Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2020 1 mu 3 cents of land

Chapter 2020
In addition to fried dough sticks, there are also various pickles from Tianchu Food Factory.Originally, Cui Hantang wanted to "one egg per person". After inquiring about the price of eggs in the market and buying spoiled eggs a few times, he could only be satisfied with soy milk, which is a safer and cheaper protein supply.

Cui Hantang ate with Taoist priests and Taoists to show "equality between upper and lower levels".He eats a lot. For breakfast, he always needs two bowls of rice porridge and four thick fried dough sticks to fill his stomach. He also needs to dip in the chili sauce from Tianchu Food Factory.The Taoist priests were quite resistant to this red and hot thing at first, but after trying it under Cui Daochang's persuasive temptation, they slowly followed suit.

After breakfast, everyone in the audience dispersed, and everyone had their own work.Or work or study, or go to the legal affairs.Get organized up and down.

The most idle person is Cui Hantang.He's the same as Donald Duck's Uncle Scrooge who visits the vault.Walk in the Temple of Five Immortals every morning.

Thanks to the strong sponsorship of the Guangzhou Chamber of Commerce and the support of the surrounding gentry, Cui Hantang invited Mei Lin of the construction company to carry out a comprehensive maintenance of the Temple of Five Immortals, and the original screen wall, archway, mountain gate, nave, apse, East and west rooms on both wings, Sanyuan hall, verandah and other buildings have all been renovated.He did some demolition work himself.Some old buildings in Guannei were demolished, and some dormitories and office rooms were added.The flowers and plants in the temple have also been rearranged, some flower beds and potted plants have been added, and the original trees have also been pruned.

Finally, according to his aesthetic taste, he customized a statue of five immortals riding five sheep with ears of grain in their mouths—currently still under processing in Lingao, it is expected to be placed on the square in front of the mountain gate.

Cui Hantang boarded the "No. [-] Building in Lingnan" and circled the big clock a few times—he had also been to the Temple of Five Immortals and the Bell Tower in the old time and space, but he really couldn't understand how "the No. [-] building in Lingnan" was. .Only when he re-climbed the bell tower in this time and space did he realize this "first".

In the big city of the 17th century, where almost all buildings are bungalows and small two-story buildings are rare, climbing up this bell tower really has the impression of "seeing all the small mountains at a glance".It also often makes Cui Hantang feel like "the earth is under my feet, who dares to talk more?"

The only unpleasant thing is that there is always a policeman on the clock tower—the commanding height of the clock tower makes it an important security observation post for the Guangzhou Police Department—this greatly destroyed his classical illusion.

Stroll down from Bell Tower Road, smell the flowers in the yard for a while, and watch the goldfish in the "immortal thumb trail" for a while.Still hum a ditty from time to time.

Suddenly, I heard a silver bell-like singing voice:
"You take one, I take one, wash your hands often to keep your body in good shape,

You take two shots, I take two shots, touch less garbage to keep healthy,
You shoot three, I shoot three, washing hands with soap is very important,
You shoot four, I shoot four, don't waste it,
You shoot five, I shoot five, dysentery and typhoid are contagious,

Cui Hantang didn't need to look to know that this was Xiaoqian and a few female Taoist students teaching children about hygiene... The effect of this kindergarten was greater than he imagined.

Since he entered the Five Immortals Temple, like all newly appointed leaders, he immediately carried out several "innovations" and planned to earn some achievements for himself-after all, in the past, he could only be regarded as "assistant work" in Lingao. , not "stand alone".

On the one hand, he held a "graduation ceremony" in the temple, and in order to "confer the crown" on the Taoist student he brought with him-this ceremony was invented by the Taoist priest-is counted as a new Taoist system. official priest.These "disciples of the Son of Heaven" from Lingao are naturally his reused objects, and they are all assigned to the specific tasks in Guannei. While helping with various affairs, they continue to learn "professional knowledge" according to their respective expertise and hobbies.The elder among these people, he plans to arrange to be a host in some famous Taoist temples in Guangzhou and even Guangdong in a year or two.Others are ready to go the "technical expertise" route.

After the Taoist students he had brought graduated, he recruited a new group of small Taoist students and put them in charge of Qingyun, and set up a "training class".This training class uses the ordinary three-year elementary school textbooks of the education department-it is impossible to recruit Taoist students from Fangcaodi, and they have to train themselves.But in Lingao, the elders' hostility to religion made it very difficult for religious teachers to expand their team—for example, in Lingao's current Taoist class, two-thirds of them are Li and Miao children from Hainan Island.The situation of the catechumen at Bairen Monastery is roughly the same.

When he arrived in Guangzhou, Cui Hantang was like entering a gold mine.He just told a few old Taoist priests in the temple that he wanted to "recruit some Taoist students". On the second day, more than a dozen came to send their sons to "learn Taoism". On the third and fourth days... every day Some parents brought boys as young as seven or eight years old to fifteen or sixteen years old.Cui Hantang was caught off guard.

Such enthusiasm is naturally not because of "Tao Xin", in the end it is just for a place to "eat".This is not uncommon in religious circles.Cui Hantang has come into contact with many Taoist priests in the old time and space. Many people actually had the mentality of "seeking a way out" when they first learned Taoism.Here it is more realistic, just to "make a living".Some people even sent some stupid children in the family, which made Cui Hantang very annoyed.

What disappointed him was that he clearly said that "men and women are accepted", but he didn't see a single girl - it seems that it will take a long time to reverse the social atmosphere.

In the end, Cui Hantang recruited more than 40 people—twice as many as expected.All of them are arranged in the "Xue Zhai" on the east and west sides of the apse.Because there were too many people, the East Wing originally arranged was not enough, so we had to temporarily vacate the Department Wing as a teaching room.This so-called "Taoist class" is actually a "primary school".Naturally, he cannot say that he is running an elementary school.

Dongzhai was handed over to several male disciples to take care of it, and a sign of "Tibetan Scripture Pavilion" was hung up as a library, which is open to the surrounding scholars for free; Xizhai was assigned to Xiaoqian and several female disciples as a kindergarten to help the surrounding Believers take care of children, teach some nursery rhymes and new words.Many believers regard this as elementary school and send their children here every day.

Cui Hantang also imitated the way of the corrupt Taoist priest, setting up a small pharmacy under the corridor of the front hall, and asked a few Taoist students who studied medicine to take care of it and give out some pills.As for the retained Taoists, the talented ones follow the kind people to undertake various rituals; the clever ones follow the intellectuals to receive pilgrims; Set up a similar sales model; do some clumsy chores without knowing anything.As for him himself, he became a shopkeeper, accompanying some celebrities and pilgrims all day long to lure others into teaching.

Seeing that everything is in perfect order, the ground is clean and tidy, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the books are singing loudly... Cui Hantang feels satisfied, and a feeling that this place is under his control arises spontaneously.Now the Temple of the Five Immortals is already the seat of the apostolic seat of various Taoist temples in the Guangdong region—all Taoist priests in the Guangdong region must register at the Temple of the Five Immortals, otherwise they will not be recognized.Has a religious and administrative dual official hat.respected status.

Not only the Taoist temples in Guangzhou City need to accept his leadership, but even the Taoist temples and loose cultivators in the surrounding counties are under his control. After that, they will go to the Five Immortals Temple for rotation training every year. Feel.

Cui Hantang is secretly proud: It seems that before the departure, Taoist Master Dai explained that he should not only gain a foothold in Guangzhou, but also strive for the interests of the new Taoism as much as possible.It's just that the point of winning over the mayor Liu Xiang was not completed. It was close to success. The relationship between Cui Hantang breaking the witchcraft and catching the monkey for Mayor Liu can be said to have heated up sharply. The maid next to the mayor caused the maid to be quarantined for review.It made Mayor Liu feel ashamed, and he couldn't help but transfer his anger to Cui Hantang, making him a man inside and out.Let alone win over right now, the relationship between the two parties has completely degenerated into a "working relationship."

"Old Liu, I am sincere to you." Cui Hantang couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this.

After a parallax tour, it was past eight o'clock, and pilgrims arrived one after another.When they saw him, they couldn't help calling him "Taoist" and "Renren". There were also those who followed the fashion of the Australians and rushed to call him "Chief".

The Five Immortals Temple was originally a famous temple in Guangzhou, and its incense is very strong.After being taken by Cui Hantang, his status soared even more, not only attracted a large number of pilgrims to come to offer incense, but also attracted some people of all kinds who intended to cling to him.

These characters are either local rich gentry or scholars.When they came to offer incense, the so-called ulterior motives were not in wine, but in Cui Hantang's status as a veteran.

Whether you want to find a shortcut from him to climb up to the Senate to open up a new path in life, or you just want to "make friends and find a backer".Cui Hantang welcomes them all, as long as he has time, he will "sit and discuss" with them, and promote the advanced nature of the Senate by the way.

Cui Hantang, who was performing "Close to the People", suddenly saw a young Daoist winking at him, knowing that there must be something wrong, he hurriedly said a few perfunctory words, and walked over.

"Brother Qing Huan asks: How many distinguished guests come to offer incense, will the host meet and greet?"

This "Brother Qing Huan" is an old man of Benguan, who helps Zhiguo with reception work, and is very clever.

"Oh?" Cui Hantang wondered what kind of distinguished guest this is, but unexpectedly Qing Huan specially invited him to receive him.

"Who is it?" He asked casually.

"I heard that they are the two elders of the Li family."

"What?!" Cui Hantang was taken aback, "Li Suiqiu and Li Suiqi?"

"Yes." Xiao Daosheng is a local, so he naturally knows the names of the Li brothers.

"Go and tell Qing Huan to receive him first, I'll be right there!"

Next update: Volume 135 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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