Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2037

Chapter 2037 Collective Wedding ([-])

Following his cadenced and half-written congratulatory speech, the music in the trumpet sounded again. Instead of the March of Unity and Friendship just now, it became "Summer Blown by the Wind". The brisk and gentle tune made the original solemn ceremony Become warm and happy.

Under the guidance of the master of ceremonies, the newlyweds lined up to receive their marriage certificates one by one.

The grooms are all old naturalized people, and they are used to the "new etiquette", which is a 45-degree bow, but the brides can be in different poses: the smart ones, bowing with a stiff waist and neck like a man; Those who are assertive, bow their heads and give a deep blessing according to the old rules; those who are clumsy will inevitably be flustered.Some panicked and were at a loss, and some simply "country people see the master", and they were about to kneel and kowtow with a plop, causing everyone to laugh.The master of ceremonies next to him hurriedly pulled up and said in a low voice, "Bow, bow."

With a smile on his face, Wen Desi shook hands with the newlyweds before issuing the marriage certificate, and then said a few auspicious words of congratulations.Although most of the brides were born as prostitutes, it was very uncomfortable for them to clasp hands with another man in front of their husbands in such a large audience.Some did not dare to stretch out their hands, causing the master of ceremonies to rush; some stretched out their hands but looked at their husbands' faces like frightened rabbits.Fortunately, the old naturalized people have long been used to this.This set of notes can be done smoothly.

Dahong's marriage certificate was custom-made in Guangzhou, with a silk-papered cover and a gold-gilded Iron Fist gear badge.The paper used inside is also extremely elegant, full of "limited edition" feeling.

Although Wen Desi had great scenery for a while, the taste of this "single handshake meeting" was not pleasant. After a while, his back became numb and his hands were sore.On the other hand, the elders next to them don't need to shake hands, they just need to clap their hands and say a few auspicious words to finish the job.

After finally issuing the more than 100 marriage certificates, Wen Desi's buttocks just touched the chair when he heard Fang Fei's voice: "The representative of the bride and groom please speak!"

There was another round of warm applause from the audience, and then all the veterans on the rostrum stood up one after another.Wen Desi was MMP in his heart, but he had no choice but to stand up with his numb legs, nodding, waving, and clapping frequently with a smile on his face, welcoming cheers one after another.

The limelight at this mass meeting is really not good...

Wen Desi supported his sore legs and back, and waved his weak arms.

Fang Fei announced that the representative of the bride and groom will be invited to speak next.

The representatives are naturally "activists" selected from among the bride and groom, who are upright and smart.It's just that the bride's representative can't speak "Newspeak" and can only speak Guangzhou vernacular -- but this is not a disadvantage, after all, the local people can understand it.

These two speeches were naturally written by Wen Xuankou's pen. They have been fully "polished".

The speech of the groom’s representative was quite satisfactory, nothing more than thanking the Senate and imagining a new life; the bride’s representative highlighted the elements of “contrast between the old and the new” and “reminiscence of bitterness and sweetness” in the manuscript because of his past status, and touched the bride in less than half of the speech On behalf of the sore spot, he burst into tears as he spoke.Originally, I just read it from the manuscript, but after reading it, it became more and more painful, so I just talked about it by myself, and I talked for more than half an hour.The entire venue was silent...the bride, groom, and even the onlookers were in tears.Fang Fei looked embarrassed, he didn't know whether to stop her or let her talk.

Seeing that the bride's representative was choked up and unable to speak, Zhang Yunmi walked out quickly from behind the table, put his arms around the bride's representative's shoulders, handed a handkerchief to persuade her in a low voice, and slowly pulled her away from the microphone. Fei hurried up and said loudly, "Long live the Senate!"

The naturalized people below raised their arms together as if waking up from a dream, and shouted in unison: "Long live the Senate." Then several masters of ceremonies hurriedly led the applause.A burst of slogans and applause made up for the slightly out-of-control situation.

Wen Desi nodded secretly, and Liu Xiang came over now: "How is it, Mr. Wen? Xiao Zhang has trained well with me, right?"

"Not bad, not bad. She is a talent that can be made. She is a fearsome future generation." Wen Desi praised, "I think not only you, but our entire Guangdong region should also give her more opportunities and space to practice—not always Stay on the administrative and educational side..."

Liu Xiang originally took the opportunity to show his merits, but Wen Desi's words obviously meant to praise Zhang Yunmi.Although Xiao Zhang is the ACE of the Plaid Skirt Club and is well-known in the Senate, but Lao Zhang is a completely marginalized veteran, not to mention resources, even his reputation is negative.

Now the meaning of Wen Zonghua is obviously to "focus on training".Liu Xiang turned around in his mind for a few times, thinking that the general office issued a document not long ago, to carry out a "comprehensive social transformation pilot project" in Foshan, including Qian Duoduo, Zhuo Xiaomin and other small veterans who will participate, and go down to the grassroots to take second posts... Immediately Suddenly realized, it turned out to be the meaning!
He immediately said: "President Wen, I have something I want to discuss with you. Now the Guangzhou Cadre Training School is very impressive and has trained many grassroots cadres. It's just that the level of this school is still a bit low. For the cadre training bases in the mainland and even in East Asia, I think the level should be properly mentioned—you know, resources follow the level..."

"You can consider what you said," Wen Desi said. "You make a report and I will sign it. But it is not certain whether it will be approved or not. I am not in the central government now, and I only have a letter to give advice on this matter." portion."

Liu Xiang secretly said: "Pretend to me, pretend again!" But he knew that although Wen Desi's words were fluent, he actually agreed with his opinion.Then he said: "I think the teachers and students of the training school should not just learn how to govern in the classroom, but should do more research in the countryside, take jobs at the grassroots level, and participate in practical work."

"You and I agree on this point." Wen Desi nodded, "True knowledge comes from practice."

The meeting between the two is not over yet, here Du Yibin and Cui Hantang chatted again.What he said to Wang Jun was "reaping", in fact, he saw Zhang Jiayu on the boat, and the two of them talked.

Du Yibin was not interested in Zhang Jiayu—if the "Three Loyalties of Lingnan" hadn't been mentioned in the training he received before coming to Guangdong, he really didn't know who Zhang Jiayu was.But when he was eating and drinking at Cui Hantang's place, he heard old Cui talk about these people a lot.Speaking of which, when Cui Hantang mentioned these people, his face was full of affection.

"...Are you saying that he took the initiative to talk to you?" Cui Hantang was a little surprised.

"That's right. I was chatting with Song Yingsheng so I didn't even notice that there was such a person on board."

"Damn! How can this security work be done! In the history of this piece of jade, "good at fencing, being a knight, and often traveling with Cao Zehaoshi", he can also be regarded as a knight--if you really want to give you a sword, you will be so sad! "Although Cui Hantang said that, his face was full of joy, and he didn't mean to worry about Du Yibin at all.

"It's so serious!" Du Yibin was a little frightened, he thought that the boat was safe, "I don't know how he messed around with the cruise ship..."

"Why does he need to hang out on a cruise ship? That boat is not for veterans, so you have to squeeze in to get a seat." Cui Hantang laughed, "But don't worry, Zhang Jiayu advocates chivalry and won't engage in such low-spirited things. Assassination. What did he tell you?"

"I didn't say anything, I just greeted me and asked me if I was a veteran. Of course I said yes..." Du Yibin turned his head and put aside the fact that he might be assassinated, "He said there was a problem I want to ask for advice—where I have the time, I tell him that I don’t have time right now..."

"Oh! How could you do this," Cui Hantang patted his thigh and complained, "Let people go for nothing!"

"Don't worry. I know you don't care about him, so I told him that I don't have time these days, and I asked him to come to your Temple of the Five Immortals to have tea and talk with him in two days."

"How did he say?"

"He said: Come and visit."

"Good! Good!" Cui Hantang smiled, and patted Du Yibin's shoulder vigorously, "Good job!"

Du Yibin couldn't bear the slap of the two hundred catty fat man, he couldn't help but grinned and said, "Ai ai ai ai, you will be killed if you are photographed..."

While they were talking, there was another burst of enthusiastic applause in the venue, which interrupted their nonsense.Seeing that everyone else was sitting upright, the two of them were too embarrassed to talk.

Here I only heard Fang Fei say:

"...I think many people are very envious of them having such a grand wedding, and want to be a part of it. You can rest assured that starting today, every year on September 9st There will be mass weddings in Guangzhou every day, and it will be a festival for the whole city to celebrate in the future, as long as unmarried couples can choose to sign up, they will have the opportunity to become a part of it, get the blessing of the Senate, and start a new life!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was warm applause as usual.Since the occupation of Guangzhou, the new life movement promoted by the city government has focused on changing customs, but Liu Xiang feels that this is not enough. He thinks that some festivals should be artificially created to compete with tradition and win over the masses.So he proposed to fix the collective wedding and hold it once a year by the city government.

Through this collective wedding day: promote new marriage customs, subtly advocate equality between men and women, free love, and shape a new concept of marriage.

"...The wedding ceremony is over here, and now the newcomers and congratulators are invited to sit. Next, please enjoy the literary praise while enjoying the delicious food!"

As soon as his words fell, the long-awaited staff led the newlyweds and guests into the temporary banquet hall of the Great World, and at the same time led the people outside the colonnade to leave. However, to most of the onlookers, their diorama Haven't seen enough - the Australian drama hasn't been staged yet! ——
Next update: Volume 151 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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