Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2069 Find Another Nest

Chapter 2069 Find Another Nest
"Others are easy to talk about. It's just that since Second Master Hao wants us to make silver dollars, this silver dollar can't be made of real silver. How do you plan to solve this material?" Zhao said, "Although I am good at chiseling gold and silver, this fake silver But I haven't done it..."

Fake silver dollars are bound to involve the issue of currency materials.If there is no suitable coin material, it is useless to have the best mold.

"Lead has been used to counterfeit silver since ancient times..."

"Lead is of course the most similar in weight and shape, and it is easy to melt and cast. However, lead and silver have already flooded outside, and many merchants outside have this kind of insight. It is very easy to see through." Hao Fang frowned, "If you are making silver treasures, you can include lead in them." However, my master here said that the silver dollar is too thin and not easy to fill..."

"Your master is right." Huo Chong Zhao nodded, "Silver ingots with lead are just child's play, a foundry can do it. The silver dollar is very thin, if you want silver to wrap lead, it is absolutely impossible for a foundry to do it. Skillful craftsmen can't make it..."

"If it is made by skilled craftsmen, regardless of whether they can be made or not, even if they can be made, how many can they make in a day?" Hao Fang smiled wryly, "To be honest, I am here to make Australian silver dollars and Treasure banknotes can be regarded as exhausted, and the donkeys are at the end of their skills!"

"There is always a way." Meng Guolu pondered slightly, "I'm not busy with this matter, I'll wait until I settle down, and then I'll take it easy—this place is not a place to stay for a long time."

Hao Erye also nodded in agreement.Regarding the next step, he had already made a plan in his heart and said:

"From my point of view, the police and thieves in Guangzhou are becoming more and more strict, and Guangzhou is not a place to do business. However, if you do business in other counties, the roads are not stable now, and robbers happen from time to time. The Australians are also closely inspected, so it is not suitable for transportation. Wealth. Therefore, this matter should be divided into several departments."

Hao Fang's suggestion is to divide the construction.Solve the problems of plate, fan, paper and printing ink in other counties.In this way, in addition to the slight risk in the transportation of engraving plates, even if the paper and ink are transported on the way, it is not easy to reveal the truth.

As for the printing of silver dollar coupons, it is naturally done in the city.First, the printing workshop is easy to hide; second, the largest circulation market for silver dollar certificates is in the urban area of ​​Guangzhou.It is easy to use on the spot after printing.

As for the silver dollar, although there is a jewelry building as a cover, the movement is too loud after all, and a lot of charcoal is used, and the fire and smoke are not suitable for concealment.Once the thieves find that there are fake silver dollars circulating in the market, they will definitely investigate such places.It's better to go to a secluded place outside the county to make it.

"...Your method is of course good. But the silver dollar needs to be spent when it is minted, and it has to be transported to Guangzhou at that time—this item is no better than banknotes..."

"Fake silver dollars can be spent locally." Hao Fang pondered, "In my opinion, the place where the fake silver dollars are made can be placed in Foshan!"

Foshan is famous for its smelting and casting. There are countless large and small smelting workshops in the town. It is easy to find a new workshop to cover the casting of counterfeit silver coins, and it is also convenient to prepare fuel and casting materials.Moreover, there are many local master casters. As long as they don't reveal their secrets, many things can be done by local craftsmen.

Foshan is also a place where merchants gather and goods are scattered. Countless goods are handled in the local area every day, and the flow of money is very large. When fake silver coins are cast, they can be scattered on the spot, and it is not easy to be mixed in a large amount of payment flow. Be seen through.Kill two birds with one stone.

Meng Guolu nodded and said: "Second Master Hao is indeed sincerely seeking for the country. This method is very appropriate!" He continued: "Shi Weng also meant the same thing. When I left Beijing, he sent someone to tell me: production and sales separate, never see each other."

"Well said!" Second Master Hao also clapped his hands, "Exactly. Shi Weng really has a sense of distance!"

"We will split up tomorrow." Meng Guolu said, "Second Lord Hao will still go back to Guangzhou, and first distribute the silver dollar workshop to Foshan; as for me, we will contact Second Master after we find a suitable place—after fifteen days , the second master can come here to offer incense and alms. On the tenth page of the alms book, I will leave a code in the name of Mengchang, and I will know it at a glance."

Mr. Fourth, who Erye Hao had never seen in Yongtai Temple, was sitting in a clean room in Xilai Nunnery outside Xiguan, drinking tea with a monk.

Although the two talked warmly when they first met, it was as if old friends reunited.It was actually the first time we met.

The two looked at each other, only to see that the four gentlemen were quite strong, with a short stature, a dark complexion, slightly high cheekbones, a broad and flat face, and small eyes. If compared with people in the old time and space, they seemed to be tanned and thin "San Dezi" is exactly the appearance of the people in Guangdong.He was dressed in coarse cloth and sat with Gou Er who was wearing a monk's robe. Gou Er looked like a gray mouse, and he looked like a black monkey.

The fourth gentleman was a little surprised: "Why did the second gentleman dress like a monk?"

Gou Er whispered: "Shut up, now my Dharma name is Shanghai Xiaxiang, and my teacher has a gatha: 'Hai Ke Bo Yingzhou, Dharma Xiang Master Heaven and Earth', I am also a great virtue of the generation of Hai Zi."

Mr. Si said: "I have heard for a long time that Mr. Er is a great talent and strategy. He has been fighting against the gangsters for many years, and he can always turn danger into safety at critical moments..."

Gou Er smiled wryly and said, "Don't bring up the past again. I don't have any talent, but luck is better than others."

He and Hu Lanyan made a big deal in Wuzhou. Although it caused a sensation in the government and the Senate for a while, it was actually meaningless.Not only that, the Australians probably felt that it was too dangerous to keep Xiong Wencan, and launched the Guangxi campaign, and the situation in Guangxi is also at stake.

Gou Xunli participated in many conspiracies and escaped many times, but the leader who cooperated with him was caught to the death, and gradually he was called the "God of Plague".If Shi Weng hadn't insisted on using him, he would have become a lost dog long ago.

Now he doesn't say whether he is so persistent in fighting against the Australians for revenge or for making a living—maybe it's both.

Although he accepted the mission and was about to sneak back to Guangzhou, he heard that Guangzhou was doing household registration and identity documents.Even if the few big households were not tossed about by the Australians, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at them now, even if they say a few words, they may cause trouble.After thinking about it, only being an outsider is not easy to make mistakes.

Although the Australians have reformed the legal person system of religions, the control over various sects has not yet been deepened, especially Buddhist temples, which not only have a large number, but also the Senate did not have a counterpart institution in the past.Therefore, it is still a blind spot of control for a while, and there is no strict system.

Gou Xunli had Shi Weng to help him, and he quickly got the certificate.He shaved his head, put on a monk's robe, and became a "monk".

"...This monk temple is now a place where grandma doesn't kiss or love uncles, and the Australians don't care about it; I have a degree certificate and money, and the presiding officer here doesn't bother to control me, allowing me to come and go freely. Besides, I shaved my hair Grow a beard, and the shadow graphics of the sea-catch of the thieves are useless, and there is nothing more suitable than this."

Mr. Si pondered for a while: "Forget it, the house deeds and land deeds you gave before have all been delivered, and the craftsmen of the Hao family have also met here, and everything is in order; it's just that the village is too far away in Qingyuan, and it takes several days to travel by boat." , News and communication, it took a long time. I think Yuexiu Shanxi also has farms and houses, so why not..."

Gou Xunli shook his head and said: "The Kun bandits have set up Baojia inside and outside of Guangzhou, and they practice the method of sitting together. There are many officials in the yamen and many soldiers. It is impossible to set up in such a close place. There are many mountains nearby, and there are rivers in Qingyuan, Conghua, and Guangzhou. Goods and transportation are both convenient, Qingyuan itself is also a thoroughfare, regardless of bulk cargo or personnel exchanges, it can be covered; moreover, printing, dyeing and casting require water, relying on the Beijiang River to ensure that there is no shortage; It can be seen that the city of Guangzhou is governed like an iron bucket. After leaving Guangzhou, the administration of the counties is still dominated by regulation. The big net with holes can be turned around with a little care. Therefore, Qingyuan is only a hundred miles away from Guangzhou City, but it is another world."

Mr. Si said disdainfully: "What happened to Gao Tuantou--Chenghu Sheshu. Forget it, you just need to tell me the result of these things. You and I will each hold one. It's no good for the other to know too much." .”

Gou Xunli said: "Although he is a thieves, there are also loyal people. Gao Tuantou is certainly unreliable, but his brother has a heart of loyalty. It's a pity that he is younger!"

Mr. Si said: "The money has been received, Zhuangzi has been placed, and it will not be a big deal for a while. I am also planning to go to Qingyuan. If someone from the Gao family needs to take action, I will ask someone to publish an article in the newspaper and tell me what I heard. Someone brought Dong Qichang's "Fisherman's Picture" into the city and is willing to buy it at a high price. You should take the time to tell Gao Tuantou the news, so as not to be in a hurry." After speaking, he took out a pair of vertical scrolls from the bag and handed it to Gou Er, "Let his people Take this to Yuanwai Hao, and the things can be handed over."

Gou Xunli said: "Tomorrow I will use the pretext of begging for alms, and go to various places to contact various places. After this experience, I also want to practice meditation behind closed doors in a place of singing and singing - although this place is good, it is not suitable to stay for a long time. It is inevitable that the Knife Eagle Dog will see the flaws."

Mr. Si shook his head: "Don't worry, there will be no results in ten and a half months...Gao Tuantou is not a stable person after all, be careful to show his whereabouts."

"When I left the city, I disguised myself and went there, so I couldn't miss anything... It's just that the imperial court didn't send soldiers here, so what are these trails for?"

"The imperial court can't be caught off guard for a while, and the money shortage has not been resolved for many years. If you can get a glimpse of the secrets of the money law from this matter, you can also gain something. The adults are doing things, and I will just run around and don't need to ask more questions."

"What if there is a disharmony?"

Mr. Si paused for a moment: "If we can do our best, there is no reason why we can't do it... Besides, if there is a change, why don't you run away early in the morning?"

"Don't treat the Kun thieves like those thieves. You people from Beijing think that everything is reasonable and underestimate the heroes of the world. Otherwise, why would there be refugees all over the place, and the Eastern captives are a disaster, and now Australians are making trouble again. Everything always Think more about it. Don't let the situation come to an end and you have no way out!"
Next update: Volume 182 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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