Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2145 Rhapsody

Chapter 2145 Rhapsody
Having said that, Xie Erren finally had some confidence.Immediately ordered the brigade to enter and stationed at each city gate and important places inside and outside the city.The militia with a lot of money was no longer necessary and was disbanded on the spot.The original Fubo Army officers and soldiers returned to the construction, and militiamen who were willing to go home were given severance pay to go home, and those who were willing to continue serving as soldiers were temporarily organized into a supplementary squadron under the command of the Wuzhou Brigade of the National Army.

Xie Youren took stock of the strength of his troops: one company of the regular army, one brigade of the National Army and one supplementary squadron, there are more than 500 people. Although they can't be considered strong, they are not in the state of "streaking" that they frightened at the beginning .

Once he relaxes, he thinks of the female assassin locked in the Earth Temple.I will take care of him now, and I will be "interrogated" at night.

He disliked Zhao Fengtian's long-windedness, so he changed a secretary.Although the new secretary is a man, he is much more understanding.After listening to the leader's order, a wretched smile of "understanding" appeared on his face, expressing that he must "get things done".

In fact, Xie Erren himself has no obscene thoughts for the time being.He felt he had too much to do.

A few days ago, they were all worried about safety issues. Now there is a brigade of the National Army, and there is a battalion of Fubo Army operating outside the city. Although it is not "solid", it is not "in danger".Some of the policies he considered in the past can also be implemented.

There are so many things to do... Xie Youren took out his notebook from his pocket.

"So, Wuzhou has a chance to vote for him?" Hu Lanyan said impatiently.

"Yes." Gou Xunli nodded, "Now is a good opportunity."

The place where the brothers talked was in a simple cottage in the mountains not far to the east of Wuzhou City.Yao and Han live together in this area, although it is not far from Fucheng, the government does not have much influence, and it is a place where whoever has a big fist will be justified.The bandits basically don't have to worry about the encirclement and suppression by the government.

However, the life of the bandits is not easy: not only the Han Yao villages are intertwined here, but because of the Yao people's riots, the government recruited wolf soldiers from Guangxi many times to "Zhen Yao", and there were wolf boys' villages during this period.All villages exist in the form of cottages, and every village must have Tuan Ding Xiangyong.Various villages have conflicts and fights from time to time due to various reasons such as competition for land, water, and forests.

Villages in this atmosphere are basically heavily guarded, and the people have rich experience in fighting with weapons.It is not easy for bandits to rob or canvass votes.Sometimes they will be counter-killed by "fat sheep".Even "fishing for the wrong door" is not easy.

If it weren't for the Xijiang, a golden waterway with heavy shipping, Gou Xunli has so many tricks in his stomach, and he can always make a fortune from time to time, so he wouldn't be able to support the more than 200 people in the village.

As far as Hu Lanyan is concerned, he is not interested in "revenge" or "court". Although the bandit Kun has killed many of his brothers, he has no intention of going against a rock.The only reason that can attract him to follow his brother is for the word "money".

When they were trapped in Guangdong, they were once recruited by Shi Weng, who asked them to go to the Yao District of Lingao to meet the "knights".Although later on because heroes from all walks of life were arrested and killed one after another, although the matter was not done, Hu Lan looked at Gou Er, a brother, with a different opinion - being able to serve the court officials is not something that ordinary green forest heroes can curry favor with.

Don't look at the self-proclaimed "not afraid of officials" on weekdays, but the actual idea of ​​"recruiting security officials" is quite strong.Hu Lanyan has been fighting for his life with Gou Er in the past few years. First, he has no choice but to recruit Gou Er for the government several times. He always has some kind of fantasy—maybe he can become prosperous.

If you take this opportunity to get a vote in Wuzhou, no matter whether the court credits you or not, at least a few years' worth of money will be enough at one time. Go to Jiangnan, a rich and gentle town, to spend the rest of your life.It also saves me from dawdling in this dilapidated and damp cottage.

"I understand that there are no more than 200 fake men in the city, and even the government servants they recruited and the temporary militia team, there are no more than 500 people in total." After Gou Xunli and Yi Haoran came back from the meeting, they felt more and more about this adventure. There is a joke——Yi Haoran is not only very familiar with Kun Qing, but also has a heart of hatred for Kun thieves, so asking him to be a guide to clear the way of the government is very safe.However, this master also raised a question: since he is going to talk about Xiong Wencan, he must come up with a specific strategy, so that Mr. Xiong can consider the issue of support.

"Second brother, I'm not talking about you, the thieves' combat power is far superior to ours." Hu Lanyan said, "Our brothers have suffered from them a lot in recent years! You said they only have 200 fake thieves, In our cottage, there are [-] brothers at full count - half of them have to go to the house to summon them temporarily! Even breaking up a village is hard work, and taking such a few people to Wuzhou, is it not a sheep? If Xiong Du does not send troops, I think Very hanging!"

"It's unreliable to expect Xiong Du to send troops." Gou Xunli shook his head and said, "It's like doing business. If we don't produce some dry goods, why should Xiong Du trust us?"

"That's true..." Hu Lanyan was a little disappointed, "Then what else is there to say?"

"In the past, we wanted to ask Xiong Du to send troops, it was just a dream—but now he is in danger, as long as we show a little merit. If we can make him cover up his mistakes in front of the court, he will definitely come out Big bucks!"

Hu Lanyan got up "Teng" and walked a few steps back and forth on the "Juyi Hall" on the Maoci earthen steps. He seemed a little excited and asked, "Tell me, what should I do?"

"Right now, chaos has broken out on both sides of the West River, and the thieves can't take care of themselves--I heard from the eyeliner in the city that the thieves originally planned to deploy heavy troops in Wuzhou, but they suddenly received news more than ten days ago and withdrew in a hurry. There are thousands of people left in the school yard at Ximatan..."

"Brother, you are not paying for your life." Hu Lanyan shook his head again and again, a little terrified, "Xima Beach is only five or six miles away from Wuzhou, and we can go to Wuzhou to help Wuzhou if there is any trouble. We don't have enough people. They have a gap between their teeth! Don't do it, don't do it!"

"You only know one thing, you don't know the other." Gou Xunli went to Wuzhou this time and heard a lot of news, "The thieves in Ximatan are not there every day-the whole Wuzhou is not just a Cangwu Counties! Most of the counties that went out to take over Wuzhou a few days ago are not there now."

"But they're coming back..."

"What if they don't come back?"

"?" Hu Lanyan's eyes widened, "What trick do you have?"

"Smart plan? I don't have one, but the current situation can be used."

Hu Lanyan knew the so-called situation, that is, the news of "Yao chaos" had spread to the local area.

The distribution of the Yao nationality in Guangdong has shrunk significantly in the Ming Dynasty. The main gathering areas are located in northern Guangdong: Lianzhou, Yingde, Ruyuan, Yangshan and other counties. However, there are still a large number of Yao people in the mountains along the West River such as Wuzhou and Zhaoqing. Minzhai Cave.He also besieged Wuzhou, and even broke into the city at one point and captured several court officials.

Although several managers came here to "Zhen Yao" and basically suppressed the Yao people around Wuzhou, the power of the Yao people in the surrounding mountainous areas is still very strong.For hundreds of years, there have been constant conflicts with the government and Han villages, and the hatred between them is very deep.

The news that the "eight rows and 24 punches" in Lianshan and other places started to riot was also transmitted to the local area: it is only more than 300 miles away from Lianshan County.Hu Lanyan knew: the rioting Yao people in Lianshan and other places are joining forces locally, encouraging the Yao people to rise up and respond.

"Are you talking about uniting the Yao people?" Hu Lanyan shook his head again and again, "It's not easy to handle! This bunch of local houses and local officials, which one is easy to get along with! Besides, what can we use to convince them?"

"With a bait as big as Wuzhou, will they not be tempted?" Gou Xunli sneered.

"That's a good word, but..." Hu Lan looked at him.They have never had any contact with the people of Li, and even though they do not interfere with each other on weekdays, conflicts will break out from time to time. If there is no deep hatred, there is no friendship.Is it possible that this brother wants to lobby Tushe by himself?Although the Yao people's village cave is not a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, but if they go up to lobby at this juncture, they are guaranteed to be killed by the Yao people as spies.

This brother knows how to be stupid: if he is resourceful, it can barely be counted, but if he dares to take risks and go deep into the tiger's den, that is not the case.

Seeing his doubts, Gou Xunli smiled and said, "Brother, don't be doubtful! I have my own calculations."

Gou Xunli's plan is very simple: try to incite the Yao people to riot and cause chaos.

"The Yao people in Lianzhou have been sending people to the local area to make connections. I don't think we need to incite them, they will rebel." Gou Xunli said, "Once the Yao people rebel, they will definitely go down the mountain and attack the village. The bandits have recently captured Wuzhou. Their temper, suppressing the bandits and stabilizing the place is the top priority, so the director of the gangsters will definitely send troops to Pingyao. This army of thousands of people has to guard against the Ming army coming from Guangxi, and also to appease them everywhere. Can I go to Wuzhou City?"

"The Kun bandits are extremely powerful. I don't think the Yao people can resist them for long..." Hu Lanyan was terrified when he spoke. He was hunted down by a small army of Kun bandits back then. There is no memory of the past.

"As long as there is a gap of ten days and a half months, we will have a chance."

"what chance?"

"Sneak attack on Wuzhou."

Hu Lanyan couldn't close his jaw now, wondering if this brother had lost his mind and gone crazy.Wuzhou is a majestic prefectural city!Not to mention that I have only this few troops, even if it is a mighty Kun bandit, it was surrounded by thousands of people, and it took several days of bombardment to bring down Wuzhou.

"Brother..." He stammered a bit, "This matter... is unreliable..."

Next update: Volume 350 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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