Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1952 Questions

Chapter 1952 Question ([-])

Therefore, when Feng Nuo went through the normal procedure and issued a memorandum requesting that Li Jianai's personnel relationship be officially transferred from Tiandihui to the machinery factory on the grounds of "excellent part-time job performance in the electronic equipment workshop" and "potential for further study". Naturally, the Political Security Bureau was also happy to step down the donkey and get Li Jianai away from Dugu's marriage proposal and Lu Xuan's noses, lest these two be stuck in their throats every day.

So Zhou Botao went to Tiandihui to coordinate the matter and explain the situation in person.Dugu's marriage proposal has reached a new level, so he doesn't bother to make himself unhappy anymore, and doesn't stop him anymore.Besides, it has been almost a year since the incident, even if we stop this time, Li Jianai will be transferred to another area in two months.

To be on the safe side, several people discussed to ask Wufu to come to Feng Nuo to explain Li Ganai's identity in person, so as not to make any mistakes. Originally, this matter should be sent a note by the people below according to the regulations.

Fortunately, Feng Nuo's department belonged to a relatively high-level secret department. He had dealt with the Political Security Bureau several times, and there were no further disturbances. He readily agreed to provide convenience for Li Jianai's work.In addition, by the way, the matter of purchasing a punched card computer system was negotiated, and both parties were very satisfied.

Seeing the slight smile on the teacher's face, Feng Shan was obviously in a good mood.After she came out of No. 43, she was in a mess and wandered around Dongmen City for a long time, not only because of her personal emotional problems, but more because of what she had seen and heard with Feng Nuo over the years.

But these feelings, according to her status, are too "arrogant", and even have a taste of "ungrateful".So much so that sometimes she feels guilty just thinking about these problems.

Especially the recent relationship experience made her feel more and more confused.When this junior was with her, he also talked about his experience of studying and living in the academy and the various doubts that arose from it.

She summoned up her courage and asked, "Teacher, I... have a few questions for you."

question?Feng Shan would often ask him questions, of course, about mathematics.Feng Nuo didn't notice that her attitude was a little different today, so he nodded and signaled Feng Shan to continue.

Feng Shan hesitated for a moment, and she found herself not knowing where to ask.After thinking for a while, she decided to start with a specific question.

"One of Gana's seniors is in the head office of the construction company. She is... the life secretary of the chief. I told us about something today. A cadre in their company was found to have accepted bribes during a routine inspection of the Cheka some time ago. The problem of fraud and abuse of power seems to be quite serious, and the public is very angry. It has been reported, but because the head of the company protects him, it has not been made public, and now it is back to work. The employees reacted very strongly. Teacher, If this person is so bad, why did the chiefs protect him?"

This was the first time that Feng Shan "questioned" the correctness of the chief, she looked at Feng Nuo nervously.

Feng Nuo was taken aback, he didn't expect her to ask such a question.He remembered that the recent "Information Bulletin" had said that internal warnings should be taken against naturalized civilian cadres with minor problems. save".It is so simple to get Fu Youdi, the effort and energy spent before will be in vain.

But this question is difficult to answer, he thought for a while, and then answered carefully: "Well, there are two possible reasons. First, people are not gods, they will make mistakes, and there are various reasons for making mistakes. It may be Momentary confusion may be due to the fact that the old habits of the previous hypocrisy are hard to change. The Senate must allow them to make mistakes. If it is not a serious mistake, it must also give them a chance to reform. As the saying goes, "When water is clear, there will be no fish, and people will observe it." then there are no disciples';"

"Well...Secondly, at present, we are short of capable people in various undertakings. If this person's ability is outstanding, or it is difficult to find a replacement for the time being, then even if he makes a serious mistake, we may Temporarily tolerate and retain it, so as not to affect our overall construction plan due to personal factors. This is a viewpoint of sacrificing the situation and taking the overall situation into consideration.”

He was a bit hesitant to mention the second point, because it contained elements of pragmatism, and pragmatism is both good and bad.After thinking about it again and again, he still decided to say this. Feng Shan should be mature enough to accept such a point of view, as can be seen from her asking this question.

But he didn't say a word: I'm afraid this person will report to Fu Youdi soon.Now he already knows that Li Ganai is the "hidden cadre" of the Political Security Bureau, and the spread of this news will be grasped by the Political Security Bureau in a short time. Once they judge that the "negative influence" of this person is greater than the "positive effect", The Senate would naturally abandon him completely without hesitation.

"Teacher, if this person is a corrupt and corrupt person, how can he contribute to our construction?"

Feng Nuo's forehead began to sweat.

"First of all, bad people are not necessarily incompetent people. If bad people are all incompetent people, they won't cause much damage. Second, people are very complicated. This person may damage our career in terms of fraud, but He may also support our cause in terms of construction, and his selfish desires may cause him to cheat, but he may not have the idea of ​​doing things faithfully for the Senate, so we have to weigh the pros and cons."

"In the end, it has nothing to do with this person, but you have to realize that when it comes to employing people, the Senate usually examines whether they are competent for their duties. If they are not qualified for their duties, they should not be employed regardless of their personal morality. Even if a person has some shortcomings and selfishness that do not hinder the laws and regulations, he will be appointed. There are very few people who have no selfishness and shortcomings at all. If they do not use their strengths just because of their shortcomings, there are not many available people. gone."

——This is to prevent Feng Shan, who received a positive education from Fangcaodi, from falling into the rut of moralism.

"Teacher, do the chiefs also have shortcomings?"

...Finally, "everyone has shortcomings" and "chiefs are also human", with Feng Shan's logical level, it is natural to ask this syllogism question.

Although I know that the elders will step down from the altar sooner or later, and sooner or later they will be questioned by the naturalized people and the aboriginals, but the life secretaries are closest to the elders, feel their emotions and see their strengths and weaknesses, this myth Naturally, they will be the first to be broken in their hearts.But when faced with such a question, Feng Nuo was still speechless for a long time.

...Feng Shan watched the teacher's reaction nervously, and had already made plans to admit her mistake as soon as Feng Nuo got angry.

In fact, there is no need to ask this question. If we follow the moral standards taught in national schools, the elders certainly have shortcomings, and there are many of them.Even without the school's moral curriculum education, it is difficult to say that the elders have no shortcomings if judged by simple conscience.

So, of course she already had the answer in her heart, but she wanted to hear the teacher's answer.

Perhaps, in her heart, she still hopes that the teacher can convincingly deny her answer like the usual math problems-it was the Senate that rescued her from hell and let her enter heaven. She hopes that heaven is full of angels. .

"Of course, we also have shortcomings." Feng Nuo replied with difficulty.When he said this, he felt as if he was a bystander, and his voice sounded very dry.

There was a long silence.Feng Shan felt her heart pounding, but Feng Nuo hadn't recovered yet.

"Ah, I just... I mean, the chiefs know everything, they usually work hard, and they have never been corrupt..." Although the teacher didn't mean to get angry, Feng Shan felt that she had to explain, Although she didn't know what she was explaining.

Feng Nuo said to her silently in his heart, this is the so-called "the emperor has no personal affairs and does not accept bribes".The super-national status and rights of the elders are written in the "Common Program", that is, the Constitution, and are guaranteed by going through various laws, administrative systems, and the entire power system of the state power. Naturally, there is no need for corruption and fraud.The Senate doesn't teach naturalized people "the art of slaying dragons", so of course you don't realize it now.

As for working hard and working overtime, it is the same reason that the veterans now behave like "walking with wind, ringing like a bell, shaking hands with shaking, full of comrades", it is just because "power is the best aphrodisiac".Of course, another way of saying it is the motivation and stimulation of "great cause".Feng Nuo himself felt deeply about this change from his life like a salted fish in the past few years to the change in his work motivation this year.

"Well...and I don't think you have any shortcomings, teacher." Feng Shan added with some embarrassment.

Of course, Feng Nuo is not without flaws, but in Feng Shan's view, the teacher does not have any flaws worth mentioning such as "greedy", "cheating", "rude" or "not distinguishing right from wrong". There is no such thing as "lusty" that everyone knows among the naturalized people.

Hehe, Feng Nuo thought, isn't "Guangyuan's" hobby considered a shortcoming?Of course, this kind of shortcoming is of a higher grade...

He couldn't help laughing at himself, shook his head and said, "How can I have no shortcomings..."

But he didn't continue the topic, and the atmosphere became a little more relaxed.

"You said that when the Senate employs people, the first consideration is actually a person's ability, and some private thoughts and shortcomings will not affect their appointment. But when we teach moral education in school, we always say that everyone should be selfless. Consecration, sacrificing everything for the cause of the Senate, saying that the Senate will not let down a good person, and will not let a bad person go. Why is that?"
Next update: Volume 57 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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