Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2154 Captain Zhu 4

Chapter 2154 Captain Zhu Si

"Bastard! Who fired it!" Zhu Si was furious, and directly gave the gunman closest to him a big mouth, and shouted, "Stop shooting!"

Grasping the timing of shooting is the focus of the military training of the Fubo Army. Although the loading speed of the Mini rifle is the fastest in this time and space, after all, a skilled soldier can only achieve a rate of fire of 3 to 4 rounds per minute.Only by fully grasping the timing of the first round of salvo can the best killing effect be obtained.During the Ming and Qing battles in Liaodong, the Ming army had superior firearms, but they were often unable to effectively kill the Qing army. In addition to the generally poor quality of firearms, poor timing of shooting was also one of the reasons.

Now, after this random shooting, all the loaded heavy arquebus guns on the ship were used up.If the enemy launches a wading assault, this is a fire gap.

Under the scolding and shouting of the sergeants, the messy shooting stopped.Zhu Si didn't dare to go up to the watchtower, and looked out through the observation hole behind the iron plate. However, the hilly area on the bank was densely covered with vegetation, and the enemy's situation could not be seen at all.But from the swaying of the branches of vegetation, it can be roughly seen that the enemy is moving.

"Riflemen shoot at suspicious targets freely." Zhu Si ordered, "Reload all firearms!"

Give an order: the riflemen shoot one after another, and the heavy arquebus is pulled back from the perforation to reload.There was an uproar on the boat.

"Pay attention to the safety of gunpowder!" Zhu Si was secretly startled when he saw the gunpowder's loading action.

Suddenly, a puff of thick smoke was sprayed from the No. 2 command boat in the rear of the palace, and the sound of guns was rumbling.

"Which bastard fired the cannon?!" Zhu Si was furious, and he couldn't see what the cannon was!

The 12-pound mountain grenade is the most powerful weapon on board, and it must not be used unless it is in an emergency-this is what he told the gunner before departure: "I must personally order it to shoot."

There was a burst of cheers from the No. 2 command boat, as if something had been hit.

Sure enough, with this shelling, the attack in the vegetation stopped.Then the signalman reported: "Lieutenant Li of the second boat asked for instructions to land and search."

"Search for nothing!" Zhu Si scolded. In his opinion, it is enough to complete the patrol mission in a safe and sound way. If he lands rashly to search, if he is ambushed by the enemy and kills a few people, it will be very embarrassing. .

"Order: No one is allowed to land, drive to Fengchuan County at full speed!"

The fleet stepped up their horsepower and quickly drove out of Jieshou Beach. At this time, they encountered two large boats led by Mi Longtao.

Mi Longtao's ship was going up, and the speed was very slow. Seeing that the escort fleet had left Jieshou Beach, he knew that they were not in any serious danger. Through the semaphore signal, he knew that the fleet was ambushed on the northern channel, but there were no casualties. .

"Damn it, again!" Mi Longtao cursed - such attacks have happened many times this month.Although it didn't cause any major losses, this kind of constant harassment harassed soldiers in charge of local defense like them, especially since the headquarters also asked them to ensure the safety of the villages and towns along the river, which made their defense tasks even more onerous.

Mi Longtao gave way to the descending fleet, and commanded the troops to land at the location where the attack occurred, and started searching.

The search team soon found a swarm of empty wooden barrels abandoned among the bushes and vegetation on the shore—this was a new thing for Mi Longtao, he had never found such a thing before when he was suppressing, and then, again Three bodies and a battered "swarm" were found in an area apparently covered in shrapnel.Two of the corpses were battered into inhuman shapes by shotgun bullets, and one was wounded in the leg, but its throat was cut—probably because it was injured and could not walk and was killed by its accomplices.

Then, another body was found in the bushes, killed by a Nanyang rifle.

Judging from the clothing of the corpse, it can be called tattered clothes, not to mention armor, not even decent clothes.Probably some kind of gangster's minions.

Mi Longtao was a little puzzled. This "swarm of bees" was the firearms of officers and soldiers. Ordinary bandits would not have such things in stock, and if they did, they would not abuse them casually—judging from the wooden barrels discarded at the scene, they at least shot Four or five "swarms" were launched, and two that were not launched were discarded.From the fact that they're such abusive and relentless with firearms, it's probably an easy thing to come by.

"This is not an ordinary bandit." A detective who acted as a guide said, "The bandits pay attention to not leaving empty space when they come out. They fight the fleet here, and they can't get any benefit at all, and they spend so much money..."

"You think it's an officer?"

"Probably not." The detective said, "The officers and soldiers are neater than them..."

As far as the Yao people are concerned, they have nothing to do with the Yao people, regardless of their clothes, hairstyles and discarded weapons.

No matter who the enemy is, to harass the fleet is to fight the Senate.Mi Longtao ordered the troops to expand the search area, but apart from finding some rags left behind by the bandits, there was nothing new to discover.

Mi Longtao took the team back to Fengchuan. The fleet was moored by the pier, and while letting the soldiers go ashore to stretch their legs, they replaced the damaged bamboo shields.

"Where is your commander?" he asked.

"On the side of command boat No. 1." Said the busy soldier.

As soon as Mi Longtao walked over, he heard a loud voice of reprimand: "...that's arbitrariness! Do you still have any sense of organization and discipline! How did you, a lieutenant, get into it?!"

Mi Longtao walked over to take a look, and saw a national army captain reprimanding the lieutenant. The lieutenant stood up straight, although his face was full of "disapproval", but because of his rank and affiliation, he could only stand respectfully and listen to the training.

"...If you were to be in the Fubo Army, you would have lost your head long ago for this kind of behavior!"

Mi Longtao coughed, and Zhu Si, who was reprimanding Li Dong, stopped. Seeing that the person who came was the lieutenant of the Fubo Army, his face that was originally upsetting involuntarily changed into a soft expression, and he stood at attention unconsciously. a gift.

"Zhu Si, Captain of the Wuzhou Brigade of the National Army!"

Mi Longtao replied casually with a military salute: "I am Mi Longtao, Fengchuan County Police Commander."

Theoretically, the military ranks of the National Army and the Fubo Army are equal, but regardless of the officers of the National Army or the Fubo Army, no one thinks that a sergeant half a year or three months ago will be able to sit on an equal footing with a regular army officer if he has the rank of the National Army . :
"Yes! Thank you very much for coming to support us in time!" Zhu Si did not put down his saluting hand, but bent slightly and said loudly.

"Why are you being polite? It's my duty. We are all comrades in arms." Mi Longtao waved his hand, "Come and sit in my headquarters first, let's chat."

"Yes! I'll come right now." Zhu Si didn't bother to reprimand Li Dong for "shooting without authorization", turned around and ordered Li Dong: "You are responsible for the repair and supplement work—don't come up with new tricks! Disband!"

When the two came to the headquarters, Mi Longtao told Zhu Siduan a bowl of herbal tea and asked about the details of the attack.Zhu Si immediately explained the situation exactly and marked it on the map.

"This is the latest attack." Mi Longtao spread out the map in front of him, with Fengchuan as the center, along the banks of Xijiang and Hejiang, densely packed with red dots.Especially after Xijiang passed through Fengchuan County, the density of red dots increased greatly.

This surprised Zhu Si. Compared to Wuzhou and Fengchuan, it seemed that the situation was calm all the time. Except for the attack just now, he rarely encountered a decent attack.

"These are my defense zones. The downstream situation is more serious. How are you doing?"

"Fortunately," Zhu Si said, "I haven't been in Wuzhou for a long time, but from Wuzhou to Fengchuan, the river is fairly peaceful."

"Your next journey will be much more dangerous." Mi Longtao reminded him, "Further down to the Yunan section of the capital, the Xijiang River has to turn two big bends, the observation conditions are limited, and there are many shallows. There are often The enemy attacked, and the Joint Logistics lost two ships there last month, and killed more than a dozen boatmen and soldiers."

Zhu Si began to feel a little hairy on his scalp. He passed by that period when he came to Wuzhou, and it was indeed a good place to lay an ambush.

"It seems that the enemy's power is not small."

Mi Longtao nodded: "The enemy's equipment is pretty good today." He described what he found after he landed, and praised the accuracy and ruthlessness of the shot, "If it weren't for this shot, I guess The enemy has to send you a few more rounds—there are three or four swarms left behind."

Zhu Si smiled awkwardly.Fortunately, Mi Longtao didn't start talking and continued.To change the subject, he asked:
"The intelligence report said that the rioting Yao people's armed forces have infiltrated this area. Could it be that they did the attack?"

"Not like, not like," Mi Longtao shook his head, "Clothes and weapons are easy to talk about, but the Yao people's armed forces are indeed operating in this area, but their main purpose is to loot the village, and they will not go to such great lengths to attack us. Armed ships—what good can it do?"

"But if it's a bandit, is it a loss-making business? Could it be officers and soldiers?"

Mi Longtao laughed loudly when he heard this, and patted Zhu Si on the shoulder: "If the officers and soldiers were so willing to fight, we wouldn't be here. I think, nine out of ten are bandits, and they got some benefits from the government." It's a place where people work hard. The local gentry are now counting on our protection, only the bandits who will do anything for money and 'future'."

Zhu Si quickly nodded: "You are right!"

Mi Longtao felt that he was restrained, and asked, "What year were you in the army?"

"In 1632, he joined the army in Shandong." Zhu Si said quickly.

"The qualifications are older than mine, it seems like a senior." Mi Longtao said with a smile.

"I dare not say anything." Zhu Si almost stood up.

"Don't be so polite," Mi Longtao waved his hand, "Where did you serve? Garrison battalion? No wonder, when I saw your military posture, I saluted you—that style is better than those who came from student officers! No wonder you are so young. Became a team leader at a young age.”

Next update: Volume 358 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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