Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1979 Brothers Gathering

Chapter 1979 Brothers Gathering
Ziming Building at noon, there are very few people.Under the eaves of the newly built sedan chair gallery, a one-armed Spaniard who has dual responsibilities as a welcome and a security guard sits and smokes boredly.Several idlers and children squatted nearby, looking at his beard and high nose curiously.

The business of this "top club" in Guangzhou is mostly at night. During the day, except for the guests who come to the big bath on the first floor to enjoy the "water wrapping" in the morning, there are very few customers.The boxes of various sizes on the second and third floors were almost empty.

However, in this row of empty private rooms, a private room on the second floor was full of laughter.

The exquisite private rooms are small in size and luxuriously decorated. On the walls are silk wallpapers purchased from Hangzhou - the products of Wanbi Shanzhuang Silk Weaving Factory.Next to the wall is an exquisite Duobaoge displaying various playthings, and next to the other walls is a fabric sofa with a wooden frame - the stuffing is kapok from Hainan Island, and the outer cover is custom-made imported from India, with special patterns and textures , not only beautiful but also soft and comfortable-this thing is not a rare thing nowadays, but it is still the object sought after by many local wealthy households.

There is no window in the private room, and above the rosewood eight immortals table in the middle is a [-]-piece wrought iron crystal kerosene chandelier. The slightly yellowish soft light is projected into the private room, creating a comfortable and lazy atmosphere.

Four fresh, four dried, eight dishes of fruit and a pot of hot tea have been placed on the table of the Eight Immortals.

It was Li Ziyu's brothers who gathered in the box.The host is none other than Zhang Yu, who is currently proud of his success and is known as the "Guangzhou Youth Domineering President".

He has completely changed into an "Australian-style" attire at the moment. Not only has he cut his hair short, he has put on an "Australian double-breasted jacket", and even the clogs on his feet have been replaced with leather-soled canvas shoes that Australian cadres often wear. Looked high-spirited.

Li Ziyu was the last one to arrive, because it was inconvenient to wear a police uniform because he was socializing privately, so today he was also dressed in a simple cotton "officer uniform".

"Brother Yu, sit down! Brothers are waiting for you."

"I'm really sorry, everyone, please sit down. There is a little delay in the bureau."

"You came back from Lingao training, and now you are a celebrity in the bureau."

"Where, where..." Although Li Ziyu was modest, she still couldn't restrain a smile on her face.

Lingao's training was like a dream—he had seen many things he hadn't seen and heard many things he didn't know in the past few months. The flower branches guessed the beauty and fragrance in the garden, but now the door was opened to him, allowing him to enjoy it.

New knowledge, new weather, and new ideas poured into this young man's head like a tide, so that he felt as if he had passed his whole life in an instant.

After returning from Lingao training, although he has not been formally promoted, there has been internal news that Li Ziyu will soon "below the grassroots" and serve as the deputy director of a police station in the city.

He had studied in Lingao, and he knew that this police station was the grassroots unit of the Senate's police system. As the deputy director, it meant that he had officially entered the ranks of "police officer", not just a "police officer".

He looked at everyone with a smile, and when he glanced at the guest seat, he unconsciously yelled:
"Knowledge! You are finally back!"

Chen Shixin in front of him was also dressed in "Australian attire", because he hadn't seen him for more than a year, his attire and appearance had changed, and there was a sense of strangeness in the familiarity.

"Ayu!" Chen Shixin couldn't restrain his excitement, and actually made a respectful bow, "Little brother, you are polite!"

"Oh, don't be like this! We are all members of the Senate now, and we have to do the Australian ceremony!"

"Yes, yes, what you said is true." Chen Shixin quickly stretched out his hand, and his hands were tightly held together, and they did not separate for a long time.There are thousands of words to say in my chest, but I don't know where to start.

"Sit! Sit!" Zhang Yu hurriedly greeted, "It's not a long time since we saw each other. It's only been a year since Shixin went to Lingao."

"Indeed, it's only been a year or so," Chen Shixin nodded, "But when I come back and look at it, the world is really changed!"

The four brothers have been together since they skipped classes in social studies. At that time, they just liked Australian things and didn't think about anything else.But the world is impermanent, and no one would have thought that each of them has experienced so much.Zhang Yu got acquainted with old Hong Yuan through Chen Shixin's channel and made a fortune; Li Ziyu lost his family but found a job in the police station, and even helped Zeng Juan find his niece who was sold. The impostor case that was involved in it made its way to the top; thanks to the care of the two brothers, Zeng Juan was admitted to the Finance and Taxation Bureau after being out of work for half a year. Zhang Yu's set of review materials can be said to have helped him a lot.

Recalling those years, the four of them couldn't help laughing, they just felt that the world was unpredictable.However, this unpredictable experience made their hearts closer to each other, and they felt more and more precious the original friendship.

This gathering was actually a "clean up" for Chen Shixin who came back from Lingao.

When Chen Shixin came back this time, he was no longer the ambiguous "student recommended by Mr. Hong Yuan". He attended the art vocational training class in Lingao, and this time he was officially assigned to the Guangzhou Propaganda Department as a staff member of Wenxuankou to work.

"Well, Ayu, that's fine." Li Ziyu looked around the room, "I heard that Juan said that you booked this place? You have a good sense, this is a soundproof room, right?"

"Soundproof room?" The others were all taken aback.But this box is indeed a little different, that is, there is no window.

Although "privacy" is the most important thing in Ziming Building's boxes, and the various moving line settings fully consider "guest privacy", but boxes generally have windows for ventilation and light transmission.

"Ayu, you are really well-informed. I heard that you learned it from Lingao, and it was all done by the chiefs. I don't understand. Anyway, I heard from Miss Pei that even if you yell inside, you can't hear it outside. Yes. I’ve tried it. It’s true. There are only three rooms in the entire Ziming building. Nowadays, people with a little status like to talk about things here. Didn’t you see it when you were studying in Lingao?”

"I've seen it..." Li Ziyu thought that I only saw it when visiting certain places, and it wasn't a good place, so she waved her hand, "I've only heard of it, and this is the first time I've seen it."

"Look, some of us still want to say Mr. Zhang, no, according to the Australian name, Mr. Zhang is worthy of a valuable person."

"Let's go, A Juan, you are a tax dog. A Yu, you have to punish yourself first."

"Okay, you call me tax dog, and tomorrow I will apply to investigate you, a big dog!"

"Haha..." The four of them laughed.

Zhang Yu stopped bickering with Li Ziyu, turned to fill Chen Shixin's wine glass, and said, "You have been in Lingao for so long, and you haven't even had a single letter! We won't bother with you about this mistake, and let's talk about what we have seen and heard." listen!"

Chen Shixin smiled and said: "If you talk about what you saw and heard in Lingao, Ayu probably already said it. I won't talk about making a fool of myself. Just talk about my own experience."

Chen Shixin came to Lingao with a letter of recommendation, and had to go through some "purification", and then entered the art training class in Fangcaodi.

The teachers of this art training class are the dozen or so apprentices brought out by the Italian Trini in the past. Of course, Trini himself will also come to teach—but his business volume is constantly increasing, and he rarely comes back once a month.

"Those gentlemen are actually about the same age as me, but they all have unique skills. What I thought at the beginning was really simple..." He talked endlessly about how he learned sketching, coloring, and how to learn calligraphy, Using hard paper to make structural models, playing with mud to make sculptures... From time to time, I have to follow the teacher to "set up the venue" everywhere.

Although Chen Shixin entered the art class, in fact, the teaching direction in the class is biased towards practical art. Students not only need to master the basic skills of painting, but also learn some arts and crafts skills, including making sculptures, exhibition arrangements, furnishings, and interior decoration. , Printmaking, drawing posters and so on.Some also learn iron and glass skills.In short, the content of learning is very complicated.There are also plenty of opportunities to practice - basically learning by doing.

However, these complex techniques suit Chen Shixin's appetite. He is originally a curious and hands-on person, and he really feels like a fish in water for these techniques.

"When I was waiting together in the past, I always said that Australians are 'bowen and knowledgeable', and they are extremely knowledgeable. But when I really get in touch with their knowledge, it is like an ocean-boundless," Chen Shixin gestured, "Just say This painting, all kinds of skills, all kinds of painting methods, as long as you want to learn, it is almost endless, and you can never finish it in a lifetime... When I used to be in Guangzhou, I always felt that I had studied and read many Australians. Magazine, somewhat knowledgeable, I never thought of Lingao, I just feel that I am a spectator—that bit of knowledge, not to mention the superficiality of Australians, is not even a speck of dust.”

"Shixin is right!" Zhang Yu was also quite emotional, and was about to say something when suddenly the small bell in the box rang.He got up and opened the door, but it was the waiter who brought the food and drinks.

The food and wine in Ziminglou is brought by a dining cart. The food and wine in Ziminglou are very delicate, all of which are "Australian dishes", so the price is naturally high.If you want to talk about the few "financial foodies" here, it is not enough to spend a month's salary.Fortunately, Zhang Yu is the patron.

"Come on, this is Ziminglou's roast goose—it's said to be the best in Guangzhou. Let's eat it while it's hot." Zhang Yu greeted.

"Slow down!" Li Ziyu got up and picked up the wine glass, "Let's have a drink first, and congratulate Shixin on his return to Guangzhou."

The wine is "Xue Ziliang" brand fruit wine from Lingao. The wine is bright red in color and sweet in taste.The price is naturally not cheap.

"I wish Shixin success in his tenure!" Everyone toasted together, "Do it!"
Next update: Volume 94 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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