Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2104 Riot

Chapter 2104 Riot
The sound of the cannon finally passed away, and the streets of Wuzhou City near the south city were covered with rubble. Rubbish, looking for missing relatives and a little belongings.

There was wailing everywhere, Chang Qingyun led his servants, and came out of the cave of Tibetan soldiers in shock.Feeling a little dizzy.Looking at the rubble that was still smoking and the big steaming potholes in the street.He realized that the Australians were again using cannon he hadn't seen before.

He had never seen such a terrifying scene in Chengmai back then, and the Australian artillery was much more powerful than it was then.Chang Qingyun had only seen the power of the 12-pound cannon and the 24-pound howitzer before, but he was even more shocked by the destructive power of the howitzers fired by the 280mm heavy mortar.A huge iron ball fell from the sky and exploded into a huge fireball on the ground. The violent wind of the explosion instantly knocked down people and houses.Some people died on the ground, but there were no injuries—it was nothing like the shelled corpses he saw in Chengmai with arms and legs missing.

The smell of death permeated everywhere, and there was a stench of burnt flesh everywhere, making Chang Qingyun unavoidably sick.He wanted to take a step to leave the city gate, the key area attacked by the thieves, but he felt sore all over, his feet seemed to be heavy, and he couldn't move.The urge to urinate that disappeared under the gunfire will return again, and it will be more urgent.

Chang Qingyun coughed, called the two servants over, helped him to the corner, lifted his robe, and took a dip in the water, only then did he regain his senses.Hastily said: "Let's go and look elsewhere!"

Yang Erdong knew that he had escaped. If he hadn't taken refuge in the cave immediately, they might have been hit by fragments of artillery shells, and they would have been disabled if they didn't die, or they would have been shocked by the artillery fire. His seven orifices bleed to death.Most of the brothers were unscathed, only two were hanged, but they were all flesh wounds.Originally, Yang Erdong was still leading Master Chang's horse, and he didn't care about the horse when he was hiding from the shelling, so he remembered that he had to find it quickly.Otherwise, I won't be able to explain when I go back.

In a blink of an eye, he found Master Chang's horse.In the chaos of the shelling, some people took advantage of it. Unexpectedly, a shell from the bandits fell nearby. The exploding shrapnel and projectiles beat a man and a horse into a bloody mess.

It's a pity to have a good horse, Yang Erdong thought.

Chang Qingyun lost his previous majesty, disheveled, frightened like a bereaved dog.But when he retreated back to the Yamen, he was afraid of being ridiculed and losing face in front of Xiong Du, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and lead his men to continue patrolling the streets.

The people on the street were panicked, and every house was locked and locked. Except for the soldiers and the strong guards who passed by in a hurry from time to time, there was no one on the street.It's terrifyingly quiet -- this is almost a different world from before Wuzhou was besieged.

Turning the corner of the street, Chang Qingyun was taken aback. At the crossroads lay a dead body with its head cut off. It seemed to be a poor man—something suspicious in his words and deeds. He was suspected of being a "spies". Beheaded, the blood has not yet coagulated.

The defenders gathered in twos and threes everywhere, discussing in low voices.When Chang Qingyun walked past them, he realized that these people had bad eyes.Ever since the Australian soldiers approached the city, especially after the Australians occupied the waterway from Wuzhou to Teng County and rushed to Changzhou Island, the morale of the soldiers defending the city began to collapse irretrievably. The shelling just now exacerbated this trend.

Even the servants who followed him were showing restlessness at this moment.Chang Qingyun has often been in the army, so he is very familiar with the state of mind of this group of "Qiu Ba".Knowing that Wuzhou is in danger at this time, as long as there is a turmoil, the defenders in the city will become chaotic without the help of the thieves.A troop that has lost morale can't only order them to defend the city, but also guard against their mutiny. Once these gangsters mutiny, they will do anything utterly devoid of conscience.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being a little scared, but years of experience told him that he must remain calm.So he still walked with no expression on his face.Seeing scattered soldiers who did not return to the army, they scolded them in the street and ordered them to return to the army.While patrolling, there was a sudden sound of chaotic footsteps ahead, mixed with men's scolding and women's wailing and screaming.Chang Qingyun is old in the army and knows that there must be rebels doing evil.Immediately speed up the pace and rush over.

Turning around the corner of the street, I saw two soldiers grabbing a woman in front of a house and molesting her in a side street.There was a man's body on the ground, bleeding profusely.He was killed around the time of pulling.The woman's hair was in a mess, her skirt had been torn open, and her outer skirt was also torn off. She was just crying and begging, but she was pressed against the wall and couldn't move.

Seeing that one of the rebels had taken off his trousers, Chang Qingyun couldn't help yelling: "Stop!" After speaking, he showed his order and rushed over with his servants.

The two soldiers probably didn't expect that someone would dare to yell at them in the street. They looked up in surprise, but saw a man who looked like a scholar coming with a command arrow, and knew that this must be an important person in the city. They panicked and grabbed the woman. The two-handed soldier turned his head and ran away, but the other suffered a disadvantage, his trousers were wrapped around his feet, and he fell down and was caught by Yang Erdong and others in one fell swoop.

Take a question, but it is a wolf soldier from Guangxi.Guangxi's "wolf soldiers" had always been known for their strong combat effectiveness and corrupt military discipline in the Ming Dynasty. Xiong Wencan transferred a large number of wolf soldiers from Guangxi to fight the war, and caused disasters in Zhaoqing and Wuzhou.

Seeing the rebellious appearance of this wolf soldier, there is a sense of fearlessness.Because they have to rely on them to fight and work hard, the officers from the Xiongdu down to the commander of the army did not dare to restrain them too much, and some things passed as if they turned a blind eye.Because they are more and more indulged in doing evil in the city.

Chang Qingyun originally wanted to "march the law" and directly behead the prisoner on the street to show the public, as an example to others.However, he thought again that if he ordered the killing and aroused the gang of wolf soldiers to make a noise and riot, Wuzhou would not wait for the thieves to attack, and he would rise up in chaos-you must know that there are fire materials everywhere in this city!
"Now that the enemy is in front of you, you don't want to defend the city and keep the people safe, but you are doing such a mediocre thing in the streets!" Chang Qingyun scolded with a straight face, "Where is the courage of a man when he fights for a woman?!"

He pretended to reprimand a few times harshly, and finally said: "I think you are young, and you still have to serve the country, and entrust this head, go back to the army and kill the enemy to serve the country!"

Then he ordered him to be released.The woman kneeling by the side saw that the murderer was released after being scolded for a few words, she couldn't help but climbed a few steps, grabbed Chang Qingyun's feet, and cried: "Master, my husband is from the academy. Scholar! It is not suitable to go out today to send slaves back to their mother’s house to visit, but they stopped and robbed and killed them-please master justice and undertake the murderer!"

In the past, the status of a scholar can naturally be used to bluff people, and Chang Qingyun also needs to take care of one or two in the face of fellow scholars, but at this moment, let alone a scholar, even if Master Juren was killed, Xiong Wencan may not be What can we do with these wolf soldiers.

He was originally upset, but when she cried and screamed, he became even more irritated. He kicked the woman a few times before he escaped from his body, and fled as if he was running away.

I searched for a few more streets, but saw dozens of soldiers and a team officer rushing straight in front of them, pointing at Chang Qingyun's nose and cursing: "Grandma, the Australians are so fierce at shooting guns, you prostitute! The nerds still want to kill the brothers. If our brothers get a woman, you have to pretend to be Joe, so that the brothers are uncomfortable! Little ones, cut off the head of this prostitute first."

The rebels swarmed up, and the servants quickly stood in two horizontal lines. The front line immediately took a kneeling position, and the back line stood up, and the ammunition was loaded at an extremely fast speed.

Chang Qingyun also drew his sword and stood in front, Yang Erdong yelled: "Master Chang, get behind us!" Yang Erdong's move was not to protect Chang Qingyun, but because he thought he was in the way.

Chang Qingyun knew that he was useless at this time, so he retreated step by step to the back of the formation.While flustered, he still didn't forget to say loudly: "If you defeat the rebels, there will be rewards!"

Seeing that the servants had firearms and were in a good position, the rebels hesitated for a while, and the team officer shouted: "Our brothers have never suffered such a disadvantage in this city of Wuzhou! Everyone! If they dare to fire a cannon, they will all be slaughtered!"

Most of these people are desperadoes. After being bewitched by others, a dozen or so daring ones rushed forward immediately.The servants opened fire at the same time, and a row of gunshots fired and five rebels fell to the ground.Half-kneeling in the front row, Yang Erdong's fingers were sweating just as he clasped the plane. The five of them in the front row knew that there was no time to reload them, so they put their guns behind their backs, and then supported the man with the saber at his waist with his left hand. The scabbard, the right hand stretches out to hold the handle.

Yang Erdong knew that if the first volley of guns didn't frighten the rebels, he would have to fight the rebels hand-to-hand after the second volley of guns.

At this moment, Chang Qingyun just wanted to run away, but his legs couldn't be controlled, so he tried his best to calm himself down.He knew that this time it would be more or less ominous, and he just had to see if he, who was powerless, could break out of the encirclement.

The rebels were frightened for a moment, but it was only for a moment, and soon a few bold red-eyed rushed forward recklessly.

There was another volley of guns, and after a moment of silence, the servants drew their swords and moved forward, preparing to fight and then retreat, while the rioters charged with their swords and guns desperately.

It was too late, and then soon, a man rode a horse and rushed into the formation of the rebellious army, brandishing a frontier sword, he chopped down several leading rebel soldiers—it was none other than Yi Haoran.

The next update will be Volume 308 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]


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(End of this chapter)

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