Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2121 Secret Letter

Chapter 2121 Secret Letter
Now outside Wuzhou City, the only one with a large amount of food in storage is the First Mixed Brigade.Although the supply column of the [-]st Brigade had stockpiled a large amount of military rations in Changzhou Island and other places, it could only guarantee the food supply of the [-]st Mixed Brigade for [-] days.

The transportation efficiency of the Sanshui joint logistics base gradually decreased with the continuous extension of the traffic line.In particular, Lianlin had a limited number of steam tugboats, so it had to use a large number of requisitioned local wooden boats to transport supplies. These unpowered boats traveled upstream on the Xijiang River at a very slow speed.The transfer to Zhaoqing was already very difficult.

Originally, they hoped to capture the grain trading market in Wuzhou, and seized the local grain stocks to supplement the supply of the following military grains. However, according to various information, Xiong Wencan had already transported the grains one step ahead. No matter where to go, I am afraid that it will be difficult to feed the local people.

The most troublesome thing is that Guangdong has long relied on Guangxi's supply for food. Now that the war is over, Guangxi's food supply has been completely cut off.The food supply of the entire province of Guangdong fell on the head of the Senate.The rice transported from Southeast Asia has to be transshipped from Lingao, Sanya, Kaohsiung and other places to Guangzhou.Once the supply chain is long, the crisis of food supply becomes prominent.

Now, if the first brigade helps refugees, even according to the low standard of "not starving to death", the food reserves can only last about a week.Even if Wuzhou is taken immediately, the food in the city may not be much, but the burden of the population is on its back—the first part of Xiong Wencan's arson plan must be to burn the already small amount of food in the city.

If the refugees are not provided, the military food of the army can naturally be guaranteed, but if the refugees are allowed to flee and the term of office fends for itself, there will be many people who starve to death. It will seriously damage the image of "benevolence and righteousness" and "loving the people" that the Senate has been painstakingly creating, and will be detrimental to the subsequent civil work.

"I think these refugees must be rescued." Zhu Mingxia thought for a while and said.

"Let the troops eat less and make more out. Everyone can drink porridge together, at least they can last for a few more days." Zhu Quanxing shook his head: "The question is what to do next? The possibility of getting enough food from Wuzhou Already infinitely low, we are now at the end of the supply line, at our weakest state."

Originally thought that relying on the supply of Xijiang, the logistics supply of the first brigade should be the easiest, but in terms of their transportation capacity, when the distance is far enough, the weakness of the supply is completely exposed.

"Right now, we can only take one step at a time. Wuzhou City is going to be captured, and the common people have to help!" Zhu Mingxia frowned.

While they were discussing, the orderly came to report that Xu Xu had brought the old man clamoring to see the chief.

Zhu Mingxia was stunned, this kind of situation can usually be dealt with, he brought the old man to see him, which shows that he has important information.Reminiscent of Xu Xu's saying that there are "lone wolves" from the intelligence agency operating in the city-the old man is probably his traffic officer or something.

"Let them in."

Half an hour ago, Xu Xu had specifically interrogated Li Wensheng. As an intelligence officer, he was already very familiar with Cantonese vernacular and could converse effortlessly.When he heard the emergency contact code reported by the other party, he nodded secretly, looked at Li Wensheng, and asked, "Do you know Luo Yangming? Did he ask you to bring this letter?"

Li Wensheng finally met the chief, and was thinking about how he should speak, when suddenly the Australian opposite him asked a question, he was startled, and immediately nodded: "It's Xiao Lao's boss."

Only then did he fully reveal his identity and relationship with Luo Yangming.

"...Now the city is in chaos, the master specially took care of me, and must entrust this letter to the chief, saying that it can save the people of Wuzhou from fire and water..." As he spoke, he fumbled out an oiled paper bag from the sole of his shoe.

Xu nodded, seeing that Li Wensheng was tossing about half the night, exhausted, with bowel sounds from time to time, so he asked someone to bring tea and snacks.

The orderly brought a cup of tea and a packet of pastries wrapped in greased paper.Li Wensheng tasted a piece, it was crispy, fragrant and sweet, and tasted pretty good.Li Wensheng glanced at the oiled paper packaging, and saw two lines written on it, "Cookies produced by Guangzhou City Zhangji and specially provided by Great World - Australia's century-old secret recipe."

This Australian dim sum is delicious.The old man thought to himself, and his heart settled down a lot.

Li Xu opened the oiled paper bag, and inside was a letter written by the owner of a certain store in Sanshui.He opened the seal, pulled out two pages, and read it near the lantern.

The content of the letter is unremarkable. It is written that Wuzhou is currently under siege. In case something happens to him, how to deal with the accounts and goods left by the two parties, and what arrangements should be made--it is very suitable for the identity of a businessman who is in danger and planning for the future. Even if someone finds it, it won't be a problem.

The secret is to write information in the blank space between the lines of words with steganography potion.

There is nothing unusual about the esoteric potion of the Foreign Intelligence Service, mainly rice water—it can be said that esoteric potions are available everywhere.Lian was smeared with iodine solution, and the blue writing appeared immediately.

The blue lower case characters are densely packed, and there is even a blank space on the reverse side.Xu took a closer look, raised his head and smiled at Li Wensheng, "Thank you so much! This is a great gift!"

Zhu Mingxia looked at the content of the secret letter that Xu Xu had copied out by hand.The content is the report of the lone wolf.The first part is about the situation in Wuzhou City. First, people in the city are unstable. He has already contacted a group of powerful local "village sages" in the city. These people have controlled some local troops and The strong men's team protected the important government offices and warehouses, but there were too many rioters in the city, and they couldn't control the whole city.The Fubo army is requested to launch an attack as soon as possible to restore order in the city, so as to avoid a large-scale loss of order.Finally, he also specifically mentioned that Xiong Wencan's plan to burn the city is already on the line. With the collapse of order in the city, large-scale arson may occur at any time, and the consequences will be disastrous.

"It seems that the situation is urgent..." After reading the letter, Zhu Mingxia asked Li Wensheng a few more questions, realizing that the situation in the city was already serious.The observation post also sent news that there was a faint light of fire in the city, and it seemed that there was a fire somewhere.

In the event of a fire in Wuzhou, the consequences would be disastrous.Not only will all the remaining food in the city be destroyed, but tens of thousands of people in Wuzhou will also be displaced.At that time, they will have to face tens of thousands of refugees who have no clothes, no food, and no shelter.The Fubo army will rescue them due to emotion and reason.The Joint Logistics Headquarters in Sanshui not only had to transport food, but also transported a large amount of relief supplies to resettle the people on the spot.

Even if the first brigade captured Wuzhou City, they could only retreat with the refugees and retreat to the rear where the supplies were relatively smooth due to the pressure of such supplies-it was a failure.

The second part is about the situation of the defenders in the city. First, it is rumored that Xiong Wencan and some important officials have fled Wuzhou...

"Let him run away?!" Zhu Quanxing, who came to the meeting, was a little disappointed.

"It's a little difficult for us to block Wuzhou airtight." Zhu Mingxia said lightly, "If you run away, just run away. If you really want to capture it alive, it will be troublesome."

The letter specifically stated that the people from all walks of life in the city who were preparing to "anyway" had already agreed on a secret sign, and tied a strip of white cloth on their left arm as a mark.Important government offices, warehouses, city towers and other buildings that have been controlled are hung with double lights as signs.I hope that when the Fubo army enters the city, pay attention to identification.

Looking at the following content again, it is mentioned that the main force of the Ming army in Wuzhou City has retreated to the west of Guangxi and the north of Guangxi in two ways-this is not a secret, because the scouts have already discovered it; , The secret letter mentioned that many of the original grain stocks in Wuzhou City had been shipped to Teng County.

"How about we go to Teng County?" Zhu Quanxing suggested, "If the information is true, at least we can get a large amount of food."

Zhu Mingxia nodded, this is a good idea, but they still don't know where the food is stored in Teng County - the grain station of the Ming army may not be located in Teng County.The situation in Wuzhou is more urgent right now, so it is not appropriate to divide the troops out first.

"Let's settle the matter in Wuzhou first." He looked at his watch, it is now [-]:[-] in the morning, and there are still nearly three hours before the sky brightens, "We have to do it as soon as possible, otherwise it will really cause a fire in the whole city It is irreparable." Zhu Mingxia said, "As soon as the sky is bright, we will start attacking immediately! We must take Wuzhou as quickly as possible!"

"Understood!" Zhu Quanxing responded, "The troops are ready."

Then Zhu Mingxia held a short meeting with the main officers of the first brigade to report the information sent back by the lone wolf.A few things have been preliminarily determined. The first is to resettle and assist the refugees.Wuzhou, an important commercial town at the turn of Guangdong and Guangxi, must be firmly controlled by the Senate. Therefore, to win the hearts of the people in Wuzhou and lay a good political foundation, even if the food supply of the first brigade itself is tight, the refugees who leave the city cannot be starved to death. In this way, some shacks need to be built so that the old, weak, sick and disabled among the refugees can have a shelter from the wind and rain.

The second is to solve the current food problem. It is decided that the army will reduce the supply of one meal from tomorrow and supply the saved rations to the refugees.Now that the Ming army's food storage points are known, according to the usual style of the Fubo army, it is natural to go to fight some grass valleys.It was decided to send scouts to Teng County to collect further detailed information before making the next decision.

"Is the tweeter up?" Zhu Mingxia asked.

"It's been erected," Xu said.

"You wrote a "Letter to the People of Wuzhou" and started broadcasting it immediately. Although it is probably no secret that Xiong Wencan is going to set fire to the city in the city, you still have to take off his underpants. By the way, give some help to the soldiers and bandits in the city. Pressure. Let them know that trying to take advantage of it will never end well."


The next update will be Volume 326 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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