Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1887 Mrs. Liu's Chapter

Chapter 1887

Huo Junming touched the manual in his satchel. This "Epidemic Prevention Manual" was compiled by Lin Motian. All epidemic prevention work is based on this. It lists in detail the specific handling methods and procedures for various situations.The members of the epidemic prevention brigade are regarded as the "Bible".Lin Motian repeatedly emphasized in the training that everything must be "followed by the rules".

Zhao Gui was sent by the General Administration to "reinforce" the grassroots a few days ago.This area was originally the area where he and Li Ziyu used to manage, and the local conditions are familiar, so he was sent to cooperate with the epidemic prevention team to patrol here as usual.

Patrols on foot are commonplace for Zhao Gui, not to mention that this is his old territory, and he is familiar with walking.

The streets were cleaned cleanly—the New Life Movement took a serious look at the sanitation problems on the streets, and the common garbage, feces, and urine all over the place have disappeared.Although the road surface has not been hardened due to financial problems, it is still a mixed road surface of mud and gravel.But now Baojia everywhere is obliged to keep the road smooth. Every three to five days, each family has to send out people to fill in the potholes on the road, so it is not as muddy as it used to be.

Zhao Gui felt a little proud as he walked on the road.Quite a feeling of returning home.However, his current attire doesn't feel like "brocade clothes" at all. The white isolation gown is like a filial gown, and the big mask that covers his face is also tight.

Huo Junming paid attention to the integrity of the epidemic prevention posters and notices at various intersections along the way, to see if there was anything to add.The propaganda outlets printed thousands of anti-epidemic posters and posted them all over the city and customs, and also painted hundreds of slogans on the walls.The walls are painted with "beat mice, get rid of the four pests", "bath more, change clothes frequently, and eliminate fleas", "report fever to the epidemic prevention staff in time!", "private burials are strictly prohibited!"...

Passing by the door of a residence with a striking red seal, Huo Junming carefully inspected the seal, and then looked at the densely packed bamboo slices inserted on the top of the wall - this is not to prevent theft, but to ensure that if someone trespasses You can find it in the wall.

There have been several suspected cases reported in South Jianzi Lane, and there is a closed isolation area-according to the epidemic prevention regulations, once someone is infected, the co-residents and contacts will be sent to Changzhou Island for isolation as usual, and their residences and shops will also be closed.Until it is confirmed that they are not infected and the quarantine is lifted.

After the closure, the police and anti-epidemic team members in the relevant Baojia and Duan districts will focus on monitoring these places to prevent people from entering privately-no matter what the motives of the private enterers are, this behavior can easily cause secondary infection.

"South Jianzi Lane No. [-] isolation area, the first inspection in the morning, the situation is normal." Huo Junming recorded in the registration book.There are inspections here three times a day.

South Jianzi Alley is mostly residential, and it was not a lively place in the first place, so the market depression caused by the epidemic prevention has not had a great impact on this place.However, under the propaganda of epidemic prevention, the residents have significantly reduced their going out activities. In the past, every household here kept their doors open during the day, but now their doors are closed.The streets are much quieter.Even the originally relatively lively public wells and tea sheds are sparsely populated.

"There are not many people around the public well." Huo Junming said with emotion, "It seems that this disease is really serious."

When I walked to the public well, I saw a woman washing clothes. Zhao Gui knew it. This was Mrs. Liu, the "resident activist" in this film. During the last adjustment of Baojia chief, she was recommended by the police station. Mrs. Liu was here. deck of cards.

Sister-in-law Liu greeted them from a distance when she saw them coming.

"Ah Gui! Ah Gui!"

Zhao Gui was a little shy, and said, "Sister-in-law Liu."

"I'm not like a girl with a yellow flower, why do you think I'm blushing?" Sister-in-law Liu teased him, wiped her hands on the apron, got up and said, "Why are you back? Where's Ayu?"

"I was temporarily transferred to help, and Ayu went to Lingao to study."

"He's lucky!" Sister Liu clapped her hands, "Give him a place to be lazy!" As she spoke, her complexion darkened again, "Who would have thought that there would be a major epidemic in the city!"

Zhao Gui wanted to say something to appease Mrs. Liu, but he was clumsy with his tongue, and he didn't know what to say after thinking for a long time.Instead, Huo Junming said: "It doesn't matter if you spread the plague, you don't have to be afraid if you do a good job in epidemic prevention."

"That's what I said, but this situation is too scary!" Sister Liu said with a sigh, "It's sunny, there is no one on the street, every house is closed and locked, and the shops are only open for a few hours! Alas, Even when the plague spread, it didn't happen like this..."

"How's the situation today?" Huo Junming asked.

"There's nothing wrong with Ben Jia," said Sister-in-law Liu, "but I heard that the old man of the Feng family is seriously ill, and I'm afraid he's going to have a hard time..."

"Have a fever?" Huo Junming immediately became alert.

"That's not true. I heard that I asked the doctor to read it, and said that it's because I'm old."

"If they pass away, don't forget to ask them to report to the police station," Zhao Gui reminded. "Nowadays, the chief has a rule that only a death certificate can be issued for burial."

"I know that," Sister Liu nodded, "I understand the official rules!" She suddenly lowered her voice, and said, "There have been a lot of rumors on the street recently..."

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Gui's ears pricked up. One of the important tasks of the police department is to collect rumors in the market, and then pass them to the Political Security Bureau for them to sniff out all kinds of "*** *conspiracy".

"There are many theories." Sister-in-law Liu looked around, and then pulled Zhao Gui and others to the corner, and said in a low voice, "Some people say that the Australians dig canals and dredge all over the city of Guangzhou. Feng Shui, so there will be plague..."

Zhao Gui shook his head: "It's a good thing to dig a ditch to clear the silt. Such a smelly and dirty ditch is silted up again. When it rains, the dirty water will flow back..."

Huo Junming is a little educated, and he doesn't take it seriously: "Since ancient times, the dragon veins have been either mountains or old rivers, or the Yangtze River. How can anyone count water canals and dark ditches as dragon veins? No way, no way."

"There's more!" Sister-in-law Liu didn't discriminate, and said, "Some people say that it was the witchcraft case that was solved a few months ago. The mage once practiced the plague ghost, and now it is the plague ghost that came out to harm people."

The theory of epidemic ghosts and drought demons was very popular at that time, and it is not surprising that this kind of saying spread in the market.Sister-in-law Liu went on to say: "There are people who say..." She lowered her voice as low as a mosquito, "The thieves are doing something against the heavens. It is the sea dragon who violated the real dragon. The crime is heinous, so the heavens sent this plague to punish you." The Kun thief also said that the destiny is in Daming, and the Kun thief can't grow up in Guangdong..."

Zhao Gui was startled, and hurriedly said: "Don't dare to talk nonsense!"

Huo Junming also said: "Sister-in-law Liu, it's fine if you tell us this, don't talk nonsense outside..."

Sister-in-law Liu said: "I can save this! If you don't tell it to you, how can the Senate know that these rumors are being spread outside? There must be a countermeasure to deal with these rumors."

Huo Junming just felt bored in his heart, thinking that you are the leader of the first team, a "official" like flying dust, and you have to rush to flatter the Australians, so he sarcastically said: "Sister-in-law Liu, I didn't expect you to be the leader of the team for a few days So loyal!"

"I'm not paid by Australians," Sister-in-law Liu said and glanced at him, "How can you be so loyal?" As she said, she put away all the laundry, "Are Australians real dragons? I'm a little girl I don’t understand and dare not say it, but after arriving in Guangzhou, it has really made us ordinary people live a more stable life. Just say a few good things about them, and probably no one can pick it out!”

Huo Junming laughed a few times, knowing that this woman was not easy to mess with, so he didn't speak any more.

"This is what you want," said Mrs. Liu, taking out a small paper bag from a basket beside her. "There are 25 in total, you can count them!"

The folded kraft paper bag contains rat tails, and each player must hand in a number of rat tails every day as proof of rodent extermination.

Huo Junming took it with a little disgust, and put it in the specimen isolation box that he carried with him.This Australian is really full and has nothing to do, let alone exterminate rats, but also collect rat tails!That's all--they pay attention to cutting off the head to lead the battle--the problem is that each armor has to hand in a whole dead mouse every week.The matter of recycling and transporting dead rats is also the work of the epidemic prevention team.Last week, he went around in circles and came back with a dead mouse in an isolation box.He didn't know what the use of this dead mouse, Chief Lin, was, in short, he had to have it. Everyone said that Chief Lin cut open the mouse's heart, and then took a close look at it with a mirror.As for the usefulness of reading it, no one knows.

"This Australian mousetrap is really easy to use, but it's a pity that there are too few of them!" Sister-in-law Liu said, "Some people are greedy for small things, and they even want to get a mousetrap, insisting that they lost it! I have to give him another one from Baojia. Now it’s less than one family! Are you angry or not?”

Zhao Gui knew about this a long time ago, but his superiors couldn't explain it, so he could only say, "It's always good for him to catch more mice. I'll apply for a few more later."

Before the gossip with Mrs. Liu was finished, shopkeeper Xie hurried over. He was also the leader of the deck A team in South Scissors Lane, with the segment in front.

"You two!" He greeted Zhao Gui and Huo Junming loudly when he saw Zhao Gui and Huo Junming, "There is a situation!"

Both of them were in awe, and now the group leader ran to say "there is a situation", it was by no means a trivial matter, either there was a suspected case, or an abandoned corpse was found.

When shopkeeper Xie came to him panting, he found an unknown corpse in the alley of his pipe.

"Where is the exact location?"

"Seven Alleys of the Eastern Branch of Scissors Alley."

Zhao Gui was taken aback, he was very familiar with this place name - isn't this the place where he and Li Ziyu found the headless corpse?
Huo Junming said: "Go, let's take a look!"

In the past, the unidentified corpses found on the street were all sent to Shuangshan Temple to be claimed, and then sent to Liuhuaqiao Huaren Factory if no one claimed them. But now, all corpses found on the road are suspected of being infected by the plague. process.

 PS: Volume 5 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-] will be updated on Monday

(End of this chapter)

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