Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1928 Project Approval

Chapter 1928 Project Approval
"The punched card computer system includes three basic components, or in other words, the simplest punched card computer system can be formed with these three devices, which are the punching machine, the sorting machine and the tabulating machine. According to the problem It can also be used in combination with multiple devices of the same type to flexibly respond to various business needs.

"It is worth noting that the punching machine is actually equivalent to the input structure of a general-purpose computer, the punched card itself is the main memory, the operation part of the sorter and the tabulator is equivalent to the arithmetic logic part of the general-purpose computer, and the wiring structure is equivalent to the instruction register And the controller, while the printing part of the tabulating machine is equivalent to the output structure. The architecture of the general-purpose computer in the future has already appeared in the basic composition of the punched card computer system.

"Compared with hand-cranked calculators, the functions of each basic equipment of punched card computers are relatively single, and the design is relatively simple. With the continuous improvement of our power equipment manufacturing technology, the author believes that the development of the electromechanical computer system directly on the horse is the same as It is feasible to develop, after all, at the peak of the development of this type of computer system, it involved no more than a thousand or so wiring holes. For early applications, the wiring/programming process is easier, and the current technology can be used with simple circuit boards. It is also feasible to start from a non-programmable special system, such as a census system. As for the card reading system, it is only the simplest brush-roller structure. This structure was developed as early as the beginning of the 20th century. It replaces the mercury-probe structure when the punched card computer first appeared 10 years ago.

"Of course, the punched card computer system also includes statistical computing components such as addition and subtraction. Even in the later design, multiplication and division are also included in the computing components. The computing components of these electromechanical punched card computers often use relays and other methods to register values ​​and perform calculations. Calculation, the internal structure is quite different from that of a hand-cranked calculator. The development of this type of computing components does not require high mechanical design and material strength, but it poses a certain challenge to the development level of the Senate's weak current technology."

After the article was published, it is self-evident that there was another debate in the "technical circle". The electronic computer faction immediately wrote an article against this project, but because of the debate, the faction split into the tube fundamentalist faction and the transistor innovation faction. The two sides pinched each other, and the criticism of electromechanical computers suddenly stopped.

Feng Nuo readily signed the "Application Form for the Use of Level [-] Controlled Materials" brought by Dr. Zhong and handed it back.Then we casually chatted about punched card computers.

"You've been doing a lot lately. I've read several articles, and the information is detailed and reasonable. It's just that you're trying to grab food from the hand-cranked computer project, and those people won't be happy." Zhong Lishi took Feng Nuo The "Punched Card Computer" that was scavenged from the data center said with a frown.

"I don't have the ability to do this project alone. Even if the project is launched, I have to pull people from the mechanical port and the electric port to work together. I will also play the role of a consultant." Feng Nuo said modestly, he knew the key points of the Second Five-Year Plan Among the support objects, the Ministry of Culture, Science and Technology has a relatively large say in the project of precision instruments and equipment, and Dr. Zhong, who is in charge of the Ministry of Science and Technology, is still very influential.Some projects were even undertaken by Dr. Zhong himself.

At present, these projects have not yet been formally established. Under the spiritual guidance of the third plenary meeting of the Senate, the degree of formalization, or the degree of bureaucracy, of various affairs is increasing day by day.

Those approved by the plenary session are just an "outline". Then, the Planning Institute will convene veterans from ministries and commissions such as industry, science and technology, and medical education to write "guidelines" based on the "outline". After the release of the "Guidelines", each project team will start to write "Applications". There is no condition for "Applications" to be reviewed anonymously - after all, there are too few people. In most fields, the "Outline" or "Guidelines" Whether it is the "application", it is probably written by the same elder.Moreover, the current technology tree climbing is based on the strategy, playing games and acting movies according to the script, and there is no problem of evaluating innovation and feasibility.Therefore, this review process is avoided, and the "application" is more like a document of R&D and manufacturing plans, but project team members and veterans of similar discipline groups always have to sit together and discuss with each other, although the efficiency is relatively low. But it's also brainstorming anyway.

The final step is the budgetary and material coordination between the Ministry of Finance and the Planning Institute.At this stage, all departments generally divide the cakes and report them according to the total number. The Ministry of Finance and Finance is just going through a formality, but there is a lot of wrangling with the Planning Institute in terms of material control.

The budget is not divided into items, and the veterans do not need to travel for meetings at all, so most of the budget is for real materials, energy, equipment and testing expenses.The labor can be directly used by the naturalized people of the supporting unit, or even the indigenous people, which is an artificial Filipino servant.

But what is special this time is that the Planning Institute dedicated a small budget to experimentally encourage naturalized skilled workers, research assistants, students, and apprentices in factories, laboratories, hospitals, and schools to make technological improvements and innovations. use.Report to the competent ministries and commissions in the form of a combination of individual application and unit recommendation, and decide whether to fund after centralized review.

Feng Nuo's plan was to persuade Zhong Lishi to get involved in the compilation and discussion of the "Guidelines" for the manufacture of precision instruments and equipment, communicate directly with the veterans of the hand-cranked computer project team, and expand the project to include the "mechanical system" of the punched card computer system. Type computer project", he also planned to bring in the people from the electrical port and the post and telecommunications port.After all, it involves the design and manufacture of electromechanical systems and the formulation of information carrier standards.

"I have already talked with Shao Zong and Tom Liu on the phone. They are very interested in participating in this project. Two days ago, Yang Yun from the Ministry of Minsheng came repair the computer, and we chatted for a long time. He commented on "Weekly News" The census example in that article was very interesting. He said that the Ministry of Minsheng plans to launch the first census this year or next year. If we can build relevant equipment, we can consider using it. He also expressed interest in quickly launching a punch card information storage and processing system. , and the punch card resident ID card is also very supportive. His personal computer has the most various statistical data, and he is also very afraid of this problem." Although he is still a bit reluctant to repair the computer, it really makes Feng Nuo's head is relatively familiar, and his popularity is also good.

Zhong Lishi was a little surprised at Feng Nuo's energy to stir up trouble and get all the big clients so quickly.But think again that these departments have a great demand for statistics and retrieval, and any equipment that can improve work efficiency is very welcome.The demand is huge, and Feng Nuo's plan is just what he likes.

He thought for a while, and said: "Next week, we are considering holding a project coordination meeting related to the manufacture of precision instruments and equipment. You guys should also come to participate in the discussion. Now there is a lot of waste to be done, only the project has no one to do it, don't worry People can’t find projects to do.”

"That's great. I know that. Anyway, I'm also a member of the Planning Institute. There are a lot of supercomputers at the industrial entrance, and I'm familiar with them." Feng Nuo breathed a sigh of relief, and it was basically settled.

At this time, Feng Shan brought two cups of tea and handed them to them.She was still wearing Fangcaodi's girl uniform, except for the two white sleeves of the selection team on the lapel of the sailor uniform, she also added a morning star symbolizing "teacher".Indicates that she is a student with "teaching" qualifications.

Zhong Lishi took a look at Feng Shan, and said with a smile: "Oh... this is... I heard Xiaoying mentioned you. I heard that your math is very good, better than many veterans. Are you interested in coming after graduation? We are too busy working at the Observatory."

Feng Shan responded generously: "Thank you, Chief Zhong, for your compliment. There are other students who are better at math than me. Besides, Miss Xiaoying's erudition is unmatched by any of our contemporaries. I have to thank her more. study."

"Xiaoying will be transferred to the academy in a few days. You have no plan to let her transfer there too? It will be fine according to her conditions."

"I haven't made this plan yet. After all, Feng Shan and Xiaoying are still a little different. In addition, she is a bit biased, especially in a few subjects. The comprehensive evaluation results are not enough to enter the fast class. Besides, Fangcaodi is not good enough now. He takes her very seriously, saying that she is a middle school student. In fact, she no longer needs to take math classes, and instead teaches others. The other courses are also optional, and the degree of freedom is already very high. However," he changed the subject, "Girls before middle school She learns mathematics well and quickly, and she cannot be said to be a mathematical genius or something. I was really surprised at the time. I finished junior high school mathematics in more than 3 years. But in fact, it has been 4 years now, and she can only basically master micro level of points."

"And 'barely mastered', you mastered calculus in high school?"

"Yes, she is indeed better than me. Not to mention high school, even now I can only give her a little introduction to modern mathematics. But she is not the strongest in mathematics in Fangcaodi, and there are even stronger talents."

Dr. Zhong nodded. He had indeed heard of a few "geeks" in Fangcaodi. According to the level of mathematics, in the old time and space, they were all materials for attending the junior class of the University of Science and Technology.

Feng Nuo took Feng Shan's hand and made her stand closer. Zhong Lishi noticed that the girl's body was a little stiff for a moment, so he couldn't help but smiled.

"I think it's better to let her be stuck in mathematics for the rest of her life? Even if she is better than me, she is nothing compared to the old... and those math geniuses or mathematicians in the past. Now that she has risen so fast, she is Because in the "learning" of the advanced mathematics knowledge we brought, it was lectures in the early days, and now it is mainly self-study, and there are a few veterans who can give her a little guidance. But when we really face the unknown blank, we can explore, summarize, and ask questions by ourselves. And the ability to prove theorems is the necessary quality to be a mathematician."

Next update: Volume 33: Mainland China - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Section [-]


(End of this chapter)

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