Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2127 Xie Erren enters the city

Chapter 2127 Xie Erren enters the city

Xie Erren's first impression of Wuzhou was not good—speaking of which, his impression of any large and medium-sized city under the Ming Dynasty was below the passing line, and it was generally "dirty and messy".On the contrary, some affluent villages and small towns can still give him a fresh sense of literature and art.

Because of the war in Wuzhou, the situation in the city was even worse: rubble and ashes were everywhere, and the refugees who had just returned to the city staggered and picked things up on the ruins.Frightened by the gunfire, the wild dogs hiding were attracted by the bloody smell of uncontained corpses on the street, and they came out to look for food one after another.

Xie Erren walked swaggeringly on the street in a windbreaker surrounded by guards—at the beginning, he swaggered like Zhukov recovered Yelinia in "The Defense of Moscow". The gloomy citizens on the street suddenly became in a bad mood—it would be difficult to be a leader in this place...

The city government of Wuzhou was temporarily located at the Yamen of Wuzhou Prefecture. As soon as Xie Erren arrived at the gate of the government office, he saw a few soldiers and strong men carrying a corpse wrapped in reed mats outside noisily.

He stopped a naturalized civilian cadre who was directing nearby, and asked, "Whose corpses are these?"

"It's the prefect of Wuzhou in the Ming Dynasty, named Hu Duhua. There are also a few small officials and other people." Guihuamin cadres don't know where he came from, but judging by his appearance and the guards around him, he knows that he must be here. A "head" rushed to report, "They all committed suicide in the yamen."

Xie Youren secretly called "unlucky" in his heart - it's not good for these people to die, they must have killed themselves in the yamen.

Naturally, as a believer in materialism, or in a situation where materialist believers are the majority in the Senate, Xie Erren must not show such emotions. Hearing that a prefect died, he waved lightly. He waved his hand and said, "If you die, you will die. Where are the family members?"

"The servant said he sent his family away long ago."

Xie Erren felt a little regretful - he thought of Dong Mingdang from Guangzhou.

If I were Liu Xiang, I would definitely "caring" for Miss Dong.

While thinking wildly, Xie Erren entered the government office, and the family confiscation team of the Planning Institute was "searching", and there was a lot of noise everywhere.He didn't care to look at these digging three feet to collect,

Come to the second hall, where civil cases are heard, and now it is the municipal government meeting room, it is called a meeting room, it is better to say it is a temporary office, and the noise is full of naturalized civilian cadres and soldiers coming in and out.Zhu Quanxing was in military uniform and was talking to a group of correspondents. After he finished speaking a few words, one correspondent immediately stood at attention and left with a salute, followed by the next one, very neatly.Xie Erren, who was holding back by the Xijiang River for a long time without thinking of a word, was envious and jealous.

Seeing that Zhu Quanxing was busy, Xie Erren didn't want to disturb him, so he wandered around in these two halls.But I saw a few lines of ink on the west wall, the handwriting was scribbled, and I didn't feel interested. I walked over and took a look, but it was a "Desperate Letter":
The sage husband said: "I have heard that people who use Xia to change barbarians, but I have never heard of those who change from barbarians." How can a certain official of the Ming Dynasty be lowered to a beast and steal his life out of integrity.I belong to the Hu family, and my ancestors have no male offenders, and my relatives have no remarried daughters.Not only received the teachings of Confucius and Mencius, the grace of the country, but died in the affairs of the state, just as I wished.As a minister, his virtue lies in festivals.Being unfaithful as a minister is so different from a bird!Three years after He Zhen was defeated by Chengmai, my heart and gallbladder were torn apart, and I cried for years.However, those who bear the undead think that the shame of one person is small, and the hatred of the country is great.Now the Kun bandits have invaded Guangzhou, the south of the Lingnan has collapsed, benevolence and righteousness have been filled, and they have led beasts to eat people.I can't help being trapped by thieves, but how can I be a second minister?This is the end of the matter, there is no more humiliation.I only hope that Da Ming will punish the heavens and sweep away the ugly people.Although the day of a certain death is still the year of his life.

"Who wrote this?" Xie Erren asked.

A surrendering scribe next to him hurriedly said: "This is Mr. Hu, the magistrate—no, the inscription made by Hu Duhua, the false magistrate, before he committed suicide. He has already asked people to fetch lime water..."

Xie Erren subconsciously looked at the roof beam, but there was no rope on it.The scribe said: "Master Hu, Hu Ni, heard that the heavenly soldiers entered the city, bathed and changed clothes in the back hall, and then went to this inscription wall to worship in the north behind closed doors, and committed suicide by taking poison before the official case."

"Oh." Xie Erren nodded, "He has a lot of backbone."

Look at the two Jue Ming poems next to it, but the handwriting is different from that of Mr. Hu.Although Xie Youren graduated from the Chinese Department, he doesn't know much about poetry. Although the meaning is roughly understood, he can't tell whether it is good or bad. He only knows that it must be better than doggerel, but it is not as good as Tang poetry.

"This is Hu Ni's book inspired by Mr. Xing..."

"What about people?"

"Mr. Xing Chenghuan... No, Xing Ni also committed suicide in the second hall."

"He is a master, and he is not an official of the imperial court. He is responsible for guarding the land, and he has to be buried for the Ming Dynasty. Xiong Wencan lost Guangzhou, and Zhaoqing ran all the way here and then slipped out of the city. It is unreasonable!" Xie Erren heard this. The master also committed suicide. I feel a little inexplicable, and my Senate and Fubo Army would not pay attention to such a small prefect master.

"Yes, yes, in short, I just couldn't think about it for a while." The clerk sighed, "He is from Cantonese, and I heard that my family just got engaged to him. It's really a pity."

"very young?"

"In my early thirties, I heard that I only entered school the year before last, and came out to play because my family was poor——I have a family relationship with Mr. Hu. The two of them are good friends."

Xie Erren said a few words like "It's a pity", he said these words deliberately, and meant to use Xing Chenghuan's "horse bone" to attract "Maxima".

His pretentiousness reassured the officials big and small who surrendered.

Here Zhu Quanxing finished arranging the work, seeing that Erren had already arrived, he hurriedly called him to a side room next to him to "discuss important matters".

"I will leave Wuzhou City soon, and the next thing is up to you," Zhu Quanxing said.

"What?!" Xie Erren was taken aback. Wuzhou City was just captured, and order in all aspects had not yet been restored. Zhu Quanxing, as the garrison commander of Wuzhou, was the backbone of his military here. How can people without military capabilities surround the safety of Wuzhou?
"This, Wuzhou has just been won, and the surrounding counties have not all been taken..."

It is seen that Xie Youren admires President Lin very much, and cosplays President Lin's orders very vividly, but he actually knows very little about the military, let alone commanding wars.As soon as I heard that Zhu Quanxing was leaving, I immediately became anxious.

"You're right." Zhu Quanxing said, "I'm going to lead a team to capture the counties in Wuzhou, so that we can set up Wuzhou's defense line as soon as possible."

"Isn't this the job of Brigadier Zhu?"

"Zhu Mingxia can't care about these things now..." Zhu Quanxing lowered his voice, "Just now the brigade headquarters received a telegram that the situation in Ba Pai Yao is not good, and the situation is very urgent. Brigadier Zhu wants to rush back to Zhaoqing to sit in the center. "

Although Xie Erren, as the elder who took over Wuzhou, had read the background information of the Ba Pai Yao riot in 1635, he did not take it seriously.I feel that this is just a piece of historical data, and I didn't take it to heart at all-in his heart, the Fubo Army is a powerful army that is invincible in all battles, and it is also a magic needle that will not invade the sea. As long as there is an army, it doesn't matter what problems .I didn't expect to encounter this situation as soon as I took office!

What are the consequences of the Ba Pai Yao riot, Xie Erren still understands.Now that the army's offensive momentum is just right, Zhu Mingxia has to rush back, which fully demonstrates the urgency of this matter.

"You won't go..."

"I'm the garrison commander of the Wuzhou area, so of course I won't leave." Zhu Quanxing quickly cheered him up, "But I can't stay in Wuzhou city and not go out, and the strategy plan around Wuzhou will be carried out as usual -- only in this way can the security of Wuzhou be fully guaranteed. .”

"That's good." Xie Erren heaved a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry." Zhu Quanxing smiled secretly at Director Xie, "I'll leave you a company, and the Wuzhou Squadron of the National Army will arrive soon—expand to the size of a brigade as soon as possible. The local militia should also be organized as soon as possible. Only in this way can the safety of Wuzhou be guaranteed.”

"As long as the national army is here, Wuzhou will be fine! You can go there without worry." Xie Erren probably felt that the nervousness just now was too out of character, so he quickly put on a "calm" attitude.

With a certain heart, I feel that I am indeed a little unfounded. A company of regular army plus a squadron of national army can defend Wuzhou City to a minimum.

"Who is the commander of the army..."

Zhu Quanxing said: "The company commander of this company is an old naturalized civilian officer. He is very experienced in leading troops and fighting, and he is also very reliable politically—you can trust him completely."

After the explanation, Zhu Quanxing called the commander of the 7th Company of the Battle Infantry who stayed in Wuzhou over.

"This is Captain Qian Duo, commander of the 7th company." Zhu Quanxing introduced, "He is an officer from the old security regiment."

The original Bairen security regiment was the first armed force of the Senate, and this background is considered a well-known qualification in the Fubo Army.The first line of the military song of the First Infantry Battalion, which has inherited the mantle of the Bairen Security Regiment, is "Gloriously built the army, before Bairen Beach".As long as the soldiers who joined the security regiment were not killed in battle or retired, they have grown into officers now.Regardless of whether the military level is good or bad, at least qualifications and loyalty are no problem.

Qian Duo stood at attention and saluted, Xie Erren nodded, feeling a little uneasy: this Qian Duo is short and dark, and his appearance is not good.Can it take on the important task of guarding Wuzhou?
As if seeing Xie Erren's uneasiness, Zhu Quanxing said: "Captain Qian is not only senior, but also has rich service experience. He has participated in many major military operations. His military and political qualities are first-rate."

Qian Duo stood at attention again: "Thank you chief for your compliment! I promise to complete all tasks assigned by the Senate!"

Xie Youren nodded: "The next Wuzhou city defense work is all up to you."
Next update: Volume 332 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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