Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2180 Ambush

Chapter 2180 Ambush ([-])

Today he is wearing the standard cloth face armor of officers and soldiers, with a Japanese sword in his hand, and surrounded by a group of "little brothers", all of whom are brothers, nephews and brothers-in-law of the Yang family, and there are more than a dozen people.

These people are usually taken care of by Master Yang. They run local merchants, do business for the common people, lend usury, work as butchers, mill rice, sell fertilizer...all are profitable businesses.One line of business, as long as someone from his family does it, foreign surnames can't intervene.Otherwise, it will be labeled as "opening a paint shop".Although he doesn't make a lot of money, his family is well-off.

These people are Master Yang's "basic background", so there are very few regulations on their usual rampant behavior. If they are arrested by the government sometimes, they will be bailed out with a piece of film.

"Brothers, follow me!" Yang Xiaodong raised his Japanese sword and charged up with the brothers.The group members at the back also let out a strange cry, and surged up again.

One of them, Luo Shisan, ran the fastest, but he didn't pay attention to the rocks under his feet, and he was stunned and ate shit, and even stabbed himself with a knife.

"Fuck..." Before Luo Shisan could finish his sentence, the group members behind stepped on him, and the unlucky guy was trampled out of breath in an instant.

Many of the regiments in the rear team were farmers who had never fought a battle, and they couldn't compare with the first batch of regiments who rushed out to fight.However, watching the chief general take the lead in charging, even though they were reluctant, most of them also rushed towards the oncoming Fubo army.

Yang Erhu called Ma Huliang, a former Ming army's gunner, and asked him to lead a small group of gunners back to the flanks, and catch the bandits on the side when there was an opportunity.

"You hit him when you get close, and hit him off guard!"

After he finished giving instructions, he saw that the thieves were lining up to reload, and one of them, who looked like an officer, was waving a command knife, which was very conspicuous, and immediately called Pan Datou.

"You, shoot the bandit leader!"

Pan has a big head, a big head and a thick neck, so he got this nickname.He was originally a hunter in the village, and he was good at using shotgun traps.He didn't want to fight at first, but was dragged into battle by Yang Jiaqiang.He had been depressed all the time, but he didn't dare not to come - after all, Master Yang could kill the whole family with just one order, who dared to be disobedient, and Yang Erhu immediately blew on the matchlock on the shotgun and raised it up.

Speaking of Pan Datou's shotgun, it has a lot of history - neither the local soil gun nor the bird gun of the officers and soldiers, but the "red-haired bird" sold to him by a local businessman when his grandfather went back to Sanshui to sell game. pistol".It is very handy to use, and the three generations of the Pan family have relied on this red-haired bird gun for food.

Pan Datou squinted his eyes and looked at it, muttering: "Master! It's a bit far away here, the blunderbuss can hit it, but it may not be accurate..."

Yang Erhu said impatiently: "If you think it's too far, just take a few steps forward, one shot is not allowed to hit twice! If you talk too much, I'll cut off your dog's head first!"

Pan Datou didn't dare to argue with him anymore, so he had to take a few steps forward, held up the blunderbuss and aimed carefully.

Li Shenggang was straightening out the queue and reloading, when suddenly there was a whoosh, and a shot of lead brushed past him, and he was startled: the enemy still has gunners!
In rural regiment training, there are a few small iron cannons like tiger crouching guns, and a few privately cast single-eyed and three-eyed firecrackers are not uncommon, and they are even common in Guangdong.But "arquebuses" are quite rare.Regardless of the quality of the blunderbuss equipped by officers and soldiers, they are military weapons, which are rarely owned by the people. As for the matchlock guns of the Portuguese and Japanese, they are even rarer.

He remembered the news that the firearms of officers and soldiers were scattered in the situation report, and immediately called the ninth squad of corporals.

"Take a squad as a reserve team, and pay attention to whether there are enemy movements on the flanks! Open fire freely when necessary, and focus on hitting the enemy's gunners!" After finishing speaking, he glanced at the approaching regiments and shouted, "Grenade! Throw it!"

Twenty grenades squeaked and smashed into the swarming crowd with green smoke. Immediately there was a burst of screams, and they had never experienced a hail of bullets. These regiments did not understand what evacuation formation was. a large piece.It was a mess all of a sudden.

"All, go!"

This time, he didn't shoot at all, and led the team to rush over. With a thrust, the throat of a regiment who rushed in front was pulled open, and he immediately fell limp on the ground like a bloody rooster, and the blood was soaring.

Li Gangsheng has received nearly a year of stabbing training. The tactical move he is most familiar with and good at is undoubtedly the stabbing. According to the stabbing regulations, the thrusting is the main method of stabbing and the focus of training.When stabbing, push the gun hard with both arms towards the target (the left hand mainly controls the direction), at the same time use the push force of the sole of the right foot and the thrust of the waist to make the body forward, and then the left calf drives the thigh to take a big step forward (kick out , the feet should not be more than two punches away from the ground), stab the enemy while the left foot is on the ground, and slide the right foot forward naturally.When stabbing, one must be "fast", and the other must be "ruthless". "Quick" means aiming at the stabbing point and stabbing quickly. You can't draw the gun (that is, pull the gun back and then stab). Drawing the gun is equivalent to telling the enemy that I am going to stab you. The other party is ready, so of course you stab Not anymore. "Ruthless" means that the three forces (the thrust of the two arms, the thrust of the waist and the kick of the right foot) are combined into one force to stab the enemy fiercely.

The enemies in front of him had weak footsteps and insufficient arm strength. They were not his opponents at all. He didn't even bother to block the enemy soldiers with big knives. When they saw the enemy soldiers' arms or chest, it was a striding thrust. , completely invincible, he led his soldiers in a fight, and pierced through the chaotic formation of the regiments in just a few minutes.

Yang Xiaodong shook his drowsy head from the shock of the grenade, stood up leaning on the spear, and the "brother" beside him was on his death belt, and lay down on the ground, dripping with blood.In front of him was the invincible enemy general. He knew that today was an unstoppable situation, but the tragic scene of the defeat aroused his ferocity. He roared and stabbed at a figure in blue uniform on his right. , A soldier of the Fubo Army was caught off guard, and he was directly nailed to the ground with a gun. He pulled out his spear and went straight to Li Gangsheng.

Li Gangsheng had noticed this brave enemy general a long time ago, he should be an important leader of the enemy, maybe the culprit, he raised his bayonet to face the enemy general, ready to stab.

Preparing to use a gun is the preparation for stabbing. If this movement is done well, it will be able to defend tightly, facilitate the attack, and mentally threaten the enemy.If you face the enemy, send out the gun with a "wow", prepare for the action once, and look at each other with anger, it will make the enemy shudder.On the contrary, it will encourage the enemy's arrogance.Therefore, when "preparing to use a gun", you must make correct and powerful movements, be full of energy, and have a majestic momentum.

Seeing an opportunity, a regiment slashed at him from behind. Li Gangsheng kicked the enemy soldier's calf without turning his head. , The enemy soldier was accounted for immediately, and the surrounding enemy soldiers were photographed by his deterrent power, and no one dared to resist for a while.

Yang Xiaodong finally made a move. He shook the spear from side to side, and the red-tasseled spear rolled up a bowl-sized spear. He pushed his body forward with the kick of the sole of his right foot, and at the same time took a quick step forward with his left foot.The tip of the gun suddenly came towards Li Gangsheng's right rib like a poisonous snake.

"Prevent right stab!" Li Gangsheng couldn't help shouting. Anti-right stab is when the enemy stabs me to the right, I try my best to prevent the enemy's gun and quickly counterattack.The main point of action to prevent right stabbing is: when the enemy's gun is stabbing to the right, quickly push the gun with the left hand slightly forward to the right (no more than two punches), and at the same time push the butt of the gun forward slightly with the right hand, with the joint force of both hands , Slam the enemy's gun near the bayonet mount.The posture at this time should be: the left arm is slightly bent, the gun is facing upward to the left, and the muzzle of the gun is approximately in line with the outside of the right forearm.After the defense is opened, take a shortcut to quickly counter-stab the enemy.

At this time, Li Gangsheng was not afraid of danger, and slammed the body of the gun near the bayonet seat of the rifle. When the two guns intersected, there was a clear and audible sound. The two looked at each other and thought, "What a lot of strength!"

Yang Xiaodong turned the gun around, wanting to sweep across with the barrel of the gun, Li Gangsheng keenly seized the gap and stabbed out with the gun, taking three straight shots, Yang Xiaodong had to change his tactics to block with the barrel of the gun, the two of them came and went, and refused to give an inch for several rounds. The battle was drawing to a close.

Li Gangsheng looked at the mountain road under his feet, and remembered the experience summed up by the veterans when he was learning to fight stabbing: the mountainous terrain is complex, the slope is steep, it is difficult to stand firmly, and it is inconvenient to maneuver.Therefore, in the stabbing, it is necessary to seize a favorable position (scramble up and avoid the bottom, grab the left and avoid the right), stand firmly on both feet, and strive to take the initiative.

The two were standing parallel on the slope at this time, and Li Gangsheng started to walk up the mountain road with a thought. After Yang Xiaodong thought for a while, he understood the reason for doing so, and he stabbed Li Gangsheng with a long spear. What he was waiting for was now!It was too late and then it was too late, Li Gangsheng made a stabbing stab, smashed the barrel of the gun, and then stabbed like Yang Xiaodong's right rib, the bayonet glowed coldly and made a whining sound.

The Deceitful Stab is for an enemy that is well-defended. You can use various ingenious methods to deceive, lure, and confuse him, so that he can expose the gap, and then stab quickly.The essentials of the action are: the attacker stabs the spear to the enemy's right side (about one punch away from the upper front of the enemy's left hand), and when the enemy is defending the right, immediately turns the gun and takes a shortcut to stab down.

Yang Xiaodong was fooled, the bayonet was only more than a punch away from him at this time, he quickly crossed the gun to block, but this stab was just a false move, Li Gangsheng's bayonet turned halfway, and Yang Xiaodong's long spear missed , Then, the bayonet was sent down suddenly, and Yang Xiaodong's calf was immediately pierced by the bayonet. Li Gangsheng calmly stirred the bayonet left and right.
"Ah!!!!" The severe pain made him scream inhumanly, Yang Xiaodong couldn't hold it any longer, let go of the spear in his hand, and sat down on the ground, the sound of the butt of the gun piercing through the air , With a bang, he immediately fell to the ground, life or death unknown.
Next update: Volume 384 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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