Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2096 Information

Chapter 2096 Information
But in the navy, this ratio is much higher. After all, this is the basis for the navy to transmit signals. Since there are many naval ships coming to the river, many people must be able to understand his signals.

But whether the information can be sent out through the telegram code depends more or less on luck.Engaging in intelligence work is not like marching to fight a war. It must be carried out with 100% certainty. As long as there is a certain success rate, Luo Yangming is willing to give it a try.

It just so happened that the county government mobilized merchants in the city to "reward the soldiers". That night, Luo Yangming took a few of his assistants, carrying loads of wine and meat, and went to the city in the name of rewarding them.He first went to the Baihu who was in charge of guarding the Nanxun Gate, filled the mouths of the Baihu and his soldiers with good wine and meat, and then bribed the Baihu with a few taels of silver in the name of consolation, and got the honor of boarding Nanxun. Permission to "watch the enemy's situation" from the Xunmen Tower.

Luo Yangming personally carried a load of wine and meat to the city wall, and the staff he brought were eating and drinking with the hundreds of households and their soldiers under the city wall.Luo Yangming specially selected a few trustworthy buddies who could hold a good amount of alcohol to go with him, and he didn't believe that those hundred households would not pass out from drinking.And the wine he carried on the city wall was specially added, and a few packs of special-effect perspiration medicine were mixed in the wine.

Those soldiers from the various guards are all local steamed stuffed buns. Eating meat is a good thing only during the festivals. If there will be wine and meat, they will definitely not let it go, so they have no way of noticing the strangeness in the wine, so they are paralyzed It is a one-size-fits-all approach.Sure enough, although the sentinels of these city towers resisted a little at first, they became unscrupulous as soon as they heard the permission of Lord Baihu.

After a while, these sentinels fell sideways by the city tower, muttering: "Good wine! Good wine!" These bumpkins, all the above are good wine, these are just some cheap water wine, but mixed with some It's just sweat medicine.

Luo Yangming couldn't help laughing in his heart, but he didn't pay much attention to these boring things.Luo Yangming quickly took down the Australian oil lamp hanging on the top of the pole, and sent a signal outside the city.

If possible, Luo Yangming would not use the inefficient method of telegraph codes to transmit information.The particularity of the telegram code determines that the information it transmits should be as short as possible, so Luo Yangming still prefers to send information in the traditional way.Using the network of traffic officers, he could write a detailed intelligence analysis and send it out.

But now Luo Yangming doesn't have much choice, not to mention that no one may respond.Luo Yangming sent such a message to the outside of the city over and over again: "I am a lone wolf, please answer!"

Every intelligence agent under the Foreign Intelligence Bureau has a code name, and Luo Yangming's code name is Lone Wolf.Luo Yangming now feels like a lone wolf, alone and helpless, fighting alone.

After sending countless times, Luo Yangming gradually felt tired, and felt more and more hopeless. Seeing that the night was past halfway, should he give up?
At this time, the Fubo army fleet on the Xijiang River sent him a signal back: "I am the center, received."

"Centre" is the code name of the "superior" of the Foreign Intelligence Service. Seeing this signal, he was completely relieved.The Fubo army not only noticed its own signal, but also had intelligence personnel in the army, so things were much easier to handle.Luo Yangming was excited for a while, but the quality of an excellent intelligence officer made him calm down immediately.

Luo Yangming immediately sent three messages out, and at this moment, Luo Yangming's unusual behavior in the eyes of ordinary people caught a person's attention.

Just like every night before, Yang Yi was on duty at the gate tower of Nanxun Gate. Fortunately, a rice merchant in the city came to reward him with wine and meat tonight.The wine is very strong, very high, and it is a good wine.Yang Yi felt that he was going to be drunk after not drinking much, and he couldn't even walk steadily.

He didn't know how long he had been in a coma, but Yang Yi finally regained some consciousness. He planned to drink some more wine and eat some meat, but he found Luo Yangming by the female wall, sneaking around without knowing what he was doing.

I saw Luo Yangming operating the lampshade of the Australian oil lamp, opening and closing it, making the light flicker and extinguish.Yang Yi was very surprised, and said: "What are you doing?"

Luo Yangming was taken aback, but deliberately didn't show it. This Qiu Ba drank the wine mixed with Mongolian sweat medicine and woke up so quickly. His physique is really different from ordinary people.But Luo Yangming didn't have time to show his surprise, so he pretended to be calm and said, "Your military master, you didn't do anything."

Then when he saw that it was Yang Yi who was drinking him, Luo Yangming had already thought of a solution in an instant.

He decided to kill people to silence his words. He couldn't let others see his behavior as weird. Now the Ming army had started killing people indiscriminately in the whole city.Luo Yangming still wants to see the day when the Senate's glory shines on the whole world, so this Yang Yi must die!

Yang Yi is greedy for money, and he knew it from the fact that he kept asking himself for reward money when he brought up the wine and meat just now.Luo Yangming took out a piece of broken silver weighing one or two taels from his bosom, raised it to Yang Yi, and said, "Master, come here, this is for you."

Yang Yi swallowed, and was led to the female wall.Luo Yangming reviewed in his mind the fighting skills he had learned during the training of former intelligence agents. In an instant, Luo Yangming strode forward with the momentum of wind and thunder, held Yang Yi's head with both hands, twisted it hard, and broke Yang Yi's neck .Luo Yangming hugged the corpse, pushed it lightly, and pushed it under the city wall.

Before dawn on April 4, an emergency intelligence analysis meeting was held at the Headquarters of the First Mixed Brigade on Changzhou Island in response to the three pieces of news that had just been received from an intelligence agent codenamed Lone Wolf lurking in Wuzhou City. There are four veterans who are currently near Wuzhou City: Zhu Mingxia, Zhu Quanxing and Xu Xu, and some reliable senior officers of Guihuamin: Yang Zeng, commander of the 13th Battalion, Zhang Dapao, commander of the siege artillery company, and Shi Nai, commander of the Zhujiang Task Force Fleet Germany, and Zhu Mingxia concurrently chaired the meeting.

The first item on the meeting's agenda was to analyze three important pieces of information received.Licensing is mainly responsible for this part. Zhu Mingxia doesn't intend to intervene here, and no one else in the audience will intervene. After all, so far, except for the sporadic briefings, the only person who knows the situation best is Licensing.

The atmosphere of the meeting was obviously a little cold, except for the brass kettle that had just boiled a pot of water on the coal stove in the tent, which was humming and steaming, no one seemed to have any plans to say anything, even the first agenda item was supposed to play a leading role license is no exception.Zhu Mingxia understood that, as the actual supreme leader of the Wuzhou Campaign and the host of this meeting, it was impossible for him not to speak to break the silence.

He glanced at Dapao Zhang and said, "Well, Xiao Zhang, make some tea."

The youngest person present is Zhang Dapao. Although he has such a frightening name, he is still the youngest among the eight people present. As for who is younger, Zhu Mingxia can be sure. Can't tell.There is no doubt that the cannon must be the product of a certain veteran's bad taste, either Lin Shenhe or Ying Yu gave it the name.Zhang Dapao is an outstanding graduate of the Artillery Non-commissioned Officer School. He started as an artillery corporal and was promoted to the position of artillery company commander within a few years, and his rank was also promoted from corporal to lieutenant. He is young and promising.

"Hey!" Zhang Dapao replied briskly, and after finishing speaking, he turned around and picked up the kettle to pour water into the cups in front of everyone. There were already tea leaves in the cups, and the boiling water immediately turned up and down.

"Let's have a sip of tea first to refresh yourself." Zhu Mingxia was laughing: "This is a loot captured in the Governor's Mansion of Guangdong and Guangxi in Zhaoqing. I didn't have time to give you a taste before. It must be something good in Xiong Wencan's collection."

The atmosphere seemed to be somewhat relieved. Some people lifted their teacups and sipped them slowly, while some kept breathing into the cups, trying to wait for the tea to cool down before drinking.

"Secretary Xu, drink some tea and start speaking." Zhu Mingxia changed the subject, Xu Xu used tea to moisten his mouth, and then began to speak.

"After receiving our response, the lone wolf sent back three important pieces of information, namely 'A spy has defected to the Ming army', 'If the Ming army loses, they will set fire to the city', 'Most of the city's stored food will be shipped out'. The first item The information is rather ambiguous: the only thing we can confirm is that Xiong Wencan got the help of a spy who is familiar with our army's tactical characteristics, otherwise the lone wolf would not be able to specifically mention 'spies'.

"First of all, we can basically rule out the possibility that our army officers have defected to the Ming army camp. Because our army's personnel files are complete, all officers who died in battle have detailed death reports, and the few missing cases can be roughly regarded as deaths where the corpses cannot be recovered. We also have no record of officers being captured or surrendering to the enemy. Therefore, we can be sure that this spy may be a deserter in the army, or a spy who has been in our army. He cannot be an ordinary citizen or a naturalized citizen Cadres and workers, except in the army and navy system, the naturalized people in other systems know very little about our army's tactics."

Since this traitor is a deserter, he should only be familiar with the squad platoon tactics of the Fubo Army. He is not much more familiar with our army than the others for the tactics above the company and battalion.It doesn't make sense for the lone wolf to attach so much importance to him.

"The second piece of information and the third piece of information can be combined for analysis. First of all, let me explain that the Ming army is not sure of victory in this battle." This sentence caused a burst of laughter from the audience. Zhu Mingxia coughed twice to signal silence.

Xu took a sip of his tea and continued: "...otherwise we would not have made such a self-defeating countermeasure. Whether it was setting fire to the city or transporting food abroad, it was nothing more than to make our army unable to stay after occupying Wuzhou and had to withdraw. Xiong Wencan, so that he can come back to recover and make up for the crime. We don’t care what Xiong Wencan thinks. He is prepared to set fire to the city, which means that he plans to fight us in a few street battles, so that we can lead the main force of our army into the city so that he can come A fire burns Xinye.

Volume 301 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-] will be updated tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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