Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2119 Captured Again

Chapter 2119 Captured Again

"It doesn't matter, as long as they have lives!" Chang Qingyun said, "If they have a conscience, they will naturally go back; if they don't want to follow me anymore, they can take money and find a way out."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly saw Chang Qing squeezed over from the crowd, and couldn't help shouting when he saw him: "Master!"

"Hush!" Chang Qingyun hurriedly stopped him, "We men are fleeing, don't pay attention to this, and worry about making mistakes!"

Chang Qing quickly shut his mouth, looked around, and then whispered: "Chang Wei has evil intentions! He deliberately left me behind, and ran away among the crowd with money!"

"Forget it, the husband and wife have to fly separately in the face of disaster. Let him go." Chang Qingyun smiled wryly.In fact, among the three boys, Chang Wei was his favorite.Unexpectedly, he was also the one who absconded with the money when things came to a head.

"Let's go quickly, as long as you run out, you will have a way to survive!" He said, and the three of them mixed into the crowd and went to the river.

Suddenly, a Yanling saber was placed in front of them: "Quickly present the treasure!"

Seeing a few men in livery surrounding them from left and right, Chang Qingyun knew that he had nothing to say to this group of Qiu Ba at the moment, so he smiled all over his face and said, "Young masters, you guys came out of the city in a hurry, and you didn't With the silver taels, I also asked a few side jobs to show their noble hands..."

Before the words fell, the first soldier grabbed Chang Qingyun by the collar and said with a grinning grin:
"You don't pretend to be a fool, you look like a white-skinned man with a servant, you must be a rich man! You should honestly take out the money yourself, everyone should be more decent, otherwise don't blame the knife for not recognizing it. People." After saying that, he wiped Chang Shan's neck abruptly.Chang Qingyun felt a fishy heat on his face, Chang Shan was already lying on the ground, his legs and feet twitched rhythmically, and the dark red blood pooled into a pool.

Chang Qingyun's wits disappeared immediately, this Qiu Ba murdered people on the spot, he was so helpless to the extreme.Right now I am penniless, if I offend these Qiu Ba, my life will be lost.He said in a trembling voice: "Several...several...don't be rough—the little one really didn't bring any money..."

I almost cried when I said this.I deeply regret that I "lost Meng Lang" by volunteering at the beginning.The determination to die generously at the beginning disappeared, and in an instant, the mother, wife, concubine, and children at home... like a revolving lantern in my mind.

Just as Chang Qingyun closed his eyes and waited to die, suddenly there was a crisp sound like firecrackers.He was very familiar with this sound, it was not a three-eyed gun or a bird gun, but an Australian quick gun!

As soon as the gunshot rang out, Chang Qingyun crouched subconsciously.A man's voice came from the nearby hill, but it was so loud that everyone could hear it.

"The soldiers and civilians of the Ming Dynasty obey orders! The Fubo army of the Great Song Dynasty has surrounded you, and it will be futile to continue resisting..."

"Grandma, follow me and rush out!" The soldier who had previously confronted Chang Qingyun swung his knife, calling on the surrounding rebels to charge forward.

"Hoo-poof" I saw a bloody hole suddenly exploded in the chest of the big man, and he fell on his back next to Chang Shan's body in slow motion.

At this moment, everyone within a few hundred meters was stunned.

The voice continued, "...Your resistance is futile. Throw all your weapons on the ground and squat down with your hands on your head! The Fubo Army of the Song Dynasty rescued the good and treated the prisoners preferentially..."

With a bang, a knife was thrown on the ground, followed by the sound of weapons falling to the ground.

The resistance has completely collapsed, and no one wants to try the bandit's sharpshooter anymore.Hundreds of people, Ulala, squatted down in a large area, and Chang Qingyun looked up secretly, and saw a dozen soldiers in blue shorts coming down the hillside, each of them was holding a short gun with a dagger in their hands.

"Am I... caught again?" Chang Qingyun was a little confused.

The next process is "familiar taste".First, more than a dozen Kun soldiers scattered to both sides of the road. Everyone squatted down, but did not put down the guns in their hands. Chang Qingyun knew that this was "warning".

Another two Kun men stood on the high hill, commanding thirty or forty Kun soldiers, and asked them to gather together and start forming a team.It is estimated that five or six hundred people were captured together with Chang Qingyun.The Kun soldiers were in a team of seven or eight people, holding blunderbusses with daggers in their hands, and lighting torches, they separated the people all over the ground into small circles.Despite the large number of refugees, under the control of these dozens of soldiers, let alone resist, they didn't even cough

A man in Gaogang took out a loudspeaker and shouted in Cantonese and Mandarin over and over again: "All women and children stand up, and all men continue to squat! If there is anyone who moves recklessly, don't blame the gun for not having eyes."

After shouting several times, the crowd who had been squatting on the ground started to commotion, first a few, and then most of the women stood up.Kun Bing didn't care whether the man and the woman were kissing or not, and dragged the woman who was still lying on the ground up.There were a few men from rich families who wanted to protect their female relatives, but they were pointed at by the dagger on the fast gun, and they quickly squatted down again.All the women and children below waist height lined up in a group of 10, with ropes tied around their right arms, and they were pulled to the side of the road by the soldiers one by one, and the women suddenly sobbed.The men squatting on the ground also cried
"For the rest, the common people stand up, and the soldiers continue to squat!" the officer in charge shouted again.This time Hulala stood up a large group, and Chang Qingyun thought that he was a scribe, and he was not wearing a uniform of the Ming army, so he also stood up.This time, the Kun people's soldiers were obviously more careful. Outside the crowd, they held fast guns and said, "Come out one by one!"

The men were also tied up in strings of 10 and pulled to the other side of the road.Begging for mercy came one after another, and some of them looked like rich people, obviously wanting to get close, took out money and name cards, "Boss, boss, my family is in Guangzhou Hekun, ah no, I do business with Da Song, the chief knows my family name... ..." The Kun soldiers all looked serious, neither accepting money nor talking to each other.We don't take any belongings and luggage, but ask everyone to bring them by themselves.

There were only about fifty Ming soldiers left, some were shirtless and wore livery, and some were wearing armor. Chang Qingyun took a rough look at their livery by the light of the torch, and there were four or five kinds of subordinates.It seems that they don't intend to take the risk of staying in the city to "get rich".

The dropped knives, guns, birds and guns fell all over the ground.Kun Bing didn't subdivide them, but stringed them all together and placed them in one place alone.

"Don't be impatient, everyone. The Fubo army will never oppress goodness and kill prisoners; women and children will be released as soon as the war is over; except for soldiers, other ordinary people will be released after our inspection is over." Halfway through the sentence, suddenly There was a clear cannon sound from the direction of Wuzhou City, and the crowd couldn't help shrinking their heads.

"Everyone, don't be afraid," the officer said with a smile on his face, "This is the signal of the victory of the Fubo Army. Wuzhou City will be returned to my Great Song Senate tomorrow morning, and everyone will be able to go home soon! As for Tonight, I can only make everyone feel wronged."

The bound people also whispered to each other, but no one dared to speak.If you can save your life, you will be lucky. How else can you expect extravagance.

"Fortunately standing in the ranks of ordinary people," Chang Qingyun thought to himself, "I don't know where the soldiers will be dragged to do coolies." He was tied behind a porter, and the porter's greasy back was pressed against his body. His chest made him crooked for a while.I had no choice but to close my eyes, meditate and endure.

Suddenly, the newly escorted soldiers suddenly shouted.

"Deputy Lord! There is an official here!"

Chang Qingyun was startled, opened his eyes and looked, but saw these soldiers pointing at him - he probably remembered that these people seemed to be the soldiers of Xiong Wencan's standard battalion

It's over!Just as Chang Qingyun was about to withdraw his head, he was surrounded by two Kun soldiers and slipped out, and was caught in front of the Kun officer.

These two kun officials are fake kun, and they speak Qiongzhou-style official dialect, "Are you an official from the Ming Dynasty?"

"No no, those soldiers and bandits are farting. At that time, these people wanted to rob me. They even killed a young man in my family. They wanted to frame me. I hope the chief will find out..."

But the soldiers started to make noise:

"Deputy Master! Don't listen to his nonsense! He is Xiong Wencan's master!"

"On weekdays, I have been with Xiong Wencan, and Xiong Wencan obeys him!"


Chang Qingyun's face was pale, but he kept distinguishing.

"Oh, then you are..."

"Xiao is a businessman, a cloth merchant."

"Since we are a cloth merchant, how much is a foot of Songjiang cloth, a foot of watering cloth, and a foot of Lu brocade? I want three feet of Songjiang cloth, five feet of watering cloth, and six feet of Lu brocade?" Then ask.

"This..." Chang Qingyun never asks about firewood, rice, oil and salt at home, so how does he know the price of the cloth, but Chang Qing is responsible for purchasing at home, so he must be clear. "Master, I still have my family here," he explained, and turned to Chang Qing, "Master, look..."

This Changqing also doesn't have a city mansion, and when he saw the master being brought in front of Kunren from a distance, he turned around to look for him, thinking that he had a relationship.Excitedly waved again and again, "Master, Master!"

He was brought before another officer, "What business does your master do?"

Seeing the friendly face of the man who was asking the question, Chang Qing was relieved for the most part, "My master is from a Xiaolian family background, how can he do business."

Seeing his bald mouth, the two Kun officials met each other and smiled.

"Come on, take both of them to the captive team! One at the front and one at the end."

Chang Qingyun called "wronged" repeatedly, but no one paid any attention to him anymore.In this way, Chang Qingyun was dragged into the captive team and tied up with several soldiers who reported on him.

Following an order, the captive team was the first to set off, and the escorting soldiers opened the way ahead with torches, and the bayonets shone by the flames, Chang Qingyun shivered coldly in his heart——I am no better than these big soldiers, but I have a "convicted record" If someone in this place is recognized by the gangster, this "second entry into the palace" might kill him!
Thinking of this, his stomach slumped.Can't help looking around, wanting to see if there is a chance to escape, but before the escorting soldiers scolded him, he was already scolded by the soldiers who "exposed" him:
"Be honest! You sour!"


The next update will be Volume 324 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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