Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1960 Deputy Chiefs

Chapter 1960 Deputy Chiefs
Ai Zhixin naturally didn't know the threshold inside, but he knew how many tricks there were in this matter.

"If I agree with you to set up this meat association, those pig shops will become resistance." Ai Zhixin thought.

Zhang Yikun's plan is tantamount to completely kicking out the pig wholesalers from the original channel, and letting Xu Ji monopolize it.

It's nothing to say, as a patriarch, it's only natural for Lao Zhang to use his power for personal gain to get some benefits for himself.He, Ai Zhixin, is not that unreasonable.But he couldn't be careless about this matter.

Since ancient times, those who are engaged in the wholesale and slaughtering of live pigs are all "characters" on the ground. Although it is difficult to call them "village sages", "local tyrants" are no problem.Otherwise, Liu Bei raised his troops, how could he become sworn brothers with Zhang Fei, a mere "butcher"?

The hog business can not only control the trade, slaughter and wholesale of hogs, but also has the ability to monopolize the purchase of hogs in rural markets. Without considerable courage, it is impossible to do this business.

Naturally, with the strength of the Senate, it is not difficult to rectify these local tyrants - if you look closely, they also have good reasons for being rectified.The question is, what is the effect of this remediation?

Now the supply of pork in Guangzhou City is monopolized by these pig shops. Now the Senate has used administrative power to deprive them of their monopoly power, and this meat association is now monopolizing it.

In terms of monopoly effects, a semi-public and semi-private monopoly is obviously better, but what about the supply of goods?
At present, the Commercial and Trade Bureau of Guangzhou City and its related enterprises, or some kind of meat association, do not know the source of live pigs, nor do they have ready-made slaughterhouses and distribution points.After driving away these "Zhang butchers", the citizens of Guangzhou really have to eat "pigs with hair"-maybe there is a stage where you can't even see the pig hair.

Well, get rid of the ready-made tax sources and create a so-called "meat association", Ai Zhixin thought to himself, you are a smart old man who was confused for a while.

"I'm talking about Lao Zhang," Ai Zhixin said slowly, "Although there are many problems in the current wholesale system of pig shops, the purchase and sales channels of these pig shops are all ready-made. It is not difficult to get a new team. However, Guangzhou has a population of several 10, and the supply of live pigs is related to the livelihood of thousands of households. If something goes wrong, it will be featured on "Weekly News"..."

"Xu Ji and Zhu Ji currently account for one-third of the meat sales in the city, so there should be no problem."

Ai Zhixin thought, are meat products and live pigs the same thing? !These are two different things at all.

To be honest, Mr. Zhang Yuan wanted to get some property for himself, rather than relying on the "Old Veteran Foundation" controlled by the general office. He also fully understood that many veterans either explicitly or secretly got themselves white gloves and set up a Industry—flying around to make some money, as long as it does not harm the interests of the overall situation, the Senate will turn a blind eye to some things. How much money is paid for how much work is done is nothing more than being able to prioritize when there is less work.

But today this matter is different. If one is not handled properly, let alone circulation tax and slaughter tax, it is hard to say whether the supply of live pigs can be guaranteed.

The Meat Association has seized the right to wholesale live pigs. Although the original pig shops may not dare to resist, they will not hand over the past purchase channels out of reason.It is impossible for the Meat Association to establish its own acquisition channels in the short term-the result can be imagined.

Ai Zhixin thought for a while and said, "Have you reported this matter to Mayor Liu?"

"This is just a matter of commercial circulation, do you need to report it?"

"Old Zhang, let's make it clear that people don't speak secretly," Ai Zhixin originally wanted to perfuse him first, and then kick the ball to Liu Xiang to give him a soft nail. After thinking about it, he decided to speak clearly. , "Let me ask you a question. Once the meat association is established, even if the consumption in Guangzhou City does not increase at all, the supply of at least [-] live pigs must be guaranteed every day, and there will be no shortage in a day. Is there a problem?"

"Should... no..." This question was somewhat unexpected to Zhang Yikun, and he lost his composure.

"So, this newly established Meat Association can ensure a continuous supply of live pigs?" Ai Zhixin nodded, "This is the Finance and Taxation Bureau. The loss of live pigs is just a few taxes less. For the Commercial Bureau Guaranteeing the city's supply is the top priority... Especially now that the currency system reform is still underway, and the supply of materials is very tight. As long as the meat association can ensure that the live pigs are not in stock, I have no objection-after all, it is a circulation work in the field."

Live pigs are no better than other materials, and the Senate has no place to transport them—the supply of live pigs in various places is not enough, so the veterans still feel that the supply is insufficient, and the protein supply for workers and soldiers contains too much fish.

Zhang Yikun's face suddenly became a little dull, and he reacted in an instant: "Well, don't worry, don't worry, I just provide a plan for reference."

"How to transform the organization's circulation basin is the job of your business bureau. We just provide some suggestions from the perspective of taxation."

After seeing off Zhang Yikun, Ai Zhixin breathed a sigh of relief, why did this old Zhang get confused at a critical moment!He has no control over how those hog shops will do in the long run, but in the short term they still have to stay - it is very dangerous to rush to eliminate the old commercial distribution channels without replacing them with a new system.

In fact, if it is just to set up a "meat association" to monopolize the pork retail business in Guangzhou, it is not a bad idea.Right now is the time to promote the reform of the currency system. The more commercial circulation channels the Senate can master, the better—this can effectively intervene in the market.But wanting to swallow the entire distribution link of pork purchase-wholesale-retail in one breath-this is too big.Ai Zhixin thought to himself.Don't talk about buying shares, even if he is the biggest shareholder of this Meat Association, the big boss behind the scenes, he dare not touch this hand.

He has a general grasp of the situation of several pig shops, but there are also many problems.However, whether to nationalize them or "joint operation reform" is not within the scope of his management, and Ai Zhixin has no intention of intervening - he only wants to collect taxes smoothly.

After dealing with several piles of documents in his hands, a power call from the Ministry of Finance that just arrived today caught his attention. When he opened it, it turned out that it was Wang Qiyi, Deputy Commissioner of Finance and Taxation of Guangdong Province and Deputy Director of Guangzhou Municipal Finance and Taxation Bureau, and the deputy director of Finance and Taxation of Guangdong Province. Zhang Xiaoqi, a researcher and researcher of the Guangzhou Finance and Taxation Bureau, will leave for Guangzhou today to take up his post.

"These two are finally here..." Ai Zhixin let out a long breath.

Wang Qiyi and Zhang Xiaoqi are a couple. In the old time and space, like Ai Zhixin, they both came from taxation.However, the two of them have been working on grassroots collection and management.These two concealed their professional identities at the beginning, and used a computer major to fool the Senate. As a result, they worked in administrative positions for a long time and managed their own small life. In the past few years, in addition to the daughter brought from the old time and space, they gave birth to another child. A pair of twin daughters.Envy kills many elders...

Although for some politically correct reasons, the term "pure blood" is generally not used in the Senate, everyone still thinks in their hearts that "those who come from the old time and space have their own seats", "the parents are all elders, and they were born in the new time and space". The "senator's children are regarded as objects with higher marriage value.

These two have been living leisurely and running a small family.Even on such a big matter as "sorting out land taxes" in Lingao, he kept silent. If it wasn't for a certain Tianwang Qiyi who inadvertently talked about some professional views on grain and tax collection on the forum, he was "caught out". Just messed around like that.Since then, the couple have been working in Caijinkou to do tax work.

Before Ai Zhixin came to Guangzhou this time, a decision was made at the meeting of the Ministry of Finance and Economics to arrange all three tax professionals from the Ministry of Finance and Economics to come to Guangzhou.To be a high-level matchmaker with one officer and two officers-of course, these three veterans are responsible for the fiscal and taxation work of the entire province of Guangdong, and the actual business volume is also large enough.Therefore, in the future, we will deploy specialized veterans in accounting and auditing to strengthen it.Right now the main job of the three of them is to set up the tax system.

To be honest, when the appointment was announced at the meeting, the faces of Wang Qiyi and his wife were not so positive.It was natural: his family had many children, and he had to entrust all the children to others. The couple went to Guangzhou to take up positions, and it was indeed a bit uneasy.Fortunately, Wang Qiyi's stance was quite firm in the end, which finally reassured Ai Zhixin.

But after Lao Wang expressed his opinion, Zhang Xiaoqi asked herself in private if she could work in Guangzhou for only two months after she arrived in Guangzhou.

"Director Ai, you know my family's three daughters, the eldest is a junior high school student according to the original statement. It's the critical time for the girls, and I really don't dare to leave for too long."

Everyone knows the three daughters of the old Wang's family, especially the later twin sisters, who like whoever they see, and who are only in kindergarten now.Ai Zhixin could also understand the mother's feelings, and the next step in the implementation of specific work in Guangzhou would be inseparable from Zhang Xiaoqi's extensive experience at the grassroots level, so he readily agreed.

Unexpectedly, Ai Zhixin came to the front station for a few months, Wang Qiyi and his wife were still in Lingao, and Zhang Xiaoqi was "training personnel"—that's all, after all, there was a serious shortage of tax personnel, and Wang Qiyi was "doing research" for a while. For a while it was "top-level design", and for a while it was "communication between various departments"... After finally saying that it was time to leave, Guangzhou began to suffer from the plague again.Traffic control inside and outside Guangzhou, Wang Qiyi and his wife naturally couldn't come - they are neither engaged in administrative work, nor are they experts in medical epidemic prevention, so it is useless to come.Ai Zhixin had no choice but to send them a telegram, asking them to "focus on training tax cadres."

He had previously sent the full text of the tax plan he designed back to Lingao for discussion and approval by the Finance Office.This time the Wang family couple took office, they should bring the final decision——
Next update: Volume 66 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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