Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1998 Mr. Shi who keeps pace with the times

Chapter 1998 Mr. Shi who keeps pace with the times
Sleeping on the bed, Huang Ping's eyes were piercing, he couldn't fall asleep for a while, his mind was still investigating the situation.

Although he hasn't studied tax law for too long, he still understands the concept of "tax avoidance".

Legal tax avoidance is not a modern concept, it existed in ancient times.Take the most basic tax and land tax collected by the government as an example, there are various tricks.The Huang family was also a "noble gentry" in Lingao back then, and Huang Ping was the second son Huang's personal servant, so he knew a little about the threshold inside.

These routines of historians are not new to him: Australians have changed the rules of tax collection, and historians have followed suit to "advance with the times"-taking advantage of loopholes in regulations.

"It's no wonder the old rich are getting richer and richer." Huang Ping thought to himself, ordinary people would get dizzy when they saw these provisions, let alone research them out.

But speaking of it, ordinary people don't even know a few big characters, let alone these awkward clauses!
In fact, although the question asked today is a bit embarrassing, it is the key to the historian's tax avoidance.This Second Young Master Shi also has a thorough understanding of the terms of finance and taxation: Sanya is tax-free.The property tax is managed by the territory. If you remit the money from Guangzhou to Sanya, you don’t have to pay any property tax.This trick is not only ingenious, but also very difficult: the local big households in Guangzhou are very few who are familiar with the tax terms, not to mention the tax incentive terms of Sanya, which is hundreds of miles away, this historian is well-informed very!
It seems that the historian is stronger than the Liang family.Huang Ping thought to himself, no wonder Chief Wang sent himself here to check the accounts.At first, he felt that it was a bit of a fuss.Or the chief can see it clearly!
The next day, Huang Ping asked the local tax department to mobilize scribes to copy the account books of Tianrui Garden.

"Make a copy of all the ledgers," Huang Ping said, "and all the transaction vouchers, and register them one by one."

It was late at night, and the lamp on the table was still on.Wang Qiyi rubbed his face and took a big sip of strong tea to wake himself up.He hated staying up late to work, but when Zeng Juan Huangping's team's report was delivered, the meetings of the two city governments were waiting for him, so he had no choice but to postpone the report until night.

The situation has become clear. The historian first transferred a large amount of current assets to the Sanya branch Tianruiyuan through Delong, and then moved the main production to Sanya with the convenience of joint ventures and investment promotion to complete a reasonable tax avoidance.However, there is no way to avoid this. Sanya’s tax reduction and exemption to attract investment was the established policy of the Senate when Wang Luobin was in power. Although there are not many mainland businessmen like historians, the counties in Hainan went to Sanya to build a branch or even directly. I don't know how many times the store moved there.Snow-white sugar, gorgeous silk porcelain, all kinds of new gadgets of the Australians and their huge demand for imports also made European countries pay more and more attention to this new commercial port with a better location and lower tax rates.The positioning of Sanya Freeport has also brought about row upon row of western shopping malls on both sides of Haijiao Avenue, which are constantly being raised and enlarged.

The wind was getting colder, but Wang Qiyi still gently shook the cattail fan.When the property tax was re-approved at the beginning of the year, the historian took out Delong's remittance receipts and asked for a deduction of the amount of working capital calculated based on the real estate.No one cared about it at the time, if Meng Xian hadn't used this incident as an example when he was drinking to say that their business model was either small or great, Wang Qiyi probably wouldn't have known about it at all.Joint ventures, factory building, remittances, and transfers, the historian took this step by step really carefully and practically.

Everything seems legal and reasonable, is it really my unreasonable suspicion?The tax rate of the Senate is not high. In order to save this tax, so many people have been mobilized and even the foundation of the old store has been touched. It is not in line with the general stability of the indigenous people in this era.So what is the problem?
His eyes returned to the account book that he had just browsed roughly on the left hand side.Zeng Juan and Huang Ping copied all the general ledgers of the year and the ledgers they considered key and brought them back. This serious and down-to-earth work attitude made Wang Qiyi very happy.There are not many account books, only two or three. Wang Qiyi felt that he should read them carefully in order not to let down the hard work of his subordinates.

Ok?Is this too much water?Just when Wang Qiyi was about to give the historian a conclusion of a law-abiding citizen, his eyes lit up with the flow of the last account in Tianruiyuan's Hong Kong warehouse, and he sat up suddenly from his chair.Hong Kong warehouse... Sanya warehouse... workshop... raw materials... Wang Qiyi spread out all three account books and picked up a pen to compare them one by one.

I see!Before turning to the last few numbers, Wang Qiyi basically understood the trick of the Second Master Shi.The warehouse rented by Tianruiyuan on Hong Kong Island is nominally the transit warehouse of the Sanya factory in the mainland. In fact, historians use it to become a second-hand dealer to make a lot of money.The silk products and porcelain purchased by the historian from the mainland are directly recorded in Tianruiyuan by telegraph, but the goods are only transported to the warehouse in Hong Kong, and then sold in the name of Tianruiyuan, and the payment is also remitted to Sanya through Delong. After enjoying the tax reduction or even tax exemption, the tax payment certificate will be taken to Hong Kong Customs for tax credit by big wave boat.In the end, the buyer only needs to come to Hong Kong to pick up the goods or be transported out of the country by Shijia.Thanks to the benefits of tax exemption, Shijia can lower the shipping price of the Hong Kong warehouse a lot, so the business is very good. From the perspective of turnover, the sales volume has increased by more than [-]% in the past six months.

"Tsk tsk, Mr. Shi, Mr. Shi, you are still too timid." Wang Qiyi turned the pen in his hand, and smacked his lips regretfully.Why do you insist on selling it under the name of Tianrui Garden?Buy in the name of an old store and sell in the name of an old store, and then the proceeds from the sale are linked to accounts receivable in the old store, and the actual payment for the goods is directly transferred to the Tianruiyuan account in Sanya.The branch of Tianruiyuan and the Guangzhou store are still the same, and the exchange of goods without payment is not counted as sales. Why can't they take advantage of it?In this way, you don’t have to pay a penny of business tax. Isn’t it more promising than the half discount you enjoy in Sanya now?Alas... pity pity.Wang Qiyi shook his head and thought a little bit more.

Hey?No, it seems that the buttocks are sitting crookedly.Throwing away the pencil and recovering his thoughts, Wang Qiyi stretched comfortably and then retreated into the chair.The historian's calculation is clear, but the punishment is impossible.If I have to talk about the problem, that is, the main business of the tax registration is not fully written, which is beyond the scope of operation, and the fine is at most one tael of silver.

"Tell you to build hills, tell you to staking land, what to develop the local economy, you don't know where to sit when you are a local official. Now it looks good, fight and grab, tax exemption is not enough to pay subsidies!" Wang Qiyi The more I thought about it, the more I felt gloating, and I couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Chief, what's the fun? Could it be that Chief Zhang is coming?" Mi Suisui, the guard who came in to pour water, joked casually when he saw Wang Qiyi waving a fan and laughing alone.

"What do little brats know, let's go and play." Wang Qiyi has a good temper, especially for these young men who are not much older than his daughter, "I will write a note, and you will send it to Comrade Huang Ping's dormitory tomorrow morning."

After dismissing the guards, Wang Qiyi sipped his tea and wondered if he should meet the Second Young Master Shi another day. This Young Master is fine. Although taxation is nothing more than personnel affairs, there is no insurmountable gap in understanding, but it is possible to make the Senate cross the era so quickly. It is also a personal talent to use the powerful scientific and technological power to avoid taxation and accurately find the gaps in the connection of taxation management.It's much better than the Liang family's Docked Tail Survival.It's a pity for such a talent to stay in the private sector to make money for his family. He should be called out to work for the Senate.There have always been voices in the Senate, asking to send people to Europe to engage in speculative business to harvest a few waves of leeks, but it is not profitable for the seniors to do it themselves. It may be better to send these people to do it, and let them bring their own dry food. The Senate provides The necessary information, earn half of the Senate, in case of loss...

He held back his thoughts that were starting to run wild.This matter needs to be rewritten in the internal report, to remind those veteran counties and mayors who heard the four words of overall planning and arrangement as if they were killing themselves, so that they can understand what the whole country is. A game of chess.Want to bypass the tax bureau and do it yourself?Just wait to be slapped in the face by 17th century natives.

"Chief, Director Ai sent someone to ask, have you read the application for the special expense?" A correspondent came and asked at the door.

"What special expense?!" Wang Qiyi was writing a draft in his mind, and lost his temper when someone interrupted him.

"It's the 'Memorandum on Promotion of Family Life of Naturalized Civilian Cadres' by Mr. Du Yuan..."

"Oh, it's this one." Only then did Wang Qiyi come to his senses.Since they hang the sign of "Finance and Taxation Bureau", in addition to collecting money, they have to use money.Now that the system is gradually improving, some extra-budgetary expenditures in Guangzhou can only be paid with a clear budget and approval documents.

This so-called "Memorandum on Promoting the Family Life of Naturalized Civilian Cadres" was issued by a veteran named Du Yibin. He is now the county director of Enping County. It is said that the situation in Enping County is not peaceful-this veteran does not know how to do it. Yes, I sent such a memo to Liu Xiang out of nowhere.

The content, in fact, is not complicated, in fact it is to find a wife for the naturalized people.

The male-female ratio has been imbalanced for a long time under the rule of the Senate. Even after the large-scale population importation such as the engine operation, the problem of low marriageable women and abnormally high price of bride price has not been solved.Not to mention ordinary people, many male naturalized people have no wives and are reduced to "leftover men".

There are too many leftover men, which is tantamount to social instability.Especially the soldiers of the Fubo Army, although they had a marriage plan for officers and senior non-commissioned officers similar to the "[-]th Regiment", in fact, there were too many monks and too little food, and many people still couldn't solve the spouse problem.As for ordinary soldiers, there is basically no hope.

Officers and soldiers have served for many years, have been born and died, and cannot even marry a wife. They can only rely on monthly happy coupons to solve their sexual problems. They have no family life and no children.
Next update: Volume 113 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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