Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1879 Remove the Old and Bring the New

Chapter 1879 Removing the Old and Closing the New ([-])
At twelve o'clock at noon, the afternoon guns fired from the Shuangmen Building officially kicked off the first phase of the "Decisive Battle" operation in Guangzhou Special City.The military, police, and government personnel who had already arranged it all started together.First of all, the city gates were closed, and the gates of all the streets and alleys were also closed as soon as the noon cannon fired according to the notice received the day before.

In and out of the city, sea and land soldiers controlled the main traffic routes, and the security forces and police who had ambushed outside each Doukou mobilized together. Without much effort, they swept away all the Doukou and beggars' daily gathering places.Regardless of men, women, young or old, all of them were arrested.At the same time, the police, the security forces, and the "security activists" organized by the Pai Jia organized a comprehensive "cleaning of the streets." Armed patrols arrested beggars and refugees when they saw them, and shot dead on the spot if they resisted arrest and escaped.

A loudspeaker mounted on a trolley constantly patrolled the streets, playing the "Announcement on the Compulsory Accommodation of Beggars and Vagrants in Guangzhou Special City during the Da Song Australia Tour".Under the command of the police, the card armors everywhere also dispatched young and strong to assist in the search.

Street by street, the police notified each shop owner and the local Baojia chief that no money, rice, food, clothing, or drinking water would be provided to the vagrants and beggars from now on. If they found beggars, they must call the police as soon as possible and start rounding up and monitoring them.Rewards are given to Baojia and individuals who are able to catch well, and punishments are imposed on those who do not catch well and provide help to beggars and refugees.

No matter whether it is the people from Guandi Temple or the refugees who came to Guangzhou to hide from the noise, no one expected that the Australians would take such a big action—unheard of.In the past, the government did not fail to clean up beggars and refugees, but most of them used the method of driving them away. In short, they were not within the jurisdiction of local officials.If nobles such as emperors and high-ranking officials go on tour and think that beggars and refugees are unsightly, it will be even simpler. Ask the local regiment leaders to issue orders that they are not allowed to go to the streets for a few days.There has never been such a comprehensive capture.So much so that after a big bone was arrested, he asked strangely: How do you support these many beggars and refugees?

"How to feed? Of course you have to feed yourself," Liu Xiang thought to himself, "We can only count the cost with the Senate."

By 64:[-] p.m., there were reports from various places: the centralized clean-up and containment work of the Jinhua Temple and [-] Doukou places, ruined temples, ancestral halls, docks, etc. Manhunt work.The special search team of the Planning Institute has also started an inventory of the property and materials in various places.

According to the current report, the arrest operation has achieved remarkable results. Except for the two brothers Gao Lingxiang and Gao Lingda who ran away and a few cronies, almost all the people in Guandi Temple were arrested. They were arrested, and several others were killed because they resisted arrest or escaped, and very few people were not arrested.

The initial count of the number of beggars and refugees in custody is more than 6000. Including those who have not yet been escorted to the detention center and those who are being arrested, the number is almost the same as their estimate.

Early tomorrow morning, the first batch of asylum seekers will be transferred to a refugee camp on Hong Kong Island for purification and screening.He estimated in his heart that in this way, the labor force and funds for the connected comprehensive city renovation would be available.

I don't know how much money we can get from setting up Wenlan Academy in the future?Liu Xiang flipped through the "Golden Flower Temple Preliminary Search Report" with a little excitement, and looked at the various properties listed in it, thinking that this Wenlan Academy is known as the most abundant, how many directors don't know how much they have made?Confiscating their homes is probably no less than covering Gao Tuan's head.

By extension, the big gentry in Guangzhou City have hidden a lot of silver and treasures at home, and it is really a serious waste if they don't take them out to support the construction.

The only regret is that Gao Lingxiang ran away. If the head of the regiment could not declare the official punishment, their entire operation of "removing the old and bringing in the new" in Guangzhou would lose its color a lot.

Judging from the report passed by Mu Min, Gao Lingxiang obviously got some temporary news and fled hastily.The reason was that he fled in such a haste that he failed to notify his subordinates and did not take much property with him.Except for his wife, children and a few cronies, almost all of them were discarded.

In which link did the problem occur?It should be a leak from a participant!Liu Xiang thought to himself, our secrecy work is really bad!
The possibility of traitors is not very high. Although there were two cases of Sister Ye and Han Yue after the restoration of Guangzhou, Liu Xiang believed that most of the naturalized people were still reliable.Especially the banning of Guandi Temple personnel, the only naturalized people who can get access to this information are the northbound cadres of the Qiongya Detachment working in powerful agencies.They are all old naturalized people who have been working for many years and have tried and tested. There is no problem with their political reliability.

But being politically reliable doesn't mean that secrets won't leak -- especially for people who have no sense of secrecy.He himself had already learned a hard enough lesson from Guo Xi'er.

Although the investigation of the witchcraft case, the Political Security Bureau finally concluded that Guo Xier "has no subjective factors" and is "used", but the series of things she did to "beg for a child" and "fixed favor" are It has made it impossible for Liu Xiang to keep her by his side.The Political Security Bureau's treatment of her is: it is recommended to revoke her "Life Secretary" qualification.Forbid her to come in and out of the elder again.

Because of this little sister-in-law, Liu Xiang had to write a few private letters to plead with Zhao Manxiong and Xiao Zishan, and then the general office gave Guo Xier the punishment of "expelling and staying on probation" and "transferring away from the elder to work closely".He didn't care about Guo Xi'er's tears, so he quietly sent two guards to send Guo Xi'er back to Lingao, and handed her over to her sister for "education".

Obviously his sisters have both incomes, but now they have to find the "old love" of the fifth girl again, Liu Xiang sighed unconsciously.

For some reason, Liu Xiang's thoughts turned to Lu Cheng again. Speaking of which, although Lu Cheng's girl is ordinary in appearance, she has a really good figure... He quickly put his thoughts back.He twisted on the seat, moved his body closer to the table, knocked on his forehead with a serious face, and took out a kraft paper file bag from the right-hand drawer.

The title on the file bag is "Suggestions on Resuming the Compilation of the Bureau of Confidentiality and the Bureau of Secrecy".

Liu Xiang was engaged in chaotic ciphers in the original time and space. Of course, he belongs to the field of information security in terms of subject classification. Of course, his boss will inevitably participate in various confidential constructions in the province and city where he is located-be a judge, an expert, or directly work on projects. .Liu Xiang was also taken by his boss to participate in many government-related projects.Therefore, he is relatively familiar with confidentiality.

Liu Xiang has long been dissatisfied with the secrecy work of the Senate, because many people, including most of the elders, have a mystical fantasy about confidential work, and it seems that when it comes to confidentiality, they immediately think of nuclear weapons The password suitcase, when it comes to confidentiality, immediately associates with various 007s, it seems that it is not confidential, otherwise it cannot be called confidential; the veterans have indeed deepened this mystification tendency because of the problem of bad taste.However, this kind of "confidentiality and confidentiality" that accumulates to the climax of the life-and-death plot is not the normal state of confidential work.When Liu Xiang was in Qiongshan, he started to make three decisions for the Confidential Bureau and the Secrecy Bureau through memories and some unpopular materials in the large library. Adaptive adjustment, when the arrangement is almost done, Liu Xiang was also transferred to Guangzhou.It happened that something like Guo Xi'er happened, so Liu Xiang was ready to throw out this proposal in due course.

From the bottom of his heart, this document is not so much that he wants to remind the senate of how important the secrecy work is, it is better to use it to explain how poor the secrecy work of the senate is.Therefore, it is inevitable that the staff of Guihuamin made some "small" mistakes, and the responsibility does not lie with Guihuamin...

Liu Xiang first explained the functions of the Confidential Bureau and the Secrecy Bureau, because in the eyes of many people, these two departments are simply the same department, and in the old time and space, the two brands were indeed merged into one in the administrative central organization at the county level. "Confidentiality Department" to reduce staffing.For most veterans who had difficulty in accessing the administrative center at the city hall level—let alone senior officials—in the old time and space, the concepts of "Secret Bureau" and "Secret Bureau" as two completely different administrative units must be understood. Speak clearly.After detailing the scope of powers and responsibilities of the two major agencies, Liu Xiang had to make an analogy: the Confidentiality Bureau is a government agency in confidential work, which is responsible for the determination, transmission, delivery, storage, and maintenance of confidential documents. search and other specific businesses, while the Bureau of Secrecy is a public, procuratorate, and legal agency with confidential work, responsible for supervision, review, investigation, training, qualification certification, etc.” Liu Xiang does not know whether this analogy can make most people thoroughly understand Clear. Turning back is the subdivision of powers and responsibilities of the subordinate organizations of the two departments. Of course, it must be combined with the actual situation. It doesn't make much sense under the current technical conditions of the Senate, but Liu Xiang still listed it, and then wrote an opinion of "suggesting to retain the organizational framework".

"The confidentiality level of confidential information is usually divided into top secret, confidential and secret according to the descending order of importance, and some information that is not classified is also divided into internal disclosure and complete disclosure, and the scope of communication is limited...

"Confidential information is not some mysterious big news. A lot of very daily information is actually confidential. For example, the college entrance examination paper is 'top secret before use', which is also a time-sensitive confidential information. And A large part of the work of the Bureau of Secrets is about these...

(End of this chapter)

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