Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1954 Sorting Machine

Chapter 1954 Sorting Machine

Feng Shan's face became even redder. Although she could only half understand what the teacher said, she still understood the meaning of it.Moreover, she was keenly aware of the other meaning in the teacher's last words, so she swallowed back the last question she wanted to ask—she had already got the answer.

Originally, she wanted to explain the connection and exchanges between herself and her junior, but now that she thinks about it, she no longer needs it.I let go of my confused and nervous mood, and suddenly felt that the world is so vast.She took a step back and bowed deeply:
"I have no problem! I'm going to sort out the household registration materials for the sorter test!"

The next day, Li Jianai deliberately arrived at the workshop warehouse early, intending to find out the household registration information that a friend asked to inquire yesterday.But she was dumbfounded when she saw stacks of neatly arranged household registration information sheets—these materials used to be arranged according to the name of the commune and the head of the household, and the cards of the whole family were all together.But now it has changed, it has been sorted according to origin and occupation, and next to each stack is carefully written the origin, occupation, number of people... and other information.

Here are the household registration data of more than 1 people in parts of Lingao and Qiongshan counties. Where can I find the household registration of Lin Guanghui's family in Calais Commune?

At this moment, Feng Shan walked in sleepily, and Li Jianai quickly asked, "Mr. Feng, these forms...the order has changed."

"Oh, today I'm going to test the prototype of the sorting machine. The teacher said that in addition to sorting the cards by the place of household registration and surname, they also use the information of origin and occupation to sort the cards. Because the number of people in each commune and the number of people by each surname have been counted before. Alright, so yesterday he asked Qian Yuzhi to reorganize the household registration information, and prepared to use it to verify today's classification results. Last night... yawn... I checked the number marked on each stack... Check until midnight..."

"Ah, by the way, you want to check the situation of that family today." Feng Shan remembered.

"That's right. The idiot Qian Yuzhi... didn't even tell me a word."

Speaking, Li Jianai suddenly remembered that she also drank a lot of wine yesterday, fell asleep when she got home, and then nestled in the room at night to organize and record some information heard during the day, and did not meet Qian Yuzhi in the next room .When she woke up in the morning, she also found a thermos bottle and two pieces of potato flour cakes at the door, with the note Qian Yuzhi left her last night sandwiched between them.

"What should I do?" Li Jianai was a little anxious.

"..." Before Feng Shan could answer, Feng Nuo walked in hurriedly.

"Morning teacher." The two said in unison.

Feng Nuo said casually, "OK".Then he immediately said, "Have you finished sorting out these materials? Move to the outside room quickly, the prototype of the sorting machine will be installed soon."

After speaking, he walked out again.

The two looked at each other, and had no choice but to start moving the household registration information out.

"Talk to the teacher during the test later, and check it with a machine, there should be no problem." Feng Shan said quietly.

Several naturalized migrant workers were busy around the components all over the floor, while Feng Nuo and several veterans of the research team stood aside giving advice and chatting.

"I still think it should be designed as a turntable, with a large turntable with 10 grids. Put a few baskets on the turntable, and when the sorter senses which hole, it will turn the turntable to the corresponding basket and throw the cards into it." A veteran Say. "Now your design is equivalent to 10 sets of card reading systems in series. Each system is connected to only one relay. The perforated ones are pushed horizontally into the side card pockets, and the ones without perforations continue to go. In this way, each card reading unit only uses To check if one of the 1 holes is perforated is too inefficient."

"I remember that the card reader of the tabulating machine is 1 card per second." Another person said.

"Well, it will be longer, maybe a few seconds. The card reading device this time uses a structure newly designed by Dr. Zhong, and it is estimated that it can be controlled within 1 second."

"That's still too slow, it takes 1 seconds to sort 10 card."

"Old Liang, you forgot again. I explained it to you last time. When the first card is passed to the second card reader, the second card can be sent to the first card reader. In fact, Still 1 second per card."

"Oh, oh, yes."

"The speed is not bad, still more than 3000 sheets per hour."

"I don't think it's necessary to go too fast. What if the relay still can't adapt." Sun Li glanced at Qian Yuzhi who was installing the relay.

"It's okay this time. During this time, we have improved the design of the relay." Feng Nuo said quickly.

"When will the new winding machine arrive? There are always some problems with the current equipment winding 0.1mm wire." He asked Sun Li again.

"About another week." Sun Li replied.

The standard parts factory recently produced copper wires with a wire diameter of 0.1mm, and the electronic equipment workshop immediately produced a batch of enameled wires based on it.The effect is still very good, the size of some control relays has been significantly reduced, and the response is more sensitive.

"What material is used for the digital wheel of the counter?" Dr. Chung asked.Each card pocket of the sorting machine is equipped with a linked counter, which is not troublesome anyway, and the principle is the same as that of the tabulating machine.

"High carbon steel." Someone replied.

"The wheel used for the counter does not need very good materials. In the current design, this digital wheel has no mechanical contact with the upper and lower levels, only electrical contact. We can make it into a module that can be replaced quickly. Just unplug it and replace it with a good one. This is more convenient for maintenance and saves expensive materials.” Dr. Zhong began to promote his modular concept again.

"However, the pin is the heaviest-loaded part in the counter, and it needs to rub against the ratchet teeth frequently, so it needs a higher hardness material." He added.

"Well, try it next time. But there is a problem with the design drawing last time. The Y-shaped fork is not at the right angle, which will cause the ratchet to be dialed back, so that the other pin will not be aligned with the punching surface."

"Oh, no problem this time, I increased the distance between the pins to ensure a reliable 'unlock' position. Also the angle of the ratchet face has been corrected."


"Old Feng, you still haven't designed multi-condition classification. Are you a bit conservative? The tabulating machine and the sorting machine can only perform statistics and classification on a certain column of the card."

"Who said there is no improvement, there is still improvement, and it can support up to 10 conditional classifications." Feng Nuo replied with a little complacency.

"Huh? How did you do it? Didn't you see the corresponding structure?"

"Although each card reading system has only one card reading touch roller, it can only read one hole at a time. But the position of this touch roller is adjustable, and can be adjusted to align different columns and rows. A control relay is added upstream of the card feeding relay. There is a switch on it, which can be activated or not activated. In this way, it is equivalent to inverting the relay that controls the card feeding mechanism. I can choose to send out all punched cards, or There is an option to send all cards that are not perforated."

"Then, I will change to another hole for the second set of card delivery mechanism to check, and then send out all the unqualified ones. By analogy, in the end, what is left is the cards I want that meet multiple conditions at the same time."

"Hmmm... that's pretty rudimentary too. For one thing you can't solve the 'or' condition because you've already sent out cards that don't meet the condition in the first card pocket, right? Between all the conditions The relationship is all 'and'; secondly, the cards you want are picked out, but the original card library order is all messed up, in fact they are randomly sorted." Dr. Zhong said with a frown.

However, although this method is very simple, everyone still thinks the idea is quite interesting, and the discussion is very lively for a while.

After a while, the installation of the machine was completed, and it was running normally when it was connected to the power, so the workers withdrew.The elders chatted half-discussed for a while, and then gradually dispersed——this day has just begun, and everyone has a lot of things to do.In the end, there were only 4 people left in the electronics workshop.

"Let's start the test." Feng Nuo said. "Bring the card here, first..."

"Teacher..." Li Jianai raised her hand to signal, and then she talked about finding household registration information.

Feng Nuo became interested, and it would be nice to have a concrete example to try.

"What's the head of the household's name?" he asked.

"Lin Guanghui. From the Calais Commune."

"The commune of Calais is 1001014—"

In the area code table formulated by the Ministry of People's Livelihood, it is similar to the old time and space, except that 7 digits are used to represent the area.The top 3 are to the "province" level, 100 is Hainan, 101 is Taiwan, 102 is Jeju Island... This is the current area directly under the Senate. 110-199 are reserved for the mainland, 200-219 are reserved for North Korea, 220-249 are reserved for Japan, 250-269 are reserved for the Indochina Peninsula, and 270-299 are reserved for the Nanyang Islands.The rest of the numbers have not yet been assigned.If the site is too big in the future, you can also add one at the front to solve the problem.

After that, there are counties/districts below the province. In Hainan, 10 is Lingao, 11 is Sanya Yulin, 12 is Sanya Tiandu, 13 is Qiongshan, 14 is Chengmai... and the last one is the commune, in Lingao , 11 is Bairen Commune, 12 is Bopu Commune, 13 is Nanbao Commune, 14 is Calais Commune...


"This time we only have part of the household registration data of Lingao and Qiongshan, so the first card reading position excludes cards whose fifth digit is not 1, which distinguishes Lingao and Qiongshan. The second card reading position excludes cards whose seventh digit is not 5, This singles out the Calais Commune," Vonno explained.

"The householder's surname is Lin, and Lin's area code is—"

"3354." Li Jianai quickly replied.


"Yes, the location code is 2752."
Next update: Volume 59 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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