Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2099

Chapter 2099
Under the torment of the dilemma, Jiang Suo became a deserter.Once when the Hong Kong Marine Corps was conducting water crossing training at the Pearl River Estuary, he deliberately fell into the water, then dived a long way, and climbed ashore.

He took off his Fubo Army uniform, threw away everything, and stole a set of clothes from a nearby fishing village. He didn't think about what he was going to do after becoming a deserter, or whether he planned to take revenge, he didn't think about anything, Just like that, he disappeared into the night aimlessly.

What will happen to the deserters, Jiang Suo is very clear.In particular, I was still "running away from the battle".He begged all the way to Guangzhou——because he knew that the elders were on the verge of seizing Guangdong, he went all the way north, only to stay away from the Senate.

Jiang Suo originally didn't want to go to the government. It is impossible for a penniless beggar like him to be interviewed by an official. Even if he does, he will be suspected of being a spy.In his hometown, the head of the Tuzhai village would randomly chop off the heads of passers-by just because they "behaved suspiciously."

Jiang Suo knew a little about the roads in Guangdong. At the beginning, the old team leader took them to Guangdong through Wuling. Now he plans to follow the old road, cross Wuling and go north, and escape as far as possible.

However, as soon as he reached Nanxiong, he was arrested by a group of officers and soldiers passing by on the official road to carry goods.

The goods are all wooden boxes, which are very heavy. The porters carry their shoulders on their backs and rush on the road day and night.If Jiang Suo hadn't eaten and drank in the fishing village in the past few years, and had a good body after fishing and military training, he might have died of exhaustion in a few days.

Jiang Suo wanted to find an opportunity to escape.But the guards are very strict, and if they escape and are caught, they will be beheaded.He couldn't find a chance.

If one day, when a porter fell and smashed the wooden box, scattering the contents, maybe Jiang Suo would have died of exhaustion on the road.

What fell out of the broken box were several brand new Nanyang style rifles!

Although Jiang Suo had never served in the national army, he had seen this kind of rifle more than once.This kind of gun is inferior to the minigun used by the army, not only has a short range, but also has poor accuracy.Only the national army and the police use it.But for ordinary bandits and pirates, this gun is already a terrible weapon.

How could the Ming army have this thing? !
His surprised expression immediately caught the attention of the team leader.When camping that night, Jiang Suo was tied up by two soldiers and knocked to the ground, and escorted to the leader of the team.

"Do you know this bird gun?" The officer leading the team asked in a deep voice.

Perhaps it was because of many days of toil that Jiang Suo's desire to survive was not so strong. He nodded and said, "This is a Nanyang rifle."

Hearing the words "Nanyang Rifle", the officer frowned and said, "Who are you?!"

Jiang Suo didn't hide anything, and immediately told him that he was an Australian deserter.

"So, you are a pawn of the Kun Bandit."


"Hmm..." The officer stared at him, let out a long breath, and said, "Do you know how to use this gun?"

"What's so difficult about this?" Jiang Suo said, "This gun is only a second-class gun used by the National Army to the Australians."

"Since that's the case, you're ready to send a shot and let me have a look." After saying that, he asked the servant to untie his rope.

The guards around him immediately untied Jiang Suo's rope.Jiang Suo has put life and death aside at this moment.The ammunition was loaded with three clicks, and then the gun was placed on the shoulder, and the trigger was pulled after a little aiming.

This shot extinguished the incense burner twenty feet away.

The officer's eyes suddenly lit up, and he whispered, "Okay!"

Jiang Suo was no longer a coolie from that night on.

"My surname is Yi, and my name is Haoran. I work as a painting under the cover of Master Xiong." The official's attitude is very kind, without the power of the master's tone at all, "You know the details of the Kun army, and you don't know what to do. If you are willing to serve the imperial court, your future is immeasurable. The situation in Guangdong is at stake. This time I return to Guangdong to bring back these guns.”

Jiang Suo didn't know how the Nanyang rifle got into Master Yi's hands, but he knew it must be a secret, so he didn't say a word
"...Although the gun is good, it is easy to use, but unfortunately, no one can use it as well as you. The gangster is worthy of the reputation of being good at training and strong soldiers, but it is a pity!"

When he said it was a pity, he looked at the night sky in the northeast direction with his eyes full of regret.

"If the Australians are willing to serve our Ming Dynasty, why not worry that the captives will not be destroyed, and the bandits will not be pacified! It's a pity that it's too late now!"

Yi Haoran brought him back to Zhaoqing.Along the way, Jiang Suo knew that the master of the staff was originally from Liaodong and had a reputation as a scholar.However, compared with the Four Books and Five Classics, he is more interested in the art of war. He has read and read military books of all dynasties such as "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and "Wu Jing Zong Yao" thousands of times, so that he can memorize them backwards with his eyes closed.He failed in many trials, and his family became more and more burdensome. Yi Haoran had to support his family and taught at a general's family in Guangning.Although they don't make much money, the family lives in peace and happiness.

At the age of 40, the imperial army was defeated by Nurhachi in Sarhu.Cities in eastern Liaodong fell one after another, the Dong family died in battle, and Guangning withdrew from the town. He took his whole family to flee to the pass, and his wife and children scattered all the way, and finally settled in the capital, leaving him alone.

Finally, he still had a few teachers, friends and relatives in the capital, and after many requests, relying on the advantage of his origin in Liaodong and his "knowledge of soldiers", Yi Haoran found an errand in Yuan Chonghuan, who was about to leave the customs.Under Yuan Chonghuan's screen, he had a life experience of ups and downs, witnessed the short-lived victory of Liaodong, and also saw the struggle between Yuan Chonghuan and Mao Wenlong.After Yuan Chonghuan was arrested and imprisoned, Yi Haoran, who had nowhere to go, relied on this qualification to defect to the rehabilitated Sun Chengzong, followed him to recover the four cities in the pass, and then watched him be squeezed out immediately, saying that he was ill and retired.Yi Haoran, who was over half a hundred years old, got a letter of "Eight Elements" from Sun Chengzong, and went to the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi Xiong Wencan under the curtain.

Under Xiong Wencan's curtain, there are not many aides recommended by face, so naturally they don't think highly of him as a scholar, but they just subsidize him with some money and food every month, and allocate a house for him to live in.I don't ask him to do anything on weekdays.Yi Haoran also enjoyed leisure, playing around.He is already but he found that Guangdong is not a paradise without wars.A few years ago, Wang Zunde mobilized the whole province to crusade against the Australians, but he was defeated in Chengmai, the bandits invaded the mouth of the Pearl River, and the city of Guangzhou almost fell.

This battle also caused an uproar in the court at that time. The officers and soldiers were killed and lost tens of thousands of troops, and many generals were lost.However, after hearing that the "Kun Thieves" were defeated in Guangzhou, they went out to sea and fled by boat.It is no longer enough to cause chaos along the coast of Qiongzhou.

However, he soon discovered that this was not the case. Not only did the Australians not retreat, but they actually controlled the entire Qiongzhou Prefecture, and even had their camp outside Guangzhou.It's just that they don't rob or kill, and everyone can find peace, so that they can cover up the past.However, the official circles in Guangdong are completely "afraid of the Kun thieves like a tiger", and ignore everything about the Kun thieves, just treating them as if they don't exist.

Yi Haoran knew that the Kun bandits "had become a bandit" and would become a serious problem in the future.He went around to visit the witnesses of the Battle of Chengmai and several battles with the Australians at the mouth of the Pearl River, and soon he realized that the Kun bandits were a more dangerous opponent than the Jianlu.

After several sinkings, he has seen all the hypocrisy of the officialdom, but he always has a feeling of being loyal to the emperor and serving the country in his heart; in addition, he has seen too many wars, and to save the people from suffering, they must be able to win the battle.

"If the world is to be peaceful, the only way to stop it is with war." Yi Haoran said on the boat going to Zhaoqing, "The thieves are also people, and the soldiers are also poor people. What they rely on is nothing more than the strength of the ship and the sharpness of the artillery. As long as the imperial court can make up their minds to refine their equipment and train a new army, they will not worry about being undefeated."

Yi Haoran has no arrogance of a master, nor does he condescend to others when a superior asks him to teach others. When he talks about himself, the general trend of the world, and his views on "Kun Thieves" to Jiang Suo, They are very calm.When Jiang Suo talked about the Australians and the Fubo Army, he was also very clear.

Two people of very different ages and identities got to know each other in the conversation along the way.When he arrived in Zhaoqing, Jiang Suo already knew that these weapons were indeed obtained from the Kun bandits.Xiong Wencan spent a lot of money to get a batch of Nanyang rifles and ammunition from Fujian and Shandong.Prepare to equip your own servants.Because of the long distance, Yi Haoran, an "idleman", got this errand.

Back in Zhaoqing, Yi Haoran paid the errand, and quietly reported the matter to Xiong Wencan.It aroused Xiong Wencan's great interest.He secretly summoned Jiang Suo and praised him for "abandoning darkness and turning to light".After some questioning and answering, although Jiang Suo's "rebellion and rudeness" was slightly criticized in his heart, he thought he had "long-term habit of kun thieves", but it was because he was familiar with "kun love" and good at "kun utensils" , Still praised him a lot, rewarded him with 50 taels of silver, and granted him the military post of a military sentry officer, responsible for the training of servants.

Yi Haoran's status in Xiong Wencan's circle has been greatly improved because of his ability to handle affairs, especially because he has taken in such a "talent" as Jiang Suo.After several conversations, Xiong Wencan discovered that Yi Haoran not only knew soldiers, but also had a unique way of analyzing Kun's feelings, so he gradually began to rely on him.This time, however, Chang Qingyun, the "No. 1 hairdresser", was quarreled.In order to balance the relationship between the two parties, and to strengthen his own combat power, Xiong Wencan sent Yi Haoran to Guangxi to train the new army, Jiang Suo followed, and was promoted to Chief Qian in Guangxi.

Although this new army of no more than 500 people was not all armed with Nanyang rifles, Xiong Wencan spent a lot of money to train them.At this time, Jiang Suo was leading this team and guarding the Bangshan Mountain on the other side of the Guijiang River in the west of Wuzhou City. Since it is unjust to assassinate the leader who appreciates the favor behind his back, and it is also unjust not to avenge Qingxia, then he should stand uprightly. Let's settle grievances on the battlefield!
(End of this chapter)

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