Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2022 Kun Thief Art

Chapter 2022 Kun Thief Art
Li Suiqiu knew that if he didn't do what he said, he would be "summoned", and that would be degrading.I heard from my servant earlier: Australians pride themselves on being "unselfish" and "one body of common people". Anyone who is proud of their identity and disrespects their governance in the slightest will be humiliated in public.The person involved either bowed his knees in humiliation and complied, or fell under the "iron fist of dictatorship" of the Australians-either charged with various crimes and executed or "exiled overseas"-in the eyes of the locals, this is not the same as execution. no different.

It is not a big deal for Australians to re-register their account posts, neither will it harm their reputation or family members.

"That's it, just report it to the account. Let the housekeeper accompany you to handle this matter--he knows the situation at home best."

"Thank you, sir, for being considerate of me." Li Jia bowed again, but did not retreat, and said, "There is one more thing..."

"Just tell me, if you can do it, I won't make things difficult for you." Li Suiqiu was a little unhappy.

"The little one is just passing on a message," Pai Jia said with a smile, "the Dasong Finance and Taxation Bureau has a notice: this year's tax census is about to start again--the grandfather was not at home a few days ago, so this matter was not done, and it was delayed. It’s up to now. This time the Lord is back. The tax declaration can’t be delayed any longer. Please arrange an appointment with the accountant, and the commissioner from the Finance and Taxation Bureau will come to serve you..."

Li Suiqiu was very unhappy, and sneered: "Since ancient times, the imperial grain and national taxes have been regulated. The amount of my family's payment is also recorded in the household house. Why bother? If he asks for a few dollars from the Senate, just come up with a figure, and I, Li Suiqiu, will go bankrupt." Reward yourself."

Liejia bent even lower when he heard the words, and continued to make amends and said with a smile: "Don't be angry, this Australian is following the tax laws of the Song Dynasty, which is different from the Ming Dynasty. The younger ones are also following orders, and if they don't want to meet , Xiao Xiao went back and said that the Shangguan of the Finance and Taxation Bureau is..."

Li Suiqiu thought of the special report on "Cracking down on tax evasion" in the "Yangcheng Express" not long ago, and felt discouraged-now that the whole family is in Guangzhou, it is really a so-called artificial knife.Even if I don't spare myself, there are mothers and aunts, wives and brothers in the middle, and nephews and juniors in the bottom, what's the use of fighting for this idleness?Even if I want to serve the imperial court, I don't want to fight for this moment. Doing this meaningless struggle is just killing my life in vain.Immediately forbearance said: "I never ask such miscellaneous matters, you go and discuss with the housekeeper yourself."

"Yes! Thank you, Lord, for being considerate of the little one. The little one is also on business..." Pai Jia bowed and backed out as he said.Li Suiqiu was full of displeasure, secretly cursing "he is really a despicable villain", spoiling the good mood of returning home by half.No wonder teachers and friends say that Australians are "crazy and happy".

I have been bored at home for a few days, not interested in studying and making art, nor in reciting poems and fighting against each other. Most of the poet friends stayed in Guangzhou, but since the witchcraft case involved many wealthy gentry families, they seldom engage in poetry and literature. - to avoid arousing the suspicion of the thief.Secondly, it also saves mistakes in writing and brings disasters.

However, there is nothing taboo about small gatherings among friends. After Li Suiqiu returned to the city, he had a few gatherings with his friends. In order to keep a low profile, there were no more than five or six people present each time.Banquets are not held in restaurants and tea houses, but in the mansions of each family.Apart from drinking and reminiscing about the old days, the talk was all about "Australian love".

He lives in seclusion in the countryside, and although he knows the general situation in the city, he doesn't know much about it.Now when it comes to the wine table, there is no need to ask too many questions. Naturally, many people will tell him the new things after the fall of Guangzhou in detail.

The most talked about is the "civil service examination".

Most of them don't think this is an "Australian style" imperial examination.Although the form is similar to Ming Dynasty's imperial examination.However, the number of admitted students is very large, but the actual ones awarded are only "minor officials".Not to mention "high officials" such as "Hanlin", there are no official positions such as prefectures and counties.It is said that No. 1 was just sent to the tax bureau to collect taxes - in Daming, it is not even considered an "official", but barely considered a "Xu".

Everyone agrees that this is nothing more than Australians "bathing with monkeys and winning the crown", using the situation of the imperial examination to win people's hearts and attract a group of down-and-out scholars for their use.By the way, paint yourself and fight for "orthodoxy".

"Most of the recruits are Wentong, and some are not even Wentong. It's just that they have studied in social studies for a few years and know a few words--even the clerks in the shop have been recruited. It is said that as long as they can If you can write and abacus, you are considered an Australian talent."

"It is said that the number one scholar in the civil service examination is the young shopkeeper in the wax shop! After all, this thief has to face, and he didn't make a show of bragging about officials, otherwise Yangcheng will really be ashamed and gentle!"

"I cried a lot for the Gongyuan!"


It seems that to vent the anguish of the fall of Guangzhou, my friends are similar to derogatory and ridiculed Australians.Li Suiqiu was not exempt.However, after three rounds of drinking, if this Australian is so "frivolous and uneducated", how can Guangzhou easily fall?How can they manage this city of Guangzhou more impressively than in the past?
They are all well-read poets and well-traveled people, not sour and pedantic literati. The governance of the Kun Bandit and the administration of the Ming Dynasty, regardless of the prescription to see the curative effect, is obviously much wiser than the Kun Bandit.

In their view, it is not "capable" to dismantle partial shops, open channels, and ban the people and horses of Guandi Temple.One is the "military prestige" of using the army to suppress the border; the other is that the Kun bandits are "overseas barbarians" who don't need to worry about various complicated interests, but are just "killing decisively".

What truly embodies the ability of the Australians is to deal with the plague - the Australians' response is almost impeccable, not to mention that they quickly stopped the spread of the plague at a relatively small cost, and all the decrees issued during the entire plague period can be Like the arms and fingers, the execution is in place vigorously and resolutely. The four words "orders and prohibitions" are far better than Daming.

"The Kun bandits have skills in governing officials." Ou Huairui, one of Nanyuan's twelve sons, said, "I heard that the Kun bandits use military law to rule the subordinates, and the subordinates are paid generously. However, the control is extremely strict, and if there is a slight difference, they will be killed. If it lands, it will harm the family members."

"This is a wonderful method." Some people commented, "If this dynasty can do this, it can also break the evil of the beetle!"

Although all the people here are from the "upper class" in Guangzhou, they have to be perfunctory when dealing with subordinate officials.During the holidays, the subordinate officials come to the door to "beat the harvest", and it is necessary to spend a few dollars.Even though it was nothing more than mange, it was unpleasant after all.

"This statement is wrong. This method is just a method of the Legalists. What's new? Although the Tyrant Qin is strong, it will perish for the next generation. In my opinion, what this Australian did is no different from that of the Tyrant Qin..."

These words resonated with many people.The various measures taken by the Australians after entering the city: nailing sects, setting up baojia, rectifying household registration, organizing and training police to patrol day and night... Anyone who has read history books knows that this is the "rule of legalism".

"In my opinion, the statecraft of the Kun bandits is also illegal," said Li Sui, who had never said anything. trend."

This sentence was deafening, and it instantly woke up the scholars who had a feeling of "seeing flowers in the fog" about the administration of the Australians. They thought of what the Australians did after they entered the city and what they heard about them in the past. All kinds of news come according to these three items.

"Brother Li is right! This gangster is acting according to these three rules!"

"I didn't expect that brother Li lived in seclusion in the countryside, but he could see things in the city so clearly."


Li Suiqiu waved his hand, although he lived in Banqiao for a long time, he actually knew everything that happened inside and outside the city.Including the "Yangcheng Express" that the old servant sent three times a month, he read them carefully.Every news, every report, and even the advertisements have been read several times, in order to decipher the Australians' "demagoguery" technique.

In Li Suiqiu's view, the Australians' "powerful boats and guns" and "uncanny skills" are all "trivial skills".

It was less than ten years since they first landed in Hainan and occupied Guangzhou.It is said that Qiongzhou has become a "Great Ruler". Not only did the people with no means of livelihood scramble to cross the sea, but even many rich local merchants went to Lingao to buy houses and land, and built a comfortable nest.Li Suiqiu couldn't understand at first that a group of overseas barbarians relied on demagogy to lure everyone to run to Qiongzhou, a barbaric place.Willing to build bridges and pave roads for the Kun thieves, work in agriculture, and fight in front of the battle, not only built a "little paradise" that everyone admires to live and work in peace, but also turned the common people from thieves into strong soldiers, fighting without fear in the battle.

It would be too simplistic to just use "to lure them with profit".As for groups that "remunerate each other with a lot of money", there are also groups in the Ming Dynasty: Liaodong's officers and soldiers spend huge amounts of silver and grains in Guanning every year, but they did not buy the Guanning army's victory. Forced, I was about to retreat to Shanhaiguan, and I was repeatedly smashed by the side wall and plundered away.

During the days when he lived in seclusion in Banqiao, he heard the rumors and read the newspapers, and gradually understood the secret of Australians' winning hearts.

In the case of witchcraft, the police force of the whole city was used to track down the whereabouts of Mingnu.In the past, the yamen didn't talk about these things, and they didn't even bother to listen to them-this is the so-called "promotion of the power of the small people".Ordinary people, struggling to make ends meet on weekdays, have no power or power, and can only be exploited and bullied when they encounter problems.This is the so-called "promoting the power of the small people".

"Protect the wealth of the middle class": Guandi temple staff, yamen subordinates... These people are used to harassing the people and extorting money.Small people have no money and no job, and they can't find much money. Those who are oppressed and exploited by them are all middle-class people like merchants.The Kun thieves were banned and eliminated, and they also received their hearts.

Finally, it is to suppress the "powerful momentum".The Australians are now doing this step by step. The witchcraft case just harvested the "evil gentry" who have always been lawless, and the subsequent "tax rectification" is a knife for the big gentry.


Next update: Volume 137 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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