Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2087 Zhaoqing Restoration

Chapter 2087 Zhaoqing Restoration ([-])

On April 1635, 4, the First Mixed Brigade of our Fubo Army, led by brigade commander Zhu Mingxia, stormed the Lingyangxia Fort outside Zhaoqing City.On the same day, the inland river formation of our Fubo Army Navy arrived at the Little Three Gorges, launched a fierce battle with the bandit navy, and completely wiped out the bandit navy.

That day, when I was patrolling Zhaoqing Street, the market suddenly exploded like a pot, and there was a sound of crying, and many ragged officers and soldiers poured in from the city gate, throwing away their armor and armor, aimlessly. run around.I could only hear someone in the rebel group shouting loudly, saying that Lingyang Gorge had fallen.

The leader of the team was surnamed Liang, and there was a very arrogant name named Liang Feifan. He was stunned for a while when he heard it, and finally ran to the crowd in a panic and caught the shouting person. He yelled and said: "Who told you to talk nonsense, you are a spy!" The man's face was panicked, and his clothes were torn, but he could vaguely see that it was the color of a bandit army.Under Liang Feifan's order, I searched the man's body. The search was good, and I found an official certificate!This guy who throws away his armor and armor is actually a boss!I don't know if it's called Banana or Basho, but it's several grades older than Liang Feifan, a lowly official.Now Liang Feifei was embarrassed, he was kicked a few times by the boss, and he had to bend down and bow to apologize.But now everyone knows that Lingyang Gorge has indeed fallen.

By noon, the commotion in Zhaoqing City was getting bigger and bigger.We, too, were urgently summoned to await orders.While we were chatting, my partner Zhang Hu suddenly pointed to the sky in the northeast and shouted: "Look!" We saw from a distance, in the direction of Antelope Gorge in the northeast, thick smoke rising into the sky, and the sound of guns was heard from time to time. .Immediately, the soldiers burst into flames, talking a lot, and their expressions were filled with panic.It's no wonder that a month ago, people here said they were soldiers, but in fact, most of them only held hoes, at most fought, and rarely had blood on their hands.However, these rotten officials neither drilled nor boosted morale. They sent out unusable weapons and drove them to fight. How could they not be afraid of such an abnormal scene?I'm not afraid, because I didn't plan to fight the Fubo Army at all.Later, Uncle Jizai told me that the only way for the Ming Bandit Army to fight against the Fubo Army Navy was to set fire to the boat.But the Fubo army has cannons with a long range, a "typewriter" with an extremely fast firing rate, and a large boat that can run on the river without wind.How can this backward method of resignation to fate stop the footsteps of the Fubo army?
Sure enough, a few hours later, a few officials came running over in a hurry on the playground and preached to us, saying that in the battle of Lingyang Gorge, our officers and troops won a complete victory, and countless enemy troops fell into the water and drowned. The three directors of the chieftain said so.Tell us to camp and build a fort in the Guanxiang outside the east gate, and prepare to pursue the next day.Although we are less informed, we are not stupid.A sharp-eyed person noticed that Xiong Wencan's "supervisor" was missing, and immediately became a commotion.The official yelled loudly that Xiong Wencan personally led the troops to chase the Fubo army. None of us believed it. Someone from the old soldier Youzi made a noise, shouting: "Since we have won, let us go home!", "Xiong Du We all went after us and set up camp at the east gate!”, “You think we’re stupid!”……

The officials panicked and kept yelling for silence, but this was obviously deceiving us to die and buying time for the officials to flee for their lives. How can we suppress it?The official yelled a few more words sternly, but seeing no effect, he ordered his servants to come down and beat anyone they saw with a stick, "enforcing military law."But his servants are only a few dozen, and we have hundreds of people gathered here, and almost all the soldiers from the local guard are here.

"Lost your mother!"

"It's better to take this dog who comes out to the road together if they are all going to die!"

"Trick us to die, no way!"

"If you want to go to battle, pay first!"

A few words from the old soldier Youzi successfully stirred up everyone's anger. Those who were still afraid of military law were covered by anger.We swarmed up, several people served one, and scuffled with the servants.Others climbed onto the stage to fight the official.Seeing that something was wrong, the official quickly fled under the protection of his servant.Some even took the opportunity to take revenge. Several petty officials who liked to bully soldiers were beaten to death.And none of the servants who came down to beat people ran away, and they were all beaten to death.

After being beaten to death, our anger dissipated, and we became very panicked. If there is a mutiny, we will kill people and ask for guilt!But after discussing it, I am not afraid. Anyway, the Fubo army is about to hit Zhaoqing, and we will not be under the control of the hypocrisy in the future. The more officials killed, the better.Anyway, the Australians will not settle accounts with us.

Now everyone is crazy, as long as they are officials, their servants, servants... anyone who has anything to do with officials, they are all surrounded by people, punched and kicked. He said how pitiful he was and begged for his life, but no one paid any attention to them, and they were all beaten to death.Speaking of which, they are really not wronged at all.

He was escorting us all the time and rushing back and forth, but Liang Fanshu, who was calling Yao Yaoliu, didn't see him. I don't know if he ran away or was beaten to death.

They don't care about anything else.Although some veterans incited us to rob the rich households and officials in the city together, saying that if we don’t do anything, it’s better to kill them all and get rich for a lifetime.After all, most of us are honest people, and most of us are new recruits who have seen blood for the first time. We were also afraid, so we scattered on the spot and went back to our respective homes.Later, I heard that some people went to rob and harmed many ordinary people-these gangsters talked about robbing the rich and helping the poor, but in fact they didn't care about the poor and the rich, they killed everyone they saw, and robbed everything they saw.Fortunately, the Fubo army arrived at that time and stopped their atrocities in time. They caught them and killed them, so that the people of Zhaoqing did not suffer greatly.

My companions asked me what to do, and all the plans that had been agreed upon were ruined. Like me, everyone was relieved and at the same time at a loss.I recalled what Uncle Jizai had said about the Fubo Army, and comforted them by saying that they should not be afraid, go home and hide, and if the Fubo Army came, they would do what they were asked to do and not resist.If there is an act of robbery, don't resist, and then go to the headquarters to seek justice from the chief—the Fubo Army is not allowed to rob people.

In this way, I escaped from the school grounds and returned to the garrison. The garrison was already in chaos, and many people had fled. I met the eldest sister who had run back from Sun Shiwan's house on the street. She said that Sun Shiwan's family had been taken from Zhaoqing. The rebels who ran back were robbed.Not only was his house robbed, but the whole family was also killed--not even a dog was spared--and finally set on fire.

I went to have a look, and the scene of the fire was really horrible, no women or children were spared.But thinking about how Sun Shiwan's family treats military households on weekdays, I also feel calm.When his family killed other people's wives and children, they probably felt that it was only natural for them to be domineering, but they never thought that they would have this day!When I think of this, I feel calm, but my parents always feel that Sun Shiwan is "benevolent" to my family, and they sigh from time to time.

When I got home, my parents were both surprised and happy to see that I didn't have to go to the battlefield.When asked about Uncle Chicken, he only said that he hadn't come back yet.At noon, I caught a glimpse of him on the school grounds, but I couldn't find him after the riot happened, thinking that he took advantage of the chaos and went home first.When night fell, Uncle Jizai returned home with two baskets full of eggs.I thought he went somewhere to harm the people, saying we can't do this kind of thing.Uncle Ji Zai said that he had planned to do this a long time ago, and he came from the right way, so he pushed me back.

He also asked me to call my younger sisters to the kitchen, and told us to cook all the eggs tonight, and not to eat them secretly, because they will be useful tomorrow; I also took out a large bag of tea wrapped in oiled paper from the bottom of the basket, and told me to use the brewed eggs and put them in the In the tea bucket.The sisters haven't eaten a good one for many days. Seeing so many eggs, they are not allowed to eat them, and the expressions of grievance are written on their faces.Uncle Jizai hesitated for a moment and allowed us to each take one, but not too many.The sisters jumped up and clapped their hands happily.I'm very curious, there are so many good things that you don't usually see, where did Uncle Chicken get it?Where are you going to get it?Uncle Jizai didn't answer my question, but only told me to take care of my sisters, and lock the doors and windows at night to strengthen security, so as to prevent stragglers from looting and looting houses.Then he hurriedly disappeared into the night.

At about 6 o'clock the next day, Uncle Jizai, who hadn't returned all night, rushed back with a few strong men he didn't know.He was extremely excited, his eyes were red and bloodshot, presumably he hadn't slept all night.He and his companions took away the boiled eggs and the tea bucket, and before leaving, he told me to wait for him on Dongmen Street immediately after changing my clothes.

I changed my clothes and went out, all the way to the street.The sun is already high.At this time, the street was already crowded with people, including old people, children, and middle-aged people. It was no different from ordinary festivals, but there was a tense atmosphere in the crowd. look at it.I looked around in the crowd looking for Uncle Jizai, but I found Brother Hai.Brother Hai was born fat and big, so he was very recognizable.I hurried over to say hello to Brother Hai.Brother Hai was very happy to see me, and nervously asked me about yesterday's situation, and he was relieved only after knowing that I was fine.I asked Brother Hai: "Why are there so many people here in the early morning?" Brother Hai asked me in surprise, "You don't know? The chief security officer said that the Australians have captured Zhaoqing City! He called us here for a rally. If you don't believe me, look!" With a thrill in my heart, I followed Hai Ge's finger to look, and saw the tall Kuixing building, a blue Venus flag facing the morning sun, there, right there, standing there, facing the strong wind. Fluttering.

(End of this chapter)

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