Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1908 Public Trial Continued 2

Chapter 1908 Public Trial Continuation II
"Minister Ding, do you want to ask me, how many of these people are actors?" Mu Min said.

Ding Ding coughed: "The perpetrator has no future? Naturally, the effect of inciting public opinion is good, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Gao Lingquan, who was originally protected by the police on the stage, suddenly fell off the stage for no reason.When the people below saw the enemy falling, they became even more frantic.They rushed forward to tear Gao Lingquan's flesh.The cordon was breached in an instant, swallowing Gao Lingquan under the crowd.Mu Min picked up the walkie-talkie: "I am number 1! Protect Gao Lingquan!"

As soon as she gave an order, the bayonets of the white horse team under the stage unsheathed, and the shining bayonets formed an array line, instantly forcing the violent crowd back. Several policemen quickly dragged out Gao Lingquan, who was lying limp on the ground, and sent them to the stage again.

Now, he was out of shape, his face was swollen, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.His hair was completely messed up, and more than a dozen strands of hair had been ripped off from his head, and his head was covered with bald spots like dysentery. In some places, the scalp had been ripped off, dripping with blood.His clothes had been completely torn into strips of cloth, one arm was hanging down, obviously broken, his hands were dripping with blood, and a few fingers had been bitten off carefully.

Although it was not the first time to attend such a "struggle meeting", Ding Ding was still taken aback by Gao Lingquan's tragic situation.

Being dragged to the stage, Gao Lingquan was already limp on the ground like a dead dog, unable to stand up because he was too frightened or suffered some internal injuries.

There was a lot of voices on and off the stage, and it became more and more chaotic.

Liang Xinhu kept shouting for silence on the stage, and managed to lower his voice a bit, but the people below were still fierce.

Mu Min quickly picked up the walkie-talkie: "Yuan Liang! Hurry up and sentence him! Don't let him die in the hands of the masses!"

Letting Gao Lingquan be killed by the people is certainly a relief, the comedy effect is strong, and it has great publicity value.But this means that the Senate recognized the legality of lynching, which would seriously shake the legal foundation of the Senate.Of course Liang Xinhu understands this truth. If he kills the people and pursues the legal responsibility of the people, it will be a lose-lose situation. He hastily turned the volume of the loudspeaker to the maximum and read the verdict aloud: according to the multiple rapes and molestation of women, He was convicted of the crimes of particularly serious circumstances and intentional injury causing death, and was sentenced to death.

As soon as the verdict came out, there was a burst of cheers from the audience.Another person wanted to climb up the stage to arrest Gao Lingquan. Liang Xinhu ordered the white horse team to use bayonets to open the way. A few policemen hurriedly erected Gao Lingquan and walked towards the gallows.

At this time, Gao Lingquan did not respond and was at the mercy of others.Several policemen hurriedly put the noose around his neck, only to hear the flip of the door.There was a burst of cheers from the audience.People still felt suffocated, and rushed to the gallows again.Those who suffer too much and are out of breath must use the knife and ax brought in advance to dismember the corpse.He was forced back by the national army with a bayonet.

There were crying and laughing in the arena, and it was chaotic.Some people set off firecrackers and burned paper money.The faces of the prisoners waiting for trial in the audience were all pale, and the faces of those who were originally "a hero again after 18 years" also began to twitch - this posture, as long as the Australians relax a little, they will be eaten alive!
Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Mu Min immediately used the walkie-talkie to call the navy sailors on standby to enter to maintain order.At the same time, he was ordered to leave and not enter the field.Evacuate a group of weak, elderly women and children on the spot.

Zeng Juan squatted on the top of the mound, watching this thrilling scene, which was the first time he had seen such a scene.He felt novelty and vaguely felt an incredible power: the common people are not just fish under the sword!As long as someone takes the lead, amazing energy can also erupt.

"I won't go, I won't go, even if you beat me to death, I won't go... Husband——" Suddenly, a shrill cry came from his ear, and he was shocked.I saw two policemen below the mound pulling a woman in filial piety and holding a spiritual tablet.

She probably fell down, and the filial piety was covered with mud and sand stains, and there were also footprints that had been trampled on.She was drenched in sweat and her face was terribly red.Crying: "I'm not going out! I'm not going out! I want to watch Mo Rongxin, that bastard die—"

The policeman was also sweating, and persuaded: "You are a lonely woman, you are lucky if you fell down just now and didn't get trampled to death! If you have any grievances, the chief will report to you. If you fall down again, you will die! He also said What revenge..."

"Even if I die, I'm willing to die! I beg you two servants to show you your hands!" The woman resolutely refused. She once saw her pleading with her spiritual tablet, and she felt compassion, moved her body aside, and said "Two police comrades! Let this elder sister come up and sit down, this place is safe and you won't fall." Then he said to the woman: "This elder sister, if you don't mind, you can squeeze here."

The woman thanked her, climbed up quickly, and sat down beside Zeng Juan.Seeing that she had a safe place, the police stopped mobilizing her to go out.

"Thank you bro!"

"You don't have to be polite." Zeng Juan was for "defense between men and women", and because the other party was a widow, so he didn't talk to her much, and turned his attention to the public trial stand.

Here, the prisoners in the audience were taken onto the stage one by one. After the interrogation and execution just now, the emotions of the crowd had been mobilized. Every time a prisoner came to the stage, the audience shouted "Death penalty!"In the end, I couldn't even hear the indictment read clearly, and before the public prosecutor even opened his mouth, there was a roar of "death penalty".Every prisoner who was "certified and executed" fell from under the flap door with a bang, and the audience burst into cheers.This murderous frenzy also infected the veterans on the stage, and the speed of Liang Xinhu's trial was obviously accelerated.

"Don't be driven by the emotions on the field, come one by one!" Mu Min kept using the walkie-talkie to convey orders on the podium, controlling the rhythm and emotions.

Mo Rongxin was the No.15 one who was brought to the stage.He had only been arrested a week ago—he had been on the surveillance list long before the plague broke out.To be honest, he still couldn't figure out why he was arrested until he was arrested. In Mo Rongxin's view, the Australians wanted to punish him because they took a fancy to the property of Wenlan Academy.Although the pain of losing this wealth will be painful, but as long as the Australian gives a hint, he is by no means a person who does not know how to advance or retreat.As for his marriage with Gao's family, he could just ask his son to divorce Gao Tianshi's daughter.

Unexpectedly, the Australians took his whole family to him unceremoniously.Mo Rongxin was dizzy and couldn't recover, so he was thrown into a prison and tortured. Only then did he understand: the Australians want to dig him out!
Questions about everything, trivial things, the past events of the monkey years, one by one, have been brought up one by one-some things have passed for too long, and he can't remember them at all, and he has to be reminded by the interrogator before he can roughly recall them. Second.

Originally, he was somewhat lucky, he was not directly involved in the witchcraft case, thinking that the Australians were just greedy for his property, but when the interrogator put a confession involving his past evils in front of him Mo Rongxin knew that he could not escape - the Australians wanted to settle accounts with him.

Sophistry, denial, pretending to be crazy, he tried all these, but in the end he couldn't withstand the torture of the Australians. Mo Rongxin still confessed, including the relationship between him and the gentry over the years, and how much he had done for the gentry Dirty things... Maybe because he was desperate for the future of himself and his family, Mo Rongxin crazily bit every gentry in Guangzhou, no matter it was true or just "rumours" of all kinds of scandals. It's all said.The harvest was so great that it far exceeded Mu Min's imagination.

Zeng Juan nodded secretly when he heard the word "Mo Rongxin".This old boy is not a good thing either!
Mo Rongxin has dominated Wenlan Academy for many years, and everyone in Guangzhou knows that he eats meat by himself and feeds the scholars with pot water.It was only when the prosecutor began to read out his indictment that Zeng Juan realized that what he knew was only superficial - Mo Rongxin was not just a greedy academy head, but a villain with many lives in his hands.

When the public prosecutor read about the case of Mo Rongxin instructing gamblers to lure Wang Xiucai into gambling, and raped his wife He Shi, which eventually led to Wang Xiucai's suicide, suddenly the filial woman beside him stood up and said loudly: "I am Wang He Shi ! This beast in clothes and clothes forced my husband to death, and then sold me to a brothel as a prostitute!"

Because the mound was a little far away from the public trial platform, He Xi shouted with all his strength, his voice was shrill, and his eyes were shattered.It's like a ghost is asking for his life.She held up the spiritual tablet, "Mo Rongxin! You have today too! Look at this tablet...he's here to take you..." After she said that, she laughed wildly, making Zeng Juan rash all over her body.

When she shouted, there was a commotion in the venue, and all the sufferers cried.More than a dozen scholars from Wenlan Academy also roared in the audience. Some of them are friends of Wang Shusheng, and some of them rose up to fight because they were dissatisfied with the loss of the academy's benefits in the past.There is no deep hatred between them and Mo Rongxin, but in the past few years in the academy, Mo Rongxin has been in control of the administration, doing evil things, nepotism... All their hopes of studying and progressing have been shattered.This hatred is not necessarily less than that of He Xilai.Immediately afterwards, the mood of the crowd, which had calmed down a little bit just now, ignited again, and bricks and stones rained down on Mo Rongxin.

Liang Xinhu saw that the situation was not good, so he hurriedly pronounced the sentence.The police immediately dragged Mo Rongxin, who was trembling like chaff, off the stage, and went to the gallows.

He Xi didn't care about the crowds in front of her, she didn't know where the strength came from, and holding the spiritual tablet, she desperately squeezed through the crowd.The crowd, either out of sympathy or intimidated by her resolute gaze, actively parted ways, allowing her to squeeze until she was in front of the gallows.The noose was wrapped around Mo Rongxin's neck.

Introduce and sort out important people and event information;
Demonstrate the demeanor of the Lingao community, tour exhibition of outstanding colleagues and data works;
Organize online or offline gatherings of elders from time to time;
In a word, Senatus Populusque Magnus
(End of this chapter)

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