Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2141

Chapter 2141

However, this system has not been implemented for a long time, and within a few years, the Land Temple was only used to "sacrifice the land".For Xie Youren, this is a ready-made vacant room, the condition is much better than that of the prison, and it is opposite the prison, so it is considered preferential treatment, but not too much.

Zhao Fengtian felt that it was inappropriate when he heard it, and immediately said: "Chief, this is not appropriate. This woman intends to assassinate the elders, which is a capital offense according to the law. Even if you are extrajudicial, you should give her back. Guangzhou should be handed over to the Military Law Division of the South China Army for trial and disposal."

Xie Erren was a little displeased: "Where is the time to evacuate her to Guangzhou now? She should be placed in the Earth Temple first."

Zhao Fengtian opened his mouth, wanting to say that even so, he could be sent to the prisoner team for custody, but he stopped talking when he saw Xie Youren's expression was not good.

The yamen servants are all the most clever, the cell boss already "understood" the "chief"'s thoughts, and immediately shouted: "Sister, don't kowtow to thank the master for his kindness!"

While Cai Lan was still ignorant, Xie Youren had already got up, his face was a little hot, he felt that the people around him had seen through his thoughts - he didn't want to leave a "lustful" impression on the natives, so he said: "I still have something to do, Even though they have changed places, they are still prisoners, and they must be strictly guarded—not to be abused.”

After all, he quickly took people with him.The jailers knew that the master was interested in this female prisoner, so they changed their faces immediately. The jailers helped Cai Lan up with smiles on their faces, and said a few good words to congratulate the girl on "getting out of the sea of ​​suffering", respectfully Said that Cai Lan sent it out.

A word from the master will make the servants run away.The prisoners immediately started to make arrangements, and in less than half an hour, Cai Lan changed from a "cheap embryo" waiting to die in a death row to a "Miss Cai".The cell boss secretly rejoiced that this master came in time!Otherwise, at night, this woman must be ruined by the prisoners, and it will be difficult to explain it at that time!
The head of the cell not only told people to prepare beds and bedding in the land temple, but also asked people to find the official media in the county—this official media is equivalent to half a female prison, but she will do everything that involves female prisoners— He gave her a pack of sore medicine and asked her to apply it on Cai Lan.

"The Australian master has taken a fancy to this woman, you have to be careful in serving her." The prison chief said.

Since Cai Lan was caught in the prison, she was first given a "killing stick" and then locked on a urine bucket with shackles on her hands and feet.She was born in a well-to-do family, where did she experience such suffering, and she was already dejected after a lot of torture.She thought to herself that if she failed to assassinate the high-ranking thief, she would definitely die, but now the high-ranking thief not only did not pursue her, but also moved her out of the prison and gave her preferential treatment, just like a dream.There is no size in the ignorance.


With a shout from the handlebars, the eight bearers worked together to lift the coffin in the hall.Several monks and priests also yawned and packed up the guys and started to disperse.Several relatives of Qiuchan's family who came to help were also busy packing up the things.

Due to the turmoil of the war, the funeral of Qiuchan's man had only been done for seven days before it was declared over.Because he was originally from Teng County and was young, there was no Xiaji land in the local area.During the war, it was impossible to invite a Fengshui master to choose a place, so it could only be temporarily stored in a temple.When the road is peaceful, the coffin will be returned to the hometown for burial.

Most of the tourists who come here are local relatives and friends-it is not safe to go to the city from the countryside these days.A distant relative of Qiuchan's family came to the city to hang himself, but was met by bandits not far from the city, stripped of all his clothes, and came to the door with only a pair of underpants left.According to him, he knelt down and begged bitterly, and he was also a guest of mourning, so the murder was inauspicious, so the bandits did not take his life.

The relatives and friends who came to express their condolences kowtowed and offered incense. They had to sit down and drink a few sips of tea, and chatted with Hao Ran, who had the power to act as an "intellectual guest"—no one knew the distant cousin of Qiu Chan's husband, However, Qiuchan's husband's family is also a big old family in Teng County, with many relatives, so not knowing Yuan is nothing.What's more, this "cousin" is a long-distance traveler who is well-informed and can talk. Everyone is willing to chat with him.

Relatives and friends all said that this world is really bad, so it is inevitable that some people will secretly scold the Kun thief a few times--it is also true: if the Kun thief does not come to Wuzhou, Wuzhou will not suffer from military disasters, and Qiuchan's husband will not die. , and will not let the relatives in the country suffer from the disaster of stripping their clothes.

As soon as this was said, it inevitably aroused some discussion.Most of the relatives of Qiu Chan's natal family are locals from Wuzhou. They are engaged in business and farming, and they are basically middle-class families with a little income.This time during the war, the chaos just before Xiong Wencan left caused many people to destroy their homes and go bankrupt. Even if their lives and wealth were safe, those few days of fear and trepidation were not for human beings.

"Well, the Australians are playing the banner of slandering the people and punishing crimes, saying that they are 'for the well-being of the people'. When they enter this Wuzhou city, they will have a 'reasonable burden', as long as it is a shop, they have to pay. The Rehabilitation Bureau is now forcing all the shops to open—there are no ghosts on the street in broad daylight, so who will the shops be selling to?"

"Even the beggars were arrested—it doesn't matter if they are caught, if the business of the province is not opened, they will have to be given alms!"

"Begging for food is easy to get rid of, and this aftermath situation is called difficult!" A middle-aged man sighed, "The left one is a reasonable burden that requires everyone to share the money, and the right one strengthens law and order and asks each brand to produce strong men... Don't build a pontoon bridge. ——Building bridges is of course a good thing, but this kind of thing requires us to contribute money and effort.”

"In the days after the 'Recovery', not a single shipment of goods from Guangxi has come down! The food has only come in or out—it is said that it was shipped from Guangzhou, but so far I have not seen a single boat of rice! Instead, the shops are stalled. The supply of military rice!" This is a relative of the rice shop, "there is also a price limit order, and no price increase is allowed! Okay, it's almost a grab!"

"Ming's Governor Xiong wants us to supply military rice, and the head of Australia Xie wants us to supply military rice... Anyway, the common people are fish and meat!"

"He said he wanted us to go out and sell goods, 'invigorate the economy'... This old man is really different from the world affairs-now there is a lot of chaos: there are bandits making troubles when you go out of the city. Walk along the river: Guangxi is the territory of Ming Dynasty, and their goods can't come , our freight can’t go through. If we talk about going downstream, we have heard that Yaodong is in chaos these days, and even the boatman dare not go without the escort of an Australian military ship. If we go out to sell goods, we are really looking for a dead end!”

Yi Haoran echoed while listening to the guests' discussions, these days he doesn't go out much, and the time is not long.However, I have seen with my own eyes that the Australians are extremely efficient in their work. In just a few days, they collected corpses, cleared the ruins, relieved refugees, repaired the city wall... everything has already started, and there are no beggars or refugees on the street. , and no corpses were left behind, and the order on the street has returned to normal. Although there are few shops, it is an exaggeration to say that "there is no ghost".Even the law and order in the suburbs does not seem to be so dire: there are already farmers selling vegetables on the street.

By the standards of Daming, this Master Xie can already be regarded as a "capable official" among local officials.

Yi Haoran was extremely disgusted with the Kun bandits, but he had to admit: Kun bandits did have a way of governing.

Yi Haoran hid himself in Qiuchan's home, he didn't have any long-term plans, he just wanted to avoid the arrest of the Kun thief, and when the situation calmed down and the road was clear, he immediately set off to the west.Mr. Xiong's place probably won't work if he goes there - the emperor will never forgive the crime of losing Guangdong.But as long as he is not under the rule of the Kun thief, he can talk about it anyway, and he still has a chance.

However, the unintentional talk of these people now made him see an opportunity that he could take advantage of.

In the past few days, he probably knew that the Australians failed to capture the entire territory of Wuzhou because of the rebellion in Yaodong-not only that, but the army had also retreated from Wuzhou, leaving only a small number of troops.Therefore, several counties leading to Guangxi were not taken down.The official army is still guarding Teng County, and it is said that Xiong Wencan is also there.

It was a long journey from Guangxi to the capital, and it took at least one or two months for the emperor to deliver the official document from receiving the report of defeat to the order to arrest Xiong Wencan.Within this time, Xiong Wencan is still the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

From the perspective of saving himself, Xiong Wencan will definitely plan a counterattack deliberately - as long as he finds out the situation in the city and contacts Xiong Du in time, the officers and soldiers still have a chance!

Now Wuzhou City is empty of troops, people's hearts are unstable, and the Yao people are making chaos behind the Kun bandits. This is a great opportunity for a counterattack.Moreover, Mr. Xiong is eager to make atonement, so he won't be so hesitant in terms of strategy.

As long as some yamen servants and common people can be encouraged to "anyway" in the city, seize a city gate, and guide the officers and soldiers to rush into the city, with the small number of soldiers and horses of the thieves, no matter how strong their combat power is, they can only leave the city first.It would be even better if he could capture or behead the elder Zhen Kun Jie.

Wuzhou is an important gateway to Guangdong and Guangxi. If the government and army recapture Wuzhou in one fell swoop, the Kun bandits will have no foothold in this area, so they can only retreat to Fengchuan County along the east of the West River.Trapped in the melee with the Yao people—the Yao people became chaotic and couldn't calm down for three to five years.Over time, the situation may change!I have made an incomparable feat!
Thinking of this, Yi Haoran couldn't help feeling hot all over, wishing he could immediately go to the street to collect all kinds of news about the Kun bandits, and contact comrades from all walks of life to raise the flag of righteousness together.

"Mr. Hao, your face is flushed. Could it be that you have been overworked these days?"

Yi Haoran was startled, and hurriedly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and covered it up: "It's true that I haven't slept well these days." He sighed again on purpose, "I think I've been traveling for many years, and I wanted to go back to my hometown for a few days to live a stable life. I thought it would be such a mess!"

"What Mr. said is that in the past few years, there has been no place for peace in the world!" Someone also felt the same, "Da Ming is in danger!"


Next update: Volume 346 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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