Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2078 Traffic Problems

Chapter 2078 Traffic Problems

Xi Yazhou took off the command saber, and Hong Huangnan's female orderly immediately took it and hung it on the wall.There was a set of wicker chairs and sofas in the room, and he sat down on the sofa. The female orderly then went up to the sixth floor, and was busy on it for a while. After a while, I saw her carefully walking down the steep stairs with a teacup in her hand. .

"Comrade commander, your tea."

Xi Yazhou took the teacup. Needless to say, the teacup is extremely elegant, and the tea leaves are not ordinary. In this place where soldiers are in danger and wars are fierce, such a comfortable nest is arranged to enjoy good tea. Hong Huangnan is probably the only one in the Senate There is no second person.

Hong Huangnan was born in a wealthy family in the old time and space, he knew how to enjoy himself, and was emotional.It is a typical "petty bourgeoisie" in Du Wen's mouth.Since cooperating with the general office to launch the No. 82 special supply store, he has recruited and trained a large number of tailors, jewelers, hat makers, shoemakers... and other professionals who are said to serve the elders. He naturally followed the "shotgun change" enjoyment Woke up.

Let’s talk about the uniform on his body, which was carefully made by the tailor team of No. 82 store. According to the military regulations of the Senate, the uniforms of middle and senior officers of the regular army with a major or above can be customized under the premise of limited styles.

Hong Huangnan's uniform has always been custom-made, so much so that some elders satirized that Hong Yuan's uniform almost broke his waist.The Army uniform he now wears, the Holy Five, is gray fine tweed imported from England, so well cut that it doesn't fit anyone but himself.As for the command sword hanging on the wall, Shop 82 commissioned Mr. Ping Qiusheng to order it from a Japanese swordsmith. It is just a European-style saber.As for the handle and scabbard, the craftsmen in No. 82 have painstakingly crafted them carefully.It is true that a pattern can tell the story of three days and three nights.

"How about it? This tea is alright. It's a booty from the front—it's said to be a tribute." Hong Huangnan sat down opposite him, "I'm about to send a batch back to Lingao for everyone to try something new."

For a while, Xi Yazhou found it difficult to understand the man in front of him. Is his "enjoyment temperament" regardless of the occasion really revealed or a disguise of "being in harmony with the light"?

"Don't worry about it, let's talk about the logistics first."

"The current situation is that the opening of our military depots cannot keep up with the advancing speed of the troops." Hong Huangnan said, "As we estimated, the advancing speed of the troops depends on how fast they can go. But right now there is a problem with supplies. Not big."

According to Hong Huangnan's pre-drawn logistics supply plan, the entire province of Guangdong was governed by the South China Military Station, and the district headquarters and general military station were located in Sanshui, and military stations were set up along waterways and post roads.

Because of the natural water systems of Xijiang, Beijiang, and Dongjiang, the troops of the South China Army basically marched along these three waterways.Even for those states and counties that are not along the river, the general principle is that as long as the waterway can carry the navigation of small boats, try to use the waterway to project troops.

The benefits are obvious: Soldiers can retain their physical strength to the maximum; the attached artillery can move in with the team; troops can also carry more dry food and ammunition with them.Not only the small luggage used by the troops for combat can be transported with the team, which originally had to be carried by the logistics column, but the large luggage used for the troops’ board and lodging can also be transported with the team, which greatly simplifies the organization difficulty when the troops are dispatched.

Because preparations have been made in various places in advance, when the Pearl River Delta is advancing, the troops hardly need joint logistics supplies along the way. First, the ammunition consumption is very small, and second, the food, salt and even firewood needed by the troops are already in various places. Arrangements were made.Dachang organizes personnel to transport the "reasonable burden" collected from various places and the rented rice collected by Wansheng renting warehouse to the transportation node, and the army will issue a triple slip to collect.Dachang also organized women to cook on the spot according to the requirements of the joint logistics team. After cooking, they poured salt water and mixed them. They wrapped rice balls with reed leaves and bamboo leaves and handed them over to the passing troops.

After the water transport troops received the rice balls, they could eat while advancing on the ship together with instant food such as dried radish and pickles that they carried with them.Although the supply of calories and protein is slightly insufficient, there is almost no exercise on the boat, and there is no need for too many calories.

Those troops advancing along the post road were supplied in the same way along the way.However, this kind of on-the-spot transfer cannot be used after Sanshui in the Xijiang and Beijiang basins-because the Fubo Army basically only operated in the Pearl River Delta during the Guangzhou Battle, and only reached Sanshui in the northwest.Therefore, in the areas west and north of Sanshui, no reasonable burden system has been established, and Wansheng Rent Zhan has no land available for rent in this area.

The Senate has no "liaison officers" in these areas, and its influence is not as great as in the Pearl River Delta.If you want to get an orderly and sufficient food supply, you must rely on the supplies of the joint logistics.

For this reason, the Joint Logistics took advantage of the large carrying capacity of the ships. Not only did each water transport company reserve ammunition according to the standard of light three heavy two, but in terms of military rations, in addition to the two-day "emergency ration" carried by each soldier, each company All the large luggage carried ten days' worth of "carry rations".

"In contrast, the supply of troops traveling along the road is more problematic." Hong Huangnan said, "According to our establishment, each company should carry 6 days' worth of rations in the large luggage. However, due to our long-term In the absence of mules, horses and transport vehicles, the rations can only be handed over to the soldiers themselves, which not only greatly increases their load, but also limited by physical strength, the content of the rations can only be simplified, so these rations do not contain any Meat and soy products, and the amount of dried vegetables are also very small, which can only ensure the supply of calories and minerals."

"That is to say, the troops advancing along the post road have only eight days of continuous combat time at most." Xi Yazhou said.

"In theory." Hong Huangnan said, "but the troops began to rely on capture and temporary requisition to replenish along the way, and the continuous combat time can be longer. But it is impossible to predict the efficiency of such supplies. It all depends on luck—luck Okay, walk all the way and eat all the way; if you are unlucky, you will be hungry and full every day, maybe you won’t have to eat for a few days, and you will run out of food.”

When passing through the army, the common people along the way always tend to escape.Especially those areas that know little about the Senate and the Fubo Army.When escaping, people will take as much property and food as possible, and try to bury those that cannot be taken away.Naturally, you can't buy food if you don't meet people; troops pass by in a hurry, and it is impossible to search calmly.In addition to being able to get food in cities and towns, there is absolutely no guarantee of local delivery in rural areas.So Hong Huangnan wanted to set up military depots at some land transportation nodes.

On the map on the wall, he explained the various depots and related supply routes that have been opened and planned to be opened.Xi Yazhou watched it carefully, and he commented:

"It seems that the difficulty is not small."

"From the present point of view, the problem is not too big. The march of most troops does not need to face the enemy's heavy army group, and there is no need to establish a long-term supply system. As long as the National Army companies and cadres that take over the counties and counties can be safely delivered. The goal has been achieved. The difficulty is to maintain the follow-up traffic lines.”

"As our troops advance farther and deeper into the interior, the difficulties in transportation will become more prominent." Hong Huangnan said, "Although the 85 states and counties in Guangdong are connected by post roads, the road conditions Most of them are very poor, and some post roads in remote and mountainous areas have been in disrepair for a long time, and only pedestrians can barely walk, let alone vehicles—even unicycles cannot go without road repairs.”

Hong Huangnan knew why his original 4S horse-drawn carriage plan was not approved, not to mention those inland and remote places with poor road conditions, as far as the post roads in the Pearl River Delta region he has come into contact with are the best. It is said that many road sections can barely pass horse-drawn carriages. The problem is that most of the bridges on the post road have not considered the passage of vehicles.And the Pearl River Delta is famous for its many rivers.There are bridges almost every three to five miles.

Some of these bridges are built on rivers with busy water transportation. In order to facilitate the passage of sailboats, the bridge holes will be built very high, forming a semicircular high-arch bridge, not to mention that horse-drawn carts cannot be loaded, even carts cannot be loaded.Although some bridges are not high, the bridge deck is very narrow.In many places, the bridges are made of bamboo and wood, and the bearing capacity is very low.

"If we fall into a law and order war in the mountains—it's very possible." Xi Yazhou stared at the map on the wall, "How to keep the traffic lines in the inland areas unobstructed will become a problem!"

"To keep the line of communication unimpeded, the military and government must work together, and the joint logistics department alone cannot solve the problem." Hong Huangnan rubbed his head, "A large part of the troops must be allocated to patrol and garrison along the line. This will increase the demand for supplies.”

Xi Yazhou nodded and asked, "Is the traffic on the West River smooth?"

"So far no serious harassment has been encountered. It can be said that the road is smooth." Hong Huangnan said, "There are many water bandits on the river, but their combat power is limited and their will to fight is not strong. They are more willing to rob civilian ships. The ships refused to go all out—several requisitioned civilian ships were attacked by them and repelled by the escorts. However, there were more incidents of hitting rocks and running aground. We still don’t know much about the hydrological conditions here.”

"What about land transportation?"

"It's terrible." Hong Huangnan said frankly, "Let me put it this way, if you don't have an armed escort, you will encounter bandits one or two kilometers away from the city—all ghosts and snakes are out now."

As if to confirm his statement, gunshots suddenly sounded outside, sparsely.Xi Yaya was startled, and Hong Huangnan got up and looked at the window, "Look, it's another water bandit! How daring! He sneaks up in a small boat to steal things from the transport ship as soon as it gets dark. It doesn't matter how many people he kills." use."

 PS: Section 264 of Volume [-] - Guangzhou Governance will be updated tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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