Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1982 Clues

Chapter 1982 Clues

"Learning well will lead to official career", Zeng Juan's idea of ​​making no achievements in the system has long since disappeared.I don't know the reincarnation of the world, but I ended up with the Australians as "students who excel in education" are really ironic.

I work very hard these days, and it is easy to get a thousand-mile horse, but it is hard to find a bole. I don’t know why since sitting in this position, Zeng Juan suddenly felt that he had transformed from a student who had difficulty even entering school into a "maxima", and this bole It is the three heads of the Finance and Inland Revenue Department, oh no, it is the Australian Senate.The national scholars treat it, and the national scholars report it.Although he knew that he was thousands of miles away from the national scholars, he still liked to say this sentence in his heart recently.

Director Zhang Xiaoqi returned to Lingao not long after the first season of the levy period ended, and the remaining Chief Wang gave them lectures like crazy.The lecture time after get off work every day has been increased by half an hour from the original one hour, and it is dedicated to teaching basic Australian culture courses.Every day I have to go to Haizheng to go home with the stars and the moon.Those old people with their families complained in private that they didn't even have the strength to pump their mother-in-law's naked buttocks. Could it be that the head of the king couldn't see the couple's hot kang.Not only that, but they also discovered that at the beginning of the month, a white stubble sign had been quietly hung outside the classroom, on which was written Dasong Finance and Taxation Bureau Cadre Training School in bold and black Song typeface.

It's better to be single, Zeng Juan wiped his sweat again.He heard this word from Director Ai, and he felt an indescribable sense of joy.I remember the last meeting, he blurted out "single dog" when chatting with Director Nan next to him, which made Director Nan dare not answer for a long time, which was really embarrassing.Speaking of Director Nan, Zeng Juan felt that this woman was really powerful.I heard that a few days ago, two high-drinking young men came to the hall. At that time, all of them had just changed into the linen short-sleeved summer uniforms. The men were lucky to say that these female cadres sat at the window. "A white arm blinded my kryptonite eyes", even the naturalized people would have a heartbeat when they saw it, let alone these two.They couldn't go up to the window counter, so they entangled Liu Cuihua, who was on duty that day, at the tax guidance counter at the door, grabbing his hand and touching his arm after a few words.It was too late to say, and I don't know when Director Nan came out of the counter. He kicked the man under the table neatly and pushed the other one on the table, and then the man on duty in the hall The security police came up and handcuffed both of them and took them away.Afterwards, he also told others everywhere that Director Nan in the tax collection hall was really good at being a hero among girls.

Without Zhang Xiaoqi in charge, the collection work of the Finance and Taxation Bureau in the second quarter still ended smoothly.The girls in the tax collection hall have lived up to the expectations of the Senate. After half a year of experience, they have already looked like professional cadres. Even when faced with nearly twice the number of taxpayers due to the expansion of the collection scope, they can handle various emergencies in an orderly manner. situation.Especially Nan Wan'er, as the director of the tax collection hall, many things are "final judgment" for her. Her handling is gentle and principled, which makes Ai Zhixin and Wang Qiyi treat this "handmaiden" who was an inexperienced martial artist a few years ago. Heroine" looked at her with admiration.

Regardless of these things, Zeng Juan was able to complete this task today, and a lot of credit was due to Nan Wan'er.As the saying goes, things of a kind flock together and people are divided into groups. Zhang Xiaoqi has a very high memory talent, so Nan Wan'er, whom she fell in love with, can be considered to have an excellent memory.The Finance and Taxation Bureau stipulates that the internal collection and management inspection should be separated in principle, but the shared information should be transferred to each other through a copy of the ledger every week.Last week, when she went to get a copy of the taxpayers' declaration ledger under their group, Nan Wan'er specially reminded that the nobles suddenly declared a sum of stamp duty at the end of the collection period, which was quite different from the amount paid in the two quarters.

During the collection in the first quarter, in addition to Guangzhou Chengda Merchant, as a top medium-sized merchant in Guangzhou, the nobles of the Luo family were also included in the tax list as a "supplementary team member".As soon as the collection of the second quarter started, Mr. Liao, the nobleman, paid all the property and circulation taxes on the second day. Without this stamp duty, everything would be normal.

After Zeng Juan got the tax copy list, he carefully studied the tax declaration amount of Guirenju for two consecutive quarters, and found that compared with the property tax of more than 200 yuan per quarter and the circulation tax of more than 100 yuan, the stamp duty was a full 15 yuan, according to 0.05 % tax rate, the transaction amount is not less than 30000 yuan, which is too rare for a medium-sized merchant.Although the basic situation of the taxpayer under its jurisdiction is well known, Zeng read the registration information of the taxpayer from the census archives to ensure safety.

Guirenju was established in the first year of Chongzhen (AD 1628). The legal representative is Luo Zhixiang. The census assets are about 90000 yuan. The business scope is bulk goods from the north and the south.According to the regulations of the Dasong Finance and Taxation Bureau, the transfer of property rights, purchase and sales contracts and other documents must be stamped in obvious places to be considered valid. Zeng Juan felt that the normal business of such traditional commercial enterprises generally does not involve the transfer of property rights, let alone a purchase and sales contract worth more than 30000 yuan. This medium-sized store can afford it.What's more, when the stamp duty was declared, the loopholes in the current single and extensive tax items were taken advantage of, and Zeng Juan felt that there was something strange about the fact that he only wrote the sales documents vaguely in the declaration.So he applied to the management office for a residence permit according to the standard procedure, and went to Mr. Luo's house to see where the stamp duty came from.

Zeng Juan walked out of Luo's house when the sun was approaching the western mountain.This time, the resistance encountered by the household registration was not ordinary. The Luo family first shirked the absence of the chief accountant, Mr. Liao, and then said that he kept the accounts alone and others could not see them.After more than an hour of dragging, seeing Zeng Juan's reluctance, he had to see where the stamp was pasted, otherwise he would take it back to the Finance and Taxation Bureau for questioning and fine him according to the intentional damage of tax receipts. Just in time to "return home".

Take a look at the relevant documents, in fact, the transaction is very simple, that is, the Luo family sold a piece of land near the big world to... Zeng Juan's eyelids jumped, Zhang Ji Father and Son Food Company?

After Zhang Yu and his father separated, the old shop was changed to "Zhang Ji Laopu Food Company", and Zhang Yu's company is "Zhang Ji Father and Son Co., Ltd." In fact, doing business is still single-minded, so as to avoid material criticism in the society.

Zeng Juan licked his lips, put down the contract, and took a sip of tea from his cup.

"Hehe, there's nothing wrong with such a simple contract. Since there are decals, why are you pushing around when you show it to me? Isn't it just selling a piece of land? Wasted everyone's hours for nothing."

"Yes, yes, it's nothing serious. Our boss thinks our shop is small and we won't be able to use it until we die. It's better to ask for it now." Master Liao filled Zeng Juan's teacup with water, "In the past, everyone was afraid of the government. Those boys have never seen our Australian cadres. They thought they were still as black as before. They were afraid that they would be extorted no matter whether they were justified or not, so they covered it. Comrade Zeng, don't blame us... "

"Master Liao, don't be like this, I can't afford to be called old." Zeng Juan picked up the file bag, stood up, stretched his uniform, and greeted the team members. "Okay then, let's go."

Zeng Juan was still dizzy walking on the street.Why was Zhang Yu involved in such a coincidence?It shouldn't be a big deal, just a simple sale of land, he comforted himself.But his intuition told him that such a large land transaction and the performance of the Luo family were obviously not that simple.

kindness?Who is in front?The figure looks familiar.

Huang Ping?Yao Yulan?How are they together?
Zeng Juan is still very cautious. He originally wanted to avoid it, but now that they are almost face to face, it would be too deliberate to avoid it, and it would cause misunderstanding.

Misunderstanding by others is not a big problem.Huang Ping and Yao Yulan are both cadres who came from Lingao, and they are different from those who came from the public examination. If they talk too much in front of the chief, they will be in trouble.

With a smile all over his face at the moment, he greeted with a slightly surprised expression:
"Brother Huang! Sister Yulan!" Although the bureau required everyone to call each other "comrade", Zeng Juan still couldn't change it.Fortunately, the term "comrade" is just a "suggestion" rather than a "rule".

"Hey, Juan! Long time no see."

"Why not? I haven't seen you since you went to the inspection office. I heard that you went to Lingao for training? This means you're going to be promoted." Zeng Juan looked at the two of them while performing routine politeness.Huang Ping seems to have lost a lot of energy, but he feels more energetic.Yao Yulan also knew Zeng Juan, but seeing her this time didn't change much, but she was a little darker.

"Where's the matter, we're just going to study. If you don't believe me, you can ask Yao Yulan. I'll invite you another day, let's have a good chat." Huang Ping looked up at the sun, "But we have something to do today, so we have to go first. See you."

"Then you are all busy, and I happen to have something to do. I will treat you later." Zeng Juan secretly slandered, is there something real or fake?How strange.Miss Yao has an unusual temper, can Brother Huang bear it?

After sending Huang Ping away, a gust of cool wind blew in, refreshing the sweaty Zeng Juan a little.In just a moment, he suddenly realized that he had just made a fatal mistake at Luo's house.Doesn't the Luo family make money selling land?I was only thinking about Zhang Yu, and forgot to check how much the Luo family made from selling the land, otherwise I would get it back to the bureau and compare it with the circulation tax return for the second quarter to find out whether his family had evaded taxes.No, there is no need to compare at all. For a land of 30000 yuan, even if you have not studied the Australian tax law, you can know that the profit earned is not capped by the circulation tax of 100 yuan.The permission to enter the house is one-time, and according to the regulations, he can no longer go to Luo's house.So what to do?

Zhang Yu, to Zhang Yu.The seller couldn't go, and the buyer, Zhang Yu, as a businessman, should know roughly how much the Luo family made.It's a pity that it's getting late now, and it's unrealistic to go to the big world again, so I can only hope that Zhang Yu will go back to the city tonight.


Next update: Volume 97 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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