Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1939 Tenant

Chapter 1939 Tenant
In the past, Feng Nuo's work was relatively leisurely, and he would do a little housework at home, but since this period of time, he can't take care of it anymore.The sanitation at home has been deteriorating -- but there are still a lot of components and professional books in his house, so don't worry about asking the cleaners from the service agency to clean it.

Just relying on Feng Shan's hasty cleaning up every morning, one can imagine the sanitary condition of the house.Feng Nuo was already dissatisfied when he went home today.In addition, I didn't have lunch, and when I returned to the computer center, I was already angry when I saw Feng Shan brought a lunch box.

Of course, he, Feng Nuo, claims to be an activist for women's equal rights, and he personally contributed to the cultivation of Feng Shan into a "student master". Hind legs - or it will become a fine point.So just a very polite "reminder".

But the unhappiness in his tone was obvious.Feng Shan also realized his dissatisfaction.She bowed her head and said:

"Yes, I will clean it when I get back tonight."

Feng Nuo vented a bit, and he calmed down.He started to eat the box lunch brought by Feng Shan.

"Double employment is really unbearable, do you want to buy another life secretary?" Feng Nuo thought to himself.

Qian Yuzhi stared blankly at Feng Shan's direction upstairs.

"It turns out that she is really..." There have long been rumors in vocational schools that Teacher Xiao Feng is actually the "Life Secretary" of a certain chief.This was unbelievable at first, because Feng Shan has been studying and working in Fangcaodi, and has never worn a "maid uniform", and no one has ever seen her have an intimate relationship with any elder—the nature of Feng Nuo's work is similar to that of an otaku Attributes, Feng Shan's own heavy studies and work, and of course the factors of the "Guangyuan" hat back then, all determine that they seldom go out on dates to show off.

However, the facts are in front of us.Of course Qian Yuzhi would not mistake "maid's uniform".From the original maid outfits to the latest styles of suits, every version of "maid uniform" is an important topic of night talk in the dormitory of vocational schools. He will never look at the reputation of the number one expert on maid uniforms in vocational schools because of his money. Lost eyes.

This discovery made him feel a little distracted all afternoon. Teacher Xiao Feng's beautiful figure in a maid's uniform stuck firmly to his eyelids like a speck of dust that couldn't be wiped off, and it would emerge as soon as he closed his eyes.Finally, it was dinner time, and because he was always in a daze and slowed down the work progress of the whole team in the afternoon, he was scolded by the section leader and asked him to "don't come to the evening shift, go back and reflect", so he turned around a little Come on.

Qian Yuzhi ate half full in the cafeteria without taste, bought two more potato flour cakes for tomorrow's breakfast, left Bairen City, and walked outside Dongmen City.

He is a local, his mother died young, and his father was a sailor of the coast guard. Three years ago, he was transferred to the Hong Kong base to garrison. He never came back after a maritime patrol mission. There was no body, not even ashes. He and his younger sister, two years younger, depended on each other for life.

Benefiting from the preferential policy of the Senate, he and his sister were treated as "martyrs" and entered national schools for free.Even the name was changed to the elegant "Hane".

After two years of elementary school, Qian Yuzhi's grades were mediocre and he was too old, so he transferred to a vocational school.He is a "martyr" and has a good status. After graduation, he was assigned to Bairen Machinery General Factory as a mechanic apprentice; his younger sister entered the nursing school of the Ministry of Health.I was sent to Kaohsiung for an internship last year.

Although the two brothers and sisters lost their parents, their economic conditions are still good.The two are orphans of martyrs. In addition to a pension, the board and lodging during school are free. The housing was handed down from the family. It was already very dilapidated. In the old house, they were allocated a small apartment with their own property rights in a large number of naturalized dormitories built near Dongmen City.

He seldom lives in this small apartment on weekdays, so he rents it out-the housing in Lingao is tight, and the rental income is very good.But after he graduated, he could no longer live in the dormitory in Fangcaodi.So at the end of last month, he mailed the notice of taking back the house to the "Lingao Commercial Housing Management Group".

"Lingao Commercial Housing Management Combination" is a newly established state-owned mixed-ownership enterprise under the commercial sector, similar in nature to a mixture of housing management offices and real estate intermediaries.His house is entrusted to the combined rental management.

Qian Yuzhi entered a residential compound at No. 15, Third Ring Road, Dongmen City.These are houses built in batches by the civil affairs department for naturalized migrant workers.The densely packed red brick bungalows are next to each other, and each building faces north and extends for a long time - if you come to a Japanese, he will feel very familiar: this is the long house!

The so-called long house is a long one-story house that shares one roof.The houses under the eaves are separated by walls according to a certain area and distributed to different families.The longhouse built by the Construction Corporation is not exactly a one-story house, but has a loft that can stand upright in the middle of the roof ridge.A longhouse is arranged in three, five, or seven sets according to the length.

Each household in the longhouse dormitory has a small yard along the road in front of it, surrounded by a low fence of the same style.It is used to dry clothes, and it is also a place for the family to eat and enjoy the cool.Many families set up scaffolding in the yard, growing vegetables such as loofah and pumpkin, and placed tables and chairs under the scaffolding.

It was already past the off-duty time: people came and went in the No. 15 yard: workers off work, children after school, and housewives who came back from shopping.Women's talking and laughing, children's fighting, accompanied by greetings among off-duty workers... The strong aroma of food permeated the air.

He walked along the road paved with gravel, passing through the wet platform of the public well: a dozen women were washing and washing rice by the stone sink, and the wheels creaked constantly, carrying buckets of water.There is a sign next to the well. In addition to the routine warnings not to pollute the water quality and to save water, there is also a dark green mark: indicating that the water in the well is drinkable after being boiled.

Although he has been allocated housing here, he rarely comes here.I am a little strange and cautious about such a lively atmosphere of life.

He came all the way to the gate of his yard.The yard is quite clean, but there are no flowers and plants, no tables and chairs inside, and it looks very deserted.

The door was closed—according to the lease, the tenant should have moved out the day before yesterday.

Qian Yuzhi took out the keys listlessly—he left a bad impression on the team leader just a few days after entering the factory, and he couldn't help but feel worried.opened the door.The house is very clean, and it is said that the manager of the group said that the person renting the house is a naturalized woman—a diligent woman from the looks of it.

It was late, and the room was pitch dark. He didn't bother to light the lamp, and he was too lazy to move after a day of exhaustion. He put down his luggage and fell down on his bed.

He felt that he had fallen on something soft, and then he heard a "Yeah!", and he was punched in the back of the head, which made his eyes stare, and then he was kicked to the ground, knocking down a A pile of debris, before he realized what was going on, one knee pressed him to the ground again, and his arm was twisted hard behind him.

"Who are you?" A crisp voice asked from the back of his head, and at the same time his arm was twisted half a circle, causing him to grin in pain.

Qian Yuzhi almost fainted, he shouted to the ground in anger and fear: "Who are you? This is my home!"

The hand that twisted his arm loosened slightly, then tightened again.

"Really?" The voice behind was a little suspicious, "Then why did you come in without making a sound?"

If Qian Yuzhi wanted to go back to his home, did he still have to knock on the door first? "This is my home!" He felt that it was wrong to say it—why did he explain this to this person.

The people behind finally let go of him, and he got up quickly, looking warily at the figure in the dark.Judging from her voice and figure, she should be a girl about her own age.

"Could it be that my younger sister is back?" He immediately vetoed this idea, his voice and figure were not at all like his younger sister's, and her younger sister was not so powerful.

The figure on the opposite side sighed and said, "I'm sorry, let's light the lamp first."

Qian Yuzhi lit up Lingao's own oil lamps—now this kind of light source, which is many times brighter than candles, has entered thousands of households.He guessed right, it was indeed a young girl of similar age, with a fair face, flickering eyes, and a playfully upturned nose, and when he looked down, he was stunned: the girl was actually wearing the new style that he had managed to expel from his mind just now. Maid suit.

"Are you...the landlord?" the girl asked again.

"Of course I'm the landlord!" Qian Yuzhi had roughly guessed the identity of the girl in front of him—this must be the tenant who should move out in a few days.

He clearly informed her last month that he was going to take back the house, so why are you still staying in his house?What a thick skin!

However, seeing the girl's uniform, most of Qian Yuzhi's anger suddenly disappeared inexplicably.

"Yes...I'm sorry...I..." The girl was a little incoherent, "I couldn't find a place to live for a while, and I saw that you didn't come back, so I stayed...down..." She suddenly spoke fluently again, "I will pay You rented it!"

Before Qian Yuzhi recovered, the girl felt more embarrassed when she saw him staring at her clothes, and was slightly annoyed, but when she thought that she was the intruder, she held back and didn't attack.

Moreover, Qian Yuzhi's blank look made her feel a little funny.

However, as a student of the College of Arts and Sciences, she has seen more of the world than Qian Yuzhi, and her mind is more flexible.She saw that he was an honest boy, and he probably didn't have much chance to talk to girls in vocational school.

"I'm Li Jianai, and I also graduated from Fangcao this year... from the College of Arts and Sciences..." She first introduced herself generously, and then said: "I see that you are also a new graduate this year—you are still wearing vocational school clothes." old uniform."

Next update: Volume 44: Mainland China - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Section [-]


(End of this chapter)

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