Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1875 Remove the Old and Bring the New

Chapter 1875 Removing the Old and Closing the New ([-])

In the place of Xiajiufu outside Xiguan, Guangzhou, there is a settlement of residents called Xiuyifang.There is a small alley in the neighborhood, named Wenlan Lane.The famous Wenlan Academy is located here.

During the reign of Tianqi, Wei Zhongxian persecuted the members of the Donglin Party, promulgated the "Donglin General Record", and then abandoned the Tianxia Academy, and this Wenlan Academy was not spared.

The academy occupies a very large area. Not only are there several courtyards, there is also a Wenchang Temple specially built in the backyard, and there are dozens of houses for rent in the surrounding area.In addition to the fields scattered in various counties and many paved properties in the city, the wealth is strong, which can be called the first in Guangzhou.

More than half a year ago, the Senate used thunderous tactics, and the city of Guangzhou changed the king's banner overnight.Officials in Guangzhou fled to death, the city was full of turmoil, and the academy was closed for a while.With the efforts of the Guangzhou Municipal Government, the situation quickly recovered and Wenlan Academy reopened.

In and out of the city, Liu Xiang's new city government has removed the old and installed the new, and all kinds of rectification work are in full swing, but Wenlan Academy is still calm. For the scholars in this academy, these seem to have nothing to do with them.

Although the Australians have announced that there will be no imperial examinations, the boy's examinations, county examinations, government examinations, courtyard examinations and rural examinations held in Guangzhou City in the past have all been cancelled.Australians run the "Civil Service Examination" by themselves and don't take time essays, but in this academy, the students are still studying various collections of time essays, discussing breaking questions, inheriting questions, starting lectures, mentioning, comparing, and discussing In recent years, the exam questions and the number of articles that the examiners like.

But this illusion far away from reality is not because they really love stereotyped essays, but because of a strong inertia.Most of the academies in the Ming Dynasty did not pay much attention to the original purpose of the academies: lecturing, but instead focused on exam-oriented learning.However, the rise of "Dong Keju" in the late Ming Dynasty intensified this tendency.

The so-called "Dong Keju" began in the Tianqi period, that is, every time the provincial examination, the famous academies in the province each have a sponsorship quota.This Wenlan Academy also has four places.

Therefore, in this No. [-] academy in Guangzhou, where only students can enroll, and the teaching and instruction of the prefectural school is also the head of the mountain, exam-taking is the top priority, and everything about the teachers and students of the academy revolves around exam-taking.Although they know that Australians no longer hold imperial examinations, they don't understand other knowledge except the Four Books and Five Classics and Shiwen Yingzhi Poetry. "Study".

However, the earth-shaking events outside also affected the academy to some extent.For the students of Wenlan Academy, the biggest change is that the meals provided by the academy have obviously improved.In the past, the academy provided three meals a day, but the quality of the food was poor. Except for some poor scholars, children from well-to-do families with a little wealth were reluctant to eat in the academy.The rice is cooked with old rice mixed with a lot of grain sand, and even the dishes served with the rice are difficult to eat.It's either rotten fish or rotten shrimp, or radish with vegetable skin. Cooking a duck rack without meat is a tooth-making sacrifice.

Now the three meals a day sent by the academy are all high-quality white rice.There is also meat in the dishes every day, and there is also a supply of big meat such as whole fish and chicken on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year.The "tuition, silver" and "rice" that used to be [-]% off in various names were also distributed on time and in quantity; all the arrogant servants in the academy have recently become more respectful.

The Australians have done nothing wrong with the academy.Except when the police and "cadres" came to investigate when applying for household registration and card armor, official messengers never came to the academy.It is said that the director and the director of the academy invited Mr. Liu Fuyin of the Song Dynasty to come to the academy to "lecture" several times, but Mr. Liu Fuyin refused.

The attitude of the Australians was polite and indifferent, and the students in the academy were somewhat disappointed.You must know that this Wenlan Academy is the number one academy in Guangzhou Prefecture.Not only rich, but also famous.Those who want to be admitted to the hospital must have a reputation as a student. They go to the township examination, and the number of candidates who pass the examination is also the most in Guangzhou.

I thought that the Australians would change the dynasty when they invaded Guangzhou, so they had to recruit some scholars to help them.For this reason, there was a very heated discussion in the college, which was almost hands-on: should we accept the "fake jobs" of Australians?
Some of the students thought that the Great Ming was exhausted, and that the Great Song—it didn't matter how good the Australian was in the Great Song—had already landed on the mainland, and he was already competing in the Central Plains. The prosperity of the country, the change of dynasty is just around the corner.Now if you can follow the dragon, you will be rich and powerful, and you can get a wife and a son at your fingertips.

The other part thinks that the other party is "insane" and "behavior of the grace", and insists that Daming will call back in a year or so, when Liu Fuyin, Wen Desi, Ma Qianzhu "Juqu" and the like will all All of them will be "executed in a hurry, as an example to others".

The third group of people thought that Ming was unable to fight back, but they were unwilling to join the Australians.There are those who are cautious and unwilling to take risks, and some who think that Australians "do not look like masters", and some think that Australians are "barbarians". , not as good as the death of Zhu Xia."

The last group of people is a pure "eating life", in short, "the Ming Dynasty will follow the Ming Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty will follow the Song Dynasty".As long as the academy is open and there is rice and hair, it doesn't matter who becomes the emperor.

The students of the academy, after eating and drinking at noon every day, each hold a cup of strong boiled tea, and gather together in twos and threes to talk loudly.

Among these high-spirited scholars, there was a young scholar, but he was alone.

He is not like some scholars and Confucian scholars who do not participate in the chat to rest or study, but just stare blankly in the study alone.

This dazed young scholar is the fifth son of Gao Tianshi, the former head of the Guangzhou Headquarters, and the brother of Gao Lingxiang, the current head of the Guangzhou Headquarters. Gao Lingda is the son of Gao Tianshi's seventh concubine. ——Although this seventh concubine was born in a prostitute, she also studied a lot when she was young. Gao Lingda was influenced by his mother, liked to read, and was very talented in schoolwork. Brother is different.Gao Tianshi thought that Gao Lingda was the hope of the Gao family to change their families.Although this hereditary group leader is rich and powerful, he is despised by others." If a scholar can be born, it can change his family status somewhat. Therefore, he was not allowed to participate in family affairs when he was young, and let him concentrate on read.

Gao Lingda took the county and government examinations and became a Tongsheng, and because of the relationship between Gao Tianshi and Mo Rongxin, he was admitted as a Tongsheng to this academy that only allowed scholars to study.

Although he entered Wenlan Academy and was backed by a powerful faction like Mo Rongxin, and Gao Tianshi was known as the "local prefect" in Guangzhou, Gao Lingda has always been an outlier in the academy, no matter how hardworking he is, Up to Professor Shanchang, down to the students in the courtyard, no matter rich or poor, they are unwilling to associate with him. The wealthy family and the scholarly family regard him as a scourge and avoid him; those from poor families also feel that they are superior to him. Refuse to "hand over the details".Don't even say a word unless absolutely necessary.

Gao Lingda didn't know that this was called "cold violence". After studying in the academy for several years, although no one dared to bully him, no one wanted to be friends with him.He was like a non-existent person, alone in the academy, like a lonely ghost.

After the sudden death of his father Gao Tianshi, there was a momentary dispute in the family over the heir. In fact, Gao Lingda had no interest in being the head of the Guangzhou Headquarters—in his opinion, he was coldly received in the academy because of this "headquarters." The position of "Head" is troublesome.

It's just that the struggle for power has always been involuntary.He soon became the pawn of his mother, the ambitious Seventh Concubine who tried to "bring the head of the group to make the group of beggars" and joined the battle of successors.Many people in Guandi Temple took him as a call, and there was a turmoil at one time.He was also manipulated like a marionette.

The battle for the throne failed, and his biological mother, Seventh Concubine, "committed suicide as a martyr". Gao Lingxiang didn't make things difficult for this brother and asked him to continue his studies.However, several subordinates were sent to keep an eye on his every move.

No one paid attention to him in the academy, and even more neglected at home.Also, his parents both died, Gao Lingda was grieved, but felt that the road ahead was uncertain.

"Fifth Master, lunch is here!" followed by a greeting.The servant from the Gao family who brought him food came.

Gao Lingda's food has always been delivered by his family, although his status in Gao's family has plummeted after the death of the Seventh Aunt, compared to the food in the academy, it is still changing every day.

The servant opened the food box, and lightly placed dishes on the table: fried bamboo shoots with Jinhua ham, fried wolfberry sprouts with oil and salt, fish pieces with distiller's grains, take vegetables in oyster sauce, and a large bowl of white rice.

"Fifth Master, this ham was made by the pier a few days ago to honor the uncle, the authentic Dongyang product! The uncle specially took care of you to cook for you today." The servant introduced politely.

Gao Lingda knew that this young man belonged to the elder brother, so he said this to express the "goodwill" of the elder brother, and at the same time remind him that Gao Lingxiang has not forgotten him, and he is always thinking about him.

He knew that although the eldest brother became the head of the regiment, there were many people who refused to accept him.He must strictly prevent himself, a "loser", from being used as a "call" again.

"That's really bothering the elder brother." Gao Lingda had no choice but to give in.

The Gao family puts the most emphasis on enjoying it on weekdays. The color, aroma and taste of several side dishes are very good, light and delicious.When one end came out, the surrounding scholars seemed to react with their already full stomachs after seeing it.He quickly turned to chat with his classmates.

This one said: "In the past few days, I found a geographical map of Australia. It said that there are corrupt countries overseas. There is a Newtonian in the country. He said that all things are like magnets, which attract each other. It's strange!" The person next to him replied. He said: "Sure enough, there are strange stories overseas. If all things attract each other, why don't you and I attract together?" Another person said: "What I said before may not be unreasonable. I once saw something in the Taixi Church, called a globe, This object is perfectly round and divided into two poles. It is said that it was taught by the Western missionary Matteo Ricci overseas. If, as he said, people live on a ball, without gravity, people would not fly.”

(End of this chapter)

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