When he said it, he emphasized the three words "Mr. Liang".Because Liang Cunhou's family is not only a first-class gentry in the city, but also has a great relationship with the Senate. It is said that the Cihui Hall opened by Ziji in Guangzhou was strongly supported by the Liang family. Later, Guo Dongzhu started doing business in Guangzhou. He was also very close to the Liang family—it wasn't until the Australian soldiers came to the city of Guangzhou and set fire to Wuyangyi that this relationship gradually became colder.But with this past incident, the Liang family is still well received by Australians, and can be regarded as an important "united front target".

With identities like Lian Nishang and Li Ziyu, no matter in the past or now, the Liang family is far behind.As soon as Huang Xiang mentioned the word "Mr. Liang", Li Ziyu understood what the other party meant.According to the old rules of the past, this is the past, and no one will mention Yue Wan again.

"Since she is still a girl in your courtyard, she will naturally be interrogated." Lian Nishang said, "Send someone to bring her here immediately!"

But Li Ziyu knew the joints, he took a step and said in a low voice:
"Team Leader Lian, this Young Master Liang was a guest of Chief Guo in the past, and the current chiefs have also met him. You have to be careful..."

(End of this chapter)

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