Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1866 Remove the Old and Bring the New

Chapter 1866 Remove the Old and Bring the New ([-])

Shen Ruiming successfully got someone from Du Wen, and the Guangzhou side is also constantly urging the elders of the Judiciary to be in place, so he rushed over without delay.

The Ministry of Justice also did its part to circle the land in Guangzhou.That is the Guangdong censor yamen of Huifu Dongdafo Temple in old time and space.After the recovery of Guangzhou, the government office was originally intended to be given to the Political Security Bureau, but Liang Xinhu went to Liu Xiang and said that this government office was just at the junction of the jurisdictions of Panyu and Nanhai counties, and it was very suitable as the seat of the court.Then it was transferred to the Ministry of Justice.Various organs of the judicial department in Guangdong are now concentrated here.

This place was originally built in the Xinzang Temple in the Southern Han Dynasty, and it was built for the 28 nights in the sky by Liu Yanshang, king of the Southern Han Dynasty.In the Ming Dynasty, it was expanded to Longzang Temple, and later changed to the Patrol Office.

Shen Ruiming did not come to Guangzhou alone: ​​he also brought his two life secretaries, who were not able to take him with him when he was touring in various places before, so he will be stationed in Guangzhou for a long time, so naturally he has to arrange a comfortable home.To this end, he also carried 28 boxes of luggage.

Now the luggage is piling up in the yard.The people from the General Affairs Department of the municipal government are running around to carry them. Shen Ruiming, like all the veterans and naturalized people from Hainan, is a combination of accommodation and office.And what he occupied was the courtyard where the inspector censor lived.

It is quite ironic to say it, Shen Ruiming stood in the main courtyard of the government office and looked up at the lobby: the Senate used illegal means to kidnap Gao Shunqin, the censor of the Ming Dynasty, and then occupied this person's government office for judicial activities. Propagating the idea of ​​the rule of law to other subjects is really dark and humorous.

But this time he didn't have time to take care of these things, and before he had time to unpack his bags, Shen Ruiming received a notice from Liu Xiang asking him to go to a meeting.

"So anxious?" Shen Ruiming glanced at the notice, thinking that it was probably for the second public security strengthening campaign in the city.

After the witchcraft case, it is imminent to deal with the people and horses of Guandi Temple, which is a cancer in Guangzhou municipality.These thousands of people are not engaged in production, and they are entrenched in one side. Although they have a slight effect on public security and municipal administration, they are a great hidden danger to urban order, street hygiene, and even overall public security.

In the past, the Guangzhou Municipal Government had an unstable foothold, and its grassroots implementation capabilities were limited.Can't move this group.Now that the police and civil administration systems have begun to take shape, and the material conditions for shelter and resettlement are also in place, Liu Xiang naturally cannot tolerate the existence of such an "underground government" any longer.Moreover, the witchcraft case also fully demonstrates that such a bottom-level social group that has no basic political appeal and is completely profit-oriented is extremely easy to be exploited politically, and its destructive power cannot be underestimated.

It stands to reason that sheltering beggars and carrying out public security cleanup are all administrative matters, and have little to do with the judicial office. As for cases that need to be handed over to the judiciary, it is not too late to hand them over for handling.Calling him away like this is nothing more than asking the judiciary to do a good job as a "knife handle".

Although some veterans of the Ministry of Justice believe that the judiciary should be separated from the administration, they will judge what they do.It seems to be righteous, but in fact it is all my own little girl.Don't they just want to expand the power in their hands and don't want to be restricted? In his opinion, there is no need to divide it so finely at this stage, and the most important thing is to work together to transform the society.

"Go and reply to Mayor Liu, saying that I'll be there soon." Shen Ruiming drew a circle on the notice, handed it to the messenger, took care of the maid a few times, and immediately set off for the city hall.

In the confidential meeting room of the municipal government, Liu Xiang, Lin Moguang, Mu Min, Pan Jiexin... Several elders of the Guangzhou local government are sitting around the table. Except for Zhang Yunmi who is the secretary of the meeting, the others are in charge of administration and police Working Patriarchal Heads.

Liu Xiang first introduced Shen Ruiming, and the meeting got to the point.

Similar to what Shen Ruiming thought, the theme of this meeting was to ban the people and horses of Guandi Temple and take in all the beggars and refugees in Guangzhou.

"Comrades," Liu Xiang cleared his throat and said, "It has been more than half a year since we regained Guangzhou. Now the social order in Guangzhou has basically returned to stability. It has improved significantly, and we also have a decent team of local cadres in our hands... It can be said that we have basically completed the reception of Guangzhou City. The first step, to enter and stand up to this goal, has now been completed. Achieved."

This is a cliché at the beginning, and everyone naturally didn't need to respond, but someone sent Shen Ruiming a copy of the "Compilation of Basic Situations in Guangzhou".

"Our next one, and one of the biggest problems we face, is the underworld forces that have been poisoned for a long time in Guangzhou City-Guandi Temple. You know a little about the ins and outs of this group. You also know the recent witchcraft case and The connection with this group. The energy and activity of this beggar group is really not small."

From the riots that gathered crowds to attack the Haiyang Guild Hall, to the Wang Dayiao case where the murderer has not yet been brought to justice, there are countless unsolved theft cases, abduction cases, intentional injury cases, fraud cases...many of them are related to the people of Guandi Temple.They not only commit crimes directly, but also serve as a protective umbrella and a channel for the sale of stolen goods for various criminals.An "underground kingdom" that is difficult for outsiders to understand and get involved is constructed, a place outside the law.This is intolerable for the Senate, which pursues grassroots governance.

"... Next, I would like to invite comrades from the Municipal Bureau to introduce the specific situation of the people and horses in Guandi Temple."

Mu Min stood up, holding a stack of thick materials in her hand.These materials are collected from social surveys conducted around the people and horses of Guandi Temple in the past few months.

Although foreign beggars can join the group as long as they go to Guandi Temple to register, these beggars and refugees are only peripheral low-level personnel. In addition to handing in "membership money" every day, it is used by big bone heads at all levels to drive slaves. Little is known about the situation within the gang.And the real situation inside them is difficult for outsiders to explore.And the big bones in charge of each sinus mouth are either hereditary, or Hanako has been around for many years, relying on their own ability to "work hard" to get to the top.The old-fashioned approach of sending undercover agents to infiltrate an enemy to gather intelligence simply doesn't work.

Mu Min can only resort to external investigations.The focus of the investigation and questioning is on the social groups who have more contact with the people and horses of Guandi Temple and have deeper contacts, especially the subordinate officials in Guangzhou.

Because the people of Guandi Temple actually undertake a lot of municipal and public security work, not only did the subordinate officials have a lot of contact with the people of Guandi Temple, but collusion and use of each other was also common, and they knew a lot about the situation.

In order to carry out the investigation, the investigation team under Mu Min not only interviewed the retained subordinate staff, but also conducted investigations on the imprisoned and retired subordinate staff, and obtained a lot of materials.

In addition to these people, the beggars and big bones arrested in the storming of the Chaozhou Assembly Hall and other security purges are another important source of intelligence.Although not many big bones and backbone elements were arrested, they provided the most valuable first-hand information.

Over the past few months, the Municipal Police Department has roughly grasped the situation of the people and horses in Guandi Temple.

Mu Min opened the drawing board and began to introduce the specific situation of the people and horses in Guandi Temple.

"When did the organization of people and horses in Guandi Temple originate? There is no way to know. There is no written history of this organization, and there is no record in the literati's notes and the county annals of the past dynasties. However, from our investigation of the old subordinates and local citizens , Jinshen, confirmed that the gang had existed at least during the Longqing period.

"About their origins, there is a saying by the people of Guandi Temple: Gao Tuantou's ancestor was a beggar, who studied under Zhou Dian Taoist at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. Bi brushed his clothes and went away, but it was hard to find the fairy trail. There are many legends left behind, the most widely spread of which is that when the Taizu conquered Chen Youliang, the boat sailed to Anqing. Said, "When the boat is running, the wind is running." So Zhu Yuanzhang sent someone to pull the boat with fibers, and immediately there was a strong wind. Afterwards, Zhou Dian complained, but Zhu Yuanzhang failed to persuade him to stay. Failed. Can only write "Zhou Dian Immortal Biography" and stay in Lushan Mountain to remember the deceased. Taizu loves the house and Wu, so he wants to make the ancestors of the Gao family a general. But Zhou Xianren has long warned his disciples that there are no three blessings in his life. Taizu bestowed the Imperial Pole and was named the head of the Guangzhou General Group. The General Doukou was established in the Guandi Temple. Although this legend cannot be verified, it shows that the gang does have an official background.”

Although beggars are very harmful, they will not pose a threat to the dynasty due to lack of sufficient discipline and political demands.All dynasties have adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards it.The backward and loose social management ability and the weak economy of the old era were unable to deal with the phenomenon of beggars, and even relied on them in some aspects.Recognizing its legitimacy and using its power has become the only way for many medieval social governments to manage beggars.

"But their lair is not Guandi Temple, but Jinhua Temple..." Lin Baiguang wondered.

"About the origin of this name, it is said that the earliest place where the head of the Guangzhou headquarters was located was an old and dilapidated Guandi Temple. Later, officials from the Jin Dynasty rebuilt the temple, and Dou Kou moved to the Jinhua Temple outside Xiguan." Mu Min said. Opened the second diagram.

"At present, we don't have the exact number of beggars and refugees who are registered in Guandi Temple. According to the old officials in the yamen, there were special beggar lists in the prefecture and county yamen, and those who had to be registered on it were considered official beggars. But everyone We all know that even Daming’s official household registration yellow book is full of loopholes, not to mention such a directory.” Mu Min glanced at the document and said, “We have speculated through various methods, and the total number of people is estimated to be about Between 4000 and 5000 people. Among them are not only the poor and helpless, widowed and lonely, disabled... and other people who are forced to become beggars, but also young and middle-aged people who are healthy, have sound limbs, and are capable of working but enjoy leisure."

(End of this chapter)

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