Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1949 Advanced Mathematics

Chapter 1949 Advanced Mathematics
Today is another day to teach discrete mathematics to Feng Shan.Set theory, graph theory, mathematical logic, Boolean algebra, group theory... Until the later automata theory, Von Nuo did not learn these contents very well in the original space-time. , Want to pick it up and teach others, it is really difficult.

But no matter how difficult it is, I can only grit my teeth and say it in person. Although there are still a few veterans with computer science backgrounds in the Senate, Feng Shan can't be sent to others to learn.Firstly, my professional level will be greatly questioned because of this; secondly, Feng Nuo also really suspects that their level in this area may not be better than his own; thirdly, Feng Shan will go to a fat mansion alone The IT veteran accepts one-on-one make-up lessons... Feng Nuo quickly shook his head and expelled the unpleasant picture from his mind.

In the end, he just spent a few weeks studying several basic discrete mathematics courses at the undergraduate level, and after considering the order and system of these courses, he prepared a training plan.

A few days ago, Dr. Zhong came over and proposed a new card reading mechanism and an independent digital wheel driven by electric/pallet fork.The new digital wheel scheme enables the tabulator to count multiple digits while ensuring the correctness of the carry.

He also proposed that the top and bottom of the card should have positioning holes, just like the 80 columns of printing paper with holes.A pair of compacted round rollers are used as the mechanism for contacting the card, and metal contacts are arranged on the round rollers - in this way, the positioning holes on the upper and lower ends can ensure that the holes on the card are aligned with the contacts.Because the card is in rolling contact with the touch roller.Under pressure and slight friction, without scratching with the mechanism of the contact part, it is good for the life of the card and the contact.This avoids the embarrassing situation where cards with high stat/query frequency are very vulnerable to damage - as they did during the intensive testing of tabulators last month.

While they were talking, Feng Shan was waiting at the door.Zhong Li felt strange, and only after asking Feng Nuo did he know that he had already started to teach Feng Shan a discrete mathematics course, which was supposed to be the time for class.So Dr. Zhong immediately listened to Feng Nuo's lecture with great interest.

Unexpectedly, after listening to the class, he suddenly became very excited. He not only praised it, but also said that this is an important exploration of higher education in new time and space, and asked Feng Nuo to sort out the ideas and related materials for preparing these courses.Finally, Dr. Zhong emphasized that the current higher education must combine the cutting-edge topics of technological restoration to set up majors, and asked Feng Nuo to pay attention to this point when introducing his experience-he took the word "technology" very seriously.

It is indeed true that Feng Shan is one of the very few naturalized citizens who have access to higher education.From this perspective, Feng Nuo's work is indeed exploratory. As for whether such progress is suitable for the ability of ordinary naturalized people, he does not intend to consider it.For at least two to three decades, only the brightest naturalized people will have access to higher education.These people are all elites among the elites, and they basically don't need to worry about whether they can keep up with the progress.Just like Feng Shan, her speed and ability to learn knowledge are extremely amazing. If there is something she doesn't understand, she will study and think all day and all night.It's not like when Feng Nuo and the others were in college, play was the main thing and learning was the second.

Such an astonishing receptivity made it extremely hard for Feng Nuo to prepare for these relatively theoretical courses, often requiring 1-7 hours to prepare for each one-hour course.Some theorems that are really impossible to prove have to be vaguely skipped or not explained for the time being. Occasionally, they can be left as homework for Feng Shan, maybe she can understand the proof by herself.

There are also other troubles that emerge in an endless stream. A typical example is the conventional theorem name.

In slightly advanced mathematics and physics subjects, there are many theorems and formulas named after people, and the explanation of the origin is a big problem.This problem is not obvious in the current national school basic education of the Senate, and there is no systematic solution.However, the elders who taught calculus to Feng Shan had complained endlessly, and they had talked with Feng Nuo several times in the "Academic Exchange", and now Feng Nuo also experienced such troubles.

It is obviously impossible to change all the names. Originally, the elders are generally confused about these theorems and formulas. If they change the names beyond recognition, I am afraid that these subjects will be lost.Therefore, the general policy of the Senate is to try to say that these people are "Australian sages".The Office of Truth has issued a general guideline, requiring that for "professional terms with personal names that cannot be changed", all names that look like Chinese people should be described as Chinese people as much as possible.

But none of the elders has the energy to sort out this matter systematically—most of the main elders of the education department are actually primary and secondary school teachers, which is why Dr. Zhong tried his best to put higher education under the system of the Ministry of Science and Technology.Therefore, several veterans who lectured Feng Shan on advanced mathematics would often explain it randomly.

Once, Feng Nuo heard from Feng Shan that the elders who gave the lecture told her that Lagrange was a Mongolian; The criminal policeman... Feng Nuo was so angry that he almost led the students to his door to judge.

However, he himself can only start talking nonsense now, and today he intends to say that Cantor's surname is Kang, and Russell's surname is Luo.

As for why some people have weird names and are not Chinese, finally there is the document "Guidelines on Interpreting the Names of Foreign Personnel in Various Materials" in the "Guidelines for the History of the Great Song Dynasty in Australia" organized by the truth, so as not to reveal the truth .

Feng Shan, Qian Yuzhi, Li Jianai, and the two young veterans from the academy had already sat down in front of the small blackboard in the office.

After the news that he planned to systematically teach some basic courses of discrete mathematics was spread by Dr. Zhong, the Institute of Learning specially appointed two young veterans with "mathematical talents" to come to study these courses.This made Feng Nuo suddenly realize that he had been nesting in the computer room for a long time and had contact with too few naturalized people.And I am also a "doctor", so at least three or four schools in the empire will be named after me at such a level, it would be a pity if there is no inheritance.

So he thought of Qian Yuzhi and Li Jianai, two young girls who had just graduated. Although they almost came from a vocational school and a liberal arts college, after all, they were already talents cultivated by formal education, which is rare in this time and space. Teach the mind of two apprentices.

The two are young, so there should be room for improvement, and Li Jianai is quite savvy, and can be trained in software theory; Qian Yuzhi is also quite hardworking, and he might be able to learn system structure and application technology. .He asked Feng Shan to spare some time for them to tutor some high school and middle school courses, and he tried to let them listen in when he gave Feng Shan's lectures, but Feng Nuo knew in his heart that discrete mathematics was still very early for them, and most of them were playing the piano with Niu Niu. .

The facts are not far from Feng Nuo's estimate.After listening to this class, Li Jianai felt that his mind was very confused.

Now she and Qian Yuzhi have also changed their names to Feng Nuo "Teacher".Feng Nuo also said that after the year and the world will discuss to see if they can be officially transferred.Qian Yuzhi was still a little ignorant and didn't know the mystery of this, but Li Jianai knew that this was an excellent opportunity.

Being transferred to the chief's side and becoming the chief's "student" is the best future for the chief other than being a "life secretary"!

However, after listening to several classes, she understood that this student is not so easy to be.And now the teacher gives them separate lessons, which is the so-called "different mathematics".

The math is really weird, it doesn't do much calculations.After a class, the blackboard is full of strange graffiti.Senior sister Feng Shan said that those characters that look like pinyin are called Latin letters, but they have no tones; other characters that look like ghost symbols are called Greek letters; in addition, there are many symbols that I have never seen before.

That's all, the content seemed to be understandable at the beginning, and she didn't even use decimals, fractions, and multi-digit multiplication and division, which she found a bit difficult.Once the teacher said solemnly that at least two of the 13 people were born in the same month, and she almost laughed out loud. Is this also called mathematics?

But after that, the teacher immediately assigned a homework: "If 101 soldiers of the Fubo Army stand in a row, at least 11 of them can take a step forward to form a queue from small to large according to height, or form a queue according to height. Large to small queues.”

She was stunned immediately, and didn't know how to think about this problem at all. Fortunately, senior sister Feng Shan couldn't figure it out, let alone that idiot Qian Yuzhi.They looked at the teacher together, but the teacher proved the proposition in just a few minutes.Afterwards, it took Li Jianai an hour to look at the notes he took down before he understood the proof process.

Another time, the teacher said that a fake map can distinguish all the chief envoys with at most 5 colors, and proved it cleanly.Under their admiring gazes, Mr. Feng Yuan seemed a little smug, threatening that he could actually prove that he could draw with 4 colors, but the blackboard was too small to write on.

However, recently, what the teacher said has become more and more outrageous. She only felt cloudy and foggy during class, and couldn't remember much after class.In this class, she only vaguely remembered what the teacher was talking about whether the barber would cut her hair or not.It seems to say that the set of natural numbers is an infinitely countable set. Just kidding, since it is infinite, how can it be countable?The instructor of the training class said that the power of the Senate is infinite. Some students asked what is infinity, and the instructor replied that infinity means endless and innumerable.The teacher is still talking nonsense that there are as many natural numbers as integers. ——Anyone who has gone to elementary school knows that integers obviously have many more negative numbers than natural numbers!

Next update: Volume 54 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]
(End of this chapter)

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