Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1988 A Little Meeting of Reminiscing about Bitterness and Thinking about Sweetness

Chapter 1988 A Little Meeting of Reminiscing about Bitterness and Thinking about Sweetness

"Yes! Chief!"

"Here we go again!" Wang Qiyi was not interested in this "militarized management". He still couldn't understand the obsession of some veterans with etiquette such as "touching heels" and "nodding", and always felt that he was in shock, "I Let's go first, let's chat and get familiar with each other."

Wang Qiyi left, but Zeng Juan's concern came.Obviously, Wang Qiyi's confession just now is tantamount to letting him take charge during the night.He didn't understand why the chief assigned this matter to himself, a leader who had no qualifications or background, just because his seat was close to the chief?
"Snoring... Mom, I was suffocating just now." Before Zeng Juan could think about it, the sound of drinking soup broke the silence in the office.

"Comfortable!" Xu Zhewei put the empty bowl on the table, rolled up his sleeves and wiped his mouth, "What are you looking at? Have you ever seen old men drinking soup?"

"Haha... what kind of master are you!"

"Oh, Brother Xu, how much did you hold back just now? It shouldn't be like this."

"Who says it's impossible? I used to drink soup like this. Today I'm having dinner with the chief. I think you all eat small mouthfuls. How can I do this? I can only chew rice without daring to drink a mouthful of soup."

"Brother Xu seems to be a bold person." Zeng Juan turned around and took a spoonful of soup from the soup pot and served it to Xu Zhewei.

"I'll do it myself... Team Leader Zeng is too polite."

"It's okay, this barrel is close to me. Brother Xu's accent is from the north?"

"Yeah, I'm from Shandong, Changyi County, Laizhou Prefecture." Xu Zhewei didn't lift his head and picked up the rice in the bowl, obviously very hungry.

"Laizhou? That's three or four thousand miles away from Guangfu." Zeng Juan put down his chopsticks and looked at Xu Zhewei in surprise.Thanks to his familiarity with Kunology magazines, he has a little knowledge of Chinese geography.Not only do they know that Laizhou is in Shandong, but they also know that this is the place where Kong Youde rebelled.However, what surprised him was not this, but another question that had been hidden in his heart for a long time: the chiefs all came from Qiongzhou, which is further south than Guangfu, so why are there so many northerners, especially Shandongese among the cadres? ?

"It must not be easy to travel all the way from Shandong."

"Fortunately, I took the big ship of the Senate. Although I was a little seasick, I didn't suffer much. My wife arrived in Qiongzhou peacefully."

"By boat?" Zeng Juan couldn't help but widen his eyes. Although there are many foreign merchants in Guangzhou, almost every family in the city has something to do with maritime business, but in the eyes of most, no, it should be in the eyes of everyone. Running a boat on the sea is a near-death deal, whether it is people or property, they will be gone if they say nothing, these chiefs dare to use boats to pick up people from Shandong to Qiongzhou, and pick up so many people!What a crime to suffer this way.

"There may be a lot of discomfort in the boat at sea, can the elderly and children at home bear it?"

"At home? There is no one there. It was not a wealthy family. Those who were hungry and full, and there was a riot. Those who starved to death starved to death, those who froze to death, and the rest were killed by rebels. Originally There was a daughter-in-law who couldn’t run away when she was fleeing for her life, she was left alone, and she was ruined to death. I ran out alone.” Xu Zhewei still didn’t lift his head to pick up the rice in the bowl, “Grandma’s really can’t get used to this rice , it’s still fun to eat the steamed buns one by one!”

Zeng Juan was a little embarrassed at the time.He remembered that before the Senate restored Guangzhou, he and his friends discussed the strategy of countering the rebellion in Shandong when they were wandering outside the city, arguing about how to put down the rebellion as quickly as possible. The officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty fought back and forth around Laizhou, causing heavy casualties on both sides.The four stood on the soil bag and scolded Fang Qiu, very proud of their strategy.Now a living Shandong native, who escaped from the ruins of the rebels alone, made him feel that the advice at that time was too funny.

"What?" Xu Zhewei put down the bowl and looked at Zeng Juan who didn't know how to answer, "It's okay! You can't come back from death. That son of a bitch, Kong Youde, had his head beheaded by the Senate and avenged us. All my life With the Senate... How did Chief Wei say that? Fight across the Yangtze River to liberate the whole of China!"



"What are you laughing at?"

"Then you don't want to be a soldier, but come here to play tricks."

"Sister Chu, don't laugh. I'm not boasting, but I was mobilized to join the army as soon as I entered the factory with my physique." Xu Zhewei unconsciously puffed up his chest and straightened his clothes, "Who knew that a veteran said, It’s more powerful to use abacus than to hold a gun—they sent me to a vocational school to study finance and taxation.”

In fact, Xu Zhewei's physical examination result was "Class C". According to the standards of "Qualified for Enlistment" and "Qualified for Pre-Enlistment" of Class B, Class C is "not suitable for queue service".Not only is he not suitable for queue service, he is not even wanted for factory apprenticeship training.In the end, it was because he had studied abacus for several years that he entered the accounting professional class.

But he was young and looked very strong. He felt ashamed to be rejected by the medical examination, so he kept saying that he was mobilized to study.

"Sister Chu? Are you from Guangfu? How did you come to the Finance and Taxation Bureau? I heard that you have a daughter who goes to school in Lingao?"

"Same as you, in trouble." Chu Xiaoran suddenly lost the smile on his face, lowered his head and picked up a piece of kale and chewed slowly.

For Chu Xiaoran, her pain is not the tossing and drifting, nor the death of her husband and daughter, but the family relationship of more than 20 years is like a thin piece of paper in front of money, which can blow a hole in one breath.

"Sister Chu, don't be sad. I shouldn't talk too much..." Seeing her expression, Xu Zhewei hurriedly said.

"It's nothing, some old things from the past have been held in my heart for a long time, so it's nothing to talk about."

Her father was an old boy, although his family background was poor, he loved her very much and taught her to read and write since she was a child.After marriage, the family was well-off, and the husband and wife followed each other. Although only two daughters were born after more than ten years of marriage, the husband didn't care about it, and the family of four was happy.Unexpectedly, the sky did not fulfill the wishes of the people, and the husband suddenly contracted a bad cold, took the medicine for more than half a year, and finally let go.The meager family property was sold out and there was only one house left, but the mother-in-law and brother-in-law took a fancy to it. They used the excuse that she would have to remarry in the future when she had no children, and drove her mother and daughter out of the house as soon as the first seven days were over.

"...My mother-in-law's family didn't want to keep me, so it was nothing - as expected. I didn't expect my sister-in-law to be so ruthless when I returned to my mother's house. Not to mention taking me in, she wouldn't even give me a meal." Chu Xiao Ran said, "On weekdays, I think that my mother's family is always the one to rely on, but if there is anything, it must be given to my brothers and nephews. If they have any difficulties, they will always help them if they can—I didn't expect that they would end up like this end!"

Chu Xiaoran was unaccompanied.The eldest daughter was frightened, and within a few days of leaving, she became hot and uttered nonsense, and she was short of food and clothing. Even Chu Xiaoran cried and died in the inn.After this tossing, the only bit of softness on her body was wiped out, and she was kicked out of the inn and reduced to a beggar.

"... If you want to talk about suffering, it is really suffering. I have nowhere to go and want to eat - I never thought that being a beggar woman would cost money." Chu Xiaoran was never willing to talk about this in the past. If you go out to beg for food after registering, you will be beaten, and you may even be abducted by patting flowers... That's really called Tian Tian shouldn't..."

Yao Yulan nodded sympathetically and said, "I know that." Like Chu Xiaoran, she also had the experience of her family being in trouble, and she has a deep understanding of the despair of being cornered.

"...At that time, my daughter was so hungry that she couldn't even open her eyelids. I was so desperate that I simply found a straw rope to tie myself and the child together—I have seen the whole family throw themselves into the river several times, but I didn't expect it to happen." It's my turn."

Yao Yulan wiped her tears with a handkerchief, recalling the past, especially the resentment she was still filled with when her fiancé broke off the engagement.

"...I didn't expect my daughter to be awakened by the water, calling for help, saying that she didn't want to die--I didn't die as soon as my heart softened... Thinking about it again, since I'm not even afraid of death, am I still afraid of living? I went back from the water. I dragged my daughter, and when I saw a big restaurant on the side of the road, I broke in. I didn’t leave if I was beaten or scolded... In the end, a fat man was kind enough to give our mother and wife A big bowl of pork rice, and told the waiter to take us to Cihuitang——ah, it’s a pity that we were so muddled back then, that we didn’t even ask the benefactor’s name!”

"Sister Chu, you have returned to your hometown now. This benefactor, you might as well look for it slowly." Zeng Juan was quite embarrassed during the conversation, because most of the people present were "suffering and hating", and "in trouble" were rescued by the Senate Yes, although his family background was not good before he took the exam, and he was far from the word "difficult", so he had no sympathy and felt a kind of embarrassment of being rejected. Especially wanting to fit in with the group.At this moment, he seized the opportunity to interject, "Although I don't know his name, he must be a regular customer even if he eats in that restaurant-everyone in the restaurant is a smart person, so he must know his name. Let's go there when we have time." If you ask, you will know..."

"That's a good idea!" Yao Yulan's gossip exploded, "I think that's the way to go! After we're done with this matter, let's find someone for Sister Chu!"

"By the way! Your sister-in-law and in-law's family should also pay attention to them! Let them look down on you!" Xu Zhewei was filled with righteous indignation, "If you own a shop, you should check it out! If you have a real estate property, then check him out. The deed tax! I don’t believe they can be poor and free! Find an excuse, punish them for bankruptcy, and then bring them in to sue!”

"Hey, this is over, over." Huang Ping didn't speak just now, but now he shook his head and said, "We must act in accordance with the law, and we can't use this kind of personal anger as a starting point to enforce the law-the chief's good scriptures, we can't read it wrong .”

Huang Ping's status was relatively high, so it was naturally inconvenient for everyone to refute him, they only said that if they hit the palm of their hand, they would never forgive, and they wanted to vent their anger on Sister Chu.A group of people talked excitedly, but Chu Xiaoran just ate in silence.
Next update: Volume 103 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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