Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1937 Three Veterans

Chapter 1937 Two Veterans

Originally, the general office planned to expand the old man's residential area, but with the launch of the Guangdong and Guangxi strategy.The Senate plans to move to Guangzhou.After seeing the planning and design drawings and renderings of the "Guangzhou Senate Residential Area" drawn up by the planning and construction department, the calls of the elders to change houses became less intense...

"I'll draw a big cake for you and it will stop!" Elder Xu Yuan complained again.

He asked someone to bring a meal to the cafeteria in the industrial area, and opened the door of the inner office by himself——his personal dormitory, which was small in size and comfortably furnished.There are also necessary washing facilities, which is very convenient to live in.Here he can think about work issues with peace of mind.It can be regarded as a small harbor for him in work and life.

On the table is his confidential briefcase, which contains the documents of the Planning Institute that he requested to consult—all report materials on the storage capacity and status of various computer equipment.Among them are sophisticated forms and periodic reports.

Some of these reports were written by his partner Feng Nuo, and the other part was written by the veterans of the Planning Academy.From the wording of the report to the ultra-fine management style where each capacitor has its whereabouts, how much importance the Planning Institute attaches to these devices.

Mr. Xu Yuan still remembers that all the masters on the BBS offered their suggestions and suggestions. Some discussed the reasons for the aging loss of electronic equipment from the perspectives of electron migration, power supply principles, and capacitor design. Some gave suggestions for extending the service life from the perspective of their own work experience. Related suggestions, some consider how to effectively seal up electronic products.In the end, the Planning Institute issued a document called "Interim Regulations on Maintenance, Maintenance, and Life Extension of Precision Electronic Equipment in Dispersed Use".

This document stipulates every aspect in detail, from hardware to software.The most important move of this document is that except for a few machines with special applications, the computer operating system has completely disabled the Windows series, and switched to operating systems such as DOS or Linux without complicated background scheduling.For some devices that require visual operation, try to use a Linux system with a visual interface.

The more I read the report, the more stressed Xu Laowu, the main user manager, felt. No wonder Feng Nuo struggled to get on the mechanical computer all day long.Relying on reserves alone will lead to a day when the "refined digital management" of the Senate will collapse.

No wonder Feng Nuo has been so active lately—his sense of crisis is stronger than mine.Xu Laowu thought to himself that once this system collapses, Feng Yuan will be a complete "idle veteran".

While reading the report, he was taking key notes, especially estimating how much equipment and materials could be applied for.How large a data computing center is to be configured.

Xu Yicheng estimates that Guangdong's demand for data and computing centers is different from that of Lingao.In addition to a large amount of data management, Lingao also has a large number of production and scientific research projects that require computing services.But Guangzhou is different. There is no modern industry to speak of there, but the population and economic aggregate are much larger than those of Hainan.Therefore, the main needs should be in population management, economic statistics and taxation management.Storage, retrieval, and classification requirements are much greater than computation.

If these applications are the main ones, Feng Noti's "mechanical computer" can indeed replace some of the functions of computers.

While reading the report, he took notes and wrote an outline.After a while, someone brought him dinner. Old Fifth Xu ate and walked in the corridors and halls of the computing center, exercising after dinner and supervising the work of the night shift.

Then he started writing his own report.I kept writing until two o'clock in the middle of the night and the first draft was basically formed.

"Forget it, let's sleep for a while." Xu Laowu fell headfirst on the bed and immediately fell asleep.

It seemed only for a moment that he woke up.I looked up and saw that the sky was already bright.Xu Yicheng got up and stretched his waist. He was taking a shower when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

It was his administrative secretary who came in, and she reported, "Chief Feng is here to see you."

"Please wait for a while..." Xu Lao Wu quickly wiped off the water stains on his face with a towel, "You tell him to have breakfast together."

Breakfast is served in the conference room next to the office.Breakfast was prepared by Xu Shanshan, Xu Laowu's life secretary.His other life secretary Zahra sent it.Zahra also cooked him a "traditional Persian style" breakfast, but Mr. Xu has a stubborn "Chinese stomach" and is really not happy with the unrestrained abuse of spices and sugar.So the cooking is completely owned by Xu Shanshan.

The breakfast that Xu Shanshan sent was always very large. A basket of buns with various fillings and rice porridge cooked in a casserole was delivered in a special incubator.The leftover rice porridge and buns are the "welfare" of the night shift importers outside as usual.Xu Shanshan's steamed stuffed bun is a "famous product" in the computer center, and it is a popular item that is "slowly handed".The rice porridge cooked slowly by Yuan Lao is not comparable to that served in general cafeterias.

The secretary put two sets of cutlery on the table, and Feng Nuo was already sitting there eating the buns——Xu Laowu didn't care about it, seeing his face and eye circles, it seemed that he hadn't slept all night.

"Didn't sleep all night again? Get a good night's sleep later." How old is Xu Lao Wu, and he has to care about Feng Nuo on weekdays, "You fight too hard, and you won't hurt yourself in the end!"

"I'm not tired." Feng Nuo's eyes were dull. "I'll have a card manufacturing meeting in the printing factory soon——the mechanical computer business is finally a thing of the past."

Xu Laowu was very concerned about this matter, and asked, "I haven't read the documents recently, how is your project going?"

"It has entered the stage of engineering prototypes. The finished product of the punching machine is the quality of the paper card. This thing is easy on the drawing. Once it enters the manufacturing process, all problems will come out. Materials, processing... The headache is very..." Feng Nuo said it was a headache, but his appetite was good, and he started to eat the third bun.

"I remember this thing is said to be mechanical, but in fact it still needs a relay. Can it be done?"

"I've consulted and thought about it myself. It should be possible." Feng Nuo has repaired computers for many years, and he is considered a half "authority" in this regard.In fact, it includes things like capacitors, even simple printed circuit boards - we can do it with our current capabilities, but the yield rate is not high and the quality is unstable.

"This instability is fatal."

"That's right, but it's better than nothing, rough first and then fine." Feng Nuo said, taking out a document from his briefcase, "This is the specific data and design of the first mass-produced computer in the plan. Figure. The shape and structure will be slightly modified, but the data processing capability should be about the same.”

Xu Laowu knew that the purpose of this document was to write a report for him.They have been partners for many years. Although they are only in a "working relationship" on weekdays and there is no "personal friendship", they feel "reliable" with each other, and he accepted it without saying anything.

Feng Nuo had eaten Xu Lao Wu's free breakfast, and hurried to the paper mill.At the paper mill, I had a morning meeting with the veterans in charge of technology.When I came back, I brought a pack of punch card samples of different sizes, thicknesses, and materials.For his testing purposes—in fact, he doesn't even have a finished machine on hand.

When I got home at noon, Feng Shan didn't come back, the stove was cold and the pot was clear, and I didn't even have a box lunch.The room has been tidied up, but the floor has not been swept carefully. The tables, chairs and furniture have not been wiped for a long time, and there is a thin layer of dust.Feng Nuo was a little disappointed: the "Guangyuan's Project" he cultivated so painstakingly seemed less attractive than he imagined.

Although he knew that Feng Shan's study and work schedule was very tight, he gave the greatest degree of understanding and support, but compared with other veteran maids—especially the breakfast at Xu Laowu's this morning—Feng Shan could Said it was "too incompetent".

Going out to eat is naturally easy, whether it is the cafeteria or the Nanhai Cafe, there are meals available.However, although he had a maid, he was still living a single life, Feng Nuo couldn't help feeling sullen.

"Forget it, let's get lost and go to the computing center. At least there are still people available there!" Feng Nuo casually left a note for Feng Shan, telling her to go to the computing center immediately after returning home.

"Teacher Xiao Feng?"

Feng Shan stopped, and she glanced at the source of the voice in some confusion. A teenager wearing an apprentice's overalls stood at the door of a room on the side of the computing center hall and looked at her.The boy is about 14 or 5 years old, neither tall nor short, with neither long nor short hair, and ordinary appearance.

"I'm Qian Yuzhi, and I've taken your class with Teacher Xiao Feng before."

Feng Shan still has no impression. She has to take more than 20 courses a week in national schools, liberal arts colleges, and vocational schools, with different depths and different progress.Especially the vocational school is a large class with more than 200 people, and it is impossible to remember the names of all the students.What's more, she has a lot of affairs. In addition to continuing her studies and substituting for Fangcaodi, she also has to take care of Feng Nuo's daily life. Therefore, she only serves as a substitute teacher and does not concurrently work as a class teacher counselor, so she has no intention of remembering students. s face.

Seeing that Feng Shan still hadn't remembered, the boy seemed a little embarrassed, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.He came over and said, "I am Qian Yuzhi from the 1634th term of the 6 class of the vocational school. I have listened to your lectures several times before. I sat in the last row of the classroom by the window and asked questions several times after the class. Well, maybe you don't have much memory..."

Feng Shan nodded blankly. Because of her beautiful appearance and gentle personality, her clothes are more fashionable than ordinary naturalized substitute teachers and senior students in Fangcaodi, and her age is similar to that of vocational school students, so she is very popular among students. welcome.Every time after class, the apprentices who came to ask questions would circle three or four times, and sometimes they would not leave until the bell rang for the next class, so asking questions really couldn't bring back any valuable information for her.However, she still smiled and talked with the boy for a while before walking into the management area on the second floor with the food box.

Next update: Volume 42: Mainland China - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Section [-]


Introduce and sort out important people and event information;
Demonstrate the demeanor of the Lingao community, tour exhibition of outstanding colleagues and data works;
Organize online or offline gatherings of elders from time to time;

In a word, Senatus Populusque Magnus
(End of this chapter)

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