Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1971 Fighting for money and profit

Chapter 1971 Fighting for money and profit
In the city of Guangzhou, which stinks due to the excavation and dredging, night has fallen, and the hustle and bustle of the day has gradually faded into darkness. Only a room in the Guangzhou Municipal Government is still bustling.

Yes, a patriarchal meeting attended by all patriarchs in Guangzhou is being held here.It was an ordinary regular meeting, but the atmosphere became lively because of the Guangzhou tax statistics report for the first quarter brought by Ai Zhixin and the others.

The elders present at the meeting were tall, short, fat and thin, male, female, old and young, each of them was gearing up, and their faces were full of expressions of choosing fat and eating.Each person carries a brown paper file bag or file folder with "materials" in it.

As soon as Ai Zhixin finished his tax work report, all the elders in the conference room started to ask Liu Xiang for a budget in a hurry.

"Hey, this money is not old or young. Liu Dafu, don't forget to promise me. There are many old and dilapidated houses in the Temple of the Five Immortals. I also promised Hu Qingbai: Allocate part of the houses in the temple to run elementary schools. of……"

"Fatty Cui, what are you in a hurry for? You obviously have a lot of big family offerings - can you ask the rich people to donate to run a primary school! Didn't you develop several big gentry families to join the church? Lao Liu, this city of Guangzhou is full of pitfalls. We can’t stop filling it in, can’t we not repair the road? There are also bridge slopes to be leveled, inland rivers to be dredged... I think we should increase investment to make the environment clean as soon as possible.”

"Old Liu, after the last plague, the vitality of our medical system has not recovered. Now we have to undertake the medical security and epidemic prevention work of the entire South China Army. Now there is a shortage of personnel and equipment. This is related to the liberation of the whole of Guangdong. , the fundamental importance of the well-being of the whole city and the people of Guangdong, another plague will be unbearable..."

"Liu Xiang, according to our previous resolution, our police system is not fully staffed yet - we need to cooperate in a lot of civil work, not enough staff..."

"Mayor Liu, after the last civil servant examination, the cadre training school has started to operate, but if we want to stick to this method as a system, there is still a big gap in the cost of teachers..."

"The New City Planning and Planning Institute of Henan Island has been approved. Although the construction cost is allocated by the central government, the investment in the early stage preparations still needs to be provided by us in Guangzhou. We can't even count as a grassroots team now—at least we have to build one. department."


Looking at the group of veterans holding reports in their hands with excited expressions and Liu Xiang who was silent and only playing with pencils, Ai Zhixin and the three of them looked at each other in blank dismay. How many bad checks did Liu Xiang make before?Everyone is short of money, and Liu Xiang is even more short of money. They have known this for a long time, otherwise Liu Dafu would not have called every two days and inspected the tax collection work every three days with such enthusiasm.The same is true for the veterans of other departments. If you want a venue for a venue, you need personnel for personnel.Naturally, this is not because of "friendship among comrades", but because everyone is waiting to share the fat cooked by the Finance and Taxation Bureau.But today's hot scene was beyond their expectations. They thought it was just sitting together with a pen and a pen to plan a lawsuit.

Wang Qiyi and his wife have been in Wudaokou for several years, and they are well aware of the financial problems of the Senate.Many practices of subordination, in the past because of the small territory and few people, were barely perfunctory in the past by relying on the direct management of the central finance, but now they cannot be perfunctory.

Meng Xian sat there calmly, and he also brought a watch today.This is a treasury quarterly tax payment form prepared by the bank in accordance with the review format provided by the mayor of the old time and space and the template provided by Zhang Xiaoqi after Delong Guangzhou Branch now officially acts as the treasury agent in the name of the Guangzhou Branch of the Central Reserve Bank.Originally, he didn't intend to speak on the issue of income today, but yesterday Ai Zhixin found himself and said a lot, and he insisted on helping him with the issue of financial payment.Looking at it like this, Ai Zhixin will suffer a bit tonight.

"Okay, okay, I know everyone's request, and I remember it all. Oh, old Cui, stop bragging about the expansion of your Taoist temple. You are short of money and I am short of money..." Seeing that the meeting was held The tradition of digressing from the income planning and distribution to the future vision description, Liu Xiang hurriedly stood up and called the brakes: "This money is not sure whether it can be used!!"

In an instant, there was no sound in the meeting room.

"Ahem, let me explain to everyone." Wang Qiyi saw that everyone was quiet, and took the initiative to speak without waiting for Liu Xiang's roll call.This was discussed by the three of them before coming here. Ai Zhixin only made a statement at the end. The "positive" bureau chief can pass the test safely without making mistakes in judgment. Anyway, it was what the "deputy" bureau chiefs said before.

Wang Qiyi didn't make selective reports and didn't add oil and vinegar. Everyone is a veteran, and the influence of the old time and space must make them understand the reason, so explaining the situation in detail is the most responsible for him.

One is that all levels of government in the Senate now have their own independent financial accounts, which means that the days of directly drawing money from the bank based on the bills issued by Wudaokou as before are gone forever.According to the new financial system, although the ransacking of homes and trophies, taxes, and profits turned over by enterprises such as Ziminglou Zizhenzhai South China Sugar Factory, as well as monopoly money for tobacco and salt, are still turned over to the treasury, the money from the treasury is still being turned over to governments at all levels. It cannot be used directly.It is necessary to wait for the treasury to allocate the funds to the financial accounts of each locality in accordance with the regulations, before each locality can withdraw expenses from the financial accounts of its own government.

The second is that currently the Senate has not formulated tax budget levels, which means that all taxes are collected by the central government.Although the tax is collected from Guangzhou and deposited into the treasury of Guangzhou Delong, the owner of the tax is the Central Government Council.Under the current system, Guangzhou has to wait for the central government to issue a financial appropriation notice, and the Municipal Finance and Taxation Bureau will issue a letter of appropriation to Guangzhou Delong after receiving the notice. Guangzhou Delong will allocate the tax from the treasury to the fiscal account of Guangzhou according to the prescribed amount. For the Guangzhou Municipal Government and various departments to withdraw and use.Before receiving the notification from the central government, it can be said that not a penny of the tax on the first quarter report is from Guangzhou.

"My Cao!" Before Wang Qiyi could finish speaking, someone jumped up, "Speaking so much, feelings have nothing to do with me!"

"That's right, it's not as good as before. Anyway, I received money before, and I can pay part of it. Now it's all right, and I have to wait for the notification from above!"

"This is the running department asking for money!!"

"According to you, Guangzhou is now a pauper who doesn't deserve a penny?"


Chaos in the conference room

"Everyone be quiet and listen to me." Seeing that the situation was wrong, Meng Xian hurried out to save the scene, "The banking system is independent, and all departments have opened their own accounts in Delong before, everyone should know this, right? "

What Meng Xian was talking about was the request made by the Senate after the Second Congress decided to regulate the use of funds by various departments.Before coming to Guangzhou, everyone has worked in the "ministries and commissions of the Central Committee", so they are no strangers to this.

"Actually, this is the beginning. Start with the financial aspect first. The financial aspect is also inevitable. If we don't do this, the funds of our various departments and stations abroad were chaotic, and the governments at all levels will be chaotic in the future."

Seeing that everyone was in a stable mood and kept quiet, Meng Xian hit the iron while it was hot: "No matter whether other places can catch up with the 21st century, at least I think our government management system should be in line with the 21st century. Besides, what Lao Wang just meant was funding The request before the allocation did not say that we would not give money to everyone."

"Old Wang, oh, there is also the Ai Bureau." Liu Xiang pondered for a while, and said slowly, "You are the Finance and Taxation Bureau, and you are there to collect and distribute money. You are professional enough, and the system must be correct. But I This Guangzhou also needs to eat. Before, I hanged myself with the money returned from the treasury and ransacked houses. Look at Guangzhou, the roads need to be repaired, the garbage needs to be cleaned up, the security on the streets and the plague that has just passed Wait, wait, by the way, we have recruited a new batch of civil servants, and your taxation bureau has gone to several of them. They all have to ask for money. It’s not that I promised a check in vain. Guangzhou is well built, and it is so urgently needed money to build a bright light on the mainland? It turns out that I have to report to the superior every time in order to get the money. Hearing what you said, not only will I continue to ask the superior for money, even now The money I used to hang my life has to be reported before it can be used? Isn’t this killing us.”

Ai Zhixin's scalp was numb from Liu Xiang's words. If he was entangled in policies or systems, with Wang Qiyi and his wife around, he would not be afraid of anything.But now Liu Xiang obviously knows that he can't play the professional card, so he has changed to the emotional card and the moral card, and by the way, he has also brought in the veterans of other departments in Guangzhou.Just when Ai Zhixin was thinking about how to use Tai Chi to fully express his position without giving any excuses, Wang Qiyi answered first: "You are too worried about this, we are all for the Senate and for our great cause of crossing, how come It will get stuck in the neck of everyone. New things and new ways, old things and old ways, the money will never be broken."

"However, I still don't have any money, right?" Liu Xiang obviously wasn't so easy to fool, "Although the taxes in Guangzhou are all paid by Guangzhou, they have to be handed over to the central government first, and then wait for the central government to distribute them. right."

"To put it simply, that's what it means, but..." Wang Qiyi pondered for a while, recalling the caliber that he had discussed with Ai Zhixin before. "Our current system is a start-up, and many places are subject to power. We have also thought of what you are worried about, Lao Liu. We made a plan before, and Ai Zhixin also greeted you. Now that everyone has discovered money this time It’s so frustrating to have it but not get it. Why don’t we discuss it first?”

Next update: Volume 86 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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