Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1838 Torture

Chapter 1838 Torture
Lian Nishang was almost reduced to prostitution because of family accidents, because he hated old bustards and the like.Although there are naturalized policemen who have received training in modern interrogation techniques in the interrogation department, she still wants to know about Bu Liao and the other government servants who were retained in the past—they are all ruthless torturers who come to interrogate—the key is to kill them. The prestige of the madam breaks their psychological advantage of "life and death" power in the brothel, otherwise the prostitutes will have concerns and it will be difficult to open a breakthrough.

When Xie Buliao saw his name being named by the head of the training section, it was too late to flatter him, not to mention that Sister Han Qiao had offended him in the past, how could such an opportunity to avenge her privately in public be passed up.Lian Nishang didn't know much about interrogation, so it was arranged by Xie Buliao. After she asked a few questions about her name and age, Xie Buliao took his hands up and stripped off Miss Han Qiao's dress without saying a word, making her naked like a tied pig Usually it is tied to a bench, and the small boards woven with strips of bamboo are soaked in cold water, and when they come up, there are forty small boards.

A gentleman like Xie Buliao is a family handed down skill, and he can take care of everything with ease. When he was young, he used to be friends with a "mother sister" in the courtyard. As he grew older, his business was not good, so he became a servant.Xie Bu Liaoyuan intended to spend some money to redeem her body.I never thought that Sister Han Qiao would open her mouth like a lion, and she would not do it unless it was 300 taels of silver.This thing is yellow.Afterwards, his mother died of illness, and Xie Buliao was always brooding about it.

So it's going to be heavy and ruthless.Poor Sister Han Qiao was well-clothed and well-fed on weekdays, pampered and pampered. When she was an old lady, she was a celebrity. She never suffered too much. This small beating knocked her out of her wits, and she even yelled out the word "help".

All the elders, Dou Fanshui, and Ma Jie gathered in the hall, seeing the majestic and uncompromising bustard who was beaten to pieces, naked, like a fish that was about to dry up, screaming on the bench, I couldn't help secretly cheering in my heart.Sister Han Qiao's usual confidantes: Mu Yun, Huang et al, were pale and almost fainted.

Lian Nishang was secretly surprised. She was worried that these old officials would show mercy to old bustards like Sister Han Qiao because of their complicated social relations in the past, but she never expected that the former officials would work so hard.Judging from Sister Han Qiao's hoarse cry of pain and begging for mercy and her desperate struggle regardless of the ropes, Xie Buliao had added fuel, not to mention releasing water.

After playing forty boards, Sister Han Qiao was already breathless, her buttocks and thighs were swollen up to finger height like steamed buns, bruised and blackened.

Lian Nishang frowned and said, "Why do you beat him so hard? How can you torture him when you beat him like this?"

Xie Buliao bowed his waist, and said respectfully: "Section chief, you don't know. These old bustards and tortoise slaves are the most vicious. If you don't break their prestige, you will never be honest. Besides, you are always a woman. That old bustard must be slack and contemptuous. So I will give her a little bit of trouble, the so-called officials are not powerful, but minions are powerful!"

Lian Nishang shook his head and said, "Although that is the case, how will we use punishment next?"

Xie Buliao laughed and said, "What's so difficult about it? If you want to use the cane, I'll put some boards on her buttocks first, so that the blood on her buttocks will dissipate first, then use the cane and the whip, and then beat her four or five times." Ten will not kill anyone, at most leave a piece of paper—she is an old bustard, how can she care about this? If the section chief takes pity on her, and the little one has an iron chain here, first ask her to kneel up and answer. No matter how dishonest she is, if she is an iron man, she will have to open her mouth if she puts on her finger and pulls it up first!"

He spoke so calmly that Han Qiao, who had just recovered from her senses, was so heartbroken that she couldn't care less about her thighs burning like fire and hurriedly shouted: "Your servant is willing to recruit, please forgive me!"

Lian Nishang glanced at Miss Han Qiao's cronies, big and small, who were kneeling below. Their faces were all pale, and their heads shrunk so much that they wished they could fall into their necks.The veterans looked around one by one, and began to whisper to each other, some even showed a little smile.

This board is effective, Lian Nishang thought to himself.

Because the next thing to ask involves the case, Lian Nishang had to give up the "public trial" drama -- fortunately, when this incident happened today, Fangchunyuan is the negative "typical" in rectifying the custom industry, how to deal with it then Sister Han Qiao is no problem.

The interrogation focused on the relationship between Fangchunyuan and Mr. Liang.Sister Han Qiao didn't dare to say it, but said that because of Yuewan's relationship, the Liang family took care of Fangchunyuan.From Lian Nishang's point of view, this statement is reasonable, but it can fool the outside naturalized cadres, but not the local aborigines.Xie Buliao knew that her family had a long history with the Liang family, so he accused Sister Han Qiao of being dishonest, and whipped him a few more times with a cowhide whip dipped in water.

The bruises on the buttocks, which were already bruised by the whips, almost caused sister Han Qiao's soul to go out of her body, and howled for mercy like a pig being killed.Everyone in the courtyard could hear the cold war.

"When you asked Mrs. Yao to torture women and force her into prostitution, did you ever think that you would suffer this?" Lian Nishang was usually very serious and rarely showed his feelings, but now he felt happy in his heart and began to tease Sister Han Qiao.

"All slaves deserve to die, slaves are willing to recruit. I beg the master to forgive me—"

Sister Han Qiao was crying, and she no longer dared to hide it, and confessed that the Liang family was indeed one of the backstages of Fangchunyuan.The reason why I say one is because the Liang family attaches great importance to the reputation of the family and is unwilling to directly support the prostitute's family.If there is anything to make friends with the government and the gentry on weekdays, it is the Zhong family who come forward.

The Zhong family is in the city of Guangzhou, and they can barely be regarded as first-class gentry.The head of the family, Zhong Aijiao, Mr. Zhong, was originally a landowner in the countryside. His grandfather went to the city to do business and made a windfall.The children studied and produced a few scholars, who are considered to be well-dressed.Zhong Ai taught himself to be a scholar, but he failed in the exam all the time. When he was in his 40s, he simply donated a supervisor.Mr. Zhong's family is rich, and he married Mo Rongxin, the director of Wenlan Academy, and became the director of Wenlan Academy.

Gentlemen like Mr. Zhong can't be compared with the Liang family, but because of their humble origins, they are more or less a bit of a gangster, and there are many things that serious gentlemen disdain not to do, so they just ask them to get ahead.Once, the concubine of Mr. Liang's family was celebrating her birthday, Zhong Aijiao took advantage of a maid beside her, and asked his wife and Mr. Liang's concubine to pay homage to sisters, thus connecting with the Liang family.

Other than that, Sister Han Qiao didn't know much.Sister Han Qiao and the female family members of the Zhong family moved around very frequently, but she had no relationship with the female family members of the Liang family at all.However, in the past, Fangchunyuan encountered several embarrassments, which were all resolved through the forces of the Zhong family and the Liang family.Liang Cunhou's combing Yuewan was also the Zhong family's needlework.

"Liang Cunhou claims that he has never been close to women, why did he comb the moon?" Lian Nishang asked.

Sister Han Qiao grinned her teeth, endured the pain and said, "There is no such thing as a man who is not good at women. It's just that his family has strict rules, and he is not allowed to hook up with women in the courtyard at will. If he hadn't given him a concubine or a servant girl, he would have sold himself to him. The family is a housewife—the Liang family has its own theater troupe. When Mr. Zhong said that Mr. Liang wanted to groom Yue Wan, the servants were all surprised."

Four years ago, when Yuewan was seventeen, she was already a very popular Qing lady in the local area.Many gentry and old fortune want to groom her.Sister Han Qiao is also up for sale, ready to sell for a good price.Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhong quietly visited the Spring Garden, saying that Liang Cunhou wanted to comb Yuewan intentionally.

The price of "spreading the room" is 6000 taels of silver.Although this number is not more than that of other wealthy people, it is still at the upper-middle level.Sister Han Qiao wanted to have a "higher price wins", but she didn't dare to offend the Liang family, so she reluctantly agreed.

After Liang Cunhou combed Yuewan, he immediately started a large-scale construction project, renovating a side courtyard of Fangchunyuan, and hiding the golden house.

"...the servants and maidservants she uses are all sent by the Liang Mansion. Although there is a gate connected to the maidservant's courtyard, they are tightly guarded on weekdays. Except for some food, wine, and clothing from the slavemaid's courtyard, they have little contact with each other... that is, Yue. Wan, it takes ten days and a half months for the slaves to see each other once or twice."

The prostitutes and procuresses are very good at observing words and demeanor. Although they were suffering from torture at this time and the pain was unbearable, from the content of Lian Nishang's interrogation, they still felt that the Australians had plans for the Liang family, so they hurriedly dismissed them.

"How often does Liang Cunhou come to Yuewan Courtyard? Is there anyone else besides him?"

"Sometimes he comes every day, sometimes it's less than a few months. Besides, there is another door in Yuewan Courtyard, he comes and goes as he pleases, and the servants don't fully know about it." Sister Han Qiao said, "As for the guests, he is always there. There are banquets in Yuewan Courtyard, and I heard that there are many guests."

"Do you remember who it is?"

Sister Han Qiao wanted to say that she didn't remember, but she was afraid that the cowhide whip in Xie Buliao's hand would be whipped off again, so she hurriedly said, "I remember some of them, but some people I don't know—"

Lian Nishang asked her to name all the people she remembered, but sister Han Qiao didn't dare to shirk, and picked out five or six people who she didn't think were important.

"……that's it?"

"These people come here often, the servant remembers. As for the people who come, there are quite a few. It's just that it's been a long time, and I didn't think it through for a while. Some guests, the servant does not know..."

Lian Nishang thought that she could ask this question slowly, so she turned the topic to something more important: "Do you know about Yuewan asking a Taoist priest to tell her fortune recently?"

"I know! I know!" Sister Han Qiao nodded hastily, saying that Yue Wan is not in good health recently, and invited many doctors to look at her but it didn't help.Later, Mr. Liang said that there was a Taoist who came from the capital, and his Taoism was very profound, so he invited him to come and test the horoscope with Yue Wan.

"...This Taoist priest has also met many people in this courtyard——the Taoism is really good!"

"Did he say that someone is incompatible with Yue Wan?"

"As I said, for this reason, Mr. Liang also changed a lot of people who serve her around."

"When did this happen?"

"More than two months ago," sister Han Qiao said.

"Oh, what's the name of this Taoist priest?" Lian Nishang asked
"It's called Taoist Wood and Stone."

(End of this chapter)

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